PMMB (Continued from' Page A 32) Affairs Committee, we are gravely concerned about the future of our dairy industry. “As we all know, the average age of individuals willing to devote their lives to th 6 demands of dairy farming is growing older. Young people are not entering this career Held due to cost and time commitment for marginal returns on their investments in many cases. “In order to maintain a stable supply of milk for Pennsylvania consumers, and in order to stabil ize the shrinking number of far mers in the dairy industry, we ask you to provide the price support that will enable them to continue production and cover their ever ris ing costs.” According to a news release, Mel Eckhaus, dairy specialist for the PFB, testified that the PFB not only supports maintaining the cur rent 80-cents per cwt., but wouldn’t mind seeing it go higher. “In fact, if it were not for so much discussion regarding market conditions, it would be very easy ABOVEGROUND AND UNDERGROUND TANKS FROM 185 TO 50,000 GALLON CAPACITY DOUBLE WALL “LIGHT DUTY” SKID TANKS INNER HOWARD E. GROFF CO. An Additional 1% DISCOUNT is Cash Money or Certified Check To Consider to support a price higher than the 80 cents, given the cost/pricc squeeze dairy producers are cur rently under,” he said in the news release. “Beyond any shadow of doubt, this is the absolute worst time in the last five years to be considering a lowering of the over-order price,” he said. “It is absolutely clear that in the 12 months ending March 31,1995, the average Pennsylvania dairy farm has experienced the lowest level of profit in many years.” According to Eckhaus. the mar gin of profit averaged SI cents per hundredweight. EckhauS said that, considering additional costs for management and equity capital, USDA dairy assessments and a reasonable 3.S percent profit, “It is no longer appropriate to speak of low profits, but rather high losses.” In response to the claim that out of-state milk is diplacing Pennsyl vania milk, Eckhaus said, “The position of Pennsylvania Farm Burueau is that market conditions are important.” TOUGHTANK basement oil storage tanks Fuel Oil, and Gasoline 111 E. State Street, Quarryville, PA 17566 Phone: 717-786-2166 or 800-717-2166 offered if paid by • rn DIKE TANKS Mon.-Fri. 8 AM - 4 PM Request However, he added that, "... in order to determine that (milk) prices should be reduced because of market conditions, we believe these conditions should be documented.” According to the PFB new release, ”... the sales of Class I milk have not decreased Significantly in Pennsylvania’s six milk marketing areas. In two areas, fluid milk sales have increased by 1.3 percent and 3 percent, respectively. “In the four areas where sales decreased, the largest amount was .8 percent” The PFB stated that its organiza tion represents 26,167 member families in 61 counties with about 44 percent of those being dairy fanners. HOWARD B. - OROW» The stale has an, estimated I® the meantime, the final tran -11,800 dairy farms, scripts from the hearitag have to be Because membership in any of completed, and additional lesti the organizations which submitted | non y com P a a s?jSi e J r ‘ e '? e( * testimony is not exclusive to mem- cou " Thp PMMB is then bership in another," it is possible ® x P® cted “> n ™ w , 1,16 testimony and probable that some dairy far- act accordingly, mers are being claimed to support Y 1 ® 8°“ M *° * iav ® m® matter both sides of the issue at the same settled and ready to go into effect time. “> Jul y- Young Farmers Set Meeting MOHRSVILLE (Berks Connie Troutman. Co.) —Please plan to attend the During the Farm Safety prog- Tulpehocken Young Farmers ram, young farmers will take a program on Monday. June 5, at walk to look for dangerous areas 7:30 p.m. The program will fea- on the farm, ture a speaker from the Lancaster Bring your children to have a Chapter of Farm Safety Just For fun and educational evening Kids. together. Refreshments for the The meeting that evening will evening will be ice cream and be held at Reu-Hel Farms in drink provided by the club. Bring Mohrsville, the home of Scott and your own strawberry topping. ■ ■ b.j rn Summer Stock-Up Specials Circuit Breakers - Circuit Breakers Call For More Info. p hL ABANTA,nB Furnas C&SoBq WC AIM ARM ELECTRIC CO. MENOK op _ mnurr :Contactors 56” PADDLE •Drum^ 1-9 $45.58 ea. • Pressure Switches 10 or More $43.25 ea. • Motor Starters twAu. Ululate EXHAUSTERS SILO PLUGS AND CONNECTORS barn m *47.26 set CIRCULATORS f VAPOR PROOF 20” -*128.°° ' \ 100 WATT LIGHT. ) " 24” - *l36.®° , w/Guard 30”-*199.°° *1^6.7968. RONK - Transfer Switches for On-Farm Use with contacts for stand-by generators. ADC Is the Place To Be Financial stability and expertise in milk marketing - the outstanding benefits that John Mayer refers to - are among the strengths of the premier dairy cooperative in the region. Atlantic Dairy Cooperative has a 78-year history of excellent service to its members. Financially strong, ADC guarantees a market for all member milk and excels in maximizing returns. ADC is a leader in providing equity payments, quality bonuses and over-order premiums to members. Nearly 4,ooo,dairy farmers agree that "ADC is the Place to Be." For free information on how you can secure the future of your dairy farm operation, write or call: Atlantic Dairy Cooperative 1225 Industrial Highway Southampton, PA 18966 -I 1-800-645-MILK MM liHiMtrf Pin.itofl, S*&irdty, Yun«’ “When we were looking for a milk market, we chose Atlantic Dairy Cooperative because of its financial stability. ADC is a progressive cooperative that concentrates on what it does best marketing milk. ” UPS shipping —-John Mayer Taneytown, MD
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