SOUTHAMPTON (Backs Co.) The bond of directors of Atlantic Dairy Cooperative recen tly announced the results of earlier district elections for members of (he board of directors, and also bond reorganizations! elections. In reorganization election results, Robert McSparran, of Peach Bottom, who has served for 27 years on the board, was elected board president for a IStfa term. He and his wife, Charlotte, own and operate a 300-acre firnn and milk a mixed herd of Holstein and Guern sey cattle. They are in partnership with a son, John. IvoOtto Jr., of Carlisle, of Dis trict 16, was re-elected vice presi dent He is a 34-year member of the cooperative and has also served on its board for 27 years. He and his family operate a 300-acre farm, milking 100 Holsteins. Roy Hetrick, of Bemville, was re-elected as the board’s second vice president A director for 20 yean, he and his family milk 375 Holsteins on a 870-acre Berks County farm. They also rent an additional 450 acres. Other board members re-elected to executive posts include Robert Dever, of Philadelphia, as secret ary and chief executive officer; Evan Fineman, of Newtown, as treasurer and chief financial offic er, and James Barnett, of Stras burg, as member relations mana ger and assistant secretary. Others, who were re-elected to the board during fall district meet ings include Robot Winner, of Moorestown, N.J., District 8; Allen Wehr, Mifflinburg, District 14; Kenneth Schoenberg, Ship pensburg, District 15; and Thomas Wakefield, Bedford, District 21. Newly elected to the board this fall were Harold Moyer, of Wya lusing. District 22, who replaces retired H. Carlyle Russell, of Rome. Moyer and his wife Charlene I No hernia is unrepairable, even after several previous failed attempts. We specialize in outpatient hernia repairs, and most patients are able to return to full work with-in several days. PLEASE CALL COLLECT OR WRITE FOR MORE INFORMATION MID ATLANTIC SUAGICAL SEAUICES 217 Harrisburg Ave., Suite 201 Lancaster, PA 17603 (800) HERNIA 8 MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED ADC Reorganizes, Announces Two District Meetings have two children, TYcvor, 17, and trustees of the North Rome year. fWrvwSii* u Rachel,s,milk 134Holsteinsand Wesleyan Church. Members. l^ 11 Krct ; ow 0 ™* 511 Named the state’s outstanding include John Glide, u. bership Marlin Brabakcr and Gor acres.TheyalsoraiselOsleenand Holstein boy in 1972, be also gra- 25 years membership, and n. donHw both of the Quairyville g TSS®I! nd c CO,n - . duatod from the Pa. Rural Leader- and Teresa Graybill, of New Pro- mtudAtoL and SnahStcd^ industry. Moyer haserved as '*“ Uy premium awards are to receive quality premiums awards president and vice president of the Bradfbtd-Sullivan Farm Bureau and he has been active in the state Farm Bureau, serving on its Dairy and Policy Development committees. A 4-H leader and member of the county 4-H advisory board, Moyer is also chairman of die board of Retailers Cash In On HARRISBURG, (Dauphin Co.) Pennsylvania’s apple growers presented cash awards to 14 gro cery produce managers as the win ners of the Pennsylvania Apple Marketing Program’s retail dis play contest held during October in celebration of National Apple Month. The 14 winning stores were selected from more than 100 entries submitted by retailers in Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and West Virginia. A total of $2,600 in prizes was presented to the produce managers who built the most creative in-store displays featuring Pennsylvania’s Eastern Select apples and point-of-pur chase materials. __ Entries were divided into east ern and western regions. The east ern winners included: ' Ist Place $5OO Keith Fetterhoff, Foodland, Lebanon, PA 2nd Place $2OO Kevin Souders, Pittman IGA, Supermarket, Hancock, MD Andrew Pete, Giant Foods #2l, Lebanon, PA 3rd Place $lOO J. Robert Zimmerman, Willow I In other news, ADC’s District 12 meeting is set to be held 11:45 a.m., Jan. 19, at the Hoffman Building, in the Solanco Fair*' grounds in Quarryville. During this meeting, officers, delegates and alternative delegates axe to be elected for (he coming Valley Market #9130, Lancaster, PA Tom Dombrowski, Stauffer’s of Kissel Hill, Rowerstown, PA Mike Kunkel, Karns #3, Mechanicsburg, PA Karen Sherwood, Peck’s Mar kets, Callicoon, NY. Western regional included Fran Poniatowski, Harborcreek Giant Eagle, Erie, PA 2nd Place $2OO Eric Stewart, Keyser IGA Foodliner, Keyser, WV Colleen Biscup, Centre Town ship, Shop ‘n Save, Aliquippa, PA 3rd Place $lOO Greg Eckenrode, BiLo Foods, Cresson, PA Tony Krelitzer, Pines Plaza Foodland, Pittsburgh, PA