C32*Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 6, 1995 , ” Join us in opening our new wing. Lancaster County's newest Personal Care Home is looking for reliable, caring persons to help our Home Improvement Salesperson Positions Available Are: Excellent opportunity for self-motivated Full-time and part-time LPN, 7-3,3-11 individual with a background in home Personal Care Aides 7-3,3-11,11-7, , ? | . • 7am-11am and 4:3opm-B:3opm improvement sales. Area market is House Keeper, part-time established and producing exceptionally Contact: well in sales of garages and cabins. Oak Leaf Manor Retirement Communities Income potential 50K+. ffiiJSSfSKnS Sturdy Built Manufacturing (717) 898-4663 PO Box 187 East Freedom, PA 16637 M _ T<t -i , 800/ 722-0466 {Modern Dairy Farm Rl mipill „ p 1 Needs employee to BSEmo tmimPS _ work with crops. maintenance, and all [ „ „ „ .. y> wvv A around duties on the ; Buy °. r Soll anything con- S WANTED I term. Avaiteble to, ! JL . - U the right person is a \ tiser. Monthly publication w C/Xpenencea A : house or apartment, ; exclusively for advertising 9 Diesel Mechanic S • 2 Years Experience Preferred W ; weekend off ! f*”"™’ w • Excellent Benefit Package v • and vacation. Grand Rapi( j S Michigan y! • Good Working Conditions A f Call (610)756-6993 j 49505 - A >' 1L ' FOR SALE: Market stand 11 BHM t 7 in established market in yj A York. Priced reasonable. a Farm Equipment, Inc. JL c- 7i 7 -656-4625. JL Box 611 AnnvillP PA 17003 V WSmMSITVATIONS FREE INFORMATION! Al box 611, Annyille, PA 17003 A WANTED low the Government to fi- A 717-867-2211 JiM ■== nance your farm or small I— —yj business. Loans/Grants to E 1 j—» CCT $687,900. Call 24 hour, ■ I m I— free recorded message: . .... (810)825-6700, Dept. ■ -AI Employment’ ■■■' » aparlmentwdh W Omjortunities heat, water, and go into business for your- D....a.iki. .erf maiiiminH light for senior self, raising Persian and Responsible and motivated persons * Country Himalayan kittens. Fun and who seek a rewarding and progressive ; ouu y profitable. ssok+ last 2 career working with people are wel- llvin 9 m years. 301-842-3829. come to apply for work In artificial inse- Hillsborough, NJ; in hartman station mlnatlon sales and service for cattle. return owner road, Lancaster County. Preferred; ag background, safe driving requires 100 255£ e SSUtSd , SiE o? record, willing to relocate In PA, educa- hrs/month “ceT ti 7-393-6530; tlon and/or experience given positive serV j oes _ 717-394-6062. consideration. Compensation: above gardening and Owner Operators Needed average income, fringe benefits, equip- hnncekJininn Tri axle dum f» or dum P ment provided, paid training, travel ous>e*eeping. traitors, year round work, allowance. Mai! resume to: For details reply to: £°|s| Atlantic Breeders Cooperative p -°- Box 37 0 717/361-0145. 1575 Apollo Drive Neshanic Station, Toledo Centinel 111 Jet - 1 onpaciar pa tram ; NJ 08853 Spray Whipped Drinks, I——J Vulcan Heart, Stainless CCfifiCfcraClCraiCCi&CiCiCSCCre —■ steel Water Jacket Kettle. ■■■■ — Various Meat, Dairy Career Growth Opportunities... 141 BUSINESS j re oo er The Nation’s leading environmental ■BBOPPO/fTUN/77£S f 717 ) 4 f3-7iBi or Even firm seeks agronomist/technical inoS * 7)45 specialist. Successful candidate will have a lour year degree (or equivalent . ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERS experience) In an agricu'tural/environ' :! mental field. This reliable, responsible, central, PA {B | air> Huntingdon. Bedford, 1 highly motivated person Will be Franklin or Surrounding Counties) '1 challenged by the opportunities to (301)262-9858 I develop agricultural beneficial use of biosolids in eastern Pennsylvania. Interested candidates send resume . with salary requirements to; Farm related business established WCWS-TS-EPA 1946. Nicely located with good iso Admiral Cochrane Dr. #305 buildings jand well maintained Annapolis, md 21401 equipment. We offer an excellent benefits and Ideal for family business. compensation package. EOE 735 4727 Jjffik PETS Wenger’s Feed Mill Inc. A well established poultry feed company located in Lancaster County, PA. Is in need of an experienced turkey service person. • iAKC PUPPIES WANTED a Our organization believes in both top bird h All Breeds ■ Part and Whole Litters n quality and fostering excellent grower relations, w Resold As Pets :We Pick, up a Good housing units with which to work are our W| [ DON’T SELL TILL YOU CALL US , | a benchmark. In addition to turkey service P “CALL NOW" 717/822-2033 a experience this individual must be a good communicator with the ability to direct growers to achieve top bird performance and cost. I WANTED TO BUY I Please send resume end salary requirements p uppjes m|xed & AKC for . in pet store. Also looking for kittens. Mr Jamie H. Rowley Call when young for pick-up at 7 weeks. Director of Human Reaources Fajr price paid WENGER’S FEED MILL INC. P P POB 26 Norman Wheeler 610-380-1445 E j/MHOUSEHOLD ANTIQUE—STYLE Jelly Cupboards, stools, pipe boxes, childrens chairs, re cipe boxes, etc. Made w/ antique building materials. Toy barns made w/ barnboards. 717/463-3381. MAGNETIZER WATER CONDITIONERS- STOP HARD WATER NATURALLY— ORIGI NALLY $199-$299, NOW FACTORY DIRECT $69.95-FOR INFO.—ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS. MAGNETIZER GROUP, INC. 215-766-8660. Moyer Family Cookbooks, $6/each, +s3 postage/ handling. Write: Shelly Taylor, RRI, Box 70-4, An dreas, PA 18211. Over 270 recipes. APPLIANCES Central PA's oldest & largest used only appliance store now open in Lebanon. Over 150 rebuilt appliances to select from. All appliances guaranteed 1 year. w.s. Enterprises 15 S. 9th St. Lebanon, PA 717-272-2405 EU pets AKC Collie Pups, $175, nicely marked. 717/284-5146, AKC Dal pups, 2-males, shots, wormed, ready to go, $5O/ea. Mifflinburg, 717-966-1398. AKC German Shephers, 2 months, male, shots wormed, $175. 717-656-8015 LET RING! Lanco. AKC Siberian Husky and AKC Keeshound, both fe males, very cheap. 717-933-8269. Akita Puppies AKC, Guar anteed Hips, Wormed, Shots, Champion Blood lines. $450. (717)987-3022. Aromatic red cedar shav ings for litter boxes, dog kennels, etc. Keep your pets smelling great! Keep flies away. Available bag or bulk. 717/733-6698. Australian Shepherd pup pies, ready 1/4/95. Also ten month old female. Both pa rents here on the farm. $5O. Franklin County. (717)369-2598. Ragdoll Kittens, ready to go, FeLuc negative. Call 717/839-3936. St Bernard puppies, $lOO. Will be ready January 21. (717)582-8619. JoSmusceuaneous Kennel Sections, chain Miniature register! link. any size, doll pet sheep, unique. 717/822-7820 7-Bam or very t.ny and ftwdly.sM leave message. '"9 $875. 215-297-0767. We Pick Up Please call (215) 766-8802 Between Bam-spm Tuesday Thru Saturday JACK’S DOG FARM Founded 1927 AKC Collie Stud Service Nice Markings, from good stock 717/284-5146 IjjjicOMPUTERS COMPUTERS, New Com puters 486 PC starting at $920, Plus new systems. 410-335-7511. Computer Sales & Service. Guaranteed repairs and upgrades. Specialized tu toring available. JOHN LINDINGER 717-863-1015. Baby- red For W WANTED fj . 1 Puppies w! J 11 For Pets AKC, Purcbure, Mixed Litters. Stud service for most breeds. Tranrportil'on provided. Forest Ridge Kennel 296 S. Vintage Road Paradlaa, PA 17562 717-442-4259 kJ&mscellaneous Molds to make concrete, single and gang hog slats. K V Concrete, RR#2, Box 1000, Mifflintown, PA 17059. NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL. Truckload sale of rebuilt bedding, 17% off, from Jan. 2-14, wrapped in plas tic, looks like new. Reg. $lOO, Now $B3 for a full sized set Also in stock Em pire Bureaus; clothes trees; Singer 486 drawer sewing machines; bed room suites; Maytag washers; Hickory and up holstered rockers; new dro pleat tables; couches; sodi rons and handles. We will be closed Jan. 16-24 to re stock for public sale Jan. 24. AARON & BARBARA CLICK, 307 Monterey RO., Bird-In-Hand, PA 17505 (at Stumptown Crossroads). New Butcher Tubs $9; bon ing knives $l2; long butcher knives $2O; shar pening steels $10; plastic scrapple pans $l. Cumber land 717/258-6931.
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