LIQUID MANURE HAULING AND PUMP RENTAL 610/286-0168 610/286-0706 Brubaker’s Custom Bagging 6’ and 8’ bags Myerstown, PA (717) 866-6859 if No Answer (717) 866-9093 GREAT PLAINS 10’ No-till' Grain Drill For Rent Contact Jay Hess 717-872-2732 Lancaster County Will also do custom work I BAGGING ) MACHINES • SILAGE BAGS • BALE WRAPPERS **** '■'mt 4 BUT - SELL - TRADE BAGGERS OVER 20 NEW MACHINES TO CHOOSE FROM 4 USED MACHINES TO CHOOSE FROM For Your Beat Prices, Service and Quality ADAM'S SUPPLY P.0.80x 821, Brownstown,. PA 17508 717-656-6508 AGRICULTURAL SALES Seeking sales rep for the Franklin Co., PA & Frederick Co., MD area. Ag background desired, preferably dairy or livestock. Sales experience an asset. Send resume in confidence to: Penn Jersey Products, Inc. P.O. Box 7 B*. New Holland. PA 17557-0007 Or fax to 717-355-9308 FT EGG DEUVERY DRIVER Day Trips To Distribution Centers In Tri-City Area, Class A CDL License Required. FT And FT GENERAL FARM EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Class A CDL Or Farm Background Desired To Apply 717-668-8454 ~ Farmer/Gardnor. Bedmi- pondablo farmhand for CUSTOM nister. NJ. private IBR crow Lebanon WORK apartment, experience and Co. 717-949-3212. references^ necessary. Call Milker for Virginia dairy 908-234-0951. farm. Couple preferred. Custom Ag Bagging Elamßutt 6’ and 8’ bags (717) 626-4072 MKI HELP HI WANTED Cattle Herdsperson Wanted. Must be Capable of Handling Responsiblity, Salary Negotiable w/ Experience. Please Call (410)442-2292 or Send Resume to 1990 Woodbine Rd., Woodbine, MD 21797 Diverse NJ vegetable oper ation w/retail focus on ur ban farm markets, seeks production assistant w/ farm equipment experi ence; (908)689-1641. EARN MONEY Reading books! $30,000/yr Income potential. Details (1)805 962-8000 Ext. Y-4156. Experienced equipment operator wanted for dairy & grain farm in Northampton Co, PA. Milking experience helpful. 6-day work week.' Benefits & housing avail able. References required 610/767-4827 after Bpm. Harvest Texas to Montana. Need combihe, truck and tractor operators. Wheat and fall harvest. Must have experience operating trucks and farm equipment. May thru November FRANZ HARVESTING 316-227-7679. Herdsperson for 100 cow dairy & grain farm. Housing & production benefits in cluded. Person w/some of their own cows a plus. Winding Brook Farm, Bucks Co., PA 215/348-5514 Full position. Fulton Co. Gbod salary plus incentive. PA 80-90 registered herd. Housing provided. Must good wages, housing, re- f avo wriMen r ®. fer ®" c ® s - Terences required. Lon fl term position. Short (814)685-3862. Hm need not apply. Call (804)561-2500 HELP WANTED Experienced Ford New Holland Tractor and Equipment Mechanic Needed at One Of Central PA’s Oldest Ford New Holland Dealerships. Seeking Ambitious Individual With Pleasant Personality to Diagnose and Repair Used Equipment and Set Up New Farm Equipment. Please Send Letter of Inquiry Or Resume to: Box JB3 Lancaster Farming PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 (MHOTERVAOTH) FULL-TIME Must Have Experience in Growing Bedding Plants, Poinsettias, Easter Flowers. Salary Based on Experience. Western Penna -412-899-3438 JANOSKI GREENHOUSE RD 1,80X96 | Clinton, PA 15026 II MORGAN DRIVE AWAY, INC., is seeking safety conscious drivers to transport com mercial motorized vehicles from the Morgantown, PA. area, to points through out the U.S. and Canada. The successful applicants must be at least 21 years old with a valid CDL “A” or “B” with an air brake endorsement, a clean driving record, pass a pre hire drug screen and physical, and qualify under DOT regula tions. You are allowed to tow an economy vehicle behind the majority of vehicles that we deliver, for return transportation. If you are interested in a career with Morgan Drive Away, Inc., please call: 1 -800-919-9798 8 am-4 pm MORGAN DRIVE AWAY, INC. 28651 U.S. 20 WEST ELKHART, IN 46514 CAREER OPPORTUNITY WORK WITH DAIRY FARMERS Sell Bou-Matlc milking equipment, Norbco barn equipment and related parts and supplies. Assume established accounts and develop new accounts in Southeast ern PA. Must have sales experience and a dairy farm background. Salary, commis sion, truck and fringe benefits. If you enjoy working with dairy farmers, this is an excellent opportunity to become part of an established company with an excellent reputation. All replies will be kept confi dential. Contact Dennis at Lancaster Dairy Farm Automation, Inc. 1-800-422-4587 or 1-717-627-4824 PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL Pioneer Hi-Bred is looking for an Individual to assist the Research Plant Pathologist * at the Corn Research Station in New Holland, PA. The selected individual will be expected to work in both laboratory and field settings on a full-time basis from June to September and oo a part-time basis from September to October. The position requires the completion of two years of college coursework in a biology-related field, Including courses with a laboratory component. The applicant should be prepared to work outside in all kinds of weather, be able to do heavy lifting and be free to work Occasional week ends. Interested individuals should call Dr. Laura Abad at: (717) 354-6044 by June 5. Looking tor Amish or do- FARM MANAGE! Full Time - Good Benefits Must have Agricultural background. Start immediately - Send Resume to P.O. Box W, Shamokin, PA 17872 Experienced Farm Hand Needed for a full time position with benefits. General experience with fencing, tractors, mechanics and carpentry work required. Some duties require heavy lifting and labor. Must have reliable transportation, current drivers license and- references. 717/392-6756 weekdays General Manager Retail Environment in PA, Catering to the Lawn & Garden, Hardware and Farm Trades. We are Looking for a Skilled Organizer, Problem Solver, Able to Plan Prioritize and Delegate. Has Strong Management, Customer Relations and Computer Skills, i Please send resume to Lancaster Farming c/0552 P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 Experienced Diesel Track Mechanic for well maintained fleet. Position includes some automotive and off the road equipment repairs. CDL Class A License a must. Flexible hours a possibility. Apply in person 8 AM to 5 PM Bsbenshade Farms 220 Eby Chlques Road Mount Joy, PA 17552 717-653-8061 \ \ Lawn & Garden Ag Dealership \ \ \ \ Part time/Full time \ \ |} Experienced parts counter person \ (\ Computer knowledge helpful ,< ) < Paid holidays, vacation, benefits, 5 $ ► i good wages. I 1 ii 717/567-9173 || \ I . ask for Chester *i CAREER OPPORTUNITY WORK WITH DAIRY FARMERS Sell and service Bou-Matic milking equipment and related supplies and parts. Assume estab lished accounts and develop new accounts in Jefferson, Indiana, Clarion, Armstrong and Westmoreland Counties, PA,- Must have sales experience and a dairy larm background. Salary, commision, truck and fringe benefits. If you enjoy working with dairy farmers, this is aiv excellent oopoportunity to become part ol an established company with an excellent reputa tion. All replies will be kept confidential. Contact Dennis at Lancaster Dairy Farm Automation, Inc. 1-800-421-4587 or 1-717-627-4824 ■ ' m Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 27, 1995-C3l Motivated person for 90 cow Reg. Holstein herd, perfer Christian. Pleasant working enviornment, con tract cows, show cows, nice salary, benefits, hous ing, experience and refer ences needed Call 717-464-0765 for more information Reg. Holstein farm needs part-time person for even ings and weekends. Lan caster Co. 717-464-0765 Sales Representative' Pennfield corporation is a Lancaster Co based agri business w/2 dairy feed sales career opportunities available covering Berks/ Chester and Frederick Co areas. The ideal candidate will have a dairy back ground and minimum of 3-5 years experience in maintaining a sales terntor ity w/a proven record of growth. A BA degree is pre ferred. The company offers a competitve conpensation package and excellent benefits including medical/ dental insurance, 401 K, and company paid pension plan Qualified individuals should submit a confiden tial resume w/salary re quirements to Rebecca J Gable, Pennfield Corpora tion 711 Rohrerstown Rd . P O Box 4366, Lancaster, PA 17604 WANTED Person to work on 70 cow dairy farm Must enjoy working with cows Reid and barn worka-Stall barn, pipeline. House available. Possible husband/wife team South' ern Dauphin Co 717-367-3667 . , Working student w/salary, small hunting & horse show barn. Live in. Far Hilts, NJ 908/439-3039. MANAGER WANTED Looking for hands on person with extensive beef cattle and field experience. Good salary, house utilities and benefits. Send references and work experience: Rolling Ridge Farms 2080 Ehrman Road. Cranberry Twp PA 16066 (412)538-4200 'couple... live on premises in NE Pennsylvania. Caretaker and housekeeper position. Must have references and own transportation. Respond: Personnel, RD #l, Boxl2oC, PA 18211. ORCHARD EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (or 300 acre diversified Orchard/ Farm. Private Pesticide Applicators License preferred. Salary and benefits based on experience and rasponsibilitlas accepted. Call Stuart at (610)269-3494. Hay, cash crop, and dairy farm looking for individual for haying and heifer care. Experience with rotational grazing and fencing a plus. Opportunity to build equity with cattle. Room, board and salary based on experience. Mennonite or Chrlstlsn preferred. Contact (315) 497-3740
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