Yjm PETS WANTED TO BUY Puppies, mixed breed & AKC for resale in pet store. Also looking for kittens. Call when young for pick-up at 7 weeks. Fair price paid. Norman Wheeler 610-380-1445 lost December 26,1994. White Female Husky w/Blue Eyes and Medical Prob lems Answers to Natasha. $5OO Reward (717)898-3723 or 665-5206 wSjjMcOMPUTERS Computer Sales & Service. Guaranteed repairs and upgrades Specialized tu toring available. JOHN LINDINGER 717-862-1015 B|| NOTICE Investor wishes to make an investment in ongoing farm Please contact me with your situation 691 Mill Street, Belleville. NJ 07109 INVITATIONS FOR BIDS The Fulton Conservation District is requesting bids for the construction of several Ag Waste Storage Systems to be funded in part by the Chesapeake Bay Program. Construc tion of these projects is expected to begin in 1995. The sites are located throughout Fulton County, PA. Prospective contractors will receive a bid package which contains instructions to bidders, a sample con tract form, the plans and specificatiOons for the pro ject and a bid sheet. Small and minority businsses and women’s business enterprises are encouraged to respond to this invitation for bids. To obtain a bid package contact the Fulton Con sarvation District at 216 North Second Street, McConnallsburg, PA 17233 or call (717)485-3547. ulmsceujneous (2) gas pumps, $5O - $lOO. M-F, 8-SPM. York Co 717-292-5696. 30' Square Head Wood Planer. $4OO. Chester Co 610/932-8545. 75 or more tin and iron still banks 60 year collection, asking $6,500 Also a Strich and Zeidler upright piano with stool, lamp and heater, a beautiful addition to any home, asking $9OO. Pike County Call evon mgs, (717)588-6350. American Floor Sweeper, electric, self-propelled, 48" W. model 20008, $750. 717/354-3105. BAHAMA CRUISE! 5 days/4 nights, Under booked! Must Sell) $279/Couple. Limited Tick ets (407) 767-8100 ext 5886, Mon -Sat., 9am-10pm Blacksmith forage $lB5. M-F, 8-SPM York Co> 717-292-5696. Brown and Sharp surface grinder w/power feed. Magnetic chuck, excellent condition, $750 or make of-, fer WE Shipply metal lath, 8" swing, 96’ between cen ters Has turret tool post and tooling, $BOO or make offer 717-733-8007 Bunch of old oil lamps and two white gas lamps & pump. One has been con verted. $3OO for all Pike County. Call evenings, (717)588-6350 Eshland Coal Gun automa tic stoker boiler w/self feedmg auger and hot wa ter cal. 260,000 BTU, new cost $B,OOO, excellent con dition , $ 1,250 (717)687-7521 Farm Toys-Collector Se nes, Show Tractors, Pedal Tractors, Trucks-for sale at all times Visit our large dis play during business hours. Wengers Farm Ma chinery, Inc., 251 S Race St., Myerstown, PA 717/866-2130 For Sale; CNC Lathe 20x36, 3 axle, 5 turning tools, 5 boring, 5 drilling on tails took, new controller re cently Installed, 15 HP, good working order, runs daily, $16,000. Hydraulic 10' chuck Hitachi Seiki Hi turn 500 Dauphin County. (717)533-9514. Hand carved oak rocker and two cherry wood benches, $l,BOO for all. Call evenings, (717)588-6350 Iron Worker, Kmgsland, model Jl4, 3x3x% angle punch, cope-round-square mechanical, $2500 717/354-3105. MT Machi "5T .oiling . ..line, Cincinnati #3, vertical and horizontal, good condition, $3BOO. 717/354-3105. Old large drill press, 8 speed, 3-phase $125 needs work 610-273-3603 Sale’ Steel sheets 1/4’ thick, many sizes up to 20 foot long, approximately 50 tons Make offer, part or all. (610)779-4950 Signode Banding Machine, auto Vi ’ steel banding, $2500 717/354-3105. Stationary brick & block saw Roto set 11, $750. M-F 8-SPM Yo-rk Co 717-292-5696. Tig Welder, 300 A, Lincoln Idealarc, AC & DC. $2250. 717/354-3105. Turret Lathe, W/S, 20" swing, w/motor, complete, SI2SQ 717/354-3105 Unipunch and Strippit, I’/. WxB’D $95, 2’/. Wxß’D $2OO, 2'/> WxB’D $250, all like new. 717/354-3105 Very unique golden oak hall rack made In the mid 1700's Must be seen! Ask ing $2,800 Call evenings, (717)588-6350 WANTED Harley David son motorcycle XLCH Sportster 410-692-5350 any condition considered. WANTED Original floor, gramery boards, 2’ floor ing, barn beams, tobacco sheds, siding. (717)229-2806. mobile 717/880-4549 WANTED Used tools and machinery. Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign or Finder BJ TOOL & SUPPLY, RT 422 W, Myerstown, PA 1-800-772-9845 We sell Essiac (flor essence), Canada's re markable unknown cancer remedy The Herb Mer chant, 70-72 W. Pomfret St., Carlisle. PA 17013- 3 2 1 6, 717/249-0970 Visa, MC. Discover, Mon-Sat 10-5. Whitney 2 spindle shaper, shp, 3ph, 220 V, motor for each spindle, $4,000 (717)656-0725 FOR SALE: Round bales, size s’xs‘ alfalfa and grass, first cutting, $lO at barn. After 6PM. (717)998-2877. FOR SALE Used desks, files, chairs, drafting table, blue print files, fireproof files, etc. MOLTS Ephrata, PA 717-859-1617 ANTIQUES 1950 JD B restored to ema culate condition, great in vestment, $5,000 080 Donald, (717)684-4723. For Sale. 1930 Farmall Regular Redone $800; 1939 Case RC Waukesha Motor Redone $1000; Fordson Tractor On Rub ber Motor, Stuck $5OO (203)364-5873 JO AOS Tractor, restora tion project, $2500 609/965-7468. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1992 Polaris Indy 440 snowmobile, liquid cooled, 2900m1., 814-848-9753 |u AUTOS 1991 Chevy Cavalier, 5-speed, PS, PB, sun roof, 2dr, red, runs and looks great, $5500 080 Sherry 717-684-4723. (2) 1937 Buick's, 4DR se dans, (1) easily restorable, other parts, $2OOO/pr 609-767-1690 '9O Cavalier RS, 2-door, 2.2 L EFI, AT. AC, Loaded, white 717-345-3531 after SPM CHEWS, FORD’S, etc. Cars and trucks Over 300 vehicles Every Monday 6 30PM PUBLIC AND DEALERS YORK SPRINGS PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION, RT 15, York Springs, PA 1-800-222-2036 Km trucks a TRAILERS 12,000 lb flat trailer, dual axles w/brakes, ramps and lights, $2,000 080. (610)857-1676. 12' flatbed, Galon dump 4' sides, steel floor, $l5OO 080 610-682-6257 1957 International 8140 cattle truck, sliding, drop door, 5-speed, 8.25x20 tires, King Pins, $3OO 304-263-6627 1966 Dodge DlOO PU. 6-cyl, 3-speed, 8‘ bed, $l5O 304-263-6627 1967 GMC twin bucket truck, 55' working height, working order, inspected, $6500 080 717-866-7544 ask for Clair 7AM-SPM. 1968 Int. Farm Truck, 1800 Loadstar diesel, single axle, no inspection, engine and transmission okay, 26,000 GVW, $6OO (610)286-5045 1968 Mack U model trac tor, 237 motor, 5 speed, tandem rears, wedine; 22' aluminum dump trailer, has co'al or grain chute, $6200/both or will sell se parate. 610-588-9543. 1971 Jeep Wagoneer, 4x4, 360 motor, runs and oper ates 610-756-6723 1971 White 4000 tt. new factory 671 2Sohp det die, jake, reb ISepd roadran ger, wet line, 400 k original miles, exc. yd. tractor or prosp. gd dump, good con dition, $3500 717/924-4108. 1974 C-6S Cab and Chas sis 427, Air Brakes, Good for Parts,' $7OO. (410)836-2706 1974 Diamond Rio Dump Truck, Single Axle, 238 lOSpd. RR. $3500. (610)593-7045 After 6PM. 1974 Ford L 750,1160 CAT diesel, 13 speed 0.D., air seat, good condition, $5OOO 080 610-273-9635 1974 Ford LN6OO dump truck, 361 engine, 5-2, P/S, A/B, 6-8 yd. 10' body, 30,000 GVW, looks and runs like new,"'asking $5,800. (610)644-3555. 1974 International 4200 series, 13 speed, 350 De troit diesel, 10 wheeler, 16' bed, runs good, asking $7,500. (610)286-6054. 1978 Chevy El Camino, 350, 4bbl, auto, air, AM/ FM. tilt, cruise, mags, black/gold, $7OO 304-263-6627 1978 Tonoo 25 ton trailer. 25 ft flat deck, will MD in spect excel, cond , $7,000. 410-741-9589. 1979 American 45‘ bull nose triple deck pot with dogbox, $5OOO 717/738-1873. 1979 IH 10-wheelor, 20’ dump w/25 ton hoist, 238 Detroit, RT09513, $7OOO Myerstown 717-933-8943 1980 Chevy 6 wheel 10' dump body, 6cyl engine, PS, 900x20 tires, runs good, $2,650. Felton. DE (302)284-8774 1981 Peterbilt conv 400 CAT, 18 speed trans, air ride, 63" bunk, aux. gener ator, AC, heat, to much to list! Truck in good condi tion Engine and trans have low miles since new. Ask ing $22,500 For more info call 610-796-1700 Mark 1983 Chevy 1-ton dump stake body 4x4, Meyer power angle plow, 4-speed, $6500, 1987 Chevy 4x4 K2O, Meyer angle plow, auto, air, 350 V-8, 118,000 miles, $6500 610/857-1543 1985 Dodge Ram 150 4x4 w/Western Power Angle Snow Plow, $4500 (717)582-4431 1985 USA 12-ton flatbed trailer, just painted, hy draulic dove-tail 2 ton winch 1973 International tractor for sale. $5,900 080 Leave message, (610)873-2751 1986 Chevy 3+3, crew cab, dually. 