844-Lancnter Fanning, Saturday, June 10, 1995 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication FRI. SEPT. 15 - SAM & SAT. SEPT. 16 - B:3OAM 36+/- Acre Farm Estate, RD #l, Winfield, Just Right off Kratzerville, Snyder Co. Small Farm Machinery, Horse & Pony Items, Tools, Antiques, Household Goods, Butchering. Jay N. Mohr Prop. Guardian Shir ley M. Kratzer. Dennis Has singer & Ken Smith Aucts. FRI. SEPT. 15-7 PM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. MON. SEPT. 18 - Lebanon Valley Auction Co. Con signment Auction, planning a 20th Anniversary Auction at the Lebanon Area Fair grounds, Leb., Pa. TUES. SEPT. 19 - 9AM Quilt, craft & buggies. A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St, New Holland, Pa. WED. SEPT. 20 - 9AM Quilt & Craft. A&C Diffen bach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland, Pa. WED. SEPT. 20 & THURS. SEPT. 21 - Large Two Day Sale of Farm Equipment, Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa. One Mile East of Marion along Rt. 914, ’/. East Off Rte. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auc tion Service. FRI. SEPT. 22 - I:3OPM State Graded Feeder Pig Bales. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12off 1-81 turn South then left onto PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, June 17,1995 at 9:00 a.m. Located in Mt Pleasant Mills, Snyder County, PA. In Selinsgrove take Route 35 South 87a miles to auction site or travel 'A mile North on Route 35 from crossroads at Mt Pleasant Mills to auction site. Watch for auction signs day of auction. One Horse Drawn Sleigh w/Bells on Shafts & Decorated (Nice Shape); Waterfall Bedroom Suite Inc. Double Bed, Dresser & Chest of Drawers; Sm. 5 Drawer Chest of Drawers; Kitchen Cabinet (Painted White); Dropleaf table; Dovetailed Blanket Chest; Pressback Rocker w/Hiphuggers; Love Seat Wooden Rocker; (4) Bar Stools; GE Air Conditioner; Singer Sewing Machine in Cabinet; Old High chair; Plank Bottom Rocker w/Hiphuggers; Bent Wood Rocking Chair; 40” Elec. Hotpoint Stove (Older & Gold); Hotpoint Refrigerator Freezer (Gold); 3 Prong Wooden Fork; Strap of 42 Sleigh Bells; Dietz Lantern; White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer; Finger Oil Lamp; Oil Lamps; 2 Door Metal Wardrobe; Camp Stove; Kerosene Heater; Amber Depression Creamer & Sugar; Green Depression Plate; Asstmt. Glassware; Glass Butter Chum; 3 Legged Cast Iron Mush Pot; Old Woven Basket; Beveled Glass Mirror In Oak Frame; A.H. Whitmer Sel., PA Bot tle; A.L. Hysson Bloomsburg 1 Gal. Crock; Wooden Butter Print; Stiff Handled Milk Can; Wooden Butcher Tub; Keystoker Furnace Unit; 2 Man Crosscut Saw; Beechnut Chewing Tobacco Middletown, Ohio Cardboard Advertisement in Frame; Wooden Measurer; Burlap Bags; (3) Chicken Crates; (2) Butcher Kettles; (5) 3 Fts.; (2) 1 Gal. Enterprise Lard Press; (2) Enterprise Meat Grinders; Mutschler Jack; Lard Stirrer; Butcher Fork; Butcher Ladles; Hog Scrapers; Meat Hooks; Meat Saw; Stomper; Beam Scales; Hog Hangers & Other Items of Interest JD 1010 Special Tractor w/WFE 3 Ft (Nice); Chains for 1010 JD Tractor, JD B 1941 Tractor: JDB 1951 Tractor; JD 110 Hydraulic Lift 4 Sp. Lawn Tractor w/Mower Deck; JD 111 