Heinsey’s Poultry EAST PETERSBURG, PA JUNE 15,1995 PRICES PAID PER POUND, EXCEPT AS NOTED RANGE Muscovy Ducks - Drakes 1.60 - 1.82 Muscovy Dudes - Hens 1.60 - 1.86 Pekin Ducks .70 - .88 Red Fowl 4-4.5 LBS. .40 - .54 Red Fowl 5-6 LBS. .50 - .96 Crossbred Fowl 5-9 LBS. .30 - .62 JUNE DAIRY MONTH Hill < X FXi.EE with 10 IB ORDER NOW - OFFER ENDS JUNE 30 Buy 10-50 Lb. Bags (500 Lbs.) of Pennfield Dry Cow Conditioner and Receive 1-50 Lb. Bag Free #5BO PENNFIELD DRY COW 2 Per Day For Use with LEGUMES + CORN SILAGE I. CALF GROWTH - The majority of calf development takes place in the last Sixty (60) Days before the calf is born. Sufficient nutrients must be provided for the cow to maintain her body weight PLUS the nutrients for development of 50-60 lbs. of calf body weight. The cow will deplete -her body reserve if necessary during this period in order to provide the necessary nutrients for calf development. 2. BUILD MILK SECRETORY CELLS - The 60 day period gives the cow time to rebuild the number of milk secretory cells in her udder to produce maximum milk during the upcoming lactation. Crossbred Roosters 4-6 LBS. .40 - .88 Crossbred Roosters 7-11 LBS. .20- .78 Gabes Fowl US - 1.75 Bsnty Roosters 3.50 - 6.50 es. Bsnty Hens 2.00 - 3.25 es. Leghorn Hens .12 - .22 Leghorn Roosters .30 - .46 Silkies 3.00 - 3.75 es. Geese 8-12 LBS. .20 - .36 Pigeons 125 -185 While Pigeons 3.75 - 4.50 Rsbbits 4-6 LBS. 1.00 - 1.34 Rabbits 7-11 LBS. 1.00 - 1.28 Bunnies .75 • 1.25 ee. PENNFIELD DRY COW For Use with MIXED HAY + CORN SILAGE 60 DAY DRY COW PROGRAM Guinea Pigs 1.00 • 6.75 ea. Goatt 30.00 - 51.00 ea. Kid Goati 25.00 • 40.00 ea. Dowei 2.50 • 4.00 ea. Polled 4-6 LBS. .39 - .54 Total Coopi Sold 99S PREPARED: 15-JUN-95 10:21 AM B ML/ei NY Phil Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA JUNE 13,1995 Prices were unchanged. The market tone Balanced Nutrition Is The Key A properly formulated dry cow program allows the dairyman to “manage” the nutrient Intake of the cow. Pennfield offers “4” Dry Cow Conditioner products with high levels of fortification. On farm feedstuffs should be tested for nutrient content and combined with the proper Pennfield product. #5Bl 2 m Per Day (COW WORK SCHEDULE) was generally needy, orden waa light to moderate, and plants continued to pack previous commitments. Floor stocks of frozen product* were at lean adequate. Shell egg supplies from regular sources was adequate. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) RANGE MOSTLY RANGE WHOLE 41-44 43 45-49 BLENDS (/) TFEWR 55-65 #582 1 PENNFIELD DRY COW 2!4-3 “• Per Day For Use with CORN SILAGE + LIMITED GRASS HAY 3. RESTORE NUTRIENT RESERVES - After meeting body maintenance needs and calf growth, the cow will use available nutrients to restore her body reserves. Body reserves are used to support peak milk production in the next lactation. The majority of body condition should be put on in the latter part of the previous lactation. 4. EXERCISE AND MUSCLE TONE - The 60 day period should be a time for cows to get out of the milking barn and off concrete. An exercise lot or pasture will help the cow rebuild muscle tone. .’•vu? V* rni't, Uneisiar Rimibg, Saturday, Juna 17, IfiSHS-AS For current WHITES 32-34 32-33 35-43 SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOL IDS) 53-56 53.5-544 S 7-64 SALTED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 50-54 50-51 52-61 (/) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER, GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. PREPARED; 13-JUN-9S 10:36 AM E CLB For additional information, pleaie call (404) 347-4121. #583 PENNFIELD Ht-EMERGY DRY COW 4-5 ** Per Pay STEAM-FLAKED BEANS VIT./MIN. PELLETS STEAM-FLAKED CORN
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