C34-LancMtef Farming, Saturday, March 18. 1995 sale 1987 Toyoda FRS AUTOS 4x4 pickup, 50,000 original miles, exeoellent condition, as kina $8,000.00 or obo. 717-538-1771. /i Fords, Chevys, Etc. Over 100 available every Wed nesday 6:30 PM. YORK PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION. Exit 12 Interstate 63. tags and transfers available w/ proof of insurance. 717-266-5634. MELARD'S TRUCK & AUTO SALES 955 E. Main St., Ephrata, PA (717) 738-4870 1993 Ford Aerostar XLT Extended V 6, Autb, Dual Air & Heat, Elec. Windows, Locks, AM-FM Cass, Cruise, Tilt, Privacy Glass, 29,000 Miles, Blue -. $13,500 1991 Ford Aerostar XLT Extended 4x4, 4.0 Auto, Dual Air & Heat, Elec. Windows, Locks, AM-FM Cass, Cruise, Tilt, Privacy Glass, 48,000 Miles, Bk. & Silyer $12,500 1991 Chevy Astro Extended, A.W.D. 4.3 Auto, Airy Cruise, Tilt, Elec. Windows, Locks, AM-FM Cass., Privacy Glass, 60,000 Miles.. $12,900 1989 Jeep Cherokee Pioneer 4.0 5 Speed, 4x4, Red, 98,000 Miles, Nice Local Trade $7,900 1985 Nissan Xtra Cab Pickup 4 Cyl., 5 Speed, Air, Alum. Wheels, 100,000 Miles $2,600 1993 Grand Prix SE 4 Dr., 3.1 Auto, Air, Cruise Tilt, Elec. Windows, Locks, 23,000 Miles, Black $12,500 1991 Ford Aerostar XLT Extended, 4.0 Auto, Dual Air & Heat, AM-FM Cass, Elec. Windows, Locks, Cruise, Tilt, Privacy Glass, 64,000 Miles, Black 510,995 KM TRUCKS & |H TRAILERS 10’ dump body, hoist, 28' sides, 1/2 cab, good, $9OO. ($10)589-4202. 12' Hury aluminum cattle body, very good shape, $2,250 080 (410)526-6892 13' Lime spreader box, 30' Stoltzfus booms, good con dition, $3OOO. 717/993-6328 16’ aluminum flatbed gooseneck trailer w/2 new 6,000# axles and tires. In spected and ready to go. $3,500. (717)369-5702. 1926 model T, Ford truck, w/title. Garaged, restor able. (703)828-6264. 1964 Chevy C60,4+2,350, aluminum dump, T'Wxll'L headboard steel gate, wood sides, inspectable, $2500. 717-682-9580 after SPM. 1966 International truck, 1300 series, stake body, tor parts or restoration, 22,000 original miles, 1 owner, 265 eng., best offer. 717-665-3791. 1970 Chevy 18' Dump Truck w/Hyd Endgate; 22' Van Body; (717)273-9952. 1971 GMC dump diesel, 10 spd., pintle hook, 33,000 GVW, $3,500. (610)323-2952. 1972 Ford rollback; 1975 International rollback; 1969 Scavia Roll off w/75,000 lbs. rudco hoise, (like new condition); 1981 MR Mack; 1974 RD Mack w/block body; 1973 DM& Mack long wheel base, tri axle; 1972 Mack tri-axle dump; 1986 Ford F 350 wrecker w/diesel motor. Several tow motors for sale Truck parts for sale, transmissions, motors, etc. 610-286-5172 717-354-8946, E.B. AUTO SALES. 1973 F-800 cabover boom truck, 40' stick, 16 ton winch, 5+2, gas, $5OOO 080 410-820-2191. 1973 Ford 350 W7lo' steel flatbed, driven daily, runs good, $l5OO 610/932-5576. Mail Jeep for parts or farm use. After 6 pm, (717)738-3071. Yale forklift, solid tire, 4000 lb. cap, LPG, runs good, $3OOO. 410-335-0131. 1973 International Tandem Axle 13 Spd., 56,000 GVW, Wetlme, No Bed, $2OOO. (717)359-9052. 1974 Ford L 750,1160 CAT diesel, 13 speed 0 0., air seat, good condition, $5OOO 080 610-273-9635 1974 Ford F7OO w/14‘ dump and feed blower. (610)589-4308. 1974 Int. dump truck, 14' gram body, 30,000 QVW, $4,800. (717)369-2540. 1974 U Model Mack w/22' Aluminum Dump Trailer, Runs Good, Can Dump Sil age or Greens. $7OOO. (717)235-2409. 1975 Ford F7OO dump truck, 361, 5+2, 5-7 yd ca pacity and 9' length, good condition, $3,500. (610)644-3555 1975 Ford C 750 w/28' roll back body, tag axle, 5+2, PS, 391 engine, $5900. 908/359-5934. 1980 Ford F-150, 6 der, 4 speed, 4x4 w/plow, $3,000; without plow $2,200. (610)593-7045. 1980 RD model Mack tan dem axle dump truck; 1977 IH 2050 A Fleetstar single axle dump truck. Both trucks w/hitches and air to the rear to pull tag-a-long trailers. 717-738-1560; 717-738-0336. 1981 GMC Brigedere tan dem, 300 Cummins, 9 speed. 58,400 GVW, 16’ silage dump, 6' sides, hyd. tailgate. 102" W, $22,000. 814-848-9753. 1983 Chevrolet refriger ated truck, 6.2 diesel, 4 speed manual trans, 7'xl V box w/power lift, excellent condition. (703)937-6194. 1984 Ford LNBOO 16' grain body, 429 5-spd 2-spd w/ air brakes 201/875-4900. 1984 R-model Mack 350, 13-speed, Jake Nuway air ride, new turbo, water pump, tires, inspection, 180" WB, 11x22.5 rubber, A-Budds front, spoke rear. 6*o-693-6233 after 4PM. 78 GMC 3/4 ton 350 auto matic good running condi tion, body bad w/rust, $5OO. (301)898-7856. 79 Ford F 250, 4x4. V-8, automatic, A/C, flat bed, dump, 112,000 miles, HD hitch, $3,500. (717)272-6391. 8000 gal. tank trailer, good for liquid manure or stor age. $l5OO. 717/527-4442. 85 DODGE Ram-50 (Mit subishi) pickup $l2OO/80; 73 FORD F-750 C&Q 194’W8 $l5OO/80; 70 FORD LN-7SO C4C 202-WB $9OO/80. (609)466-2953. 'B7 GMC 7000, 366 en gine, 5 speed w/24' en closed bed, roll up rear door and ramp. 410-756-6781 'BB GMC Sierra Classic Suburban, 8 passenger, 350 FI. auto. PB. PS, PW. PDL, cruise, tilt, air, 66,000 miles, 1 owner, excellent condition; ‘B7 GMC 2500 Sierra Classic Suburban, 8 passenger, 454, auto, PS, PB, cruise, tilt, air, 49,000 one owner miles, like new. A&J Auto. 717-733-2873 'B9 Ford, diesel, pickup, 4x4,5 speed w/26' Prowler sth wheel camper. Both in excellent condition. $12,500. (609)767-3819. •89 Ford F2SO, 4x4, XLT. A/T, V-8, HD. $B,OOO. (301)898-7426. ‘B9 Ford XLT E 350,12 pas senger, 351 EFI, auto, PS, PB. PW. POL. cruise, tilt, dual air & heat, privacy glass, 35,000 miles, excel lent condition, $11,900. 717-733-2873 ■B9 Ford XLT El5O, 7 pas senger (4 captains & 3 pas senger fold-a-bed) 300 EFI, auto, PS. PB, PW, POL, cruise, tilt, air, AM FM cassette, privacy glass, brown & white, 67,000 miles, excellent condition, $9,500 717-733-2873 '9O Dodge LE 250, ’/• ton, 318 EFI. auto, PB. PS, PW, POL, cruise, tilt, air, AM FM cassette, 7,400 GVW, 2 tone brown, 1 owner, ex cellent condition w/balance of 7/70 warranty, $9,600. 717-733-2873 '9O GMC SLE 1500 ext. cab, 305 FI, auto, PB, PS, cruise, tilt, air. AM—FM cassette, fiberglass cap, blue, highway miles, $8,975. 717-733-2873 1975 IH Fleets tar 2070, 350 Cummins, Jake brake, tri-axle, 17' steel dump, air gate, good tires, brakes heavy rears, new tarp, 73,280, $lO,OOO 080. 717-362-3537. 1975 Marmon cabover, 400 Cummins, 13 trans, Budds wheel, 11-24.5, new paint, very clean inside, AC. $9500 080. 610-458-8433. 1976 GMC, 21.000 GVW, VB, 12' reefer, 108 K, 5 speed. 717/567-6232. 1976 Int. Scout for around farm use, 4x4, runs good, $5OO. 610/932-5576. 1976 Mack tandem axle 1992 International 4900 dump truck, 5 speed trans- series, bought new, 33,500 mission, 38 rears. 1995 InL GVW, cab and chassis or cab and chassis, double can be bought w/18' frame, 400 original miles, flatbed dump, 466DT, long wheel base, can be 35,000 actual miles, 7 made to do anything. Ask speed, air brakes, like new. for Gerald or Jerry Jr., No Sunday calls, (717)463-3701. (717)582-2543. 