Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT JAN 7 -10 AM Con struction equip, tools, guns, etc At Ebersole's Country Auction, 1800 Thompson Ave , Leb , Pa Rt 422 in Annville, take Rt 934 N for 7/10 of a mile to Thompson Ave Turn right on Thomp son Ave and drive 3 miles to the auction David I & Roy I. Ebersole, aucts SAT JAN 7 -10 AM Real estate & HH goods 1270 SETHIAN FARM DISPERSAL TUES. JAN. 17,1995 AT 10:00 A.M. BLIZZARD DATE JAN. 19TH LOCATED; On Bailey Creek Rd. one-half mile off Rt. 549 in village of Jobs Corners. Jobs Corners is 15 mi. south of Elmira, _N.Y, 15 mi. north of Mansfield, PA. 100 REGISTERED &ID GRADE HOLSTEINS 100 DHIA 1994 ROLLING HERD AVG. 305 d 17093 m 582 f 534 p (made with corn silage, gram & hay) *<ome raised, Tie-stall barn, Blood & TB tested ready for interstate, Vaco, for shipping fever, Preg. checked, catalogs. 60 mature animals - 41 reg. 11 ID Grades, 9 Grades A few Sires represented are Mandmgo-twm, Petie, Master, Nick, Delight ‘Helen, A ‘9O Troy dau 2-04 305 d 18113 m 636 f, 3-07 305 d 25865 m 781 f, ifresh 12-3-94 w/hfr calf, * Irene, an ‘B7 Elvan dau 4-02 316 d 25662 m 701 f, fresh in June & checked safe for June again She has good udder Her dau is an ‘B9 Bell Rmger-ET, due in March to Activate - 3-00 305 d 19079 m 606 f, Elvan dau also 2 'additional nice daus selling * Sherry, a grade, fr 12-21,‘94 record 5-00 305 d 21870 m 678 f 713 p Plus more good producing animals. Herd is mostly year £ round freshing & on a good culling program, monthly herd check, 60% are in “ Ist & 2nd lactations, good type & condition, good feet & legs; never been’ pushed for production ,A year around freshing herd, 60% are in their 1 st & 2nd lact. 40 nice Heifers - Most are calf vacc., 4 bred, 8 breeding age, 22 yearlings & under, 7 started calves. MACHINERY TRACTORS; Case 970 D., cab, 2 Pto's, gear trans., 18.4-38 rears (90%); Case ' 1410 D., platforms, PS.. 2 Pto’s, 18.4-34 rears; Oliver 1600 D., platform, PS., 2 Hyd., 16.9-34 rears; 1973 GMC 6000 trk., 350 V-8 eng., 4x2 trans., 8.25-20 tires. •(Good hay hauler); HAYING & FORAGE: - 268 NH baler w/53A Pto thrower; 770 NH forage harvester w/2-r., n/r corn & 5 hay pick up head; CT 300 Gehl harvester w/2-r, head, single-r. head & hay pick up head; 23 NH forage blower; (5) kicker boxes on .variety of grs.; (4) forage boxes - JD 114, Gehl 610 3-btr., Gehl BU 610, Gehl BU 85; 999 IH 9’3” mower conditioner; Kuhn 4- star P.t.o. tedder; 55 NH 5-bar rake; 38'“ King Wise dbl. chain hay & gr. elev.; (3) single chain elevators - 32’ NH, 20’ “ Central, 16’; TILLAGE & PLANTING: JD 4-btm." mounted plow; Case 4x16 semi-mounted plow, hyd. side-hill, 494 A JD 4-row planter; 250 Oliver 13’H” transport disc; 8’ Brillion £ acker; 1955 Ontario 13-disc drill; lISC.; INT. 2-row, 2-pt. cult.: 252 Knight single-btr. spreader, hyd end gate; (4) round bale feeders; gravity box feed bin* etc. BARN EQUIPMENT Special Mention; Rovack 5 Hp. milker pump (like new) (made in Berwick,) sold by Dairyland; also - Stiner 14' & 18' silo unloaders (new 1988), both w/tripod, cable, & winch -14' has 5 Hp. mtr., 18' has 7 1/2 Hp. mtr; (6) Westfalia claw milkers; 45 WIC S.P. feed cart; poly Agway feed cart; grain cart; 2 pr. clippers; Agway stock tank; (2) cow kickers: (2) 30" fans; stray voltage meter; Delvo test Kit; MBE model AL-29 BPR 5-ES semen tank. PRODUCE: 300 round bales mixed hay made last July, 1994. Terms: cash or good check day of sale. Sale Order; Machinery at 10:00 a.m, then barn equipment, then cattle OWEN F. & DEBORAH L MITCHELL, OWNERS PH 717-537-2163 SHAYLOR AUCTIONEERS 515 Elmira St., Troy, PA 16947 Professional Auctioneers • Licensed • Bonded 833 L Ph Bob Shaylor 717-297-3278 Bob Garrison 717-297-3873 Kmderhook Rd , Columbia, Pa Rapho Twp Lane Co Drytown For John H Keller & Sandra Claar All Ameri can Auction Service SAT JAN 7 - 1015 AM Cleveland Farms Complete Dispersal 187 Holstein and Jersey Cattle, machinery 7710 Dee Road, Campbell (Steuben Co.), New York Rt 17 Expressway Exit 41 By Cleveland Farms, Ted and Mike Cleveland. James P. Pirrung, aucts. SAT. JAN. 7- 11AM Mod ern Farm Machinery, 2 JD traactors, etc. on farm 4 miles S of Mifflinburg, Pa at White Springs David E & Mary Hurst Fraley Auc tion Co SAT. JAN 7 - 2PM real estate, 9.7 acres m/l wood land. At 1565 S. Cocalico Rd , Denver, West Cocali co Twp, Lane Co Takeßt 272 N of Ephrata to PP&L Building, turn left on Schoeneck Rd thru Village of Schoeneck to sale By Robert W Wingenroth Estate Art Pannebecker, aucl SUN JAN 8 - IPM Anti ques & Collectibles AT Little Haps on the Rt 22 Marketplace (Olhes East) exit 26E off 1-81 John & Tom Golden, aucts MON JAN 9 -12 Noon Hardee’s Rest Rt 15, Lew isburg, Pa Restaurant Equip Auctions Mark Bar anowski, auct MON JAN 9 - 3PM Anti ques, Collectibles and Glassware Murry Auction Emporium 23 N Water St, Lititz, Pa TUES JAN 10 -10 AM Jeans, corduroyisr men's suits, safety shoes, hard ware, tools, milling machine parts-, computer components general merch 1825 E Boston Ave Phila Pa Rest Liq uor License lease Chas. er s Rest Pike Creek Shopping Center 4732 Limestone Rd Wilmington De Mon Jan 23 Wm F Comly & Son auct WED JAN 11 2PM Anti ques, Henkel Harris Furm -ture Household Goods & Tools Hold at the Horst Auction Center at the cor ner of Rt 322 & Durlach Rd (approx 2'A miles west of Ephrata) Ephrata Lane Co , Pa Horst Aucts THURS JAN 12 - 9AM Farm equip and livestock South of Leola, turn off Rt 23 on Rt 772 Turn right qn Creek Hill Rd to 2714 Lane Co , Pa Henry Miller Robert E & Jeffrey R Mar tin, Randall L Ranck, Auct THURS JAN 12 - 12 Noon, 3 5 acre farrriette, antiques, household goods, tools, farm tractor & car. At 528 Stevens Rd„ .4H PUBLIC AUCTION ■ /T\ FARM EQUIPMENT; frafl EAR CORN; ANTIQUE BUTCHER STOVE Friday, January 20,1995 at 11:00 AM 8.2 miles East of Boyertown, along Rt. 73, just one mile West of Zieglersville, Montgomery Co., PA TRACTORS: (3) JD 3010 diesels (tricycle frt ends) syncro shift, etc.; TILLAGE & PLANTING: JD 3 PT 4-16" pi; JD 3 pt 4-14” pi; JD 10' roller harrow; JD 10' finishing disc; 8' drag disc: 6' harrow; JD 494 c planter; JD 15 single disc grain dnC HAYING: NH 467 haybine; NH 256 rake; MF 124 bales; Zimmerman 28' bale & com elev; GRAIN: Gleaner KKS, corn soybean special combine w/10' hume reel & two rc head; Tumco 225 Iw gravity wagon; Farmec 125 Iw gravity wagon; MISC: 1989 NH 353 grinder mixer hardly used (nice): 1989 NH 520 single beater manure spreader (nice); NH 510-169 bu manure spreader; Woods 9 1/2’ rotary cutter; JD 4 r frt mtd cult! for 3010; Nl 324 two rc husker; Hardie 300 gal (in line tank) weed.sprayer; 3 pt box carrier: s'xB' two wheel trailer; Hurdsure grass or fert spreader; yr rd tractor cab; 6'xB' pick up camper top; Weather Guard pickup tool box; 300 gal fuel tank w/pump; 15'x15' alum frame cyclone fence pen w/gate; acetylene torch set w/buggy; 135 AMP elec welder; 600’ seasoned new tongue groove boards; set of 18.4x38 tires for duels, 16' tandem axle trailer (no title); portable elec tin shears, JD 624 rototiller; 2 (good) used 11:00x24 tires; 3” mud sucker pump; wdn wheel barrow; sq. scalding