est Buys in Used Equipment 'il TRACTORS: IH 1486 New Eng., Cab, 7,900 CASE 3394,162 HP, cab, A/C, 2900 hrs., MFD, nice unit $34,500 IH 1486, cab, A/C, 4200 hrs $14,900 CORK PLANTERS: IH 800,4 row, dry fert., 540 PTC, monitor, ready $7,500 PLOW: KVERNELAND, sxlB, spring reset, very good $3,500 WINDROWER: HESSTON, 6450, self-propelled, very good condition, 950 hrs $13,500 \ SEE THEM AT BENDER IMPLEMENT CO. 742 S. Edgewood Ave. Somerset, PA 15501 (814) 443-4611 CASE §U 199 S CASC CORPORATION . ,ise IH r if ■ ■!! '■ 'i" I'i i in- i I i .r . i i ,r| -- ,i !i n i QUALITY EQUIPMENT - DEPENDABLE SERVICE A Trusted Name For 22 Years laglgliug y®oii® Mian mam iMsiaaiDsaaßav. 4-60RIWHEE SPREADERS WITH POWER STEERING *3ISI TO fSN US GAL SPREADERS WITH SINGLE AXLE OR TANDEM-2351 TO (fill US GAL I“f^^SXST • "V" shapa bottom (or mom • Standard axlarior finish: complota claan oat apoxy primar and urothano paint. • Low profilo tank (or maximum visibility and stability. caganya Liquid Mi AGITATES BOTTOI AND SURFACI AT THE SAP Rotative directional valvi operated while P.T.O. is Powerful nozzle to slice aglgate the crust of mam covering the surface of' holding area. 24” dla. mixing propellei a full time bottom agitatl 21 500 US G.P.M. even loading a spreader. 20” dla. Impeller with self-cleaning blades. Bottom gear box with oil bath protected by a greaseabls 3 seals mechanism on each shaft. SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT .»££ Mlttlinburg, PA 717 noe o7ols 17M4 Your Complete Liquid Manure Equipment yi7-»ee-z/jo , .„ _ _ .. , Ask For Ernest or Dean Dealer For 22 Yearsl We re Here To Serve You! WITH FLOTATION TIRES TO MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION AGI-POMPE® Available In 5 versions for concrete pita. JD 4219 Engine, Rebuilt, 1 Year s«i« phc* Or 1500 Hr. Warranty .T 52366-$2,300 JD 3 RN Com Head For Harvester F.R 51,500 JD 845 3 BottonSMi|ver Plow sBBo NH 371 Manure Spreader.. 6V92T Detroit, Good Condition 51,200 6V71 Detroit, Gnjiji Condition.. 100- $BOO 18.4x34 Duals rses©- $450 JD Tractor cab Best offer CUSTOM AG BAGGING Bxloo ft. bags $450 Bxlso ft. bags $6OO HOOVER'S ENGINE SHOP New JD Engines Available Rebuild Engines (all makes) Detroit Parts In Stock RR#S Box 63 Mifflinbura, PA 17844 (717J966-3839 2,251 Hew W/5 ' 10 Y( Wait; VACUUM TANK • 1500 to 5000 Gal. • Commercial Duty Shut-Off • 10 Year Tank Warranty And Vac Pump • 4 Shank Rear Injector • 28 Ply Flotation Urea AVAILABLE WITH MULTIPURPOSE OPTION TO ALSO CLIMB INTO CONCRETE PITS UP TO 14’ DEEP rs9*S- $325 k Cedi Now 4 For Special' L Deals _2 mms Gaar box oil bath protactad by a graastabla 3 stals maehanlam on aach shaft. SPREADER TANKS ft LAGOON PUMPS AVAILABLE FOR RENT Cub Cadet 1572 w/60” Deck Cub Cadet 1872 w/60‘ Deck Cub Cadet 2072 w/70” Deck