D3O-Lmc««Hf Farming, Sal O FARM I I New Pole Type Round Bale Wrapper with Film Cut Off and Will Handle Heavy Hales. Well Built & Dependable $B5OO Benco Poly Films 610/593-2606 717-393-6466 (Leave Message) NH 565 BALER with Thrower - LikeNewl Baled less than 100 acres Owner Retired Reduced For Quick Sale *9,495 WALTER G. COALE, INC. 2849-53 Churchville Rd. Churchvllle, MD 410-838-6470 410-879-1491 Call Walter, Jeff, Dave or Ray MD. Toll Free 1-800-286-8292 FISHER’S FARM SHOP 302 Forrest Manor Rd. Lincoln Univ., PA 19352 610-869-4477 Call Between 8;00AM & 8:30 AM Monday & Thursday Miller Trailblazer 44D w/Perkins Diesel 300 Amp Welder Very Good Condition $2,500 Wisconsin engine VF4D - 25 HP 4-1 cl. rd.-$1,150 Delivery Available In Lane. Co. Int:7110 Cab. 4W0,600 hrs, 5088 w/cab; 1486 4WD w/Cab; 1486 w/Cab;l466; 1456; 1066 Black Stripe; (2) 1086 w/Cab; 1066 w/Cab; 1066; 966 w/Cab: IH 966; 986 w/Cab; 886; 884 w/Cab; 884 w/loader; 806; 786; 784.4WD; 686 w/Cab; 685 w/Loader; 595, 4WD; 354,140 JO 4450 Cab 4 WD; 4430 w/cab: JD 4020; 3020; 2950 4WD; 2940 4WD; Ford 4610 4WD w/Loader; Ford 861 w/Loader; Ford 9N; Bobcat 731 Skid Steer; 722 Skid Steer. Ford CUO Skid Steer. Comblnea: IH 205; JD 4400 HayMnaa: JO 1217 Rakaa: NH256;1H14;35 Balara: Round; NH 855; 852; 851; 850; JD 330; 410 Balar. Square: IH 47 Plantara: IH 800 4R, air; (2) 800 4R; 56, 4R; JD (3) 7000 4R; NawS Uaad hay wagons: New Walton Tedders 1975 Chevy Dump Truck Farmed feeders, Hurst trailers: Stock trailers; and all other types of farm equipment From LEADER’S FARM EQUIPMENT Everett, PA 814-652-2809 iturday; June 17, 1995 HERMIT K. KISTLER, Inc. in cooperation with ZETOR TRACTOR COMPANY is offering a FREE VACATION FOR 2 with the Purchase of either Tractor shown below: 9540 6340 4340 w/Loader 93 HP 70 HP 59 HP Sale Sale Sale Price $32,950 Price $21,658 Price $23,751 ALL NEW 1995 Model Tractors Twice The Features - Half the Price Priced to Sell - Built To Work Hard Take Your Trip in Sept., Oct. or Nov. 1995 Enjoy The Magic of Disney or a 3-Day Cruise - Stop in for Details AG INDUSTRIAL INC. 1 \() n 1 1 1 I on Ml) I’A I.INK 410-658-5568 800-442-5043 Ford 8730140 HP Tractor 4WD Cab w/A.C. Less than 1600 Hours Ford 4500 TLB Ford 6610 2WD Cab w/Mott Mowers Ford 555 A TLB Ford 345 C Trac w/Box Blade Ford 8730 4WD, Cab, Air, PS Ford 601 Trac w/Trlumph Sickle Bar, 34HP Ford 5610 62 HP Trac. Ford 7610 Trac Ford 6610 4WD w/Loader, 72 HP (2) Kubota Q 5200,14 HP AC 6080 w/AC 460 Loader Ford 1210 Tractor, 16 HP Ford 7840 4WD, 90 HP Case 530, 41 HP Ford 4000, 50 HP NH 781 Skid Steer Loader Ford 4400 Tractor Loader Ford 801 w/Front Blade, 41 HP Ford 3910 w/Allted Loader, 42 HP Ford 661011. 72 HP Oliver 550 Tractor Loader Case 430 Tractor, 35 HP Ford 6610,2WD Cab w/Mott Mowers AC 7060 Cab, Air, PS JCB 1400B2WDTLB Ford 6SSC 2WD Cab Extend-A-Hoe TLB Hesston 1010 Hydro Swing NH 326 Baler NH 355 Grinder Mixer JO 24T Baler w/Model 2 Injector NH 320 Baler w/SB Thrower n, * ~ W i. AC 7060 Tractor Cab w/A.C. 3 Remotes, 1979, Power Shift, Clean ■ 4 *f / *j * -A* *■ , '*wi ■*” ■t*** *4o* y ..lean Vlcon 321 Disc Mower Conditioner 1990 NH 425 Baler Hesston 115012’ Hayblne Kuhn GRS-25N Tedder/Rake NH 770 Harvester 2RN &W.P.U NH 822 Corn Head NH 849 Round Baler JD 346 Baler NH 489 Hayblne IERi NH 489 Hayblne w/Stub Guards Vicon 321 Disc Mower NH 411 Disc Mower NH 851 Round Baler NH 315 Baler w/58 Thrower NH 488 Hayblne JD Rake NH 469 Hayblne (2) Hesston 1014 Hydroswing Hayblne Badger BN 950 Forage Box NH 269 Baler w/54A Thrower MC Rotary Scythe NH 320 Baler w/75 Thrower Vicon CM 321 Disc Mower NH 