trough, wood burning stove for house, antique veg seed sprouter; STOVE: One kettle (animal head sculptured) butchei stove (nice); EAR CORN: 25 ton, plus many smalls not mentioned TERMS: Cash or acceptable check * Refreshments Available For: Leroy & Esther Rose Conducted by V PO Box 2lS*Fogclsvillu. PA 18051 (610)195-8084>Lu:onsJtAU 001809 L bwiiimth mnuMUmM Ephrata Twp, Lane. C 6„ Pa. Rt 322, West Main St., Ephrata, turn N. onto Academy Drive, continue onto Stevens Rd., to prop erty on left For Luke B Groff Horst Aucts ■ THURS JAN. 12 - 2PM Real estate, 30 acres M/L steer & tobacco farm 1022 Ridge Ave , Ephrata (East Cocahco Twp), from Ephra ta take Rt 272 N to Denver/ Reamstown traffic light turn right onto Church St low ards Reamstown to stop sign turn right ont Ream stown Rd to Ebersole Rd turn left to Ridge Ave turn left onto Ridge Ave to farm on left By Allen Z & Frances H Hoover Randal V Kline, Lloyd Kreider, Roy E Good, Jr, aucts FRI JAN 13 - 9AM Farm equip, tractors & farm sup plies A&C Diffenbach Auc tion, Inc 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Pa FRI JAN 13-9 AM Antique furniture, antiques, dishes, glassware, collectibles, personal property 1987 Chrysler New Yorker At Spnngetts Fire co Social Hall 3013 E Market St, York Pa For The Percy R Clemens Estate Jacob A Gilbert, Brian L Gilbert aucts SAT JAN 14 - 9AM 2 tracts of real estate brick rancher frame dwelling & storage building antiques household goods car At 541 N State St & 575 N State St Ephrata Lane Co Pa By Susan M Launch Estate Horst Aucts SAT JAN 14 9AM Located in Centro Co 1 miles E ofAaronshurg Pa on Rt 45 turn S on Bowr r Hollow Rd 1 mile 11 Ho 1 ' tem Cows 47 HoHtem Heifers Farm Mach and some Household Eli H S Dorothy Zook Mar* Ghrk auct SAT JAN 14 9 30AM Hellam Pa From York, take Rt 30 E to Hellam Exit From Lane take Rt 30 W to Hellam Exit, turn S go’/r mile to red light Rt 462 Turn left go to the vil lage of Hellam Turn right on Broad St at Hamilton Bank, continue one mile, stay onr right. Wolgemuth's Auction Service SAT JAN 14- 10AM Spe cial com & stamp auction 6100 Balt Pike, 1% mi S of Oxford, Pa Bear right at Willard's Video By Mr & Mrs. Malcom Reisler Jef frey E Whiteside, auct SAT JAN 14 10AM Industrial Excavating Equip Auction For John & Dorothy Rust 9070 Barry Rd , Greenville Pa 8 mile N of Sharon or 7 miles S of Greenville, Pa Exit W off Rt 18/onto Rutledge or Transfer Exit, go approx 5 miles or thru two stop signs on Rutledge to Barry Rd turn N go 5/10 mi app 5 mi SE of Vernon Ohio 2'A mile NE of Orangeville O Reimold Bros Auction Service SAT JAN 14 -10 AM Sports Cards Murry Auc tion Emporium 23 N Water St Lititz SAT JAN 14 -10 AM Building supplies Mmers ville, Pa Travels on Rt 61 to Rt 901 travel into town at 4th light turn right onto 3rd street Follow signs Kenneth E Hassmg Neil A Courtney aucts SAT J/kN 14 11AM Trac tors machinery Located on Rt 472 6 miles S of Oxford Pa 2024 Hickory Hill Lewisville Rd Yerkos Bros owner Harold S Hill & Son aucts SAT JAN 14 IPM Two plus acres in Carnarvon Twp 3 miles E of Blue Ball just off Rt 322 in Bi arto \n Lane Co Owners Isaac & Nancy King Stevr SU vc Jr Pctcrshoim aucts SAT JAN 14 2PM Roai estate auction Cherry Creek NY South of Suffa lo Deppoliti s Northeast Auctions Realty SAT JAN 14 3PM Rea estate brick 1 story dwelling one car garage At 1007 Clay Rd Warwick Twp Lane Co Rt 322 W of Ephrata turn S ontr CLav Rd atVillagr of Clay continue fo'lowa a r ' Rd to the norm ro* C 1 1 'Rd f Knob Hill Rd P\ Ways < 1 Mary Showers Hor r Aucts Subscription Information • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $21.00 per year or $40.