2 New Augers for 22' SiIo ‘NLOADERS malic Unloader, $350. Silo ' mafic Winch w/Power ZOOK’S SILO REPAIR Buy And Sell Silos General Repair Work Extensions, Roof Repair, Chute Repair, Tear Down & Rebuild. Reline With Shotcrete Distributors, Fill Pipe RD 2, Box 90 Honey Brook, PA 19344 610/273-9211 MAY-CO PLASTIC SILO LINERS To have mold free haylage, corn silage & hi-moisture grains, install a May-Co liner in silos with or without unloaders. Easy to install SHOP (717) 399-8232 OFFICE (717) 768-3289 MAY-CO SUPPLY CO., INC. 48 Jeffrey Road, Gordonville, PA 17529 1 , A LESSON WELL LEARNED... Lancaster Farming's CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTSI Phone: 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 SILOS AND H MJNLOADERS Hoist, Ex. Cond., $350. Fan Housing w/New Throw Paddles for Titian Un loader, $276 (717)786-2103. Bunker Silos ,:ni <*’ m~ if- % , Precast Concrete Bunker Silos or commodity buildings built to suit your needs. Bunkers available in 8 Ft. or 12 Ft. High Keystone \ /^affusultN CONCRETE [ 'L, fJ PRODUCTS \ \Saai/ ,M<^> 477 East Faonersvllle Rd,. New Holland, ?A 17557 (717) 355-2361 Strengthen Your Sil \\\* Fill Pipe Vinyl end Steel New, Used And Recon ditioned Silos Available Vinyl Repair Sleeve (£g) U i Spraadar or \Vi] I 1 Sail Propallad off Spreadar (to ba ff uaad with alio baga) 2 Arm Pipe Support Brackett Manufacturers and Builders of New Silos S & S Silo Repair (610) 273-3993 CALL TOLL FREE: 800-860-3993 Will Shotcretc Telescoping Section Kwlk Pipe lit 0/* 1 Arm Pipe Support Bracket Swivel Transition FberglaM or Steel 1030 . Multi Flo Spreader pel Sollenberger Silos Corp, Office Number - 717-264-9588 For Upright Silos Call For Bunker Silos & Manure Systems Bob Francis 717-369-5915 - Evenings Tabb Justus 717-762-8663 I Sollenberger Silos Corp. - Box N, Chambersburg, PA 17201 | Nairn I Addresi City/State/Zi p. Phone I Please Send Info. On: | O 2. Bottom Unloading Silos | □ 3. Top Unloading Silos □ 4. Precast Bunker Silos “THINK CONCRETE WHEN PLANNING FEED STORAGE” Drive Thru your storage needs and assistance in completing the “Cost Analysis Worksheet” developed by the Crop Stor age Institute Bob Francis - (717) 264-9588' Also available in 20’ and 24’ diameter silos to store from 400 to 3,000 tons of forage. MEMBER: International Silo Association/PA Forage and Grassland Council/AM.. Society of Agricullral Eijgincers/Crop Storage Institute. Sollenberger Silos Corp . 19^1 icastw Farming, Saturday, May 27. 1995-Cl3 .County. □ 1. Manure Pits □ 5. Feed Bunks □ 6. Cattleguards □ 7. Industrial “The Big Jim is doing a fine job bringing the feed down. We really believe the drive-thru, Big Jim System is worth any one’s consideration, It is costing more every year to grow forages and we feel our minimal quality and quantity losses are easily paying for the additional initial cost of this investment compared to that ol a bunker. We arc throwing no feed away and the cows are milking the best they ever have.” (over 90 lbs. per cow.) Signcd/Alwatcr Farms Rick Atwater Drive your truck or mixer-wagon . under the 12' high floor for fast and efficient delivery of your wilted hay or silage. Eliminate conveyors from, silos to mixer. Call for an appointment to discuss
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers