The December 1994 Dairy Herd Improvement infor mation for dairy herds from the DHI processing center in Provo, Utah. The list includes herds from Maryland, Pen nsylvania, and West Virginia. The information is listed by herd name, county association, number of cows in the herd and the average production per cow in the herd. To BALTIMORE COUNTV HERD NAME STEVE WILSON CAROLINE COUNTY HERD HERD COWS IN NAME BREED HERD! FAITHLAND FARM H 176 HOLLINGSWORTH DANIEL 3 H 57 GRUBBY NECK FARM H 69 CARROLL COUNTY HERD COWS IN BREED HERD T HERD NAME BYRON D. STAMBAUGH MD.-CARROLLTON JAMES & JOHN MYERS DWAYNE & MIRIAM BELL UNICORN ASSOCIATES INC DWAYNE & MIRIAM BELL FLINT HILL FARM GARSTLYN HOLSTEINS DORIS &DAVID ZIMMERMAN BELLS DELIGHT FARM D. RICHARD FLICKINGER WINDSOR MANOR MAPLE LAWN FARM, INC. R.A. S.L. DOODY MIKE & ANITA HAINES RALPH L ROBERTSON MARLIN HOFF MAYER’S STONEY POINT JEFF & GINGER HITCHCOCK PANORA ACRES INC. DERRWYN HOLSTEINS JAMES A. CARMACK CEDAR KNOLL FARMS DALE M &. SUSAN SMITH CRANBERRY MEADOW FARMS CECIL COUNTY HERD BREED HERD NAME TOM AND JOY CROTHERS TOM AND JOY CROTHERS MICHAEL* DENISE MELLOTT D. TOME & J MCMILLAN ALBECR FARMS INC. LONG GREEN FARMS INC. ZION MEADOWS ENGLAND FARM INC. STAFF-HERD FARM MT ARARAT FORMS Centre I Clinton Dairy Day Set BELLFONTE (Centre Co.) The 1995 extension-sponsored dairy day event for Centre and Clinton counties has been set for Jan. 26, at the Logan Grange, in Pleasant Gap. According to a news release, Don Rogers, director of Farm Management Services, Farm Credit Banks of Springfield, is to be the fea tured speaker. Rogers has spoken to groups of dairy operators in the Northeast previously and he provides insight into managing Finances under the circumstances of fluctuat ing prices paid for raw milk. Further, he is to also discuss farm finances from a banker’s perspective. Other speakers include Dr. Bob Graves, Penn State University agricultural engineer, who is to talk about ventilation needs, and Dr. Dale Moore, PSU veterinary extension spe cialist, who is to provide an update on treat ments and prevention techniques of foot prob lems in dairy cattle. Commercial exhibitors will also be present and available for talks about services and technology. For more information, call the Centre County extension office in Bellefonte at (814) 355-4897, or the Clinton County office in Lock Haven at (717) 893-4050. Maryland DHIA Report For December HERD COWS IN BREED HERD T H 167 MHJCAVG FCMT 68.3 MHJCAVG FCMT 76.2 70.7 67.6 Br. Swiss Br. Swiss MILKAVG FCMT 82.1 78.0 76.5 73.5 72.9 70.2 69.4 68.2 65.8 65.1 COWS IN HERDT Br. Swiss HERD NAME MARVIN L ZIMMERMAN HERD NAME HOBBLE-HILL HOLSTEINS SAVAGE-LEIGH FARM SMITH-MEAD BROWZ SWISS Br. Swiss TAYLOR MADE FARY HANNAHS DIST SPRINGS FARM DAVE A CAROLE DOODY PAULA KAREN DOTTERER HOLTERHOLM FARYS MD-GARDEN SPOT FARM WAYNE Z TUCKER JOSH GROSSNICKLE RYAN A CACIA MASSER K. SCOTT A JUDY HOOD CLOVERTDPFARM. INC SMITH-MEAD FARM THOMAS D. REMSBERG FIR-THORNE WILCOM, DONALD L. PAUL K. COBLENTZ A SONS GLADE - ROCR