Entries For 1995 Pot O’ Gold Contest Due REYNOLDSBURG, OH Entries are due July 1 for the 1995 Pot O’ Gold Production Contest AJCA Juniors between the ages of seven and 19 enter the Pot O’ Gold Production Contest by pur chasing one of the animals con signed to either the Western National Pot O’ Gold Sale in Puy allup, WA or the All American Pot O’ Gold Sale in Louisville, KY. Funding for the contest equals 17 percent of the gross of the two sales. The records com pleted by heifers purchased in these sales must be submitted to the American Jersey Cattle Asso ciation no later than July 1 to be eligible for competition. The heifer must calve before Junior Jersey Show Affidavits Due July 1 REYNOLDSBURG, OH— junior exhibitor’s home state by Junior exhibitors planting to show July lof the current show year, at the Ail American Junior Jersey Affidavits of said qualifications Show in Louisville, KYneedtb be must be received in the office of aware of the following eligibility the American Jersey Cattle Asso rules. ' ciation by July lof the year to be 4l£gi*tnition certificates must shown. Affidavits cannot list more show ownership of junior’s pro- than two animals for each All ject animals registered in the name American Junior Show class, ofiihejttnfcftftlhibitor. If die ani- Transfers must be received by mal is not registered solely in the July 1, 1995. junior exhibitor’s name, the ani- Affidavits can be requested nmlmust have qualified to be from the American Jersey Cattle showNg a 4-H/FFA project in the Association. Hoffman Seeds, Inc. and Gustafson, Inc. invite you to attend a wheat field day at one of the following locations to see the results of the replicated yield trial. Representatives from Hoffman Seeds. Gustafson, Inc., and Brubaker Agronomic Consulting Services, Inc. will be on hand to answer your seed chemical questions. Stop by and talk to the company reps. Coffee and donuts will be served at the morning meetings. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served at the evening meetings. 0 HOFFMAN SEEDS,. INC* 144 Main St., Landisville, PA 17538 Phone: 1-800-776-7929 Adding Value to Your Seed Investment News teaching 30 months of age. The actual first lactation production is adjusted to the mature equivalent (305-day, 2x milking, age and month of calving). Adjusted records are then ranted according to the mature equivalent protein to determine the placings in the contest. All heifers must be tested in a DHI or DHIR hod owned by the purchaser or the purchaser’s parents or legal guardian. In the event this is not possible, a written request must be made to the All American Executive Committee by December 31 of the year the heifo is purchased. The heifo can not be tested in the herd in which she is bred or consigned. WHEAT FIELD DAY Jersey Scholarships Available REYNOLDSBURG. OH—Hie American Jersey Cattle Associa tion administers eleven scholar ships that are available to Jersey youth. Three VL. Peterson Scho larships ate available to youth who have completed at least one year of college. “Vic" Peterson has been called the “dean of dairy breed representatives" for his 25 years of service as an AJCA area representative. One Paul Jackson Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a youth who has completed at least one year of college. Mr. Jackson was a longtime Jersey Cowbell Juno Dodie Grand At Willis Fair UNION BRIDGE. Md. Cowbell Juno Dodie, a 3-year-old Jersey cow owned and shown by Emily Birch was the grand champion of the annual Wil lis Fair junior and 4-H Jersey Show held May 20 at the Howard County Fairgrounds. Judge for the show was Mike Heath, while Stacy Kahler served as associate judge. The show is an annual spring event, according to Gndy Hines, secretary of the Maryland Jersey Cattle Club, sponsor of the show. “The Maryland Jersey Cattle Club would like everyone who showed at the Willis Fair to know that they did a super job and we ate very proud of everyone,” Hines stated in a news release. Birch’s 3-year-old was also the senior champion animal of the show, while taking the reserve grand and reserve senior champ ionship titles was JJS Frieda, an aged cow shown by Julie Delp. The junior champion was a senior heifer calf, shown by Ashe ly Burbette, while the reserve breeder, showman, mid herdsman who was devoted to encouraging junior interest in Jerseys. Jersey juniors who are graduat ing from high school and have been accepted by a college or uni versity ate eligible to compete for two William A. Russell scholar ships. The Russell scholarship was established in 1977 to honor Bill Russell, a lifelong Jersey enthusiast who was an area rep resentative of the American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey Inc. Three Jack C. Nisbet Memorial Scholarships are awarded annual- junior champion was an intermedi ate calf shown by Ryan Savage. For more information on the show or the Maryland Jersey Cattle Club, contact Hines at (410) 775-2629. WILLIS FAIR Jr. Jersey Show INTERMEDIATE CALF; IRyan Savage; ZAddy Pawley; 3.Aihley Mayer. SENIOR CALF: LAihely Burdette; Z Kel lie Savage; 3-Emily Birch. SUMMER YEARLING: I.Andrea Hood; ZEmily Bitch; 3.Shanna Brad draw. JUNIOR YEARLING: I.Amanda HoUnd; ZBnice Banler, 3.Tom Lakin. INTERMEDIATE YEARLING; l.Katie Bustard; ZShatmcn Harbaugh; S.Robbie Bassler. SENIOR YEARLING: Uamie Savage; ZBtenna Remsburg. JR CHAMPION: Ashley Burdette RESERVE JR CHAMP: Ryan Savage JR 2-YR-OLD: l.Ashely Burdette; ZAdam Harvey. JR 3-YR-OLD: 1 .Heather Hines. SR 3-YR-OLD: 1 Emily Bitch AGED COW: Julie Delp SENIOR CHAMPION: Emily Bitch RESERVE SR CHAMPION: Julie Delp GRAND CHAMPION: Emily Birch RESERVE GRAND: Julie Delp. THE END OF TEAT INJURY &>£) The“TEATSAVER” pushes the udder & teat away from / r the dew daw. Apply two weeks prior ([ i to freshening. This product can be purchased at your local Farm Stores or Feed Mills or by contacting your local animal health centers. -7 '' S The "TEATSAVER" supplied by < JB - Sij pp , y Lld } Chetek Wisconsin 54728 V For Information Phone (715) 924-2136 Ljnewtw Fanning, Saturday, Juna 3,1995-A27 ly to participants in the National Jersey Youth Achievement Con test Nisbet joined the AJCA staff in 1941 as an extension director. He served as executive secretary for the Association from 1943-1947. There is an $l,OOO Stanley K. Bansen Scholarship to be awarded to students working on an advanced degree (Masters of PhD) in dairy or animal science, dairy manufacturing, or agricultural business. The Bansen scholarship was established in 1992 to honor Bansen’s lifelong interest and dedication to the Jersey breed and the dairy industry. Besides these scholarships, the American Jersey Cattle Associa tion administers the ABS/Morris B. Ewing Essay Contest spon sored by American Breeders Ser vice. The contest winner will be awarded a $5OO scholarship. Con test entries should focus on the question: “How can Jersey Breed ers work with the genetic industry (AI organizations, universities, etc.) to help further the Jersey breed in the dairy industry?” To be eligible for the contest, applicants must be between 16 and 22 years of age on January 1 of the contest year. Essays should not exceed 1,000 words and will be judged on accuracy of information, creativi ty, and grammatical correctness. Jersey scholarships are avail able to youth who own at least one registered Jersey and who are accepted or enrolled in college. Selection is based on financial need and scholarship achieve ment, as well as Jersey and related activities. The deadline for apply ing for a 1994 scholarship is July 1. Applications ate available by calling the American Jersey Cattle Association (614) 861-3636 or writing to: 6486 East Main Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-2362.
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