842-Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 6, 1995 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication THURS MAR 9 -11 AM 15th Annual PA World Relief Heifer Sale Held at Mel Kolb's Sale Barn in Lane, Pa Sale Manager Wilmer Graybille 610-286-9576 FRI MAR 10 - 8 30AM Located in Centre Co , 1 Vi miles S of Rebersburg, Pa Vi mile W of Smullton 6 mules, 85 head Holstems, machinery and some household Sam F and Lydia Stoltzfus Mark Click, auct ■FRI MAR 10-9 AM Farm equip, tractors & farm sup plies. A&C Diffenbach Auc tion, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland, Pa. SAT. MAR. 11 -8.30 AM Farm equip, horses, bug gies, household goods, quilts and antiques. No building materials at this auction. Gordonville Fire Co. Local Aucts. SAT. MAR. 11 - Sale for Norman and Ada Snyder. Along E Farmersville Rd., Hinkletown Farm equip and butcher equip. Nevin Martin and Sons, Aucts. SAT. MAR. 11 -9AM Farm machinery, antiques 4 HH goods 89 Pinnacle Rd., W. Holtwood, Pa. Rt. 372 W. of Buck, turn right on River Rd 2 mi. to Pinnacle Rd Ist farm left By Luke B & Sara Ann 8011. Kreider, Kline 4 Good aucts SAT. MAR. 11 - 9AM 82 Acre Farm, brick rancher w/2 acres, farm equip, per sonal property Lester O Nolt Est Fruitville Pike, Manheim, Pa J. Omar Landis Auct Service SAT MAR 11 -11 AM Brant (Erie Co) NY The estate of Marion Chiavetta Auction of Potato- Vegetable and Vineyard Equip Pirrung Aucts , Inc 716-728-2520 SAT MAR 11 - Modern Farm machinery, 3 tractor,s dairy equip, etc on farm 3 miles E of Mill Hall, Pa. Tony & Carline Grame Fra ley Aucts SAT MAR. 11 - 9AM Farm machinery, household goods A LmcoinKeener located 1562 Maytown Rd , Elizabethtown, Pa Lane Co Take Rt 743, midway between E-town and May town Raymond Miller & Jim Hershey, aucts SAT MAR 11 & SAT MAR 18 - Tractors, farm equip, 12,000 bu gram bin, shelled corn, tools, sup plies From Lane take Rt 283 W to Middletown- Hummelstown exit turn right to 3206 Schoolhosue Rd , Middletown, Pa Auc tion by Art Lutz Aaron E Martin Auct Service TUES MAR 14 - 9AM Farm machinery, house hold goods Loc Take Rt. 896 S of Strasburg, Pa. 2 mi, turn left on Paradise Lane to first farm right. By Robert L Shaubach Aucts Kreider, Kline & Good TUES MAR 14 - 9AM Farm equip and livestock Located between New Hol land and Leola along Rt 23 Terms John Glick Robert E 4 Jeffrey R Mar tin, Randall L Ranck, aucts THURS MAR 16-9 AM In Mifflin Co , turn off Rt 655, 2 miles W of Reedsville, Pa at old Woolen Mill (Cof fee Run Rd ), I'A miles to farm on Green Lane Horses, heifers, machin ery, furniture Eli John and Anna Voder Mark Glick, auct THURS MAR 16 -9 30AM 4 tractors, forage and til lage equip, 3 silos, 2 harvestores, barn and feeding equip, bulk tank, Case Internatioal 5220, 400 hrs Henry and Kathy Hershey Steve Peter sheim, auct WED MAR 15 Tractors, farm equip and supplies 457 Spnngville Road, Ephrata, Pa By Clarence H & Mabel M Wenger Aaron E Martin Auction Service THUR MAR 16 - Farm machinery. 434 Weaver town Rd , Myerstown, Pa From Myerstown take rt if ‘srcgyss' ©isksw ‘3 Leesport Farmers Market Social Hall S J dL Rte 61 Leesport, PA cf^H F Sunday, Jan. 22 9 am to 2 pm jji tFREE ADMISSION All Categories of old toys and collector toys. j>| 145 tables of toys indoors V Contact Gallagher Productions juj uL (610) 562-5559 2 AUCTION SALES JEANS, CORDUROYS, MEN’S SUITS, SAFETY SHOES, HARDWARE, TOOLS, MILLING MACHINE PARTS, COMPUTER COMPONENTS, GENERAL MERCH. