wasum^^rißSyTa*/ I MAIL X MARKET | F R SALE E 0 K 3 yr old Reg Quarter horse, green broken $1075 fremdly, also reg thorourgh bred 7 yr $lOOO to much for us Union 717-966- 3965 Used lightning rod system, 300' cable with ten rods make offer will ship call after 5 PM only Maryland 410-658-2260 1990 F-150 Supercab 302 C I 5 speed, 4x4, with lock outs, AM FM cassette, 2 tone paint, chrome bumpers, AC, power locks, and win dows 51K $12,500 North umberland Co 717-758- 3387 230 MF tractor loader $5,000, like new stainless freezer door $3OO, 1994 Custom-Fab 16x7 Alum livestock trailer, CAT 30 Forklift 516-727-5402. JD square wide front for 2 cyl $1075 JD #44 plow $175 JD #5 mower $2OO WANTED Small Saw Mill Cumb Co 717-249-4367 Bought wrong powenzed steering, tit long JD A-60, Oliver 60-77, Farmall $125 Perry Co 759-3071 Flax seed oil for sale Berks Co 610-944-0773 Angus bull registered by prompter, out of corn husker cow Excellent growth, confirmation, EPD, born May 94 Call evenings. Franklin Co 717-349-2417 MACK MS2OO TK with 26' JerDan rollback, low mile age, nice also Ingersol Rand portable compressor 130 used very little North’d Co 717-524-2473. Flex auger 40' with boot $25 3" diameter Schwinn boys bike $l5, Antique Hoosier kitchen cabinet. $425. Lancaster Co (717) 786-9070 J D agricultural bulldozer blade recommended for 40 series tractors, 175 Schuler feed wagon both in excel lent condition evenings Carroll Co 410-775-7356. GENERATOR SYSTEMS 1-800-779-8809 New & Used 5 to 2500 KW Diesel • Propane • Natural Gas 24 Hour Emergency Service Sales - Installation Maintenance Contracts • Rentals 10 To 150 KW 1800 RPM Brushless Tractor Driven Generators DYi DYNA-TBCH INDUSTRIES 602 E. Evergreen Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 717-274-8899 Fax 274-5334 Ask About Our Lightning & Surge Protection Units Panel Mount • Plug-In • Electric Fence Protection 7,10 Hole stainless steel hog feeders Franklin Co 717-369-3304 1969 FlOOO Ford good bed and hoist Hitch and plow bracket $2900 00 nego tiable call 610-589-4818 Berks Co 52 gal quick recovery elec tric water heater, 4' square slate stove board, good condition Best offer Lan caster Co. 717-626-4465 1982 Palomino Pop-up Camper used 8 times Has awning Many accessories $llOO 00 080 (717) 933- 5398 (eves) Berks. F-80 Keenco Feeders, 12 Air-O-Vent Fans w/motors, 40 Shenandoah Brooders, 5 feed bins, 50 Shenando ah 8 ft waters, thermo stats Lewis 304-269-3585 Tobacco shed 80'x30' also foundation stone, 2 Jamesway roof vents T Locust Posts Dauphin Co 717-367-2033 JD 500 round baler new belts good condition $3,500 00 Union County 717-966-4264 Nl 2 row pull corn picker, wide row No 324, $7OO New Holland Super 77 baler with Wisconsin motor $250 Franklin Co 717- 264-1360 Steam-engine indicator instrument gauge, all origi nal, complete in wooden oak box. with instruction book. $425.00. Berks Co 610-678-4394. 16" tomatoe grader stain less steel kettle bean poles 15C each. Yoder, 83 Snake Hill Rd , Bird-In-Hand, Pa. 17505. Lancaster Co Buffalo 2 row cultivator Model 4640 Buffalo 4 row corn planter liquid fertilizer plateless units (Kmtzer) York Co. 292-2620 Fenton Cl headers for Dodge and Plymouth flat head six $35.00 Chevy truck rims six lug 16" $l5 00 pr Berks Co 610- 488-7302 Oliver OC3, OC4 tractors, Both have cutters Sears Roebuck 220 economy with model A Ford motor 610-932-3883. Chester Co Riccar overlook 4 thread pre-owned one only $l5O Call 717-866-5555 Daily 9 to 5 Strobel’s Sewing Ask for Marylee Persian Kitten CPA reg papers, 10 wks old will trade for AKC puppy, has shots Northumberland Co 717-644-1010 72 Dia-Reo 40,000 GVW Hoist & 18' gram bed good farm truck, Richardson 6- bu Hopper scale $450 00, Brady 3-pomt 7-tooth chis el. York Co. 717-229-2531. Collie pups sable and white, seven weeks old eight females to choose from Lancaster Co. (717) 733-1124. Nl #l9 manure spreader $475 00, JD 16 in 4 bottom plow 3 pt, $175 00, metal pickup tool box $45 00, Sears 2 H Air compressor $125 00 Lane Co 717- 336-6643 Buggy for sale in good cond Enos R King, 1044-A Georgetown Rd Paradise, Pa 17562. Lancaster Co 1970 Chev Malibu convert ible nice 1970 El Cammo needs work. Chester Co 610-869-2826 eve 610- 869-9662 day. Arabian mares and colts. Typey, tall, athletic, people lovers. Well-bred Egyptian bloodlines Too many under $2OOO. Perry Co 717-438- 3556. Appaloosa pony gelding 132 H 15 yo child safe, gentle. Rides English/ Western $9OO. Adams Co. Call (717)624-7691 Bold Cypress, Paulowma trees, Hardy Japanese Bambs, Pm Oak trees, used fire brick, 4 qt. electric ice cream freezer. Lane Co 717-738-2091. Miniature donkeys for sale grey, choc, spotted make great pets Adams County Call 717-624-7433 MJ r " Ind. hnologies MF 1144 Com head excel lent cond. Paint isn't wore off $4,000 00 or Best offer Fulton Co. 717-294-3407. 1947 J D A tractor on rubber runs $5OO 00; Apron chain NH 222 spreader good cond. $5O 00 Cumb Co. 717-776-5803 Ford 530 baler nice and clean, stored inside, bought larger baler, good for small farm, call evenings Lan caster 717-872-9067 A.C H D. 5 crawler loader runs good very good under carriage $3200 00 NH 25 blower $300.00 Lane Co. 717-445-7496 6 8 HP 4 cycle-Kawasaki engine new sold for $570.00 will take $250 00. Sussex, NJ 5 pm to 9 pm. 201-579- 5656 9' New Idea Cut Condi tioner 10' Bnllion culitpack er with 4“ axel Ford 3 pt 6' rear scrapper blade Lane Co (717) 786-7143. John Deere Cyclone "B" partially restored, rebuilt carb and mag., nice shape asking $l3OO. Berks Co Call eves. (717) 933-5398. Pair black swans $350, Pair mute swans $450, Rhea hens $350-$5OO, young male llama $6OO. CT 203-564-2479 The best way -n to say i i MF 240-4WD tractor mth MFIOSI rotary cutter Ttst drive the world’s best silting brsnd of tractors today at ona of those quality Massey Ferguson dealers . SEE YOUR NEAREST DEALER FOR DETAILS ARNETTS GARAGE MEYERS S.G. LEWIS R‘. 