NELSON PARTS 250 LOVE JOY RD PENN YAN NY. 14527 (800)730-4020 (716)526-6705 USED JOHN DEERE TRACTOR PARTS 4020,3020,2520,4010,3010,2010 USED JOHN DEERE ENGINE PARTS 2940,2840,4430, 4230,4030, 5020, 4020, 3020,2520,4010,3010,2010 USED PLOW PARTS JD 2500,1450,360, 350,145; OLIVER 575, 548. 568; IH 700, 710, 720; MF 880, AC 2000 JO 25200 WFE $7,900 JO 3020 D WFE $6,800 JD 346 Baler w/ Ejector $3,200 JD 3 Bottom Semi-Mount Hyd. Reset Plow $6OO 4020 Diesel Engine $2,400 Exchange Wide Front End for 4020 $975 WE SHIP U.P.S. - R.P.S. & TRUCK FREIGHT 1(800)730-4020 (NO TWO CYLINDER PARTS) KUBOTA GENERATORS Kubof w r ys&*\ «./! -V yjft' *M r<< * m ) ~ ' <f " 0 ■“'- - .■-■■' ? H-Ait'l»'^-- , <-i.> ■ Kubota 89200 HSD 4x4 w/Loader, Some Bad Sheet Metal Only $7,500 John Deere 770 4x4, w/Loader 550 Hrs. Kubota L 2900 4x4 Ford 1700 4x4 Tractor w/Loader & Backhoe Kubota Grand L model MADE FOR MUD Located: 4 Miles North of Reading on Route 61 - 3 Miles South of Leesport Rag. Hours: Mon. thru Frl. 8 to 5; Sat. 8 to 12 International 300 w/Loader $3,900 4x4 TRACTORS •ID 770 4x4 With Loader JD 850 4x4 w/Loader !■ Baekhoe JD 950 4x4 With Loader & Backhoa JD 970 4x4 With Loader JD 1050 4x4 With Loader Ford 1700 With Loader 4x4 Ford 1920 With Loader 4x4 Ford 3400 w/Loader Kubota FZ 2100 w/60” Front Mower Kubota B-7100 4WD with Loader Kubota 7100 4x4 w/Mower, Hydro, Low Hra. Kubota B>B2oo 4x4 With Loader Kubota B-9200 4x4 With Loader Kubota B-ISSO 4x4 With Loader Kubota L-2250 4x4 With Loader Kubota L 2250 DT 4x4 w/Loader Kubota L 2950 DT 4x4 w/Loader Kubota L 2900 DT 4x4 w/Loader Kubota L-2850 4x4 With Loadar Kubota L 3750 4x4 TLB Wle Bedding Chopper (Straw) Brlnlay Cultivators & Dlaca (Reduced) Now Harley Rock Rakea for Caaa Skid Loaders BACKHOES Bradco HMD, Fit* KubotaT33, 37 & 4150 Kelley 30 Arpe 80 & 90 Thome* S' for Skid Loader New Wood* 650’a & 750 * SKjm LOADERS Cm 1835 C - Mica Repaint Gehl 2500 Gas (naeds paint) IH 4120 w/New Englna [REAR BLADES IN STOCK 5 ft.. 6 Latgc Selection Ot New Kubotas Heady P'or Spring! KUBOTA PARTS SUPPORT Standing Ready To Back You All The Way f—g Qli@ f Ojy Kubota 81750 Hyst. w/60" Belly Mower, Ford 3400 Tractor w/Loader We Ship Dally p m Farmall “A” w/Woods Belly Mower Nice Shape 3 Pt. HltCh UncaiUf Farming, Saturday, Juna 3,1K5-W7 © 1995 CASE CORPORATION CASE 111 Cdse IH is <1 registered iMdenidrk ot C.isc Corporation WMfaru equipment WANTED WANTED; Bucket for Fiat Allis 5458 wheel loader; 215/757-2524, Bucks Co. 21' packer $2000; Ford 800 utility tractor, $1000; 12' JD dozer blade, $500; MF3O industrial tractor w/ side mower, $5000; Woods 6' mower, cuts 3" diameter, $1000; Shop crane lifts 12’, $5OO, (2)-1974 Mack M 8237 engine, 10 speed, tranmission whole or parts. 609-267-6154 n A 1 point fast hitch and plow to fit Cub f-armall. Call (410)661-0956 or (410)993-0662 AC 200 tractor Must be good condition. Call 8-9 PM 717-726-7235 Cultivator wanted to fit AC XT 190, front mount, (814)632-8489 JD 480 haybine for parts or repair (610)689-4197 WANTED FOR FORD 3000, used over/under transmission 610-759-0230.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers