, sitord<yr»wntttf r ftB9s John Martin, Don Gentzler, and Jacob Lapp of Lapp’s Barn Equipment, Inc., Gap, Pa. accepted their Gold M.V.P., B.U.C.S. Top Sales Leader, and their Five Million Dollar Winners’ Circle awards from Murray Thorndycraft, vice president-sales and marketing of J-Star Industries. Honors CLEVELAND, Ohio John Martin, Don Gentzler. and Jacob Lapp of Lapp’s Bam Equipment. Inc., Cap, Pa. accetped their Gold M.V.P., B.U.C.S. Top Sales Lead er, and their Five Million Dollar Winners’ Circle awards from Murray Thorndycraft, vice presi dent-sales and marketing of J-Star Industries, at a dealer meeting here recently. The elite MVP Award (Major Volume Performer) recognizes the company’s top dealers who have achieved bronze, silver, or gold levels of sales and perfor mance objectives during 1994. Kessler Represents Pennfield Feeds LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) Penn field Corporation, a Lan caster-based dairy and livestock feed manufacturer has announced that Dean Kessler has been named to represent Pennfield Feeds in the Southern Lancaster County area. Kessler, who started with Pcnn field in 1991 as horse and special ty feed sales and service represen tative will continue in this capa city as well as dairy feed sales. Recognizes Wonsidler ATLANTA, Ga. Charles Wonsidler of CJ. Wonsidler Bro thers, Quakertown, was recently recognized for outstanding sales performance in 1994 by Agco Corporation, the parent company of Agco®Allis. As one of the Company’s top performers in farm equipment sales, Wonsidler was invited to at tend Agco’s annual dealer confer ence in Laguna Niguel, Calif. On ly 250 of the over 2,600 Agco dealers in North America were in vited to join this elite group. J-Star Lapp’s The prestigious Winners’ Circle includes dealers from the United States and Canada who have ex ceeded cumulative purchase in crements of $1 million. The Top Sales Leaders Award recognizes the lop sales leaders for J-Star’s main product lines. The presentation took place at J-Star’s regional dealer meeting held in Cleveland, Ohio at the Clarion Hotel. The meeting gave dealers an opportunity to hear about new products, innovations and programs which J-Star Indus tries will be featuring for the bal ance of 1995. Agco Allis Charles J. Wonsidler, left, Agco Allis dealer, Quaker town, receives award from Robert Ratcliff, Agco chair man and CEO. Dean Kessler Deere Publishing Offers Farm Management Texts John Deere Publishing has add ed two new textbooks to its award winning Farm Business Manage ment series. Like qther texts in the series, these books are highly il lustrated, which helps break down complex ideas into simple, easy to-understand concepts. “Managing Livestock Produc tion” and “Marketing Ag Com modities” are designed to intro duce readers to new technologies, services, and agricultural practices that can make farm managers more productive and profitable. The company intends to market these comprehensive textbooks to farmers, secondary and trade schools and libraries and book- South Genetics Adds Salesman EL VERSON (Chester Co.) South Mountain Swine Genetics has announced the addition of Bri an Beam to the sales staff. Beam has a bachelor’s in ani mal science with business option from Penn State University. His education had an emphasis on swine production with courses in genetics, live animal evaluation, nutrition, and slaughter evalua tion. His senior thesis was done on the subject of the stress gene in swine. Beam was a member of the Penn State Livestock Judging Team. In 1993, at the Keystone In ternational Livestock Exposition Beam was chosen as the high indi vidual in swine judging. Beam has a wide range of ex perience. He has been employed by his brother on the family farm in Chester County, doing crop work on some 1,750 acres as v ell as lending their 600-head hog fin ishing facility. Beam has worked at Hatfield Packers a hog pen tech- Tobacco Blue Mold Is Here John O. Yocum Penn State Research Station Landisville Blue mold was found recently in a plant bed by Bob Anderson. Lancaster County agent The bed was not treated with Ridomil. AH growers should use Ridomil on areas that have not been trans planted. Don’t apply Ridomil in the transplanter water and apply the full rate. You can either apply two quarts before transplanting or one quart before transplanting and one quart at the last cultivation. If