454 engine, PS. PB and AC Days, (800)564-4070 (610)777-3260 1986 Ford F 250, super cab, XLT, maroon silver, cap, bed liner, 76,000 miles, $10,500 610/286-6718 1987 Dodl te Pick-lli Series, Nice Condition, Automatic w/Overdnve, AC, Low Mileage, $3500 (717)367-2362 1987 F 350 12' stake bod' w/tool boxes, 2 fuel tanks, 79,900 miles, excellent condition, $6,500 080 (610)857-1676 1987 Ford F 350 Crew Cab, New motor, new transmis sion, year warranty on mo tor and transmission Gooseneck hitch, truck in A-1 shape, many extras 717-242-2898 1988 Ford Eddie Bauer Bronco, loaded, 302 auto matic, 4WD, new factory paint, well maintained, 1 - owner, $BlOO 717/938-6954 Northern York Co 1988 Ford CF 7000 16’ Van Body. 29,500 GVW, AB, Good Tires, Very Nice Condition $B5OO (717)867-4896 1988 Ford F-600 tree truck and Asplundh chipper, new motor, rebuilt automatic transmission, new brake work, A/C Going out of business $2,500 takes both Serious inquiries only (717)949-2332. 1988 Freighdiner conven tional, set back front axle, non-sleeper tractor, set up for sl.eeper, long wheel base, could put big grain body on, 3406-B, 310 hp, electronic CAT, 9 speed, air ride, wedine system, ex cellent condition. 717-354-3208. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 28, 1995-C29 1988 trailer, 12’x62’ w/ ramp tailgate, single wheel axle, $l,OOO 080, excel lent condition (216)884-3377 1992 Eby stock trailer, B'x2o’, like new condition, $7BOO 814-342-7261 BAM-SPM 91 Dodge LE 350,15 pas senger van, 360 FI, auto, PS, PB, dual air & heat, privacy glass, 46,000 miles, excellent condition, $11,900 717-733-2873 '9l Ford Custom F 250 ’/. ton, 302 EFI, 5 spd., PS, PB, AM-FM cassette, dual tanks. 6,600 GVW, 32,000 miles, red, excellent condi tion, $9,900 717-733-2873 '9l Ford Fl5O Super Cab, 300 EFI. auto, PS, PB, air, AM-FM, dual tanks, 6,250 GVW. 37,000 miles, dark blue. $11,900 717-733-2873 '9l Ford XL E 350 club wagon. 15 passenger, 351 EFI, auto. PB, PS, dual air, AM-FM cassette stereo, new radials, 49,000 miles, dark blue, $11,500 717-733-2873 •91 CMC Rally STX 8 passenger, 350 FI, auto, PB. PS, PW, PDL, cruise, tilt, dual air, AM-FM, 39,000 miles, new radials, excellent condition, $13,995 717-733-2873 92 Ford FISO, HD, 300 EFI, 5 spd , PS, PB, AM FM, dual tanks, 6,250 GVW, 42,000 miles, new radials, $8,300 717-733-2873 37 Chevy Pick-Up for Parts, Complete $3OO (717)862-3427 45' Fruehaut flat trailer, 20” spoke wheels, (no slide), $3,500 Felton, DE (302)284-8774 45 ft Wilkons walking floor trailer, lift high remov able bows, 4 years old, $20,000 45ft Budd flat bed trailer, slider, $2,200 814-848-9753 '59 B Model Mack, 80% re stored, 67310-speed w/air, $2500 609/965-7468. 5T Aluminum trailer, dual axle, Bxl2 bed, tool box, $3600 610-562-8505 51 trailer, ramps, diamond plate deck, electric brakes, $l2OO 610-562-8505. 71 Ford, cab and chassis, F6OO, good condition Call (301)834-7523. 72 International 1700, 21,500 GVW, IV dump, farm tag, works good, $lOOO 080 717-593-8547 73 Tag-a-long, 9 ton trailer, good condition, $2500 410-472-4492 after 6PM 77 C6O Chevy, 18' flat bed truck, red, 5 speed, needs plants on bed, good rub ber, good brakes, GVWR 21,500 Must sell, make of fer Evenings, (717)949-2316 79 Clievy C6O landscape dump truck, 19,000 GVW, comb 26,000 GVW, 76K 717-898-9115 79 GMC cattle truck, 350 engine, 11' body, good shape, $4OOO 080 410-838-5971 8,000 gal aluminum tank trailer w/6 compartments, inspected, good condition, $3500 717-534-1253 82 4X4 Chevy pickup. 6-cyl, 4-spd , w/Meyers power angle plow, $4OOO 717/427-4052 'B3 Ford 4x4 250 Super cab, topper, bedlmer, class-ill hitch, $3500 717-432-7267
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers