C22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 17, 1994 Q CATTLE 12 tame Hereford cross beef steers and heifers, must sell, avg 650 lbs. 717-434-2408 after 6PM. 18 Jersey Cows & 6 bred Jersey heifers 814/634-5507 Somerset Co 18 Registered Holstein Heifers, Some Freshening Soon, Will Sell Part. (410)578-1224 After BPM (24) milking cow Reg. Holstein herd, mostly fall and winter freshening, ba lance due thru summer months. Sire Power breed ing. 717-483-6673. (2) Charolais purebred open heifers, top polled genetics. A few select bred females. (717)428-2309. 2 Reg. Jersey Ist calf heif ers that are milking; 14 mo. old reg Jersey heifer, 2 month old reg Jersey heifer All excellent show cows, 4-H projects, 908/874-7849. 30 Holstein Heifers from weaned to short bred, Al sired, vaccinated, all from one high-producing herd. 717/284-3562. 38 High grade Holstein Dairy Cows. Good produc ers. Call 717-538-2160. (3) Jersey heifers, 4-H ami mals, 1 milking, 2 shor thorn. 610-287-7027. 40 Cow Holstein Herd 32 Milking 60Lb Average Young Stock Also for Sale (717)284-3562. (4) Reg. Simmental bulls, (2) black. (2) red/white. 717-933-8561. 5 Registered Holstein Cows, Good Udders, Call (610)932-5274. (8) Dairy cows, several w/ calf Take 1 or all, $6OO. 717-264-8611 ANGUS BULLS AND FE MALES FOR SALE. Cow calf pairs, A-l sired and serviced, bred cows and heifers Yearling and 2 year old bulls available 717-667-9817 home; 717-949-3701 farm. Angus Bulls, Cows & heif ers for sale. Stump Acres 717/792-3216 York County Attention Cattle Feeders! I provide order buying ser vice & trucking. Denzil Heishman, 703-465-5786 BEEF Cattle for Sale Pure Bred Polled Herefords Stockton, NJ (609)397-4292 Beefalo Herd, 1 Herd Bull 4 Years Old, 12 Bred Cows, 1 Open Heifer, 10 Yearling Calves ‘7 Bulls and 3 Heif ers". (814)367-5607. Black Purebred Simmental Bull, 11 Months, Thick, Med Framed, Ooscil $l2OO. (410)442-1546. BULLS; Angus and Here ford, 1 to 4 years old, excel lent animals, 1-800-722-0466. Buyers = Seilers of Lives tock - Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You'll get results) 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Chi Maine Angus crossX dub calves for Christmas. Calves born March thru May A few select Farm Show prospects available. Reasonable prices (814)238-1233 (814)234-9622 Closeup springing heifers, large and desireable, un limited amounts available. Jerry Miller, (716)293-3730. Complete Dairy of 52 Hols tein Cows in all stages of lactation. Bradford Co. 717/265-8280. Dairy herd of 32 Holsteins milk cows, Eastern A-1. 717-324-6953. Dutch belted & Holstein crossed bull calves, raise for service bulls or dairy beef. (717)524-5873. Expanding operation wants to buy dairy cows and heifers of all ages. Toll free 1-800-852-2697. FOR SALE: Chiangus fe males and select few bull calves Proven perfor mance and maternal quali ties Call (717)867-1266. FOR SALE OR LEASE' Reg. Holstein Bulls sired by Blackstar, Leadman, Aerostar, Wister and others. Dams w/records to over 30,000 m. Many to choose from. Also 1 red & white and 1 red carrier. Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 215/488-1965. For Sale; Holstein feeder steers in Juniata Co Call 717/694-3950. For Sale; Reg. polled Here ford bull, 2yr. old Rebel son, excellent growth EPO's, daughters weaned off over 6001b5., used on cows and heifers, ex tremely gentle. Call 717/528-8000. For Sale; Whole Herd of Black Angus w/calves, 90% due to calf in Spring. 410/658-3503. Fresh or Springing Cows & Heifers. Take 1 or 10. 717/284-3562. Click's Hoof Trimming, have tilt table. Do your cows feet now for better production in Spring. David S. Click, 274 Cut Road, Ga-p, PA 17527, 717/442-9680. Grade and Registered Holstein Heifers, also Ca nadian Herds. For further info. (410)679-7485. Herd of 15 Reg. Jersey cows for sale. 301-898-7265. Herd of 52, pick 45, DHIA herd avg. 15,000. 717-965-2790. HIGHLAND; Registered breeding stock, heifers, calves, carefully selected bulls, imported bloodlines. All vaccinated and broke to halter. Reasonably priced. (717)937-4497. High Quality Springing Holstein Heifers, Al Sired, Due January-April. Ander son Friendship Farm. Fre derick County, MD (301)898-0047. HOLSTEIN BULL ready for heavy service, excellent quality size color and dis position, dam 131.000 M in 5 lactations, $9OO or will lease. Delivery free within 100 miles York Co 717/637-7586. HOLSTEIN FEEDER STEERS. (14), avg. 500 lbs., $.65/per lb. 610-326-5951. Holstein heifers, 6 bred, 3 breeding age, 2 small. Berks Co. 717-933-8946. Holstein Bulls, 6 Prelude ETs 9-.14 Month Old, Ex cellent Cow Family. Cherry Crest Farm (717)687-6844. Home Raised Feeder Steers Holstein Angus Charolais. Schuylkill County. (717)682-3090. Jersey Heifers, Regis tered, Al Served, Available at All Times. 703-869-2622 or 703-869-4276. LIMOUSIN CATTLE/ FULLBLOODS: Heifers and bulls of all ages. West minstar, MD (410)857-0176. Now buying entire dairy herds and springing heif ers. Highest cash price paid. Call Reuben Green berg, Inc., Columbus, NJ (609)298-1021. Polled Hereford Bull: weaned, very thick, fast growing, by #2 milk EPD bull, great EPD's, certified accredited guidelines herd. 717/359-4422 evenings, Adams Polled Hereford bulls, 8 months old, can be regis tered. Wyoming County. Call after 6pm, (717)639-5428. Purebred Simmental bulls, heifers, cow/calf pairs. One cow w/calf. Half Simmen tal. $lOOO. (1) cow w/calf, half Angus, half Simmen tal. 814-733-4705 Bedford Purebred Red Limousin Bull, born 3/12/94. Must Selll $750. Luz. Co. 717/675-4856. Quiet yearling Limousin bulls, black/ red, halter broke, sire Road Runner. Call after 3, (717)658-7061 Reg. Holstein Bull, Service Age, Dam EX 42,000 m, 147 0 f, $9OO. Call 717-285-7426. Registered Beefmaster tattle bulls, calves, cows. Livestock hauling avail able, 20' walk-on trailer. For more information, call (717)624-3943. Registered Holstein bulls, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat; also 1 red 8 white. Stump Acres. 717-792-3216, York County Registered Angus Bull, Born 2/17/93, Great EPD, $l2OO. (410)679-0882. Registered Service Age Brown Swiss Bull. Very nice, sired by Emory from top cow family. Lebanon. 717-865-2846. Registered Jersey sprin ger, 2nd calf, good type, heavy milker, Quicksilver Marshall daughter, $1,195. (717)762-5692. Registered Bull Calf, sired by Oscar, Dam has 28,797 ME milk. BAA 104.5 Priced reasonably. 