826-L«nc«sttr Farming, Saturday,- Juiw 10, 1995 Sale Reports SHREINER SALE A Public Sale of real estate and coins was held June 3 by Samuel M. and Cora M. Shrein er, Sunset Avenue, Blue Ball, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 283 regis tered bidders. The Cape Cod frame house with attached one-car garage was sold for $92,000 to Charles Lehman of New Hol land, Pa. Some items sold were; 1874 $1 gold piece $330, f 865 two cent piece $26, 1872 half dime $l5, 1874 In dian head coin $8.50, 1909 Lincoln cent $ll, 1876 half dollar $lB, 1884 silver dollar $2l, 1887 silver dollar $3O, Winross H.R. Ewell tanker $lO5, Winross Leffler Texaco truck $55, Winross HBS hauler $5O, Winross Sindell truck $65, Win ross Bareville Fire Co. tanker $65, Winross Keller Bros, truck $75 and 1980 Hess training van $240. Other prices were: small oak bowed china closet $7OO, old oak hanging telephone $350, arrow-back rock ing chair $250,6 plank bottom chairs $l5O, half jelly cupboard $2OO, electric shelf clock $125,1853 cover let $l9O, flow-blue snowflake plate $72.50, iron bulldog $l4O, bull’s eye butter dish, sugar & creamer $l3O, 1911 Mary Zimmerman sale bill $2lO, Reming ton .22 caliber single shot rifle $350 and J.D. STX 38 riding mower $l,OOO. Robert E. Martin, Jeffrey R. Martin, Ran dall Ranck and Appren tice Mike Martin were the auctioneer. EBERLY SALE A Public Sale of real estate and personal property was held June 3 by Paul and Pearl Eberly, 65 Church Road, Mount Airy, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 193 registered. The 2.2-acre farmette was sold to Tim Lausch, Church Road, Stevens for $79,000. PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE ANTIQUES > FURNITURE ■ OFFICE EQUIP., ETC. On: Tues., June 13,1995 AT 4 P.M. At Commonwealth Fire Co. Social Hall, 2045 N. Sherman St., York, Pa. The above to be sold at absolute auction. INSPECTION: 1 Hr. prior to auction. TERMS: Cash or per sonal check w/auction eer approval. Jacob A. Gilbert, Lie. #336, Brian L Gilbert, Lie. #2256 Tel. (717) 252-1656 Other items sold were; cast-iron animals $25 to $57 each, buggy jack $24, horse weather vane $55, buggy foot warmer $5O, pony har ness $lO5, Army saddle $45, 2 western saddles $BO & $llO, four-pony harness $2BO, one-horse sleigh $320, horse car riage $750, buckboard $5OO, 3 pt. rotary mow er $5O, two-bottom plow $135, N.I. manure spreader $225, Ford 640 tractor $3,300, Craftsman riding mow er $625, 3 milk cans $3l each, wooden wheelbarrow $l3O, 2 school desks $22 & $55, treadle sewing ma chine $65, two Maytag wringer washers $4O & $95, shop bench $l3O, store cabinet $2OO and Princess dresser $350. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service con ducted the sale. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication JUNE FRI. JUNE 9 & SAT. JUNE 10 -SAM Real Estate, Butcher Equipment, Tools, Antiques, Collectibles. Location; Bethel Twp. Berks Co. Bethel, PA. From 1-78 Take Exit #3 South on Rt. 501 for 2 Mi to Sale on Right. From Rt. 501 in Myerstown, PA. Go North 8 Mi. to Sale Site Half Way Between Harrisburg and Allentown Estate of Mary Batz. Auct Dwight D. Miller. SAT JUNE 10 - BAM Real Estate, 1979 Dodge T - Tage Minneapolis Moline, Jet Star Two Tractor. Tools, Antiques, Collecti bles, Household Goods, Farming and Butchering Equipment. Located Along Red Rock Rd.,RR #2, Ber wick, Briar Creek Town ship, Columbia County, PA. Traveling North on fit. 93 (Orangeville Hwy.) From Berwick, Turn Left cn to Rittenhouse Mill Rd., ake OUTSTANDING AUCTION COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Sat., June 24,190 S at 12:00 Noon LOCATION: Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Take Route #34 North 1 1/2 Mile beyond Carlisle Fairground in N. Middleton T\wp... Cumberland Co., PA. A brick & block structure, 45 ft. x 55 ft. situat ed on a lot at 1968 Spring Road fronting 90 ft. with a depth of 125 ft. along Route #34. Structure has built up slag roof, interior pan eling, tiled floor w/safe, 2 baths, heated, all city utilities and air conditioning w/roof top unit, approx. 