ClO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 17, 1994 Saratoga County Farmer Wins Meet CALLICOON, N.Y. Steve Griffen of Schuylerville captured New York Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer Discussion Meet competi tion, at the organization’s state convention at the Villa Roma Resort Hotel in Callicoon. A graduate of Cornell Univer sity, Griffen operates a 300-acre sod farm with his wife, Laurie, and his father, Phil. He is also a mem ber of New York Farm Bureau’s State Young Farmers Committee. BUY. SEI PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon.. Tues.. Wed.. Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM ■EI CONSTRUCTION ■■ EQUIPMENT 1970 Tampo Vib roller RS2B, engine needs re pairs, as is $5OOO 609-894-2849. 1971 IH 500-C 6-way Dozer $6900/80; 1970 JO-450 6-way Dozer New Chains $9900/80; (609)466-2953. 1978 Case W-14H high lift, good rubber, good condi tion, $14,500. 609-894-2549. 1993 Gehl 4625 skid loader, 47hp Kubota diesel, 275 hours, aux hyd., $12,900. 717/949-3582. (2) Model 40 FC JD Crawler Dozer, IJComplete, 1)90% $3OOO 080 (717)589-7408. SUNDAY Dec. 18 Dec. 25 MERRY CHRISTMAS Jan. 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR 4000 Lb L.P G. Forklift. Completely Reconditioned and Repainted, P/S, Stan dard Transmission, 130' Lift. $4OOO. (610)756-3337. 6,000 lb Clark forklift, solid tire, new paint, excellent condition, $3,500. (717)726-7925. AC 7000# forklift, propane, PS, side shift, triple mast, IS' lift, $6900. 717-345-4882. Allis Chalmers HD7G crawler loader w/ripper, 75% U/C, good condition, $8,500. (610)767-3293, GARTNER Industrial Hail Mowers. 88'3Pt. Hitch. 74’ Side Mounted, All Hyd. Dri ven. Excellent Condition. (410)836-1924. MONDAY Dec. 19 Dec. 26 OFFICE CLOSED Jan. 2 OFFICE CLOSED Second place honors went to Chris Kelder, an Ulster County dairy farmer. Griffen was victorious over three other finalists to capture the discussion meet competition. Dur ing the contest, discussion meet participants work together as a group to arrive at a solution to an agriculturally-baSed public policy problem. The winner is the one that has the best overall delivery, knowledge, and ability to work “well with his fellow "debaters.” CAT 955 L, S/N 8568728. low hours on engine re built. $17,000. Evenings, (717)658-6529. DISMANTLING FOR PARTS' CAT 977 L w/good bucket, good U/C, CR OPS. All parts available. BALANDA EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm. PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 CAT D4d Angle Blade and Ripper, Low Hours; John Deere 2010 Dozer 6-Way Blade and Ripper (703)837-1428. DISMANTLING FOR PARTS; Case 4508 dozer w/6-way blade, OROPS, good U/C. All parts avail able. BALANDA EQUIP- MENT PO Box 407 RT 29 Palm, PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 Lancaster Farming TUESDAY ic. 20 - PUBLIC SALE 12 NOON"'- REGULAR ADS 5:00 PM ? * ;1: Dec.'27;^ DISMANTLING FOR PARTS; Case 450 early S/N Loader, good finals, good U/C. All parts avail able. BALANDA EQUIP MENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm, PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 DISMANTLING FOR PARTS; Case 780 CK w/4-in-1 bucket, extenda hoe, 336 diesel. Many good parts available. BA LANDA EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm. PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 Cat 951 crawler loader $8,500. Case 450 crawler loader $7,500. JD 400 loaderhoe, as is, $4,500. lnt.DT466 roll-back 26' air, 5+2, 1967 38.000GVW $17,500. Chevy C-60 stake 24.000GVW, $4,500 (717)698-8311 HOLIDAY ADVERTISING SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY Dec. 21 REGULAR CLASSIFIED 5 PM Dec. 28 REGULAR CLASSIFIED 5 PM Jan. 4 1981 Ford 555 Diesel Tractor Loader Backhoe $12,500 ‘BB Case 1155 E, 4200 hr, Fair U.C. $31,000 080 • We Buy Jk Sell • F'inssnelnit Or Purchase Available AA Equipment ▼ 1797 Robert Fulton Hwy., Quarryville, PA 17566 * THURSDAY Dec. 22 FARM EQUIP. CLASSIFIED 9 A.M. Dec. 29 FARM EQUIP. CLASSIFIED SAM Jan. 5 PRINTING AND MAILING ■Hi * 84 Case 14558, 3000 Hrs., w/Ripper, New Pins & Bushings & Sprockets £3*r9OCT $22,500 *B3 Cat 963 GP Bucket with 717/529-2512 No Sunday Calls FRIDAY Dec. 23 PRINTING AND MAILING DATE MAILBOX MARKET DUE FOR , 12-31 ISSUE, Dec. 30 PRINTING AND MAILING Jan. 6 HOME DELIVERY DATE Teeth, Cab s4fcooff $40,000 SATURDAY Dec. 24 HOME DELIVER DATE Dec. 31 HOME DELIVERY DATE Jan. 7 FARM SHOW OPEN <* * '
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