a plant bed has blue mold, it should be destroyed since the spores are spread by air and will infect any untreated tobacco. If Ridomil was applied to the seed bed at seeding, an additional ap plication of '/> rate Ridomil (1.25 teaspoon) plus S level tablespoons of ferbam should be applied after 70 days from the first application. As soon as you are finished with plant beds, destroy them. If you find blue mold, contact Bob Anderson at the county ex tension office, 394-6851 or myself at the Southeast Agriculture Re search and Extension Center, 653-4728. stores. “Managing Livestock Produc tion” offers a historical perspec tive of the beef and dairy cattle, sheep, and hog industries, as well as informative advice on invest ment strategies, marketing, cost reduction techniques, and perfor mance measures. “Marketing Ag Commodities” teaches readers how to take ad vantage of new and emerging markets in the United States and around the world. The John Deere Publishing lineup now features 32 textbooks. Most are available with slide sets, transparencies, videotapes, and, in some cases, computer software. Mountain Swine nician and a kill floor technician. Since 1994, Beam has served as an assistant coach for the Chester County 4-H Livestock Judging Team. Deere Honored For Design, Engineering, MOLINE, 111. Capping 1994 as a highly successful manufactur ing and marketing year, Deere & Company was recognized in three industrial competitions for its quality product design, innovative engineering, and effective sales organization. The company’s new 800 Series tractor line earned the 1995 Indus trie Forum (IF) Award for good industrial design in a major inter national competition held in Han over, Germany. John Deere pro ducts captured a record 11 of “The Agricultural 50” outstanding in novations in product and systems technology for 1994. And theH.R. Chally Group, an Ohio-based sales research and executive con sulting company, recognized Deere & Company’s agricultural equipment marketing group for its “world-class sales excellence.” In Germany, an international jury selected the John Deere 8000 Series tractor line as one of the three best-designed prooducts in the transportation category at the competition sponsored by Indus trie Forum Design Hannover. This is Deere’s first recognition by the world-famous industrial design center. John Deere engineers captured 11 of the “AE SO” awards for in novation in the 1994 sponsored by Brininger Interns At Farm Credit LEWISBURG (Union Co.) Ty Brininger, a graduate of Lewis burg High School and student at Penn State University, began em ployment in May with Northeast ern Farm Credit as a summer in tern. He will receive his bache lor’s in agricultural business management in May 1996. While at Farm Credit, Brininger will assist the branch staff in dif ferent phases of their credit and appraisal services. John Deere Publishing hat added two new textbooks to Its award*wlnnlng Farm Business Management ser ies. “Managing Livestock Production" and “Marketing Ag Commodities” are do* signed to Introduce readeri to new technologies, ser vices, and agricultural prao tlces that can make farm managers more productlvi and profitable. Marketing Resource magazine, a publication of the American Society of Agri cultural Engineers. John Deere’s 70 Series four wheel-drive tractors and the 7200 and 7400 row-crop tractors wett among the products earning re cognition, as were the company*! new 820, 920, and 930 Mocoi (mower-conditioners). The 7M Air-Disk Drill and hydraulic hitqj for the 750 No-Till Drill joined tM company’s 90 Series com heal and knife stalk rolls on the listjil award-winning products as well Among the systems and com? ponents singled out for recoerii tion were the John Deere electro hydraulic depth-control system' for secondary tillage tools and i two-stage, hydraulic power-brake valve, jointly developed with Vickers, Inc. Deere’s 3215 and 3235 Fairway Turf Mowers and the Piranha 44-inch Rear-Discharge Mowet 1 were also recognized by the panel Deere & Company’s Agricul tural Equipment Division market ing organization was one of 10 companies to receive a World- Class Sales Excellence Award from the HA. Chally Group. Day ton, Ohio. The companies were re cognized following a major year long study to identify world-clad sales excellence benchmarks. 1
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