A4-Unent«r Farming, Saturday, Juna 3,1995 NE Chicken Pts 1&2 EDISON, NJ MAY 31, 1995 Trucklot buying interest was mixed and irregular, but generally no better than mod- Lancastrr FARMING -Staff- Everett R. Newswsnger Managing Editor Lou Ann Good, Staff Andy Andrews, Staff Vernon Achenbach Jr., Staff NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Joyce Bnpp, York County Seven Valleys (717) 428-1865 Carolyn Moyer, Bradford County Roaring Branch (717)324-2482 Randy Wella, Indiana Marion Center (412)397-2529 Judith Patton, Union Mifflinburg (717)966-4770 Gail Strock, Mifflin Belleville (717)935-5675 Linda Williams, Bedford Bedford (814)623-5745 Gay Brownlee, Somerset Salisbury (814)662-2127 David Hiebert, Westmoreland Scottdale (412)887-5929 Harold Shelly. Northampton Forest Grove (215)794-7922 Loretta Golden, Cambria Pottage (814) 736-8266 James Martin. Mercer Sandy Lake (412)376-2682 CJ. Hough tallng, Tioga Mlddlebury Center (717)376-2821 Beth Miller, Cumberland Newville (717) 776-6571 Lola Szymanaki. Maryland Westminster (410) 848-5241 Karen Butler, Maryland Frederick (301)698-5436 Subscription Information Subscription Price; $25.00 per year; $46.00 - 2 years $35.00 per year outside of; PA. NJ. MD, DE, NY, OH, VA & WV $6B 00 - 2 Years Non-Refundable Lancaster Farming (ISSN 0023-7465) is published weekly for $25.00 per year; $48.00 - 2 years by Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 003 1 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522. Second Claus postage paid at Ephrata, PA 17522. POST MASTER: Send address changes to LANCASTER FARMING, 1 East Mai Street, P.O Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Phone: Lititz (717) 626-1164 or Ephrata (717) 733-6397 Lancaster (717) 394-3047 FAX: 717-733-6058 For address change form or new subscription, see near Mailbox Markets Members of National Association of Agricultural Journalists Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. National Advertising Representative J.L. Farmakis, Inc. Phone (203) 966-1746 Available On Microfilm Copies of Lancaster Faming are available on microfilm from University Microfilms International, 30Q-North ZSeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Any questions about their ser vice should be directed to the publishing manager. PUBLISHER’S LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changee or typo graphical errors that do not lessen the value of an adver tisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omis sions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement erate. Boneless skinless breasts were adequate and in good balance overall. Bone-in breasts were less readily available, but remained adequate for current inquiry. Leg quarters had increased in availability and were fully adequate. Wings were also fully adequate. PRICES PAID PER POUND. ICE PACKED AND CO2 PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS. DELIV ERED TO FIRST RECEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUAN TITIES. ITEM CURRENT NEGOTIATED TRADING* BREAST - B/S (W & W/O TENDERS) 165-170 BREAST - WITH RIBS 80-81 BREAST - LINE RUN 80 LEGS 45-46 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 32-33 DRUMSTICKS 41-42 THIGHS 34-35 WINGS (WHOLE) 68-69 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 10-12 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 25 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 40 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY MET ROPOLITAN AREA, NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHUSETTS, CONNECTI CUT, RHODE ISLAND, AND PEN NSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HAR RISBURG). • TODAY’S NEGOTIATED SALES AS OF 11:30 A.M. PREPARED: 31-MAY-95 11:30 AM E PSJ 1 For additional information, pleaie call 1908) 985-8880. National Egg Market ATLANTA, GA MAY 31, 1995 Pricea were unchanged. The market tone remained mostly steady. Demand coveted the full range, and was mostly moderate. Food service and retail features provided the best movement Supplies were adequ ate or available, and light weight eggs became fully adequate in many areas. Surplus light eggs told into export chan nels. Breaking stock supplies were adequ ate for the fair demand. Live hen offerings remained readily available for the unag gressive demand. For additional information, please call (404) 347-4121. 0130 PM E CLB Sell direct to us for cash. * Fowl * Pigeons * Bantams * Pullets * Capons * Rabbits * Guineas * Chukars * Tlirkeys * Lambs * Goats JACK MINTZ POULTRY (717)336-4784 Heinsey’s Poultry EDISON, NJ JUNE 01,199 S PRICES PAID PER POUND, EXCEPT AS NOTED RANGE Muicovy Ducki - Dnkei 1.80 - 1.94 Mvucovy Ducki • Heni 1.90 -,2.04 Pekin Ehicki .70 - 100 Red Fowl 4-4.5 .40 - .58 Heritage Computer Solutions Pullet Performance pullet management program Layer Performance Basic layer recordkeeping program Layer Performance layer management program Layer Link link control system to Layer Performance ESP Egg Supply Projection EMAS Egg Marketing Accounting System aFs W Grinds Fi than Roller Mi Ask anyone owns one -1 all well plea with the res Features • Low initial • Low maintenance • Low operating cost • Easy serviceability • 360° screen • Reversible Hammers & & screens Red Fowl 5-6 .50 • .82 Cronbted Fowl 5-9 .24 - .56 Crotibred Rooilen 4-6 .20 - 1,00 Croubnd Rooiteri 7-11 .24 - .82 Guinea Fowl .75 - 1.30 Banty Rooiten 3.00 - 5.50 ea. Banty Heni 2.25 - 3.50 ea. Leghorn Heni .14 - .24 Silkies 3.50 - 4.50 ea. Gee«e 9-12 .30 - .78 Pigeon* 2.75 • 3.15 ea. White Pigeons 4.25 - 5.00 ea. automatic farm systems HAMMER MILLS for High Manufactured by: automatic farm systems 608 E. Evergreen Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone: 717-274-5333 TIPS TO IMPROVE EGGSHELL QUALITY... “Let’s get specific” Check specific gravity of eggs on a regular basis to monitor shell quality. The percent “floaters” and “eggs in transition” in a room temperature solution of 1.08 sp. gr. is a good bench mark. AlO gal. bucket, a hydrometer, and an individual egg scale is all the equipment you need. Used with breeder guidelines, this test can help you fine-tune the level of oyster shell needed at each stage in the laying cycle. For details on sp. gr. tests and the use of oyster shells, contact The Fox Co., PO Box 708, Newfield, NJ 08344. FAX 609/697- 1692, Phone 800/257-7022. Grinding Moisture • Compact design • Heavy duty plate magnet • Dust tight enclosure • Removable wear plate • Self locking door latches - Dealer Inquiries Welcome - Rabbit* 4-6 1.10 - 1.34 Rabbit* 7-11 1.10 • 1.30 Bunitie* 1.00 - 2.00 ea. Guinea Pig* 1.30 - 5.00 ea. Dove* 2.50 - 4.00 ea. Pullet* 4-6 .30 - .46 Total Coop* Sold 998 PREPARED: 01-JUN-9S 08:11 AM E ML/afc For additional information, pleaie call (908) 985-8880.
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