DHIA ON^ I NOW THE GOOD NEWS!!!! I Offers New* Customers June ■ July - August -’95 $5.00 PER TON REBATE ON WAYNE COMPLETE DAIRY FEEDS $lO.OO PER TON REBATE ON WAYNE CONCENTRATE DAIRY FEEDS * Dairy Producers who have not purchased Wayne Milking Rations in the last six (6) months Please call one of the Wayne Dealers for more information on the feeding program that’s right for your operation. PENNSYLVANIA WAYNE FEED SUPPLY POWL’S FEED SERVICE, ANDERSON FEED CO. STORE INC. Shrewsbury. PA Chambersburg, PA Peach Bottom, PA (717) 235-4485 (717) 263-4121 (717)548-2376 WAYNE FEED SUPPLY ANNUCK FARM SUPPLY, STORE INC. Diltsburg, PA Port Royal, PA (717)432-9623 (717)527-4131 H. ROCKWELL & SON K&K FEED, INC. Canton, PA Richland, PA (717)673-5148 (717)866-2324 MUSSER’S BULK FEEDS DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, Lancaster, PA „ (717) 871-9706 Stevens, PA ' ; (7 17 ) 733 - 3020 Bgbsn Wayne Feed Division Continental Grain Company Lancaster PA 17601 Call 1-717-291-1821 WAYNE FEEDS with sssss off DAVID Training Coordinator UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.l) The agenda has been set for the Pa.DHIA 71st Annual Technicians* Conference. The summer conference is held in conjunction with the spring and fall conference. On June 16 and 17, Pa.DHIA technicians are to travel to the Pen nsylvania town of Indiana where the conference is to be held at the Holdiay Inn. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. June 16 and continues until lunch. After lunch, the conference begins with a welcome address and RHOADS MILLS, INC. Selinsgrove, PA (717) 374-8141 WEST VIRGINIA CHILDS FEED & SUPPLY Kingwood, WV (304) 329-0178 SWISHER’S FEED & CLEARBROOK FEED & SUPPLY SUPPLY Weston, WV Clearbrook, VA (304) 269-1200 (703) 662-2749 Pa.DHIA Gears Up For Summer Conference introduction of guests by Dean Amide, director of Field Opera tions, David Slusser, general man ager, and Jay Risser, president of the Technicians Association. Proceeding the welcome and introductions is to be the viewing of a video called, “Sales.** After viewing the video, technicians are to be given a training program on sales by David Zimmerman, dis trict manager for Atlantic Breeders Cooperative. Following the sales presenta tions, a motivational presentation by Ron Eberhard is scheduled. Eberhard’s presentation is to focus on getting people motivated to MARYLAND BEL AIR FARM SUPPLY, INC. Bel Air, Md. (410) 838-6111 IF MILLING Grantsville, MD (301)895-5211 WHITEHALL FEED CO. Monkton, MD (410)329-2171 VIRGINIA Unctter Firming, Saturday, Juna 10, 1M5423 complete the job of a sales person. An awards breakfast is to be held Saturday morning. This activ ity is held to recognize the high achievements of the technicians and to recognize their years of ser vice to Pa.DHIA. Following the awards breakfast, a panel discussion is to be held to discuss a new nutrition program and the Westfalia Dairy Plan. Technicians are to be updated on their benefits following the panel discussion. For more information on the conference, or to see how Pa.DHIA, can assist a dairy opera tion, call (800) 344-8378. Average Farm Feed Costs For Handy Reference To help fanners across the state to have handy reference of commodity input costs in their feed ing operations for DHIA record sheets or to develop livestock feed cost data, here’s last week’s average costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the state of Pennsylvania. Remember these are averages so you will need to adjust your figures up or down according to your location and the quality of your crop. Com, No. 2y - 2.74 bu. 4.90 cwt Wheat, No. 2 - 3.59 bu. 6,00 cwt. Barley, No. 3 - 1.74 bu. 3.71 cwL Oats, No. 2 - 1.61 bu. 5.02 cwt. Soybeans, No. 1 - 5.68 bu. 9.49 cwt. Ear Com 65.90 ton 3.30 cwt. Alfalfa Hay - 82.50 ton 4.13 cwL Mixed Hay - 79.38 ton 3.97 cwt Timothy Hay - 94.38 ton 4.72 cwt. ROHREK BRAND SOYBEANS EHl») i^T,>; -I .j; !»?•>£•/ I Si. • True line variety which matures similar to Williams 82 but has more yield punch. • Very good emerger that gets off to a fast start • Good standability • Tolerance to phytophthora root rot • Is superior under stress conditions R BRAND 3850 OYBEANS , variety in late Group 111 ty class igh Yield > Excellent Standability ’ Performs well on all soil as well as in all row widths ilerant to phytophthora root »t rger and has a bushy plant type that grows to a good height. • High yielding pure line variety in the early group IV maturity class • Rohrer 4010 is a medium bush type soybean grows to medium height, and has excellent standability • Has very good disease resistance • Goes well in either drilled or wide rows. I * PM
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