Food HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) It is the hard work and dedica tion of Pennsylvania’s 51,000 farm families and 2,300 food pro cessing companies that keeps agri culture the number one industry of the commonwealth. The Pennsylvania State Farm Show salutes the industry and all the organizations, companies and individuals who keep the industry growing. Statewide commodity associa tions and food processors will have exhibits at the 79th annual Pennsylvania State Farm Show January 7-12. The Pennsylvania Food Market will resemble a mini trade show when 16 companies come together to promote their food products. Some of Pennsylvania’s finest snack foods, candy, spices, pro cessed meats, condiments and beverages will be available for sales and sampling this year in this exhibit in the Family Comer on the upper level of the Northeast Building. The following companies are scheduled to participate: • Alderfer Bologna Co., Har *~R!SSLER~) - TMR MIXERS'* Produce The Mix That Produces The Profit Specials good on purchases made before March 1,1995 9 -itigUS) STATIONARY MIXER • 50 to 400 cu ft capacity available • Open top easy loading • Beam Scale Low Cost • Low Maintenance • Hardware Magnet • Stainless Steel Auger Trough • 1-5 Minute Mix Time • Emergency Shut-Off Cable • 1 * "Fiberglass Coated Plywood • 10 Year warranty On Mixing Box (S.S Poor and sill 4 sides) • Mixer Does Not Have To Be Run All The Time While Filling (This adds up to energy and maintenance cost savings) • This is an option only BADGERS AQB SERVICE Dllsburg, PA 71743W77 214 DAIRY SUPPLY Bwtln.PA 014-4454043 JOHN JONES MMhvfctfaug, PA umrauuii lumumnv PRINGLE FEED STORE TtT-TSMSK MENDENHALL DAIRY SUPPLY DONALD NBSLEY Qnwrih. PA umomki i ciou enino BeooHvElo, PA Wllow SYmL PA 412-50-7150 McOOWRL FARM EQUIP. M7-73MS9* 717.7M.7t54 Gton at/, PA 114-7H-7SSS GRAHAM DAIRY SUPPLY Gntntbug, PA 4124344112 MERILL lAMIEN Ownra.NY 315-7444430 Court, Food Pantry, Or Food Market? leysville - Lebanon and sweet bologna snacks, hams. • Central Pennsylvania Specialty Foods, State College - goats milk fudge, salsa, tortilla chips, salad dressing. • Cloister Spring Water Co., Lancaster - spring water, coffee service and filtration systems. • Daniel Weaver Company, Lebanon - Lebanon bologna, beef jerky and beef sticks. • Furman Foods. Northumber land - coupons for canned pro ducts • G’s Caramel Com, Red Lion - popcorn, cheese com and caramel com. > Groffs Candies. Lancaster - fudge, bridles and molded choco lates. • Herr Foods, Nottingham - chips, pretzels, popcorn and com products. • Hatfield Quality Meats, Inc., Hatfield - pork products, hats, mugs, shirts and tracks. • Kutztown Bologna, Myer stown - Lebanon, sweet, honey, hot, honey turkey and other fla vored bolognas. • Martin’s Potato Chips, Tho FREE Heavy Duty STAINLESS STEEL PIN CHAIN with Purchase of a Stationary Mixer • 34 to 73 cu ft. capacity available • Solid or Air Tires • Beam Scale With Beeper • Stainless Steel Floor and Auger Trough • 5/8' Fiberglass Coated Plywood • Joy Stick Steenng • Five Year Warranty • Direct Mounted Wheel Motors • Kawasaki or ‘Honda Overhead Valve For Good Fuel Efficiency • Hardware Magnet • Removeable Platform • This is an option only FRANKUN FARM SERVICE HESS EQ. SALES A SERVICE Lacayvlla, PA MMurg, PA 717445-3407 717444-2720 ART DETWBLER Danbao. PA 21544M117 . MAM BARN SALES WtaUUI. PA 1144344452 WILLIAM ROMSERQER Pitman, PA 717-445-2041 R.L lAUOHMAN A SONS BARN EQ. TownvUa, PA 5144A7-4IIS CAC EQUPMBfT CO. Elwood av. PA 412-752-4071 D » fW • > I =mama , L-J’ • iq J FEED CART JOE MARKOVITCH Montoll, PA 717-2744437 MARTIN EQUIP. Chambanbuig, PA 717-2434505 THOMAS L ZARTMAN Eptmt*. PA 717-733-1050 HARRY TROOP CochranvNa, PA 215443-4731 CEDAR CREST EQ. Labanon, PA 717-2704400 masville - potato chips, pretzels, cheese curls and com products. • Nibble With Gibbles, Cham bersburg - potato chips and snack foods. • Palmyra Bologna Co., Palmy ra - Lebanon and sweet bologna, and other smoked meats. • Unique Jelly, Brownstown - jel ly and fruit butters. - • Utz Quality Foods, Inc., Hanov er - potato chips and snack foods. • Watkins Glen, Belle Vernon - spices, extracts, puddings, soups, sauces. Pennsylvania commodity asso ciations offer their specialties for sale in the East Building. The area will be dubbed the “Farm Show Canteen” this year to coincide with other World War II anniver sary activities. From apples to zucchini, there’s literally something for everyone in the Food Court. Most of the asso ciations use the proceed' from their Farm Show sales to promote their individual industry, fund research programs, and finance youth activities. The following associations will participate in the Food Court: $2OO OFF Purchase Of Any I.H. Rissler MIXER CARTS TRAILER MIXER • Capabilities To Mix Some Dry Hay • Optional Double Discharge • Double Shear Pm Protection • Fast Belt Conveyor Discharge ■ Hardware Magnets • Fiberglass Reinforced Plywood Sides Stainless Steel T-ROD CHAIN COLUMBIA CROSS ROADS EQUIPMENT Columblt Ctouroadi, PA ' 717-2P7-2MI .HOUOHTAUNGS GARAGE MMdMury Canto, PA 717-37SJ5S* McMLLEN BROS. Loytrtta, PA 717-7SMMI ED RKSLER MFQ. - Ntw Entopflu, PA D4-7M-22M IVAN ZOOK A SONS BNMto, PA 7174»t1H • Pennsylvania Aquaculture Association - fish and fries, fish sandwiches, smoked trout. • Pennsylvania Bakery Associ ation - cinnamon buns, shoo-fly pies, bagels. • Pennsylvania Beekeepers Association - honey .ice cream, honey, waffles, honey candy. • Pennsylvania Cooperative Potato Growers - baked potatoes, french fries and potato donuts. • Pennsylvania Dairymens Association - milkshakes, milk. • Horticulture Association - apple cider, fresh apples, apple dumplings, apple butter. • Livestock Association - pork barbeques, roast beef sandwiches, ham and cheese sandwiches, lamb stew. • Maple Syrup Producers Council - maple sundaes, maple frozen yogurt, maple syrup. • Mushroom Growers Coopera tive - breaded and fresh mushrooms, mushroom soup, and Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace! WOOD • COAL wood • coal • oil • gas Corning Catalytic Combustor ► STANDARD MODEL* ►MULTI-FUEL MODELS Heat Tour Home. Farm or Commercial Buildings with Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces The Mahoning Outdoor Multi-Fuel Furnaces provide thermostat controlled heat by economically burning wood, coal, oil or gas A furnace Is placed 25- 100 feet outside the structure to be heated. connections between the furnace and building are burled underground. Wood or Coal is the primary burning fuel lasting 8-12 hours In the furnace. Now the Mahoning Outdoor Furnace can be equipped with Corning Catalytic Combusters Bum 90-95% of the smoke, Increase efficiency 50%. reduce wood use 1/3 Now you can bum wood or wood waste products In an outdoor furnace and also be environmentally friendly. No longer does an outdoor furnace have to be a smoke belching nuisance FIVE SIZES: Standard Model ►Wood or Coal Multi-Fuel Model ►Wood, Coal, OH , & Gas 100.000 BTU’s per hour 24 inch long fire box 200.000 BTU's per hour 36 inch long fire box 300.000 BTU's per hour 48 inch long fire box 400.000 BTU's per hour 60 inch long fire box 500.000 BTU's per hour 60 inch long fire box LOOK AT WHAT MAKES THE MAHONING OUTDOOR FURNACE A GREAT PURCHASE... CLEAN All dirt, dust, fuel and lire is LOOK AT THE APPLICATIONS outside No chance of chimney fire or flue Are ELIMINATES AIR POLLUTION IN THE HOME Smoke, fuel odors and other causes of allergies are outside the home NO DANGER OF EXPLOSION This Is a zero pressure furnace ENCLOSED COMPONENTS The circulation pumps and electrical connections are enclosed In an Insulated cabinet on the back of the Mahoning Outdoor Furnace ADAPTABLE Install our furnace in any forced air heating or hot water system RETROFIT CATALYTIC EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE. Burns 90% of smoke; no harmful emissions. For outside woodstove. Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 6, 1995*829 mushroom salad. • Poultry Federation - chicken nuggets, chicken sandwiches. Chicken com soup, pickled eggs. • Vegetable Growers Associa tion - vegetable soup, batter dipped vegetables, strawberry drinks. In the Pennsylvania Food Pan try, statewide agricultural organi zations will showcase hundreds of processed and packaged foods that contribute to agriculture’s promi nance as the suite’s leading indus try. Cooking demonstrations are featured daily in this West Lobby exhibit by student chefs from the Harrisburg Area Community Col lege and the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Participating commodities include meats, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, confectione ries, poultry products, specialties and gift packs, snack foods, aqua culture, private label foods, and wines. NEED SOMEONE WHO CAN FILL THE SHOES? Try A Help Wanted Ad In Classified. Phone: 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 Dairy Barns - Hot water for cleaning, plus heat the milk house and milk parlors for better production Veal Barns - Warm water and heat to maintain valuable livestock Workshops - Eliminates dust and reduces the Are danger due to painting fumes Green Houses - Constant supply of warm air and warm water for year round growing. Models rated all the way up to 500.000 BTU’s per hour. 111-800-782-2712 llil IHI £i SI ng Bol* SrSti"' Ml
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