Side Shift Riding Lawn Tractor w/Mower Deck & Grass Catcher, Roto Hoe Rototiller 6 Hp. Model 995 w/Rear Tiller; JD B Cultivators; JD R Ground Driven Manure Spreader, JD #52 2 Bottom Trailer Plows; JD Plows for MT Tractor, MF #43 3 PL 2 Bottom 14” Plows; Flat Bed Wagon; JD 39 Bar Mow er, Fender for JD M Bottom Broke Off; 5’ 3 Ft Bush Hog; 4000 Watt Generator Runs Off 110 JD Lawn Tractor; JD Tractor Umbrella; Category IJD Top Link Bar; JD 1 Hole Com Shelter; IH Com Binder (Nice); IH #lO Silo Filler on Steel; Oliver 2 Section Harrow; (2) 2 Section Drag Harrows; (2) IH Drag Discs; Cultivators for MT; Old Buck Saw; Side Hill Hitch; 2 Wheel Trailer, Potato Plow; 2 Lots of Wheat Straw; Block & Tackle; Chicken Medicator, (7) Shanandoah Waterers; (4) A R Wood Gas Brooders; Chicken Feeders & Waterers; Dayton Shutters for Fans; (2) Cast Iron Hog Troughs; Hay Fork; Metal Yard Gates; push Garden Cultivators; Snow Fence; Push Mower; Bushel Crates; V« Bushel Baskets; Step Ladder; Hand Sprayer; Homemade Table Saw; 6’ Myers Snow Plow; Unit for Myers Snow Plow; Blade for Dynamark Lawn Tractor; Pc. of Metal for Truck Box 8’ L & Other Items of Interest. TERMS: Cash or PA Check AUCTIONEERS: Roger A. Lauver #AU-002634-L R J). #3, Box 196-C Selinsgrove, PA 17870 (717)374-3793 OWNERS AND AUCTIONEERS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Alexander Spring Rd., 249-4511. SAT. SEPT. 23-2 JD Trac tors, Farm Equipment. Robert & Louise Risser. Rear 361 North Broad St., Lititz, PA. John D. Stauffer Auctioneers. SAT. SEPT. 23 -Mol’s Stables, at 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, go S. on Brimmer Ave., go 2 miles S. on New Holland Rd. to Hill Rd. Turn CONSIGNMENT SALE OF FEEDER PIGS & FEEDER CATTLE FRIDAY, JUNE 16,1995 at 6:30 P.M. Sharp Held at Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc., Rt. 522,3 miles east of Middleburg, PA, 5 miles west of Selinsgrove, PA. Early consignments accepted Bring a load - buy a load For information call 717-837-2222 or Terms: Cash .Qr • '' W* Larry Benfer, Barn Mgr. (717)837-5638 John Shirk (717)966-0145 Auctioneers: Clarence Shirk (717)656-8793 Bryan Imes (717)527-2449 Restaurant Open LUNCH STAND: Arbogast Church owners: James F. & Sarah M. Foltz (717)837-0787 Dean E. Longacre Dairy and Livestock Sales left on Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 miles to sale on left. From Rt. 340 E. of Intercourse take New Holland Rd. 2.5 miles to Hill Rd., right on Hill Rd. ot sale on left. Mel Hoover, owner. SAT. SEPT. 23 -10 AM Heifer Sale Reg. & Grade. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. TUES. SEPT. 26 - 6PM Feeder Cattle Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South - then left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511. WED.SEPT. 27-Caernar von Cream Of The Crop 11, Morgantown, Pa. FRI. SEPT. 29-6 PM Feed er Cattle Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. SAT. SEPT. 30 -104 Acre ...^-7.