9 Box 125 IMPLEMENTS, INC. AND SON Ha gorctown MD 2174° 400 North Antrim Way West Grove, PA 19390 (301) 733-0515 Greencastle, PA 17225 (S' 10 ) 869-9440 (717) 597-2176 869-2214 L |W^LEMENT' SCHREFFLER PEOPLE’S SALES 700 E Unden st EQUIPMENT & SERVICE Richland PA 17087 Pitman, PA 17964 Oakland Mills, PA 17076 (717) 866-7518 (717) 648-1120 (717) 463-2735 See These TEST _ “■«*=^ SON Dealers DRIVE JL Leola, PA 17540 For ONE VV (717) 656-2321 Details! TODAY! MASSEY FERGUSON *i i T " n , i‘l ' Vi *■ 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner sedan, wide whitewalls, clean original antique fun car $2,500.00. Mont. Co. 610-275-1315. Chisel plow, five shank gauge wheels, never used. $1400: Call (215) 257- 8491. (Bucks Co.) Anytime Ford 93 F-250 diesel XLT loaded cap hitch 28000 mile, like new cond. $21,850. Chester 610-932- 2206. White mute male swan proven breeder call after 5 PM 717-733-7074. Lane. County Accordion 120 bass, made in Italy, has five variations, black, excellent condition. Like new. $365.00. Berks County, Pa. 610-693-5624. Aristocrat dump bed 14 inch deep 6 ft wide 8 ft long with cylinder $275.00, MF #lO baler $250.00. Spike Harrow, Leb 717- 469-2413 18"x63" cast iron water trough, 4-13" Uni-log alum mags, 8 lug 16.5 wheels 2- 10", 6-6", 2-P20575R14 snow tires on Ford wheels. Berks Co. 610-488-1268. 1987 F-250 4x4 with plow new engine new paint excellent condition com plete service records avail ble. $13,900. Dauphin Co 717-469-0840. MF 253-4WD tractor wtth MF dtsk MASSEY FERGUSON® 11 ...» r K Classic 1972 Kenworth con vertible Cummins, 13 speed, Jake, wetlme $7000.00. 1977 Transtar, Detroit, 15 speed wetline $5000.00. 6000 Farm trucks. Schuylkill Co. 717-647-2623. 1946 Dodge 1/2 ton truck, 1951 Chevy 1 1/2 ton truck, 1951 Dodge 1/2 ton truck, 1952 Chevy four door need restored. Cumb. Co. 717- 258-5213. 1978 21' motor home Ford sleeps 6, runs good $3,995. 2-h bumper horse trailer dressing room $2,750.00. 610-756-4257. Good practice piano, Ster ling 39"Hx24"x57" $lOO. $125 Delivered JD-MT for parts, repair $4OO Antique Essex 12 ga-DB $BO Chester Co. 610-593-5600 Old Chevrolet cars; 1936 2 door sedan and 1937 Frame and engine both $750; 1956 4 door project car $1400.00. 304-263- 8704. Berkeley Co.. WV JD 105 combine $l4OO 00, New parts runs good 15' gram head Chester Co 610-486-0446. 1974 Ford LNBOO Dp-tk 361 eng 5-2 trans. P.S. A.B. 6-8 yds. 10' body 30,000 G.V.W. looks, runs like new $6,800.00 Chester Co 610-644-3555. MF 231-2WD tractor with MF 1051 rotary cutter Water Conditioner with brine tank, DE clorinator, chemical feed pump, 120 gallon retention tank, used one year $llOO 814-371- 8084 Reg Limousin bulls, 6 months to 2 yrs Reg. Red Angus cow/calf and heifers. Call daytime 410-346-7639 after 6 pm 410-346-7621 Carroll Co. Pair new 750X15 Fork lift tires $BO CAT 3306 alum, oil pan new $l5O 717-235- 8166. eves York Co. Two Nubian yearling doe. Nice markings Ready to breed $125.00 each, or $225 00 for both Lancaster Co. 717-733-4269 or 717- 733-0252 Log house and bank barn mostly oak construction, metal roofing York Co 717- 246-0202 Badger TMR mixer 100 cu. ft. with scale and meter 4,000 00 Elk Co. 814-885- 8364. 85 GMC 3/4 ton pickup 4 W.D. Runs good $3,850.00 Oliver 1550 gas 3 pt. dual hyd. excellent $3,000.00 Mifflin County (717) 543- 5788 Wrapped fourth cutting alf clean. 2 1200 bu. corn cnbs $l5O 00 apease 12 ft field cultivator $600.00. Leb. Co. 866-4299.
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