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 -10 AM ON PREMISES 1825 E. BOSTON AVE., PHILA., PA SALE FOR ACCOUNT OF UNDERWRITERS AND OTHER ACCOUNTS COMPRISING IN PART; JEANS, CORDUROYS, MEN’S SUITS, SAFETY SHOES Quantity of Lee. Jordache, Sergio Valente & Gitano Jeans, Corduroys & -Casual Slacks, Skirts, Socks, Pullover Sweaters, Blouses, Dresses, Running Suits, Ties, Hair Ties, (31) 3 Pc. Men's Suits, (35) 2 Pc. Men’s Suits, (29) Sport Coats, Overcoat Ram jackets, Winter Coats, Women's Golf & Bowling Shoes, Steel Tipped Shoes & Boots _ HARDWARE, TOOLS, MILLING MACHINE PARTS (25) Micrometers & (15) Digital Micrometers, Vises, Gauge Units, Milling Machine Vises, Boring Heads, Machine Parts, Makita Hand Held Power Planer, Kwikset Locksets, Schlage Entry Door Locksets, Dead Bolts, Rim Locks, Knobs, Drawer Pulls, Door Closures, Chisels, Wrenches, Pliers, Utility Knives, C-Clamps, Mitre Boxes, Jigsaw Blades, Circular Saw, Abrasive Blades. Measuring Tape Replacement Blades, Iron Snaps, Strap Hinges, Butt Hinges, Bolts, Screws, leaded Anchors, Toggle Bolts, Orywall & Roofing Nails, Door Stops, Pot Anchors, Joist Hangers, Furniture & Heavy Duty Casters, Marking Chalk, 12’x18’ Poly Tarps, Trash Bags, Towel Racks, Soap Dish Holders, Shower Rods, Range Hoods, Rubber Insulated & Leather Work Gloves, Rechargeable Screwdrivers, Ratchet Handles. COMPUTER COMPONENTS, GENERAL MERCHANDISE Smith Corona PC (236 HD, 40MB), Minolta PCW-3 Computer, NEC, Okidata, Epson, Panasonic, Hewlett Packard, Texas Instruments & Minolta Printers, Computer Monitors. Disk Drives, Wyse & Sun Keyboards, Asst. Wicker Baskets, Asst. Shampoo & Conditioner, Soap, Suntan & Sunscreen Lotion, Spnng Water, Canned goods, BBQ Sauce, Humidifiers, Extension Speakers & Microphones for Karaoke, (24) Cuismart Juice Extractors, Pioneer 6 Disc CD Player, Troll Teen Dolls, (250) Toddler Tricycles, Party Favors, Kelly Doll Fashions, Photo Albums, Slim Slide Aerobic Workout, Bungee Hold Downs, Wooden Plant Stands, Patio Chairs, Wine Racks, Fishing Poles, Sponge Mop Refills, Kitchen Utensils, Polyurethane Reusable Shopping Bags. INSPECTION: MONDAY, JANUARY 9 - SAM - 4 PM TERMS: CASH OR CERTIFIED CHECK • 25% DEPOSIT REQUIRED (MINIMUM $100.00) 10% BUYER’S PREMIUM **************************************** RESTAURANT, LIQUOR LICENSE, LEASE CHASER’S RESTAURANT PINE CREEK SHOPPING CENTER 4732 LIMESTONE RD., WILMINGTON, DE. MONDAY, JANUARY 23 - 11 A.M. ESTABLISHED IN 1834 mMOMUXductioHee/H, 1825 East Boston Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215) 634-2500 FAX (215) 634-0496 PA Auctioneers License No. RYOi 501 S to Village of Reistvil le, turn left onto Reistville Rd. to first road left to farm on left. Leb Co. John D and Mable M Witmer Kline, Kreider, Good, aucts THUR MAR 16 -10 AM I’/; mi S of Annville, ’/< mi off Rt 934 on Church Rd Farm machiner, 4240 JD ex , 2355 JD like new, 800 C uni-tractor w/ combine, flexhead & 4R cornhead, 7x20 gooseneck cattle trailer, HMI 14C skid loader Clarence & Harriett Weaver Kurtz & Bucher, aucts FRI MAR 17 -10 AM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, INc , 