bln*, field ■ dition. NH 499 haybina, hyd. swing hitch, 12’; Mayer 516 sranwHg r'J'.'TWr.'SS working condition. $l2OO. 301/223-5430 717/742-2712. -—: IH 489 Hn N ready, good 717/935-5282. com EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambaraburg, PA 17201 _ Phona: 717-263-0705 Salaa - Parte - Service ||K ~ MMfHOUAH! NEW FORD NH 824 Corn Head TRACTORS NH 488 Haybine Ford 260 C, 4WD NH 2450 Solf w/744 Idr. . Propelled Haybine Ford 1520, 4WD NH 258 Rake Ford 1920, 4WD NH 256 Rake Ford 6610, 2WD NH 28 Blower w/DP NH 40 Blower Ford 7610, 2WD (2) NH 166 Windrow w/DP Inverters Ford 7740, 4WD, NH 355 Grinder Mixer cab, 16x16 w/Scales Ford 8340, 2WD NH 358 Grinder Mixer no Cab, 16x16 w/Scales Trans. FORD NH 570 Baler w/72 Thrower NH 452 Disc Mower NH 155 Manure Spdr. NH 185 Manure Spdr. NH 190 Manure Spdr. NH 890 W Hay Head Special Savings On Oil 55 Gallon Drum $190.00 134 Hydraulic Oil 15W40 - 10W30 - 30 Weight Engine Oil 5 Gallon Bucket $22.00 134 Hydraulic Oil • 15W40 Engine Oil Located; 1 Mile Off Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Hours: 8:30-5:00 Monday thru Friday 8:30-12:00 Saturdays BWe Accept We Par,s VISA & Master Card UPS Dally NEW EQUIPMENT Sukup 9400 6R Cultivator w/Guldance Systam Agco-Allis 9650 AWD Agco-Allis 5670 2WD Agco-Allis 4650 2WD R 62 Gleaner Combine Artsway Sllamlx Hydra-Mac 1300 Skid Loader M&W Round Baler Kidd Bale Chopper Mailiss No-TIII Drill T Pull Type Landoll 6R Com Planter Landoll 4R Com Planter Woods Mower Deutz-Fahr Hay Equip. Kuhn Hay Equip. USED E< Nl 2 Row Corn Picker, Pull Type, Wide Row, Excellent Condition NH 276 Baler w/Th rower 5670 2W Tractor, Low Hours MF Loader w/3 Buckets AC Model F. Combine w/438 C-Head, 13’ GH Gehl Model 1000 Forage Harvester w/C-Head Used N 5 Gleaner Combine W/630C Hesd and 15’ Grain Head, Excellent Cond. - Call for Price Artsway Sllamlx Feed Wagon In Stock Now. B. EQUIP. INC. 8422 Wayne Highway Waynesboro, Pa. 17268 IXII 1 717 ' 762 " 3193 I 7AM - SPM Mon.-Frl. For Iht way yoor film udar 7100 AM 3PM GLEANER* GT 65 w/48' Deck GT 85 w/48" Deck LT 12A LS 25 LS 45 LS 55 lUIPME] TRACTORS MF2OC Industrial Cab Tractor w/MF 3za Industrial Loader (NEW) MF3090, 71 hrs. Flat Hesston 666 4WD w/loader MF 135 w/industrial loader MF 375, 4WD, new MF 3630, 2WD w/cab, 50 hrs. Ferguson 20 MF 1130, real good MF 1150 w/duals, good MF 670 4WD, cab & air, like new MF 3660 2WD, cab, air, 20.8x38 tires, 60 hours Set of new 18.4x34 duals w/Goodyear Ures to fit MF tractor SKTOSTEER LOADERS Gehl 5L4610 diesel Gehl 5L4625, 160 hrs. Case 1830 skid loader MF 236 loader to fit MF 184 Tractor PLANTING ft TILLAGE EQUIP, Kinze 4R 30” w/dry fertilizer, insecticide, w/monltor, new, 1 only $12,500 MF, JD, Ford 3 pt. plows JD F 325, 3b hyd. reset MF 880 4b hyd. reset, nice MF 800 4b 18” hyd. reset, nice GT 1006 10’ no-tlll drill, new Moore GT 10’ drill Brillion 12' soil groomer, new Krause Model 2200 transport disc harrow Kewanee offset disc harrow MF 520 14' transport disc harrow Dyna-Drlve 15’ rotary surface cultivator MIBC. EQUIP. Ford F 350, 1953, pickup w/Century sprayer Gehl MXIIS grinder mixer Gehl 7210 TMR mixer feeder, used 1 year, nice Martin 51666 tandem manure spreader Wlc 3 pt. hitch Bedding'Chopper Weaverline 330 feed cart LONGBNBCKER’S INC. Williamsburg, PA 16693 814*793-3731 Leaman JL\ 329 Brenneman Rd., n Willow Street, PA 17584 JI (Lancaster Co.) 717-464-2874 (Turn Left on Brenneman Rd. from 222 S at Refton) Fax 717-464-4130 DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED TORQUE AMPLIFIERS & CLUTCHES ★ New Wider Heavy Duty Super Sprag 1-1/32” Wide ★ 5 Yr. Warranty Against Sprag Failure ★ Price $695.00 ★ 5 yr. -100% parts & labor against sprag ★ 2 yr. - 100% parts & labor on remainder of unit ♦Certain restrictions apply and there will be a maximum labor pay-out of $450.00. We also have units & parts available to rebuild old style TA’s, including ramp & carrier sets. NEW price on ramps & carriers -$200.00 USED PARTS We specialize in IH tractors but we also have Case, AC, JD, Oliver, Massey and White tractors in our inventory. NEED EQUIPMENT FOR SPRING? WANT TO DELAY PAYMENTS? YES! Then you should consider a Lease/Purchase arrangement for your equipment needs. * NEW or USED equipment * SAVE on Taxes * CUSTOMIZE Your PAYMENTS * Use a TRADE Towards PAYMENTS * WORK with a Dealer of Your CHOICE Expanded Services * Ways to Preserve the Family Fcfrm * Personal/Estate Tax Reduction * Retirement Accounts * IRA's Contact: Jennifer Stafford BUSINESS LEASE CONSULTANTS, INC. Agricultural & General Equipment 1-800-743-3009 K f' 1 ' < t • « r U \ ,i,m Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 18, 1995-D9 ractor USED TRACTORS IH 1066, Very Low Hrs. IH 1256 IH 1468, V 8 IH 1066, Black Stripe IH 1486 C/A Duals, Clean Tractor, New T/A IH 1086 POPS, Duals & Weights, New T/A IH 3288 cab, air IH 3288 POPS, IH 1456 fender, duals & weights JD 730 D ElM*wh£tart, WF, Dual Valve Corr *3 Pt. MM 445 fresh overhaul & paint Case 1070 Cab, Air, Power Shift, 20.8 Radials, Very Clean IH 806 Diesel, WF. Cab, 2 Pt. IH 806 Diesel, Fender, WF, 3 Pt. arts if w
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