FARM DUBLIN HILLS FARM LEIGH CASTLE HOLSTEINS PLAIN FOUR FARMS ERIC F-FAITH M BURALL GROSSNICKLE FARM INC. SNOW HILL FARM ZIMMANDALEFARM HARSHMAN PARTNERS FIR-THORNE-B POTOMAC-VIEW FARM WARNER BROS INC FRANKLIN M STOTTLEMYER MEHRLE H RAMSBURG JR ENFIELD FARM GLEN-TOCTIN FARM DOUGLAS & MARGARET LONG RIPLEYVALE FARM JAMES E. BAKER GLENN BEARD JERRY & DAWN MURPHY GARY HILDEBRAND GAYWINDS FARM DUBLIN HILLS SWISS ROBERTA. SIGLER JR. SPRING-VALE HOLSTCINS CONTIHH MORE GRASSES AND WEEDS IN CORN...FOR 25% LESS PER ACRE. A tank of PROWL® herbicide knocks grasses and weeds on their ear... all season... for up to 25% less than competitive treatments. Apply PROWL as directed, any time from planting up to the four-leaf stage. You’ll get proven, cost-effective control of many grasses and weeds, including foxtails, lambs quarter, velvetleaf* and pigweed. PROWL is compatible with most other herbicides be included, the herd must have 10 cows averaging 65 pounds or more of 3.5 percent fat corrected milk per cow, per day. All herds reported are on official DHI or DHIR test. Also listed are the top 10 herds in Maryland for the Brown Swiss, Guernseys, and Jerseys, and the top eight herds for Ayrshires. FRANKLIN (XX (PA) HERD COWS IN BREED HERDT 140 FREDERICK COUNTY HERD COWS IN breed herd t H 82 56 125 93 93 136 14 Br. Swiss 68 256 101 102 Br. Swiss HERD NAME ERNEST & DAN GANOE GUARDS FARM INC. WAiWEESCHROCK BENDER, CARL JERRY L YODER KENNETH L. YODER DELVIN MAST PINEY RUN FARMS GAP RUN FARM INC ORENC BENDER JONAS D. KINSINGER PAEL YODER CLELAND BETTZEL PHILIP BEACH Y RICHARD BRENNEMAN MAR-K FARMS FRED PETERSHEIM OAMIEW RIDGE NO. 2 PAEI & NAOMI PETERSHEIM GALEN KAMP MILKAVG FCMT 713 HERD NAME PIEPER BROTHERS HIGHLAND HEIGHTS FARM INC HOMELANDS FARM MY-LADYS-MANOR FARM DAIIDM, KEYES STRVWBERRY HILL FARM JD AGE MILLER HARKINS HILL FARM DAVID HOPKINS TWIN DEL FARM STEPHEN C. TROUT HERO NAME DAVID & JAMES PATRICK PAUL F. HARRISON JR MERRY ACRES FARM WM A. KATHLEEN SCHRODEL #2 MCGUIRE BROS. INC. R&E BRINK BRICK HOUSE FM INC ROY W CROW HILLS DAIRY PARTNERSHIP prow Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21, IMS-A3l GARRETT COUNTY HERD BREED HARFORD COUNTY HERO BREED HOWARD COUNTY HERD COWS IN breed herdt 136 KENT COUNTY HERD BREED HERD NAME (Turn to Pago A3B) and fits any tillage program. However, do NOT incorporate PROWL in com. Let us help you knock grasses and weeds on their ear... for up to 25% less per acre. Come in for your PROWL® herbicide today. AgriCenterJ% Praftaalanallain > Swviu • ImHranmanlal RaaaaaaMlHty Alwayi read and follow label direction! carefully. TM Trademark, American Cya namid Company O 1994. COWS IN HERDT 137 MHJCAVG FCMT 78.4 76.7 76.4 74.9 73.6 717 71.1 70.6 69.8 69.6 68.7 67.7 67.5 67.5 67.3 66.7 66.6 66.5 65.4 65.1 70 123 105 Jersey COWS IN HERDT 177 128 46 224 MILKAVG FCMT 792 791 78.9 726 699 69.6 692 66.4 66.0 65.8 65.5 MILKAVG FCMT 79.9 75.8 692 COWS IN HERDT 126 MH.KAVG FCMT 783 765 72.1 709 70.8 69.9
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