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Pa 187-L AUCTION SALE of FARM MACHINERY SAT., JAN. 14th 11AM (Blizzard Date Weds., Jan. 18th) Located on Route 472 Six Miles South of Oxford, Pa. (2024 Hickory Hill - Lewisville Rd.) TRACTORS - JD 630, IH-H, IH 450 (Parts) AC WD 45 (Tractors not running) MACHINERY NH 268 Baler w/Thrower, Athens Chisel Plow, NH 469 Haybine, 3 Wagon Gears, Elevator, JD 10 Ft. Disc, 10 Ft. Cultipacker, NI Hay Crusher, NI Side Delivery Rake, JD Flail Chopper, Spring Tooth Harrow, Century 200 gal. Field Sprayer, Int. Corn Chopper, Oliver Pull Type 3 Bottom Plow 14 In., Old Int. Hay Loader, 2 Grain Wagons, Ontario Grain Drill, IH 2 Row Corn Planter (Rough), Brillion Rotary Mower, Int. 1 Row Pull Type Com Picker, Com Drag, Int. Cycle Bar Mower, NI Manure Spreader (Rough), Danhauser 3 pt. Post Hole Digger, Winco PTO Generator, Esco 300 gal. milk tank, Wash Tubs, Surge Milk Compressor, 3 Surge Milkers, Feed Cart, 2 Portable Air Compressors, Corn Sheller, Platform Scales, Misc. Small Items. 1957 Chev PU #3l, Chev C-50 Flat Bed Truck, 1967 Chev. Impala Convertible, 1963 Chev. Biscayne. Terms: Cash or Approved Check. Owners YERKES BROS. Auctioneers: Harold S. Hill & Son (610) 274-8525 AU-1105 ABSOLUTE AUCTION TAPPANY’S TIN SHOP (Complete metal working shop) SAT., JAN. 28,1995 at 9 AM 307 S.Lime St. Lancaster, PA Pexto 8’ standard jump shear • Pexto 3’ squaring shear • Chicago 4’ standard brake • Clausing floor drill press • Delta floor band saw • Pexto 36" throat circle & ring cutter • Whitney angle cutter & bender • Chicago 4’ box & pan brake • Pexto 21” bar folder • Diacro 6” corner notcher • 2-lockformers • 2-Beverley shears •Pexto 36” bar folder • Connecticut 3’ standard bending brake • Connecticut 4’ box & pan brake on table • 31 (different styles) rotary turning machines • Alphil 30” 220 Volt spot welder (water cooled) • 4 station spot welding on stainless bench • Chicago 8’ standard brake • 24” throat foot punch press (approx 20 dies) • Roper-Whitney rod cutter • 2 Lincoln electric welders • Lincoln high frequency TIG welder with argon tank • oxyacetalene welding set complete with cart • 48" power roller • slip roller • 5 hand rollers • Pexto rotary machine station • 2-drive cleat benders • swag block • 60 bench forming stakes • 3 stake plates • hand forming dollies • 2 large vises • large anvil • pipe vise • assorted pipe threaders • heavy duty work benches • (new) 8’ flourscent light fixtures • bench grinder • pedistal grinder • Lots of assorted hand tools • power tools • some antique tools • “C” clamp? • 16 each 4' steel shelving • 3 each 8’ steel shelving • full size Delta pick-up truck tool box • step & extension ladders *l6 bay metal rack • extension cords • Stock sheets of copper, brass, tin, aluminum, steel, galvanize, and stainless • Stock angles, pipe, rod, flat bars, tubing • New hardware of screws, pop rivets, bolts, nails, door pulls, light bulbs, and lamp fixture parts, work gloves, lay out paper • Surf fishing rods & reels + equipment • bucket of lead • swivel dolly wheels • compact office refrigerator • microwave • many more useful items will be sold! Good Food By: K C’s Concessions “StcAtold A Bonded AU-2176-L Claude F. Bechtold 1928 Creek Hill Road Lancaster, PA 17601 717-397-9240 PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE LANCASTER COUNTY LAND 89 ACRE FARM & 7 ACRE TRACT FRL, JAN. 20, 1995 11:00 A.M. Location: Walter Carpenter Farm in Warwick Township at 330 East Woods Drive, Lititz, PA. Directions: From Rt. 501 in Kissel Hill turn onto East Woods Drive, continue to stop sign, then go right, farm Is on right, 7 Acre tract is on left. EACH TRACT TO BE OFFERED SEPARATELY: Main Farm: 89 acre tract fronting on East Woods Drive, and continuing along Kissel Hill Road. Farm is all basically under cultivation, and is well situated in Warwick Township. Farm house, bam, and out buildings are included in this sale of this tract. TRACT #1 C: 7 acres M-L of orchard and woodland, fronting on East Woods Drive. This tract has development possibilities. TERMS: Please contact auctioneer for information and terms. Inspection: Please contact auctioneer for appointment. Amish customers may call for transportation. NOTE: This is the farm you have been waiting for, please feel free to contact us or visit us at our office for further information The Murry’s. AUCTION FOR WALTER A. CARPENTER ESTATE BANK OF LANCASTER COUNTY EXECUTOR I LICENSE NO. MW. / 23 N. Water St I (717) C2M175 or (717) (26-2131 * LHHz, Panntylvinlt 17543 FAX (7171 527-S7S7 APPRAISERS and ADVISORS I fc^UCTKjgl ABSOLUTE INDUSTRIAL EXCAVATING EQUIPMENT AUCTION SATURDAY JANUARY 14,1995 AT 10:00 A.M. OWNER RETIRING EQUIPMENT LIKE NEW FOR JOHN & DOROTHY RUST 9070 BARRY ROAD, GREENVILLE, PA. 412-646-2542. EXIT OFF 1-80 AT EXIT 1 NORTH, TAKE RTIB NORTH. EXIT WEST OFF RTIB EIGHT MILES NORTH OF SHARON, PA OR 7 MILES SOUTH OF GREENVILLE, PA. ONTO RUTLEDGE OR TRANSFER EXIT. GO APPROXIMATELY 5 MILES OR THRU TWO STOP SIGNS ON RUTLEDGE TO BARRY ROAD. TURN NORTH, GO 5/10 ML OR APPROXIMATELY 5 Ml SE OF KINSMAN, OHIO. 21/2 MINE OF ORANGEVILLE, 0. MERCER COUNTY. WATCH FOR SALE ARROWS. 15 MINUTES FROM YOUNGSTOWN AIRPORT. THIS EQUIPMENT IS EXCELLENT, ONE OWNER, KEPT INDOORS AND WELL MAINTAINED. 1993 JD SSOG TURBO CHARGE DIESEL DOZER. 885 HRS, FULL ROCK GUARDS, 8 WAY BLADE. W/JD 4000 WINCH, 83 HP. POWER SHIFT. 1992 FORD FBOO DIESEL DUMP TRUCK. AUTO TRANSMISSION, 11’ DUMP. 33,000 GVW, 210 HP DIESEL ENGINE. S SPEED, CUSTOM CAB, 21,000 MILES 1991.MERSTATE 40DLA FLAT BED 20 TON TRAILER. TANDEM AXLE, AIR BRAKES, 1/ W/5’ BEAVER TAIL, & 4' RAMPS BOUGHT IN 1992' 1990 JD 31 PC BACK HOE. TURBO 4X4. WITH CAB. HEATER, 125 YARD FRONT BUCKET, 18 & 36" HOE BUCKETS, 956 HRS. ELECTRIC CLUTCH, OVER 70 HP WITH TURBO 1988 JD 6756 DIESEL SKID LOADER W/BUCKET 8 PALET FORK. HYDROSTAT TRANSMISSION, W/ EXTRA BALLAST WEIGHTS, 1135 HRS, 38 8 HP 2800 RPM ONAN PORTABLE POWER PLANT, LIKE NEW, #15JC1165818, 110 & 220 & 3 PHASE KU Al 5 HZ6O GAS PROPANE, NATURAL GAS. BERQHER TRANSIT W/14’ TELESCOPE ROD, 550 GALLON DIESEL TANK W/ELECTRIC POMPS. ELECTRIC ZOLAR SUMP PUMP, 1(7X20’ HJP PLASTIC CULVERT, LOG CHAINS, 150’ TAPE, RIGID PIPE DIES, CREEPER, JACKS, WEED EATER, STEP LADDERS, MANY OTHER ITEMS BE ON TIME. TERMS CASH, CERTIFIED MONIES, IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FROM YOUR BANK, OR KNOWN BY OWNER OR AUCTION FIRM DON’T MISS THIS AUCTION NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS, SHOULD ANY OCCUR INFORMATION TRISH LOOMIS 1-800-772-7653.
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