717-949-3302. Reg. Polled Herf. Bull sired by Dunwalke Fidelity, DOB 3/93; 13 rag. polled Herf. belters calved Spring 1994; excellent replacement heif -7 good polled herf. ere; 17 gi steers avg. 500-700 lbs. 301/714-0762 Hager stown, MD. Reg. Polled Hereford, bred heifers due to calf in spring, bred to top bulls. Reaso nably priced. Reg. polled Hereford yearling bull. 717-866-4185 Reg. Polled Herefords. A-l bred cows/heifers. Starting $7OO. Top A-l bloodlines. GRIST MILL HILL FARM 717-563-2322. Reg. Simmental Bull and Heifer Embryo Flush mates. Possible Homo. Polled. Call for Information (610)944-6007 Service Age Registered Holstein Bulls Good Pedi grees. Call (610)932-5274. Service age bulls big enough for cows for your use Glenn Freese, (610)932-9762. Service age registered Holstein bulls, popular sires, dams up to 30.000 M (717)653-5663. SIMMENTALS: Weanling, heifers and bulls. Polled, purebreds, large selec tions. Outstanding indivi duals. 301-972-4437. Simmental Cattle: Bulls and heifers, black or black factor, priced to sell. Phone 717/225-6279 York Co. Simmental cattle, quality polled heifers, bulls & club calves. 410/442-1546 eves.. WATTS LOGAN SPRING ANGUS 1994 bull calves and heifer calves. Growthy, good conformation. Rea sonable prices. Health and registration certificates. Come see or call; 814/742-8118 or 814/742-7476, Box 10 Bell wood. PA 16617. BUT DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Pace Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop For Sale Private collection of 35 sleighs and 15 carriages all horsedrawn. Can be purchased individually starting at $4OO Contact Paul Z. Martin, Jr. New Holland, PA Mon.-Fri. 10 am to 4 pm daily (717)768-8306 FOR SALE; Registered bull sired by Blacks tar, ex cellent shape. Phone (717)948-0208. Buffalo Calves (717) 222-9815 GERLACH SIMMENTALS Manheim, PA 717/665-6982 Cows, Bulls & Heifers Zimmerman’s Custom Freezing Bulls Collected On Your Farm Complete Mobile Unit P.O.SU4S Nmr MM, MI7H7 1-800-472-2641 Excellent Buy 15 month old purebred Black Angus Bull $9OO. Will deliver (717) 564-2651 8 Registered Polled Hereford Heifers. Exceptionally Nice. Sting-F243- Texpnmetime. Also Young Service Age Bulls. (717)437-2656 fbairy Cows ft | Heifers 1 Bought & Sold J i Freddie ) J S. Smith j 9 703/639-2262 ! | After •PM V ! 703/382-0570 | HIGH PRESSURE '%RI WASHING J All your washing needs. Will Travel. Chicken Houses • Veal Barns - etc. RAY EAGER & SONS 717-949-3212 Leavp Message REGISTERED r HIGHLAND CATTLE Discover the breed that still retains special traits acquired from Its ancestors of Scotland -Bred cows, heifers and bulls for sale. -Health guaranteed. •Info available upon request. 908-303-0902 W&MSi .SAUE 2 Prelude sone, 1 year old, Dam; Leadman, will finiah 2 year record over 26,000 lb. milk 3.4 F 3.3 P 761 b PRO. Gr. Dam VG 86 Cleitua with eons in A.l. 2-4 24,022 4.1 F 3.3 P 72 lbs PRO. Next 4 Dams all VG and up to 30,000 lb milk. “Prices Valiant Bess” cow family. Please call Ar-Joy Farm Duane Hershey (610) 593-5998 TOP PRICES FOR ALL TYPES OF BEEF CATTLE CULL COWS, BULLS, STEERS, alto Down or Crippled Cattle Calls Token 6 AM to 10 PM - 7 Days A Week IN PA - Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, Lancaster and parts of Chester & Lebanon Counties ★ All Cattle Paid on Hanging Dressed Weight ★ FOR RENT FLOAT-A-COW „ i ■ < X • WaBSS* 1 -' With The Aqua-Cow Rise System Get that down cow up on her feet with warm water therapy. Warm water supplied, also a cow strecher • a well designed cart to get down cows out of barns. For More Information: LEE-MAR FARM 2724 Conaatoga Craak Rd., Morgantown, PA 19543 (610) 286-9052
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