ElMancast* Farming, Saturday, June 3, 1995 ‘Nature’s Best’ (Continued from Pag* E 10) occupies the whole block of Ver non Avenue with plans to expand packaging and distribution opera tions to another nearby location. Now under the executive direc tion of two sons, Vona’s dairy has evolved into a self-sufficient, streamlined business processing more than 80,000 gallons of milk and milk products a day. The dairy has also expanded into the Far Eastern markets, with contracts in Okinawa and occasionally in Seoul, South Korea. Allhoqgh Vona, age 81, is still president of the company, he has reduced his activity in the busi- KAREN BUTLER Maryland Correspondent Maryland Correspondent Kar en Butler lives in Yellow Springs, Frederick County. She holds a degree in art history and history from Western Maryland College, Westminster. Her past experiences include research work at the Baltimore Museum of Art and a year as education specialist for the Maryland Museum of African Art in Columbia, Md. Karen works from home, de corating specialty cakes. She is active at her church in the pre school and in the cribbery, and leaches vacation Bible school. Karen and her husband Bryan have some grade Brown Swiss heifers that are involved in the identity enrollment program, and they grow fruit on a small scale. They also have 45 chickens, a miniature donkey, and a young horse. Karen and Bryan have two sons, Beau and Tommy, and a baby girl, Erin Eleanore. c \ WE MANUFACTURE \ \ THE IDEAL CEILING \ \ PANS FOR DAIRY \ \ BARNS! - WHOLESALE & RETAIL Do-It-Yourself Installation 60” Wide Fan Unit Powered By Honda Engine - Direct Drive Or Hydraulic Motor - s B9°° UNIT (Less Belting & Drive Unit) I We Stock % ” & 'A ” Round Belting | We Stock ANIMAL AIR CLIPPERS with Heinlger Clipper Head Reg. $189.00 SPECIAL THRU JUNE - *160” 18.3. EaAMHaBi shkbir 2388 Old Leacock Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529 717-768-3853 -UKSwi*- ness at this time, according to son James A. “Jimmy” Vona. Struc ture of the company now includes Jimmy Vona, who is in charge of operations and international operations, and Joseph H. “Jody” Vona, who is responsible for mar keting and distribution. A third generation, Jody’s son, Tony, is also involved he is in charge of purchasing and quality control. Jeff Flora serves as the plant man ager. Dairy Maid is the major suppli- (Turn to P*| I* El 4] JONES-DAIRY SERVICE Medford, NJ 609-267-0198 The business office of Dairy Maid Dairy Is on tree-lined Vernon Avenue. The pro cessing facilities occupy one whole block. Equipment St Systems gsjKßmGj To Imrpove Your First In Product Innovation Bottom Line Air-Star Vacuum Pump Save Monty - The Air-Star vacuum pump not consume oil like a conventional >il vane vacuum pump, saving the cost of pump oil. High Pertomwnco - The Air-Star vacuum pump creates stable vacu um with low power consumption. Alr-Slar vacuum pumps are avail able in sizes from 5 HP to 25 HP Dari-Kool Milk Cooler • Efficient • Dependable • Convenient Wand J DAIRY SALES Oxford, PA 717-529-2569 Opti-Flo (Milk transfer System) This control allows the milk pump to deliver a steady, gentle flow of milk to the plate cooler to achieve more effi cient cooling Since milk goes through the plate cooler at a slower pace, the water has a belter chance to lake the heat out of the milk, and increase the quality ol the milk. Dari-Kool milk coolers, larger than 800 gallons, are con structed with two or more independent, full-flow cooling plates, this fail-safe design distributes the cooling load efficiency and equally between compressors. Should one compressor fail, milk will be cooled by the other independent system, (hereby avoiding the loss of a tank of milk. TRI-STATE FARM AUTOMATION Hagerstown, MD 301-416-7340 Agri-Comp Computer The Agri-comp 2045 Herd Management Computer and soft ware are state-of-the-art Innovation at its finest. The totally integrated package with direct link-ups to detachers with milk meters and to feed stations updates cow , data instantly in three vital / areas; 1) milk production, 2) feeding and 3) breeding " Flo-Star claws Its unique design fields mam tain healthy udders by protect ing against cross-contamination L while promoting (aster, gentler milking and improved milk qual- No other milking claw can match the outstanding perfor mance of Flo-Star. Dari-Kool Plate Cooler PRINGLE FEED STORE Greenville, PA 412-588-7950 irl-Kool Plate Cooler i risk ol downgraded Ik and Income loss, because quick cooling insures you ship qual ity milk. It cuts bulk milk cooler run time, reducing wear and tear in the compressor It ly existing system it's :t, economical, and to your needs. McNEAL FARM SERVICE Towanda, PA 717.364-5460
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