1977 Chevy dual wheels 12' stake body truck, runs good, inspected, $1495. 717/734-3532. 1977 Ford F-250 pickup, 400 engine, automatic, equipped w/8' Meyers power angle snow plow, good condition, $2,500. (610)644-3555. 1979 Ford F-350 with 9' Eby aluminum cattle body, real good shape! 610-488-1884. '9l Dodge IE 350, IS pas senger van, 360 FI, auto, PS, PB, dual air & heat, privacy glass, 48,000 miles, excellent condition, $11,995. 717-733-2873 '9l Ford Custom F 250 K ton, 302 EFI, 5 spd., PS, PB, AM-FM cassette, dual tanks, 6,600 GVW, 32,000 miles, red, excellent condi tion, $9,950. 717-733-2873 1987 Ranger XLT Automa tic w/Overdrive, 2.3 Liter, Long Bed, AM/FM Cas sette. $2500; 1987 Ranger 2.0 Liter, sSpd, Short Bed, AM/FM. $2200. (610)383-7042. 1988 Ford CF 7000, 29500 GVW, air brakes. 17' van body, will separate $7900.00. 717-867-4896. 1988 Ford 250, 4x4 pick up, 351 VB,ssp, 84,000 mi. $7BOO 00. 717-374-1958. 1989 GMC dump truck, 350, 4 speed, 10,000 GVW, 24,600 miles, very good condition, $12,500. 717-274-5619. 1989 Shelbyco Trailer, 24,000 GVWR, Very Good Condition. (717)752-2837. 1992 Dodge Ram F2SO 4x4 club cab, Cummins diesel,, w/auto. trans., AC and more, red/gray w/ matching Lear topper, 98,000 long haul miles, 1-owner, excellent condi tion. $16,750. 717/758-6284. 1992 Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel Dual Wheel Pick-Up SLE TuTone Gooseneck and Bumper Hitch, 82,000 Miles, Excel lent Condition. $15,750 Weekdays (908)359-5979 Eves. (609)259-7653. 1993 Ravens dump trailer, 38', frameless. Coal chute. Roll tarp. Excellent condi tion, no dents. $32,000 Or Best Offer. 717-225-4355 NO Sunday Calls. 20' Car Carrying Trailer w/ Ramps, Dual Axle. $995 080. (610)670-0444. 22' aluminum van body plus 1 side door, like new. 610-868-5781. 22' flatbed dump, $4300. 717/354-3105. 42' Budd refrigerator trailer w/Therm-O-Kmg unit, good condition, running daily, $4500 OBO; 1983 Mack Mid-liner w/22' van body, insulated ceiling, used for hauling produce, $4OOO 080. 717-648-0094. 69 Ford F 950 Super Duty w/12' Stoltzfus lime spreader, air brakes, new rubber, good running con dition, $2700. 717/742-2712. 72-C-30, 10-6' bed, w/30" sides, 350, 4-speed, good shape for age, $l9OO. 717-432-2760. '77 Ford F-250, 1-ton pickup, 400 engine, auto matic, dual tank, w/8' alu minum cattle bed, has middle deck, drop tailgate, only 75K, runs good, $6500 080. 717-762-6148 (willing to sell just bed). 77 Ford F 350, V-8, 4 speed,>lo' stake bed, no dump, 106,000 miles. P/S, P/B, HD hitch, $4,000. (717)272-6391. 1985 WW gooseneck horse trailer, five horse slant, nice, lots of possibili ties, $5,800. After SPM or leave message, (717)432-3474. 1986 GMC Suburban Ser da Classic, 6.2 diesel, runs great $5500. 814-848-9753. 1986 Morgan 19' insullated box; 1983 Morgan 20' reefer box; 1983 Thermo King, MDI, w/electric standby. 717-682-3171. Ask fdr Gary or Leon. 1987 Dodge D-350, 1 ton, cab and chassis, V-8, 4 speed, P/S, P/B, A/C. 8-5, M-F, (717)627-3603. 1986 Nisson (UD) 32,900 GVW 102,000 mi 1-owner/Driver $10,000060 Joe Hicks 800-866-3362 1965 Kaiser Army IVuck Turbo Diesel, P.S., 12’ Snow Plow, All Wheel Drive, 15’ Dump Bed, New Heater, Winch, Much More. $lO,OOO 080, May Consider Trade For Late Model Diesel Skid loader or 6 Way Dozer 717-456-7666 after 6 P.M.
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