Cub Cadet 1782 w/60” Deck Cub Cadet 1862 w/44” Deck JD 1219 Mower Conditioner IH 1190 9’ Mower Conditioner IH 800 6R Planter Kuhn 200 Mower Conditioner Kuhn SC3OO Mower Conditioner NI 207 Spreader N 1484 Round Baler IH 510 Drill 18x7 Woods HD 315 Mower Gehl 1500 A Round Baler 72” Manure Forks for 2250 loader JD Forage Blower JD Forage Blower (1) 15-72 Landpride Seeder (1) Little Giant 28' Elevator Cub Cultivators Cub 54A Blade NI Drop Spreader NI 555 Baler Woods RN 59 Mower Mott 5’ Mower BIGGS INCORPORATED TRAIL AGI-POMPE® 32' AND 42’ FOR LAGOONS GREAI KtHfUMMANUC IN HOG OR DAIRY MANURE 1- articulated nozzle daalgnad to allca and braak tha top cruat from abova tha manura laval as tha propsllar homogsnisas tha liquid with tha ramalning floating chunks. 2- dla. mixing propsllar providing lull lima agitation up to 21,500 US Q.P.M. avan whan loading a apraadar. 3- controla can ba oparatad from tractor scat. 4- directional valva daalgnad to ba oparatad at lew R.P.M. without stopping the P.T.O. 1 4 I JDSM Plaid Cultivator 2S' w/Toothßar JD MS, an Cultivator JD ISM Rotary Mowar JD 10M Rotary Mowar Rhino 20’ Bat Wing Mowar JD IBM Rotary Mowar Caaa Modal 14, • Shank V Rlppar IH S Shank, V Rlppar lUaad JD 27 Flail Shraddar JD2SMS Bottom Plow. Spring Raaat JD 230 Dlac Wingfold NH 3M Manura Spraadar, Uaadt Saaaon NlflOlßCom Plckar Rlchardton Modal 700 sida Dump Wagon John Blua, 1,000 gal. Sprayar Johi^uaSOOjajJgrjjja^J Ruggedl/4 lnph StMl Hay Faadara Available from 16’ to 27 On Skids 2 wheels or 4 wheels. Available also with self-locking panels JAL Equipment St. Thomas, PA 717-369-2637 Pat* TRACTORS JO MOO Tractor, MFWO w/Cib JD 0400 Tractor w/Cab JO 0200 Tractor w/Cab JO 4030 Tractor w/Cab, RaeondWonad JD 4448 MFWO w/Cab JD 4400 Tractor JD 4430 Tractor w/Cab JO 4040 Tractor w/Cab JD 4010 Tractor w/Cab JO 2000 Tractor, MFWO JD 2750 Tractor 2WD w/Cab JO 2740 tractor 2WD JO 2450 Tractor MFWO w/Leadar JD (SO Tractor JO 130 Tractor IHIOM Tnctor IH (59, WFE lIH 574 Tractor w/Cab t Dual Whada Ford IN Tractor HAY EQUIPMENT JD 337 Balar w/EJ actor JD 430 Round Balar Nl 455 Round Balar NH 345 Round Balar NH 4(9 Mowar CondlUonar NH 411 Mowar Condltlonar JD 3940 Foraga Harvaatar JD 3940 Foraga Harvaatar JD 990 Foraga Harvaatar ‘ w/sV>'Pickup It 2 Row Wlda JD 719 Foraga Wagon Mayara modal 51IAL Foraga Wagon w/naw aldaa PLANTERS JD 7000 OR Conn. Plantar JD 7000 4R Cona. Plantar AC 333 4 Row, Air Champ., Dry Fartlllzar IH 5100 Grain Drill UaadJD 9250 Grain Drill COMBINES JD 6920 alda HIM eomblna w/643 com haad A platform JD 9(20 Slda Hill Comblna JO (900 Slda Hill Combtna, Racondltionad JD 4425 Comblna w/443 Com Haad A Platform JD 220 Rax Platform JD (43 Com Haad JD (43 Com Haad MF 4R Com Haad MISCELLANEOUS
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