6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 18, 1995 g 'I * |gsd| iiummjumii I Z'.IIIIIIIII 'buin <' Jm JJ.:: Taraife /SS/rF ■■*,*„„ IF iB <|[-lwrl l-i i-i-i'i-iTtflf^Sil “V UVINCBOOM • ‘j- x I V * MAm»*«0«OOM I •OMOOMH IJ' '» ,M t I .h- / Wl.\ I ' PINE GROVE MODEL G7lO (Many othar floor plant avallabla) THERMOPANE WINDOWS i STEEL DOORS W/STORM DOORS OAK CABINETRY FIBERGLASS TUBS & SHOWERS TOTAL PRICE WITH ALL 0PT10N5....530,900 FREE wathar/dryar aat w/ordar plaead bafort 4/30/95 i Paradise !Homes Cl 3351 Lincoln Mum. 'East •Paradise, PPL 17562 ■(717) 442-5225 or 1(800) 836-6546 — MONO 566 - DOUBLE HOWE SCISSORS FINK TRUSS Top Chord Overhang Slope VAULT STUDIO WITH TWO BEARING POINTS FQR HORSE BARNS IG ARENA Contact your nearest dealer or Call 1-800-326-9689 or Pax (717) 998-9875 Box 370-A1 • Coi R.D. #3 Slope black jiMi Roofing & Siding CTianneldiain* Available in 12 Colora -dISM/m. 7 0 Best Color Retention in the Industry Full Line: Nails, Trim, Screws Delivery Available MARTIN'S ROOFING & SIDING 258 Walnut Bottom Rd. Rt. 81 Shippensburg,PA 17257 Exit 10 17171 532-3460 3 PIECE RAISED CENTER BAY FLAT (PRATT) UP TO 80’ CLEARSPAN ;an Station, PA COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL I POLE BUILDINGS, I I TRUSSES I GARAGES - COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS - I HORSE BARNS - STORAGE BUILDINGS I For FREE ESTIMATES Call I MUSSER & ASSOCIATES, INC. ■ I 1-800-331-1875 717-354-7561 MACHINE STRESS RATED IT&y 2250 f 1.9 E • 17728 DUAL SLOPE (DOUBLE PITCH) DOUBLE CANTILEVER Bottom Chord Overhang FLOOR TRUSSES GAMBREL ATTIC ROOM-IN-ATTIC ROOF & FLOOR TRUSSES Sf WOOD "I" JOISTS PARALLAM* BEAMS rf HANGERS CALL (610) 377-2460 TOLL FREE 800-296-4460 FAX # 610-377-3929 1280 MAIN RD-LEHIGHTON, PA. 18235 MSM GRAIN HH EQUIPMENT 2 1300 bushel Behlen round wire corn cribs, good condition. 410-775-0086. =SS, (4) silo unloaders. (2) Van- Dale 20', Jamesway 20', Badger 16'. 60 and 20 cow Choretime drop tube feed ers; Brock 15 ton feed bin, Patz 240' and Badger 340' bam cleaner, elevator plus other related items. AD sell at auction on 4/8/95, Au- gusta, NJ, ow (201)579-1833. ■ 5000 gal. Fiberglass verti cal tank with top vent & manhole access. 717/393-2992. (jjCj) Hance Corp, Vix EISVStOfI Grain Bint c nn oc Grain Drytrt f OORCS \ I Grain Systems ) Jim & John Check Our Prices Before You Order We Personally Install Everything We Sell 717-584-2282 RR7, Box 470 <§UkU^ Muncy, PA 17756 stirring Machina* 1 Grain Gleaners DAIRY EQUIPMENT (12) Westfalia ACR3 take off and Bio milkers. 410-775-7519. 2" SS pipeline w/vacuum line, 4 milker units w/ hookups; 1000 gal. Sunset bulk -tank, complete. 717/527-4442. 5 round calf hutches w/hay feeders; 5 sq. bigfoot calf hutches w/hay feeders. 410-838-5971. 695 Gallon Milk Tank. IK" (Glass Milkline, Vacuum 'Pump and Compressor, Silo w/Feeder System, Feed Cart, 2 Sets of 7 .Stanchions, Old Wooden Buildings w/Good Boards and Posts. Everything Must Go, Oouglasvitle Area. (610)689-4701. ECKMAN FREE ESTIMATES FMS 5000 bushel grail drying bin, floor heater sw way 5 hp fan heater, 600 Q bushel 21' 7 rings storags bin, unloading equipment, grain spreader, must dis mantle. Best offer. Colum bia Co. 717-784-4792. For Sale: Howe truck scale, 32,0001b5. gross, 20' long. 717/469-0887. Will dismantle and set up used grain bins and equip- ment. Can furnish new hardware and accessories. Sones Grain Systems 717-584-2282. 68* wooden paperboard, bunk feeder, complete $880; 42* wooden feed conveyor, complete, $680.' 814-355-0412. 800 gallon Monjonnier milk tank, Shp compressor unit in excellent condition, $3,300. (717)687-7548. Delaval 11/2* pipeline, $300.00. 75 Delaval vac uumm pump, $400.00. 20 ton Feed bin $400.00.160 1 Jamesway belt feedar $700.00. 215-348-5514. Delaval 40 Cow Pipelini Milking System, SS wadi! tanks, 500 gal. Majonniar SS bulk tank; Cow stanch ions. 410/228-2321. 410/228-0097. I
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