C3O-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 18, 1995 hertz-haul Liquid Man- |»> PI Bil . i TSTT { SToSSSS? S " vte9 ' I CUSTOM NO-TILL PLANTING | ■■■ OFFERED E oy^iiL“a*nuoD y RD Kj PUMP RENTAL { SEED CLEANING on your , FH 7CA IRI nJII I ™ =-. H.C.&Ooleman | 717-867-5633 SK.'SSSU SSS JD 750 15 Drill I ?R A u C c K K HO slns,c D E U V n P i **££.•* | White 6100 6RN Liquid 1 surod. PA4MD. Call John HAULING Uo to 18.000 lb. TSy&'e'f'ff&e&P'tSA I - . I Undinger i eoo-3io-iois. insured. PA&MD. Call John Propane and , r.ietnm I Franklin and Washington Counties | Custom hauling; 1-800-310-1015. Naptha. , ,iT I * 7A 7-Q9ft-9 I M6 I gooseneck trailer; hay. LidhtS and Barn £ PROFESSIONAL t RmmH Ralmn I /I f OAO ««JU { Sfri 1 ”* """"" Lanterns I HOOFTfIIMMINB: 5 „ Mart|n (717)426r4010. LIQUID MANURE rre i an i«ne X Over 20 years experience. V Leemanm s ER ao. H °c^ T r ; “’SKT :| ■sssssr Carlisle. PA 1701 3. 717-354-8232 : Lancaster, PA 17601 1 I Increases milk production. | $B/cow, $3/wrap. Aaron M. Hoover ;? Easyandgentlaonthe J DtS - B==E=3l 717-249-3174. V—? cows and farmer. No v *rn IIT truck. Lavern Rutt, Mt. Joy, 7 SATISFACTION i *" J 1 *" fOJ PA. (717)653-4725. , i \•> GUARANTEED £ ■HHMHKMH 1 717-755-0770 | onyourfam 7 410-484-6191 | 2743 Valley Visw Road MORGANTOWN, PA 19543 BBKIHSiH (610) 286-2062 ■■■■■iCfliiflfil mmmmmmmmamammmm Interstate Hauling w/24x8x8 gooseneck. Livestock, horses, or will help move households. Clean, courteous service. Reasonable rate. Back hauls wanted from MD or southern PA to western NY. 607/359-3921. Man w/24' truck desires permanent position, IS years experience, Lancas ter County area. Govern ment References, plus much more. 610-929-0664. Man w/24' truck looking for work, 15 years experience w/outstanding references. Prefer permanent position Lancaster area. 610/929-0664. Need a break) Relief milk ing. For rates and dates call (717)665-7471 or (800)352-3785. POLLINATION Tony B HONEY BEE REMOVAL SPECIALIST. Wasps & Hornets. Venomous Insects. Honey and Bees wax. 1-800-47-STING CATTLE HOOF TRIMMING (215) 345-0897 Let Me Help You Raise Your Heifers Boarded by the pound/gain. Accepting immediate placement. Let’s Talk Details 814-632-8489 WM CUSTOM WORK Joe Russell Hoof Trimming 10 years experience Equipment disinfected between farms References Available (717) 927-9775 (800) 770-TRIM 8746 jjgjlgl 575-5035 * HENRY'S WELDING CO. PORTABLE WELDING CERTIFIED PIPE WELDING REPAIRS ON HEAVY EQUIPMENT 520 Galen Hall Rd. Telephone ✓ Cattle Hoof Trimming ✓ Total Hoof Care ✓ Hydraulic Tilt Table ✓ All Hand Tools Mark W. Beall (301) 845- 4376 BHCKHOE AND SKID LOADER WORK Farm or contractor Kenneth G. Stoltzfus White Oak Road Christiana, PH 17589 215/593-2363 KM CUSTOM ■■ WORK Custom Bagging. Call Charvin Farm at (717)665-7471 or (800)352-3785. Cash dis counts available. LIQUID MANURE HAULING AND PUMP RENTAL 215/286-0168 215/286-0706 Silage Bags Mm Bagging Machines «jH|l For Your Best Price. Quality & Service ADAMS SUPPLY P.O. Box 821. Btowngtown. PA 17508» 717-656-6509. NEED SOMETHING HAULED? Will do your cattle hauling. Also, hauling with our 24 foot Gooseneck Trailer w/Winch Local Or Long Distance 717-354-7992 SILAGE BAGS (717) 626-4915 WANTED MARBLE buy, sell and cutting R. Bailey (302) 653-4810 STUMP GRINDING CHIPS OR GRINDS Stumps, Pallets, Railroad Ties, Logs, Bushes, Compost Yard Waste (Including Leaves), Building Demolition STUMP AND LOG SPLITTING UP TO 10’ LENGTH Land Clearing, 14” Whole Tree Chipper, Mowing Done with 6” Diameter Capacity Mower. Tree Shearing Done With 18” Tree Shear. MD STATE TREE LICENSE ANDERSON LANDSCAPING (717)872-6137 Great Plains 10’ No-till Grain Drill for rent. Plants alfalfas, grasses, soy beans and small grains. Will also do custom work. 717/872-2732 r Office Hours: Mon Tuc 7 00-5:00 Sh ° P H T-L . m Wed. Thur Fn. \ Mon. Frl. 7:00-4:00 -j qq Sat 8 00-12-00 > n Custom butchering of beef & pork, processing of bologna, dry beef, ham & bacon. Custom hamburger grinding Wed & Thur except Dec. is all venison | 7 SMOKER’S \ T / CUSTOM BUTCHERING'\ / 12 Old Leacock Road \ I L J RONKS, PENNSYLVANIA 17572 <—l Stover >2 -SpSpßlfr Spreading Gap Area Ph: 610-893-5866 Dauphin Cty. Ph; 717-865-3294
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