-- —-——- Farm, Farm Machinery, uSLPiSII \ Personal Property. Located & toys. A&C 1845 Mill Rd„ East Earl, ?ni e^l/ ba ?i!.L AuC,l o. n ■ J, nc> Caernarvon Twp., Lane. >teckson St., New Co. From Blue Ball Rt. 23E H 7 oHand - Pa - FOUR STATES LIVESTOCK SALES Hagerstown, MD Consigned from Adam’s Brothers Rippon, W. Va. 29 Large Holstein Springing Heifers Due June & July, TB ft Bangs Tested, Calihood Vacc. Other Consignments Welcome Heifers Vet Checked 3:00 PM Milking Facilities Available Contact: Kenny Smith Phone 301-733-8120 PUBLIC AUCTION LOCATION: From Smyrna, Delaware, go West on Route 300 approximately 2'h miles to Underwood Corner Road, turn right, go approximately 2 miles, 2nd Farm on right. Also located between Blacidston & Kenton, Delaware, turn East on Underwood Corner Road, approximately 2 miles to Farm on left. MON., JUNE 19,1995 at 10:00 AM FARM EQUIPMENT: 1991 John Deere 29SS Tractor with 3000 hrs., I.H. 284 Tractor with 1300 hrs., I.H. 3788 2x2 Tractor 3933 hrs. 4WD, I.H. 966 Tractor, I.H. 2350 Loader, I.H. #4BO-24’ Disc, I.H. 770 Offset HD Disc with 24” blades, Brillion 6 row field Cultivator, 6’ Mott Mower, AC. 12 row Com Planter, Cat 125 KV Genera tor, J.D. 310 A Loader Backhoe (good condition)... HAY EQUIPMENT: 1991 John Deere #1460 Disc Bine 10’ cut, 1995 Case I.H. 8530 Baler with hyd. kick er (new), small Bale Chopper #IOH B&S engine, 1991 Case I.H. 8610 round Bale Shredder 1000 rpm, (2) round Bale Spikes, Ford Rake, 1990 J.D. 535 round Baler with bale kictar, (4) 16 ft Flat Wagons, Greenbelt system round Bale mover (hauls (12) s’x6’ bales with pickup arms)... MILKING & FEEDING EQUIPMENT: Double 8 Boumatic Parlor (new 1986), Model 2100 Detacher, Electronic Weigh Jar, Backflush & Teat dipper, Air Gates, Boumatic series 2 crowd gate, (2) Milk Pump motors, (2) DB 2000 Vac Pumps 10 hp motor, (2) Oil Reclaimers, 5 hp Vac Pump, 5 bp Air Compressor, 120 gal. Boumatic HW heater, 120 gal. LP Gas HW heater, LP Gas 50,000 BTU Parlor Heater, 3” Low Line & Receiver, Cattle Head Lock, Weaverline 330 Electric Feed Cart, Portable Vac Pump, 60 Frey Bros. Loop Free Stalls, New Holland 30’ Hay Conveyor, 1 to 10 hp motors ... 6700 Bu GSI Grain Bin with Fan Dryer, 14 ton Protein Bin with 4” discharge, Madison 24x90 Stave Silo, Badger 24’ Silo Inloader, 90’ harvestore & Feed Easy Belt Feeders, (2) 96’ Portable Feed Bunks, (2) 16’x2 Belt Conveyors, 22’x16” Belt Conveyor, various Augers, Gravity Grain Body, N.H. 30’ Hay Conveyor, Silage Dump Trailer 22 ton hoist with Kreeger 20’ body, Gehl 970 2 beater Silage Wagon, 1992 Case 1840 Skid Loader 1000 hrs., 6000 lb. Digital Scale 6’x10’... TRUCKS & TRAILERS - IRRIGATION EQUIP MENT: 1979 GMC (D) Truck Tractor, 1979 Ford 9000 290 Truck Tractor 10 speed, 1977 Ford 350 Truck, Ste co 30’ aluminum Dump Trailer, Hill 28’ aluminum Dump Trailer, 40’ Dorsey Van Storage Trailer, 1992 Eby 20’ aluminum Goose Neck Cattle Trailer (double deck) ... 1993 Slurry Irrigation Rain Wizard System with 8 hp Honda motor, 1300’-4'/2” Hard Hose and Gun, 8’x8” Hale PTO Water Pump, 1994 Houle 6”x4” Slurry Pump, 2500 fL of 8” Pipe (40 ft. lengths), 1963 North west #6 Cable Crane on track with clam, dragline, buck ets, 1 3 A yd. MISCELLANEOUS: Tube Augers, Garden Plow, Stihl Concrete Saw, 3 hp Portable Digger, Office Desks, Refrigerators, Semen Tank and more... TERMS & SELLING TIME: Cash, Bank Checks, Checks with Bank Letter of Credit, (kill payment day of Sale, financing available for those who