EllMjnctttflr Fartrtng, Saturday, June 3, 1995 ‘Nature’s Best’ Processed At Maryland Dairy KAREN BUTLER Maryland Correspondent FREDERICK, Md. Five days a week, the tractor trailers carrying milk from daily farms throughout Maryland roll into the receiving bay at Dairy Maid Jody Vona. John Deere Industrial Power Units 19 to 375 HP for * Shops JH _ji • Sawmills J m • Irrigation 9 Pumps * Any Power ■■jr.- Need You May Have. Ciutches, Hoods, & other Options Available Diesel Engine Service 13 Pleasant Valley Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522 717-733-3890 Fax 717-738-3146 FOR SALE PEANUT \ HULLS I For 1 BEDDING I Most effective I as bedding for all I kinds of beef ahd I dairy cattle, hogs, . horses/sheep and V i poultry X Any amount delivered X or call for at farm. t Esbenshade IbrkeyFan^ (America’s adest—SinoS.l9sBi: paratm% jjig (71?) Dairy, unloading more than two million pounds of nature’s best a week. It is at this processing company in Frederick, one of five such dair ies in the state, that the milk is pro cessed, packaged, and then distri- buted throughout central Mary land, Northern Virginia, and into Washington, D.C. In 1946, Dairy Maid’s owner Joseph Vona purchased what was Hydraulics • Pneumatics ■ Power Transmission Everything (or Milking Parlor Automation 00? Filters - Regulator Lubricators This machine fills and seals 110 half-gallons per minute. The Jugs are manufactur ed in-house through a blowmold procedure. Beiler Hydraulics ** DISTRIBUTORS • 252 N. Shirk Rd., New Holland, Pa 17557 • Box 56 RRI, Atglan, Pa 19310 717-354-6066 610-593-2981 VALVES Manual - Selonoid Limit - Toggle POLYETHYLENE TUBING Connectors - Brass Fittings at that time the old Excelsior Dairy on Vemon Avenue. Vona was from Pennsylvania, and he married a Frederick girl. Vona op erated Excelsior until in the early CYLINDERS NFAP Stainless * Aluminum AIR COMPRESSORS All Cast Iron Pressure or Splash Lube 19605, when he combined it with several other small dairies and formed Dairy Maid. The company has continued to grow, and today (Turn to P<
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