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA AND WV. (All other areas - $31.00 per year, $59.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. No phone subscriptions accepted. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. When writing us about your"subscnptlon please attach your Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to; LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check Appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective May 1,1994 PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV OTHER STATES □ $21.00 -1 YEAR □ $31.00 -1 YEAR □ $40.00 - 2 YEARS □ $59.00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION □ RENEWAL NAMI ADDRESS. CITY. ZIP + 4 Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 6, 1995-838 SAT. JAN. 14 - 4PM Toy Estate Auction, 500 pcs. for the Estate of Duane Mcln tire-and the pnve colleciton of Dan Rambler at our auc tion center 3 miles SE of Carrollton opn SR 43, then S 1 mile on Canoyn Rd Larry Garner, auct SUN JAN 15- IPM Class ic Car Auction Located 3 miles SE of Carrollton, Ohio on SR 43 to Canyon Rd, then S 1 mile to our heated auction center Lar ry Garner, auct MON JAN 16-3 PM Anti ques, glassware, house hold goods Murry Auction Emporium, 23 N WaterSt, Lititz, Pa TUES JAN 17 -10 AM Paradise Lane Farm machinery, 2 diesel trac tors, stainless steel pipeline milking system, silo unload ers, high moisture shelled corn alfalfa hay Elvm and Verna Fisher Steve Peter sheim, aucts WED JAN 18 - 9AM Horses, heifers & Farm equip Elam S & Fannie L Seller, 5645 Umbletown Rd , Gap, Pa 30 East of Gap 1 mile to Mount Ver non Rd turn N to Ist rd left (Umbletown Rd ) to Ist farm right Mel Hoover auct FRI JAN 20 10 AM Horse Sale New Holland Sales Stables Inc , 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Pa FRI JAN 20 11AM Valu able Real Estate East Woods Drive, Lititz Pa W Carpenter Estate E M Mur ry Assoc 23 N Water St Lititz Pa FRI JAN 20 11AM Farm equip, ear corn antique butcher stove 8 2 miles E of Boyertown along Rt 73 just one mile West of Zie glersville Montgomery Co Pa For Leroy & Esther Rose Ralph W Zettlemoy er Auction Co SAT JAN 21 9AM Furni •RENEWALS STAtI COUNTY NON-REFUNDABLE ture sale on Norman Park er’s Farm, 146 Jacot&ToWn-Cooksfowrr Rd., Wrightstown, NJ Parker Sales SAT JAN 21 - 9AM Fine antiques, Murry Auction Emponum, 23 N WaterSt, Lititz SAT JAN 21 9 30AM Antiques, furniture, jewelry tools 6100 Balt Pike V/? mi S of Oxford, Pa Estate of C Laurence Mar tin Jeffrey E Whiteside, auct SAT JAN 21 - 10 30AM Mr & Mrs Henry Hamilton Complete dispersal 135 interstate tested Holstems plus full line of machinery Ulysses, Potter Co Pa Pirrung Aucts SUN JAN 22 Toy Show Leesport Farmers Market Social Hall Rt 61 Lees port Pa TUES JAN 24 9AM Quilt' Craft & Buggies A&C Dif fenbach Auction Inc 100 W Jackson St, New Hol land Pa WED JAN 25 - 9AM Quilt & Craft A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc 100 W Jack son St New Holland Pa FRI JAN 27 5 30PM Spo r ts Cards Murry Auc tion Emporium 23 N Water St Lititz SAT JAN 28 8 30AM Annual Toy Auction Murry Auction Emporium 32 N Water St Lititz SAT JAN 28 9AM Valu able real estate household goods & antiques At 16 JJ B r oad St between Kind's Orange St Lane City Pa By Lettie M Denlmger Robert E & Jeffrey R Mar tin aucts SAT JAN 28 9AM Tap panys Tin Shop complete metal working shop 307 S Lime St Lane Pa Claude F Bechtold aucts
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers