n ■r I * ' ■ , {ii i t", ,u r rr i. *s*l - Fanning, Friday, January 6, 1995 197 FFA’ers To Receive Keystone Degree At Farm Show (Continued from Page E 34) Jonathan Smiley Jonathan Smiley, 17, son of Jeff and Jane Smiley, of Ber lin, has served as treasurer, parlia mentarian and presi- dent of Brothers- valley FFA chapter and also vice presi dent of the county organization. Named Somerset County Pomona Grange out standing agricultural graduate, he earned his greenhand, and chapter degrees and served on a number of committees, includ ing the scholarship, flower bulb sales, cit rus fruit sales, parents and members ban quet, window exhibit, program of work, degrees committee, calendar, Food for America, Building Our American Com munities, hospital benefit, parliamentary procedure, FFA sports, public speaking, tractor fundraiser, sweetheart, apple butter and cider, proficiency award, and blood drive committees. Jonathan also has been involved local, state and national activi ties. He said he would like to own a large registered Holstein herd and milk at least 250 cows, and also have a businesses offering custom combining, chopping, and round baling and wrapping services, and also raise crops, in a partnership with his brothers and parents. Chris Smith Chris Smith, 19, son of Charles and Alverna of Aspers, has been reporter, vice presi ad- president of the Apple FFA chapter, where he’s been a mem- jM ber for five years. * Chris has earned his greenhand, chapter and county degrees, was named outstand ing freshman, received a star chapter degree, was named outstanding senior, and was chairman of the chapter’s seed com committee. He has attended a number of livestock and dairy cattle shows and helped with KILE tours, attended the 1991 and 1993 national FFA conventions, was a Penn State delegate, attended the AFY Leadership Conference, competed in county dairy judging, county livestock shows, attended a business seminar for teens, was a winner of a state trip (Co-op) Adams County Rep, and served on the poinsetta sales, citrus and bulb sales, the petting zoo, FFA Week pig roast. Farm Show, county cooperative, pie sale and seed com sale committees. He said he would like to someday own a dairy farm. Jason Shuller Jason Shuller, 17, of Somerset, has been a member of the Somerset County AVTS FFA for three years and has had a tech-prep meeting, the AVTS banquet, and a Ber- lin banquet as his FFA projects. The son of Sharon Basehore, he has earned a greenhand and chapter farmer degrees, and took a first and a second competing in the county envirothons. Jason has been a member the chapter’s banquet, BOAC, county contest, scrapbook, tree seedling, National FFA Week, citrus sales, demon stration, program of work, sweetheart, and sports committees. In addition to envir othons, he has competed in public speak ing, forestry knowledge, project book, salesmanship, and demonstration contests. He said the intends to pursue a college degree in landscaping from Penn State University and eventually own and operate a landscaping and lawn grooming business. * Jeremy Schilling Jeremy Schilling, 17, son of Stephen and Barbara Gnag ey, of Salibury, was named junior forester of the year and served as stu dent advisor, report er and sentinel for the Somerset County ATVS FFA chapter. The recipient of the greenhand and chapter farmer degrees, Jeremy has been involved in Building Our American Communities program, attend ing the FFA leadership conference, county and state forestry contests, public speak ing, serving on the demonstration team, the Big Jim® PENNSYLVANIA . _ Somerset, PA 15501 New Berlmville, PA 19545 814-445-8555 2X5-367-2169 Gap, PA 17527 717-442-8134 Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-264-9588 Cochranville, PA 19335 215-593-6731 ’! W ’*> ,1. Watsontown, PA 17777 717-538-9564 OR 717-742-4226 parliamentary procedure team, county envirothon, and project book contests, and he has served on committees such as the sports, tree seedling, banquet, sweetheart, dues and program of work. A three-eyar member of FFA, he said he would like to find a career in the landscaping industry. Andy Smith Andy Smith, 18, son of Leon and Jean Smith, of New Oxford, has served as secretary and student advisor for the New Oxford FFA chapter. His achievements in clude winning the county and area Myerstown, PA 17067 717-866-5708 Greenville, PA 16125 412-588-7950 Your Jamesway Dealer has loads of information—including an in-depth video—about Big Jim 8.U.C.5., the Bottom Unloader Conversion System by Jamesway. See how you can get faster unloading, increased capacity, better quality feed and reduced maintenance in your steel, poured concrete or concrete stave silo. You can even tour a farm with a B.U.C.S. installation at work. So call your Jamesway Dealer now and get the expert advice you need! Washington, PA 15301 4X2-222-0444 „ * \’ , s McVeytown. PA 17051 717-809-6386 Tyrone, PA 16686 814-684-1777 Port Royal, PA 717-436-9420 small engine contest, winning a bronze medal at state competitions in agricultural mechanics and received proficiency awards in ag mechanics and agricultural processing, in addition to earning his greenhand and chapter degrees. A member of the chapter’s executive committee, and serving as chairman of the state and nation al committee, he has work experience on and off the farm for his FFA projects. The four-year member said he would like to open his own business repairing lawnmowers. (Turn to Page F 6) LE\DERbHIP *OV WTACE f * im IHi lilnler Experts t ■» ’’ jei' MARYLAND Frederick, MO 21701 301-663r6060 Frederick, MO 21701 301-663-6852 at! C 'lX’j \ Elmer, NJ 08318 609-358-8828 i > h'i 1' >
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