LOCATION: West of Lancaster on Dairy Road, Take Route 283 West to 741 West and go left at exit. Turn right at Flory Mill, go under railroad overpass and right on Dairy Rd. Barn is within sight of 283 West. 1 Load of New York cows milking up to 130 lbs. 1 Load of New England State Cows 5 Red & White Holsteins 6 Jerseys - 3 Purebreds 2 Ayrshires 2 Service Age Bulls FRE NCASTI Please call: (717) 569-2106 or (717) 569-6800 before noon Thursday, June 15,1995 free foocC for ACC (Dairy farmers SPQ TR R CO. AMISH MELVIN KOLB, INC. IPIL&©® IP® ©®®D SDMl&'if ©®W©r SPECIAL DAIRY AUCTION THURSDAY, JURE 15, 1995 7=30 P.M. J FOR Tl PA FARM: 2220 Dairy Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 Mel Kolb Res.: (717)393-7459 Sale Managers: Dennis & Mel Kolb Auctioneer: Robert Mullendore (AU-000644-L) Henry Kettering Pedigrees:
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