10 tons. This commercial site has many and varied possibilities. INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT: Phone owner or auctioneer (Phone numbers list ed below.) TERMS: 20% when stricken down. Bal ance on or before 45 days. Other terms announced time of sale. Owners FRANK & BECKY DARCEY, Phone: 717-334-1903 CLAIR R. SLAYBAUGH, Auctioneer PA Lie #BS6L Phone: 717-677-7479 Daniel M. Frey, Atty. 14 Center Square, Hanover, PA BOWMAN SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held June 3 by Edith Bowman, 1 mile east of Terre Hill, Lane. Co., Pa. The Holland stone house with aluminum siding on a lot was sold for $131,000 to Ray High of East Earl, Pa. Nevin Martin & Sons conducted the sale. PA. STATE GRANGE SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held June 6 by the Pennsyl vania State Grange, Losey Creek Road, Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa. The Middlebury Grange Hall #703 on a •A acre lot was sold for $5,000. There were 90 chairs sold for $lO to $4O each and an oak step-back cupboard for $5OO. Randy Jelliff Auction Service conducted the sale. Ist Right onto Red Rock Rd., 2nd Property on Left. Conditions by James L. & Elsie L. Mitchell. Marie's Auction Service. SAT. JUNE 10 - B:3OAM Antiques, Household Goods, Glassware, Col lectables & Tools. Auction to be Held in the Chance ford Community Center, Approx. 7 Mi. Southeast of Red Lion, Off Rt. 74 at the Brogue, PA. Owners J. Ray Scott & Laura M. Wyatt. Sechrist Auctioneers. SAT. JUNE 10 - B:3OAM Antiques, furniture, com forts & coverlet, postcards, adv. pcs. butcher items, cast iron toys, watch fobs, Ford modi A & T parts book of knowledge bank - bad gers, Harley Davidson parts & access. At 376 Lati more Creek Rd., York Springs, Pa. On Rt. 15 go 7 miles S of Dillsburg, Pa. to Worley Fruit stand, turn right onto Mt. Rd. first rd. to right turn onto Latimore Creak Rd. go 3/4 mile to sale on left. Ivy N. Bankart, owner. Little Ike Eichelber ger, auct. SAT. JUNE 10 - 9AM Estate of Rachel Schrecen gast. At 146 N. Derry Ave., Yeagertown, Pa. Mifflin Co. Real estate, lawn tools, fur niture, lamps, clocks, glassware and collectibles. Mark Click, auct. SAT. JUNE 10-9 AM Weld ing Equip., Forklifts, Trucks, Shop Tools, Val ves, Fittings, Stock. Bldg. #49, Mifflin Co. Industrial Park. From US 22 in Lewis town. Turn South on Rt. 103, Second Right Along Ind. Park and Second Right Into Industrial Park. Signs Posted. Owners: John Hunter & Sons Welding, Inc. Ensminger Aucts. SAT. JUNE 10 -9AM Auto mative Tools and Supplies, Corvair. Location: 83 N. Lebanon St., Quentin, W. Cornwall Twp., Lebanon Co., PA. From Rt. 72 - W. on Rt. 419/Main St. in Quentin, N. on Lebanon St. to Auction Site. Auction by Marilyn Althouse & Ted Alt house Jr. Harry Bachman Aucts. SAT. JUNE 10 - 9AM 7 Sat, July 1,1995 * 9 AM Real Estate: 2 pm 2662 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster E. Lampeter Twp., PA Dir Approx. 3 Mile East of Lane, on Rt. 340, across from Locust Grove Mennonite School REAL ESTATE Beautiful 3 Bedroom 1 1/2 Story Brick Dwelling w/attached 2 Car Garage w/opener situated on a nice lot 100'x240' M/L. Lg. Kitchen w/Stoltzfus Cabinets, Built-In Stove Top Oven & Microwave, Dishwasher, Lg. Dining Room w/Picture Window, Spa cious Family Room w/Brick Fireplace, Built- In Cabinets w/Glass Doors, Picture Window & Built-In Desk Area w/Shelves. Nice sepa rate Parlor Room w/Bow Window, Foyer Area, & Open Staircase. Two Bedrooms, 2 Full Baths & Laundry Room. Nice large Closets, W/W Carpet. Second Floor: Nice Bedroom, Full Bath, Lg. Storage Area. Lg. Concrete Basement. Central Air, Central Vacuum System, Lg. Ceiling Fan. Public Sew er, On-Site Well. Oil Fired Furnace w/Hot Water Baseboard Heat, 1,000 Gal. Oil Tank in Cold Cellar. This is a well built Home in Excellent Condition. Must be seen to appreciate. OPEN HOUSE Thursday, June 15,6-8 pm. Sat., Tune 17,1-3 pm or call (717) 687-6857 Terms: 10% down, balance on or before August 24,1995. Attorney: Susan Y. Nicholas Young & Young Sale For: Charles H. & Mabel H. Boose MILLER & SIEORIST AUCTIONEERS (717)687-6887 AU-1723L Acre Farmette, furniture, HH, JD Riding mower, car and tools. Held at Bear Road, Lenhartsville, Pa. Windsor Twp., Berks Co. exit 11 off 178. take Rt. 143 N. approx. 