315 Baler IH Farm Truck w/Dump CTL Front Cut 6’ Mower Dynavent Straw Chopper, BHP Honda JD 272 3pt. 6' Rnishing Mower JD 106 3pt. 6' Disc JD 606 3pt. 6' Rotary Cutter ’ • H It! f “ I- * r 4T fir * * 1* 'ft ' ' 4* J.D, 346 Baler Auto Lube, Hydraformatic, Real Sharp :zzzzzzzzzzzzz: NOTICE We will again have our team size gravity box available for fall ‘95. We make expanded metal tractor wheels with or without shocks. Our liquid manure spreaders and pumps, most sizes In stock at present. Our single axle spreader with rubber shock wheel option. Check out our improved Tandem axle spreaderl We build poured walls, barn walls and manure storage pits, etc. SCS approved. Send for prices and literature. els mfg. :: ;■ 5270 Amish Rd., Klnzers PA 17535 ;; •1 (717) 442-8569 Mon &Thur Bto9 AM i' tzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: INVESTMENT TRACTORS FOR SALE • 1951 ID AR, Nicely Redone, New Tires 56 FERG 35 57 JD 320 S 59 JD 330 S 56JD420S 56 JD 420 U 60 JD 530 57JD620S 56 JD 70S 59 JD 730 59 JD 730 S 55 JD 80 56 JD 80 58 JD 820 60 JD 830 59 JD 830 59 JD 830 36JDA 35JDA New (0 Hours) Not Redone-Brand New 111 3pt-Clean Original-Above Average Runs Good-Nicely Redone-Good Tag 3pt-As Received Rare Options-Clean 3pt-Power Steering-New Frt Tires-Redone Standard-Nicely Redone-Well Above Average... Standard-Diesel-Good Tin-Good Rubber Fenders-3pt-De-Needs Engine Work Pony-Standard-Nicely Redone Off Farm Condition-Fair Tires-Good Tin As Received Runs-No Pony-Poor Tires-Fair To Gd Tin Cab-Pony-PTO-As Received Pony-Poor Tires-Good Tin-Runs De-Overhauled-80% Tires-Good Tin-Redone Unstyled-Runs Good-Easy Restore-Good Tin.... Unstyled-Qood Tires & Tin-Decent Paint Unstyled-Factory Steel-Runs Good Styled-Nicely Painted-New Rear Tires Decent Tin & Tires-Runs Good W/Cult-Fair Tin-Good Tires-Runs Good Styled-Runs Good-Looks Good Styled-Runs Good-Looks Good Unstyled-New Rear Tires-Decent Paint Unstyled-Spokes-Nlcely Redone-Gd Tin As Received As Received Styled-Loose-Not Running Styled-Hand Start-Good Tin-Decent Styled-Runs-Nicely Redone As Recieved Try-Decent Tin-Runs Good-Needs Paint Runs-As Received Unstyled-Last Full Year Of Prod.-Nica Unit Unstyled-New Tires-Total Restoration Done... PTO-Hyd-Starter-Running Condition Cultivator Fair Tin-Good Tires-Runs Good Fenders-Welghts-Fair Tin-to Restore-Runs.... Try-Good Tin & Paint-Fenders-Clean Runs-Needs Restored GM Diesel-Runs Good-Nicely Redone Crawler Loader-Very Nice 37JDA 51 JD AR 41 JOB 40 JOB 43 JD B 41 JD B 37 JD B 37 JD B 47 JD D 50 JD D 47 JD D 41 JDD 49 JD D 50JDG 50JDG 51 JDG 41 JDG 38 JDG 45JDH JDL/LA 43? JO LA 49 JD MT 51 JD MT 53 JD R 60 MF 98 Oliver HG LLOYD WENGER 251 8. Race St, Myarstown, Pa. 17067 717-866-2130 Days 717-666-7147 Evanlnga :xxxzxxx: ■Horizonal Milling Machine Complete with Cobalt Cutters and Woodrupp Cutters $1,300 ■l4’ New Idea Silage Wagon $9OO -130 Bushel Fence Line Feeder Cart- Van Dale w/stainless steel b0tt0m....54,300 1-12’ Calumet Agitator- Filler Manure Pump 52,600 1-Roto Mix Big Round Bale Cutler for TMR- New Demo $3,500 Phone 717-284-3111 8:00 AM • 5:00 PM 24300.00 .6700.00 10300.00 ..3300.00 .4300.00 .4700.00 .5700.00 ..24b0.00 .3100.00 .5500.00 .4400.00 .5100.00 .2700.00 .4500.00 .5000.00 .8700.00 .2400.00 .2600.00 ..2900.00 .4700.00 ..1050.00 .1050.00 1200.00 ...1700.00 >.3200.00 ...3700.00 ....1550.00 ....1550.00 ....2100.00 ...2400.00 ...3750.00 ...2300.00 ...2500.00 ...2800.00 ....4700.00 ...7700.00 ...2000.00 305.00 ...1800.00 ...1700.00 ...2400.00 ...2600.00 ...5700.00 ....3900,00
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