Richard McCoy, BiLo Foods, Bedford, PA Bob Lewandowski, Glenshaw Shop ‘n Save, Glenshaw, PA “It was clear from the quality of this year’s entries that the produce managers put a great deal of effort into creating their Pennsylvania apple displays, which translates into larger retail profits and increased sales for our shippers,” The Pennsylvania FFA Foundation announces The fourth in a series of Limited Edition tractors produced by the ERTL Company. This year's tractor will be a special version of the l/16th scale Farmall F-20 tractor An FFA emblem will appear on the seat, and the tractor chassis will have a die-cast insert reading; This 199 S Limited Edition Tractor is available for $35.00 which includes shipping and handling. A limited quantity of the 2nd edition-1993 tractors remain for sale at a cost of $45.00. Third edition-1994 are available at $35.00. The 1992 First Edition of the series is sold out! Each tractor comes packaged in it's own special collectors box and includes a certificate of authenticity. Only orders including payment; checks, Master Card orVisa, will be accepted. Make check payable to: The Pennsylvania FFA Foundation. Credit card orders made be placed by calling (800)-523 - 5291 extension 8397. All other orders should be mailed to: Stephen R. Kline, Treasurer PA FFA Foundation Markley Lane, P.O. Box 54 Beaver Springs, PA 17812 Name Street Address (No P.O. Boxes please) City: Phone: ( District Meetings winners Ist Place $5OO Pennsylvania FFA's Fourth Limited Edition Ti RETURN BOTTOM PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT 1992 - Ist |jdtidh (Farmall 350) 1993 - 2nd Edition (Farmall Super H) Quan. @ $45 = 1994 - 3rd Edition (Farmall Super MTA) Quan. @s3s = 1995 - 4th Edition (Farmall F-20) Quan. @ $35 = PA FFA 65th Anniversary Winross Trucks Quan @ $5O = . Total Enclosed = □ VISA □ MASTERCARD Uncur ftmUnp. SdMrfty, JMnuiy 21, IM6-A33 Mem ben to receive recognition include John Click, of Kinzcr, with 25 yean membership, and Herbert and Teresa Grtybill, of New Pro vidence, for SO yean membenhip. Quality premium awards are to be presented to Curtis and Gary Akers, of Quanyville: Elmer and Sylvia Lantz Jr.. Paradise; and J. Carl and Doris Zander, of Quanyville. Also, District 3 is scheduled to hold its annual banquet meeting on Jan. 24,11:45 a.m., in the Hoffman Building. At that meeting, John Fisher, of Apple Display Contest said Brenda Briggs, director for the Pennsylvania Apple Market ing Board. “We were especially pleased to see so many retailers from New York, Maryland, and West Virginia promoting Pennsyl vania’s Eastern Select apples.” The Pennsylvania Apple Mar keting Board is the common- Farm Management Workshop Set DAUPHIN (Dauphin Co.) Are you interested in improving your farm and business manage ment skills? Do you have any questions or concerns regarding subjects such as optimizing your farm resources, farm business plans, budgeting to fundamental business management plans? If you do, then plan to attend a workshop sponsored by the Dauphin County Cooperative Extension Office and the Upper Dauphin Young Farmers on Mon day evening, Jan. 23, at 7 p.m. at the Vo Ag Science Classroom in the Upper Dauphin High School in Elizabethville. Allan Shoener, from Schuylkill County, will present a discussion farm management for all interest- Exp. Drt* Quality premium awards are presented to those whose herd somatic cell counts have qualified for premium bonus payments for 12 months straight. Dever is to be the guest speaker at both meetings and is expected to report on the cooperative and dairy industry issues. wealth’s oldest grower-funded agricultural marketing program. Established in 1968 by the state’s apple growers and the Pennsylva nia Department of Agriculture, the program provides consumer edu cation, merchandising, public relations, and market information services. ed individuals. In fact it would be beneficial for both husband and wife or father and children to attend together. If there is interest, plans will be made to conduct a series of work shops for interested farmers and their families. These programs could provide additional opportu nities to discuss farm management issues in a more detailed manner. There is no registration fee for this workshop. However it will be very beneficial for advanced not ice of attendance so that informa tional packets can be prepared. Please contact the Dauphin Coun ty Cooperative Extension office at (717) 921-8803 to preregister or if you have any questions regarding this program. SlMlwhMls shown. Ourmodol •qulppod with niabor liras.
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