2 miles, make left onto Mountain Rd. for approx. 2 miles to Bear Rd. make left. For Della Bear Estate. David P. Loeb, auct. SAT. JUNE 10-9 AM Vehi cles, Mechanical Tools, Large Parts Inventory, Office Equipment, Body Shop Tools. Auction Site: Rt. 72 North, '/. Mi. North of the City of Lebanon on Rt. 72 at 2089 West Maple St., Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA. Dave Krause Auto Sales. Nelson L. Ebersole & Roger L. Myers Aucts. SAT. JUNE 10 - 9AM Con struction equip, carpentry tools, building material & hardware, office equip. Held at the Horst Auction center at the corner of Rt. 322 & Durtach Rd. approx. 2V4 miles W. of Ephrata, Lane. Co, Pa. Horst Aucts. SAT. JUNE 10 - 9AM Real estate, household goods, antiques, Amish quilts & riding mower. At 119 Forest Hill Rd., turn off Rt. 23 at cock Two, Lane. Co., Pa. west end of Leoia near For Earl & Emma King. Stauffers of Kissel Hill on Robert E & Jeffrey R Mar- Forest Hill Rd., Upper Lea- tin, aucts. ALL DAY PUBLIC AUCTION Val. Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques, Tractor, Tools, Truck, Etc. (OF H JANICE & THE LATE ANSON FISHER) located on premises along Rt. 220,1 mile Wof Unden, Pa. near Harvest Moon. (Lyc Co) 5 miles W of Williamsport. ************************************* Sat., June 17,1995 starting 8:30 AM sharp NOTE STARTING TIME Come Early - Stay Late, Lots of items ANTIQUES, COLLECTORS’ ITEMS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC BUTCHER ITEMS, TRUCK, TRACTOR, LAWN MOWERS, TOOLS, ETC. including 88 Chevy 1500 pickup, 47000 1 owner miles; a cream puff Farmall Super C tractor w/family & 2 pth; Lawn tractors, lots of tools, 8 room house full. Real Estate! PM Consists of a .67 acre lot w/an 8 room home. 2 story hip roof barn, 2 car garage, located along Rt. 220 For more info call Auction Co (717)546-6907. Auct Note: The Fishers were very meticulous, everything has had the best care. Lots of Kerns to sell. Conducted By Owner, H. Janice Fisher Lunch available iynll.M Sale under large tent saJ?!lS"au^e E r. lor full list call Auct Co. MMM Munnr. Pi* Ue. MV7IL • (717)MM107 WowlnOwaniQeomettonOf Auctlonaaflni THE NAME OF AUCDOHt SINCE IN2 CATTLE AUCTION APPROX. 100-130 HEAD At Kolb’s sale barn 1/2 mi. north of Woods boro (along Rt. 550), Frederick County, Maryland on: FRIDAY, JUNE 23,199 S AT T:80 P.M. Several Loads of Good Wisconsin Cows & Heifers See Future Ads for Details! I Consignments of Herds, Springers, Fresh Heifers & Hay Welcome! Please Call to Consign HEALTH: Cattle have been tested for Interstate shipment. TERMS: Cash or good check on day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. Tom Kolb & Sons Sale Manager 301-898-7663 301-898-7720 Ylrout R Auctioneers, Inc. "Experience Doesn’t Coat - It Pays!" 100-L Walter* Village Way Walkaravllla, MD 21793 Food t Facilities Available PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 8:30 AM Located at Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hinson Resi dence on Rt. 96 just South of New Paris in Bedford County, PA. Next door to the Country Way Restaurant or 4 miles South of Scheilsburg off of Rt. 30 Auction Highlights 7 fine coverlets consisting of: Blue Snowflake, Eagle, Red Pinwheel, Optic Block, Blooming Flowers, Leaves & Grapes, Sweet Briar Beau ty by Ambrossa Miller 1868, Keagy & Lone necker Bedford County 1850, (Blue Snowflake 1850 weaved for Wm. Oster, Ist mayor of Osterburg) % Model A Parts: Chassie, Drive, & Motor Parts (no body parts) Hickory rocker, hickory swing, hickory quilt rack, 100 plus pieces of Blue Willow including extra serving pieces. Terms: Cash or Previously Approved Check Sale Outside Bring Own Chair Sale Order: Tools & Equipment followed by Household & Coverlets Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hinson, Sellers 814-733-4228 Deryl R. Clark, Auctioneer 000153 L & Associates 814-356-3284 SINCE 1930
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