dnthcnf /5 I V AUTO BODY & SALES yvncua (/ \ 1 u ! 111! 1, 111 ‘ I i’ \ - / I / ,M Specializing in Rebuilt Collision Damage Vehicles ‘B9 Ford Rangor STX Ext. Cab 4x4, 2.9 L, 5 Spd., Cruise, Tilt, Cass., AC, 26,030 Mi., Left Front Damage $5.300 M ‘94 Ford Ranger XLT, Longbsd 2.3, 5 spd., AC, 9,000 Mi., $4,900 ‘BB Ford F-150 Ext Cab 4x4 XLT, V-8, AT, AC, PW, PDL, 53,000 Mi., PA Salvage $5,000 EEI REAL ESTATE 111 A Dairy & Produce Farm, 38 stanchions, stocked pond, 70A tillable, balance pasture w/7A woodland, road frontage along 642 Columbia Co. Samuel S. Stoltzfus, RD2, Box 61, Millville, PA 17846, SO COW DAIRY FARM., QOUVERNEUR, NY. 110 A, lovely rolling fields. Excellent bam. Good solid house... $79,000. $lO,OOO down. 615-858-5182. 6 Wooded Lots, perced & approved, 5.8 A to 19.8 A. Juniata Co., Waterloo area. Mobiles restricted. 717/438-3115. 73A BERKS COUNTY FARM: 'A hour from Reading/Aflentown, Iyr custom built, 2500 sq.ft log home, 3 car detached log garage, secluded, spring fed streams, 6' high tensile fencing for horses/beef, 3000' private driveway. For sale by owner... $525,000. 610-366-4966 88 Acres, farrow to finish hog barn, 800 sow unit, 1 house, bank barn and other outbuildings for SALE or LEASE. Maryland (301)432-8332. All kinds of farms (or sale in MD and PA. Smith and As sociates Real Estate, Jackie Nichols, (717)762-8449, (717)597-8161. Berks Co. ISA Horse Farm, 4BR, 2'4 bath, 8-stall barn, vineyard, $190,000. 610/926-4561. CENTRAL, NY: S66A dairy (arm, 120 free staHs, dou ble 4 milking parlor, 2,000 bulk tank, TMR feeding system, 2 houses. 607-387-9575. CHAMBERSBURG AREA: 157 A, bank barn, BBR, 2,700 sq.ft, remodeled home. Priced at only $350,000. Very good con dition. Calf JACK GAUGHEN COMMER CIAL 717-761-5500. 113 sera central, PA, Snyder County farm. 40 milaa N.Jtardabura. 85 till able, 6 pasture, balance woods, large bank barn, 40-50 bam, additional out buildings, 3 BR, 2 BA cen tral vac, Jen-alr range, hardwood floors, reno vated 1650's farm house guest house, Living Room, BA & BR, beautifully land scaped. (717)539-2950. 137 acres N. of Belmont, NY, exit 30, Southern Tier years ago. $450/acre. (610)857-1320 or (610)384-5831. 20.5 Acres, 28X38 Barn, House Foundation 28X36, Well. Henry Byler 17477 Path Valley Rd., Spring Run, PA 17262. $275,000.: 2-story Country home on 32A; 4BR, 3 full baths; Tastefully Decor ated w/over 4300 sq. ft. of living area. Close to Bloomsburg and Danville. Call John at 717/784-5800 for appt. to view this properly. 2 cabins for the price of 1. In Lycoming County, large 4BR cabin plus a smaller one. Inground pool, 2-car garage, workshop, border ing State Game Land. Must be seenl $135,000. (717)398-1291. 3.1 A Wooded Lot w/ standard septic, electric, well & drive. Loysville area, Perry Co. Mobiles re stricted. 717/438-3115. 350 Acre Dairy farm. 140 stanchions, pipeline, feeder, silo. New buildings. Excellent cropland. New executive 4 bedroom and/ or remodeled farmhouse. Beautiful, landscaped showplace. Full line IHC machinery. 315/348-8948 (NY). 40 Acre farm, Southern Northumberland Co., re modeled 4BR w/14x23 kitchen addition, new hot air heating, new roof, win dows, doors, siding, 20 acres wooded, 20 acres open, high tinsel fencing, large barn. $160,000. 717-425-2062. Susquehanna Co.; 5 large 20 to 40 acre, perced, drives permitted and built. Good sized ponds on 4 lots. Rural setting, dose to school. Call 717/276-3468. TIOGA COUNTY: #165... S.SA, perked, fron tage, views, state lands and lake nearby. Clymer Twp. $ll,OOO #179... Beef or hobby farm, 115+/-A, large pond, farm house, barn, machinery shed, all in move-in oondi tion. Clymer Twp. $130,000 Owner financing to qualified buyer. #162... Lodge on 7/iA, bordering state lands, 4BR's, LR, game room, kitchen, full basement, Middlebury Twpship, $99,500. *183... Factory and ware house complex on 3.095 A, 18,000 sq. ft., Munidpal water and sewer, 3ph, 800 amp electric, gas heat, loading dock, Knoxville Boro., $130,000 #184... 100+/- mixed acres w/sound bank barn and equipment shed, pond, ap proved perk, Chatham Twpship, $BO,OOO. #189... Potter Co., Far mette. 1988 Ranch style home, 2V4 car garage, metal bam, surrounded by 42A, Harrison Twp., price to sell $85,000. POTTER CO., PA #177... Nicely remodeled 4BR home, 30 timbered acres, pond, creek, pas ture, woods, Harrison Township, $90,000 ENDLESS MOUNTAIN REAL ESTATE. Westfield, PA 814-367-5380. Upstate NY 195 A farm, Steuben Co., 4BR remod eled home, bams & dog kennels, $189,000. 607/792-3667. VIRGINIA: 140 acres, 90 ope'ned, IV4A pond, fenced and crossed fenced, $145,000. 804-248-6645. Columbia County, PA: 272 aores of privacy w/a 6 year old log home, bank bam, pond, appex. 15,000 ma ture evergreen trees, a must sea at $358,000. Call Coldwed Banker, Wended/ Sofianek Realty Inc, (717)784-8172 ask (or Burt, (717)784-1563. Easton, PA. 52 Acre TW abie Farm, 3BR House, Bam for 40 Stalls, 5 Out buildings. $269,800. (610)252-6814. Bradford County Farm V RENT: 335 acres, SO cow bam, 3BR house, 800 gal lon bulk tank, 2" pipeline. ( 20 1 )383-3828, (717)596-4057. For Sale by Owner: Mon roe County, PA log home on 11.7 acres. Property borders PIA Golf course, Del. Water Gap Natl Rec. Area. One mile to ski area. IVi hours NYC. Near all Pocono attractions. No brokers. 717/588-3273. FOR SALE: 157 A dairy farm, 8 silos, 44 tie stall, 4BR house. Unton Co., PA 717-524-2031. Fully Operating Farm, 413 A, tillable & woods, 40x84 cow barn, several outbuildings, great house. Addison. NY. $320,000 fi nancing available. RI CHARD WINTERS REAL ESTATE 607/937-5438. Fulton and surrounding counties: approximately 12 acre lots w/septic permits included. Call for farms and wooded acreage from 100 to 412 acres as low as $750/acre. West Real Es tate Agency, Inc., Richard C. Price. (717)987-3395 anytime. Hanover: Adams County farmettes 8.2 to 27.0 acres, secluded, perked and probed. Some deed restric tions to protect your prop erty. All have considerable hard road frontage. Also available 132 acre farm with brick house, well and septic, some outbuildings. (717)867-3968. lOWA FARMLAND: hog, grain or CRP farms for owner/operators or inves tors. Larger units available in the Heart of lowa. Twin Cities Real Estate, Toledo, lowa, 515/484-3248, 515/484-3921. Lancaster Co., Penn Twp. 62A Limestone Farm. Bank bam, corn bam, tobacco shed, shop, 2 'A story SBR house. Frontage on Doe Run & W. Lexington Rd. 717/665-3677. Land for Sale: 70 Acres, 65 Tillable, Yates County, Dundee, NY (607)243-8848 (607)243-7650. Mobile Home on 'A acre, Middlesex Twp., 1 car+ garage. New paved drive way, windows & central air. 2BR, quiet location 1 mile from Carlisle near ail major highways. $42,000. 