qualify through Telmark, Inc., Andrew L. McLean, District Manager, call 1-410-827-5052. Sale starts at 10:00 AM, Milk Parlor, Silo Belt Feeders & related items at 12:00 Noon. Lunch & Restroom available Donald Eastburn, Owner 77 Eastburn Drive, Clayton, Delaware 19938 Phone: 1-302-653-4447 HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC. Sales Manager, Auctioneers, Real Estate Broker P.O. Box 190, Galena, Maryland 21635 Phone (410) 648-5601 to Pool Forge Rd. Turn Left to Stop Sign to Left onto N. Churchtown Rd. To Mill Rd. Turn Left to Farm on Mill Rd. to First Farm. Terms by Noah & Lena Sauder. Kline, Kreider. Good Aucts, OCTOBER' MT. ROCK FARM DAIRY COW SALE Thursday Evening, June 22, 1995 7:00 P.M. Located south of Carlisle, Pa., off 1-81 at Plainfield exit to Rt. 11, South 2 miles to Cumberland Golf Course, turn right; Go 1 mile to Clay Rd., left to stop sign, left to 2nd farm on left. Selling... APPROX. 125 HOLSTBINS 50 Cows just Fresh - 20 Cows due for July & August (There will be a few Registered animals - Balance Good Grades) 2 Good Stock Bulls 10 Short-Bred Heifers - Approx. 40 Open Heifers (All Sizes) Majority Calfhood Vaccinated A Few Calves Will be selling - (Note-Baby Calves sold first) Animals Vaccinated for Shipping Fever & Pink Eye! “DON’T MISS THIS AUCTION - SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY!” Trucking Available - Health Charts - Lunch Stand Owner- BILL & CYNTHIA McKEEHAN 235 Springview Road Carlisle, PA 717-243-7651 RICK FOREMAN, Auctioneer Lie. #AU-1163L Henry Kettering, Pedigrees Yoder Holstein Dairy Dispersal Frl., June 23,1995 at 11:00 A.M. at the farm, 3-1/2 miles from Grantsville, MD, north on Dorsey Hotel Rd. 2 miles to Crab Run Rd. to River Road, left Ist farm. 37 Milking Cows, 4 Bred Heifers due in July, 11 calves to breeding age heifers Owner weighed milk weights Cows pregnancy checked, interstate available, monthly vet checks, ABS sired, GMS. In various stages of lactation with records up to 33,705 in 365 days. Good somatic cell count (under 200,000). Sires include Daydream, Sven, Hilton, Elusive. Service sires include Darkstar, Willi, Doe Boy, Juggler. From the David B. Yoder herd. 25 milking cows, desirable type, good udders, in excellent form, 3 heifers due in July. Outstanding production includes records to 365 d., 33,705 m. Some individual records are Sue 365d-32,718 Tina 360d-26,685 Goldie 315d-29,595 Eliza 330d-25,590 Susie 345d-29,010 Maggie 300d-24,315 Tammy 375d-28,365 Showy 270d-23,475 Janet 300d-27,795 Pam 315d-22.815 Joyce 330d-27,450 Barbie 285d-22,155 From the Joseph B. Yoder herd, complete dispersal of Dairy animals includes 12 milking cows presently milking to 100 lbs., 1 heifer, due July, 6 calves to 1 year, 5 breeding age heifers. Calfhood vaccinated. 1 Guernsey, born 11-6-93. TERMS: Cash Catalogs available at ringside Lunch Available OWNERS: JOSEPH B. AND NANCY YODER DAVID B. AND LENA YODER Grantsville, MD 21536 NO PHONE Clark A. Yoder, Auctioneer AU-001048-L Salisbury, PA 15558 Phone: 814-662-4195 Pedigrees Oren C. Bender Accident, MD 21536 Phone: 301-746-8340 Steve Pheasant, Ringman Duncansville, PA Phone: 814-695-7343
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