717/249-7574. Montour County, 180 Acre Farm and Building; Also An Additional 94 Acres. Phone (717)275-3809. Picturesque 168 acre farm, 110+ tillable, 35 wooded, 9-room newly remodeled house, central air, 4BR, 2 full baths, 2 large fish ponds, 55+ GPM spring, 2-story out building, corn crib and large pole bam. (717)356-7695. Steuben Co. NY, 73A, house, pole barn shop, pasture, pond, garden, beautiful, secluded; also i /oa, no buildings, will di vide into 100, 50, 2SA par tials, 607/225-4616. Weldinp and Repair Busi ness in Northeast PA. Nearly Vi Million Gross/ Year. Write Lancaster Farming do 555, P.0.80x 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Wyoming County, PA: Farm for sale by owner. 184 acres, remodeled house and barn, privacy, woods, stream and open fields. Great for horses and beef. $210,000 (610)395-6554. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Junt 24, 1 >95-038 WANT TO RENT: Dairy in Sooth Central PA. Would bo looking to purehaso feed to supplement pas ture. Call 7pm-opm, (717)677-4063.. Mobile Home 14x70’, 2BR, Very Good Condition, Had New Home Built, on Private Land. Must Move It. $4500. (218) 453*0132 Leave Me—age FOR SALE eow Cement Block Industrial Building east of Lebanon, PA. Accomodates Large Equipment. 13 ft. High Doors. Gas & Electric Heat. Offices and Rest Rooms. Plenty of Parking Call 717-866-4928 SOUTHERN VIRGINIA FARMS FOR SALE AND LEASE Freddie S. Smith 703/639-2262 703/382-0870 after • pm Cumberland County, South Middleton Township approximately 115 acres Dwelling and Barn Inspection by appointment only f 717) 243-3341 Mt. Cabin \ $ For Rent T McClure, Pa. Mifflin County On 315 Acres, Utilities. One Hr. To Penn State. Hiking, Swimming, Biking, Hunting. Fishing, Skiing. OPEN ALL YEAR-WEEKLY ft WEEKEND RATES 717-6584555 r Consultation Services j » Need an appraisal? A $ How can you increase your net income? * t Should you sell, rent or exchange? f \ How you can save A hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes! * A Give me a call! f i 7X7-671-0655 ! ( John B. Niesley, reb ) 4340 Crestview Road, Harrisburg, PA 17112 \ Top Notch Veal Operation in Perry County, First Class Set-up, Fine 4BR Ranch Home, Plus Mobile Rental. 32 Acres. Will Pay Its Own Way on Contract. $270,000 Many Possibilities. Can Be Split. Call Harry Snyder Century 21/Aasociatea (717)243-4929 Office (717)249-2068 Lancaster Co. 81 Acre Dairy Farm, 60 Tillable, Remainder Pasture, 42 Tie Stalls. Pipeline, 16x60 Stave Silo, 20x60 Harvesters, 40x60 Equipment Storage, and Other Buildings, 1700 Log & Brick 4BR House w/Alummum Siding w/2 BR Apartment (717) 426-3684 (717) 665-6254 Virginia Blue Ridge Horae or Cattle Farm, 63A. Quel-' ky home: 2270 aq.(L, pas sive solar, 2!4 baths, supsrb views, good pos tures, rock wads, bold springs, strssms a pond. Surrounded by mountains, good access, 10 mi. north of Bedford. Cal owner for info Dyer. 804000-5729. ATTENTION We purchase small or large tracts of land. Are you thinking about building lota, subdivision? Call: Bob 717/653-1523 717/397-7101 JERRY FREY REAL ESTATE WANT TO BUY: Eastern PA. Dairy Farm between 125-150 acres or more. Have own mortgage facility. Lancaster Farming (R6O) P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522
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