GAITHERSBURG, Md. Members of the Montgomery County Agricultural Center’s board of directors elected Robert Pack Sr. of Brinklow to serve as president for the 1994-1995 year, along with Robert E. L. Smith Jr. of Silver Spring to serve as vice president, Terry Brown of Damas cus to serve as treasurer, and Diane Geary of Gaithersburg to serve as secretary. All had served in these capacities during 1994. Owner of Terra Nursery, a wholesale plant distributing com pany, Pack has been an agricultur al center member since 1990. Through his time as well as dona tions of trees, shrubbery, and plants, Pack has been a strong sponsor and supporter of the fair. During his tenure in 1994, upgrades to the agricultural cen ter’s electrical facilities has been completed and work has begun on upgrades to the water system. Six new board members were Manure Happens! Badger Northland Inc reserves the right to change /^L\ design and specifications of its products without notice / or obligation { J Some equipment displayed in this literature may be s ""' / shown with shields removed for photographic purposes only Never operate equipment without all shields in place See your Badger Dealer today, because manure happens! MANURE SPREADER SPECIAL - THROUGH OICIMBER m 1194 $m For 12 Months 8.9% For 24 Months 10.9% For 36 Months OR CASH REBATE 0% C. PAUL FORD HONESDALE SPREADER SERVICE SHOW-EASE STALL COMPANY Everett PA Honesdale, PA Lancaster, PA 814-652-2051 717-253-2410 717-299-2536 CHAMBERSBURG FARM SERVICE MELVIN MILLER SOMERSET BARN EQUIPMENT Chambersburg, PA Spring Mills, PA Somerset, PA 717*264-3533 814-422-8279 814-445-5555 elected to three-year terms during the agricultural center’s annual meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 9, and were welcomed to the board during an orientation session and an organizational meeting of the board Wednesday, Nov. 16. Those elected to serve three-year terms are Carol Irvine of Sugarloaf Mountain, Diana Patton of Bur tonsville, Robert Raver of Dicker son, David Rippeon of Gaithers burg, Tom Stang of Cedar Grove, and Laura Tessier of Lay tonsville. A graduate of Virginia Tech where she served on the board of visitors, Irvine has served as chair woman of the year of the sheep committee for the 1991 Mont gomery County Agricultural Fair. She has also been a member of the King and Queen and Indoor Exhibit of the Year committees. A former Montgomery County 4-H’er, Irvine has shown sheep and Currently assists with the Sheep Department at the Mont- \ Badgor Northland's ruggod, rmllablo ‘I sproadors work as hard as you do. * Aggressive Beaters - takes punishment from Frozen chunks and provide uniform spreading at the same time * Strong Steel Underslructure - the steel angle cross members and frame rails will give you many years of service * Six Apron Speeds - apron drive eliminates |aw clutches * "V" Belt Beater Drive - cross drive provides built-in slip clutch Belt servicing is easy with front mounted shaft bearings * Hydraulic Drive • assures longer life to the PT O and front "V" belt * Soperslitk Deck - 3/4" hr plywood core coaled with fiberglass with resin impregnated gelcoat makes clean-out easy * Top Beater (optional) ■ allows for more uniform spreading and increased capacity * Litter Pan (optional) - prevents material from falling out below the beaters and falling over the endgate during transport * Splitter Valve (optional) - makes it possible to operate both the hydraulic apron and endgate with only one tractor remote hydraulic circuit * Endgate (optional) - protects beaters during loading and prevents manure from resting on the beaters during transport DOWN Board Members Elect Badger Northland Inc. — l -rr> p.o. box 1215 Kaukauna, Wl 54130-7015 Ph0ne:(414)766-4603 FAX (414) 766-5011 gomery County Agricultural Fair. She is a former Montgomery County Agricultural Fair, Queen, National FFA vice president, Maryland Farm Queen, Maryland Sheep and Wool Queen, and National Cheviot Queen. She is associated with the Craft Shop and Becraft Realty, Gaithersburg. Diana Patton, who has been involved in the dairy goat depart ment at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair since -4967, served on the agricultural center’s livestock committee and assists with the production of Old Mac- Donald’s Bam for the fair. She is a former 4-H member and Goat Club member. Patton is a member of the American Dairy Goat Asso ciation and is vice president of the Mid Atlantic dairy Goat Associa tion. She is vice president of the Turf Center, Inc., Burtonsville. A former Montgomery County 4-H’er and cooperative extension service agent for 30 years, Robert Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 26, 1994-C7 Officers Raver is a former Montgomery County Agricultural Center Inc. board of director. He has assisted with the dairy cattle department at the fair announcing dairy shows. He farms more than 800 acres in Dickerson. He is a member of the Maryland Holstein Association, and is the president of the Upper Montgomery County Farmers’ Club. David Rippeon, president of Gaithersburg Ford Tractor and Kubota, serves as cosuperinten dent of the fair’s open class beef department and is a member of the King and Queen Committee. He is a member of the Enterprise Farm ers’ Club and the Maryland Polled Hereford Association. He has served on the board of directors of the Eastern National Livestock Association. President of David Stang and Son, Inc., Stang has been a mem ber of the agricultural center’s grounds committee and has assist ed with the upgrades of the cen ter’s water and electrical needs. Classified ads! ft PAYOFF! a r a a'Jvj m FISHER’S PAINTING & FISHER’S PAINT OUTLET STORE QUALITY PAINTS @ REASONABLE PRICES 'v/Wptaint* ■ ALL TYPES OF INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Up J PAINTING ' ■ SANDBLASTING ■ ROOF COATING ■ RESTORATION & WATERPROOFING ON STONE & BRICK BUILDINGS HOUSES - BARNS - FENCES - FACTORIES - ETC. Specialists In Sand Blasting/Spray Painting Farm Buildings, Feed Mills, Roofs, Tanks, Etc. With Aerial Equipment WE NOW REPAIR SPRAY GUNS AND PUMPS 4056 A Newport Rd., Klnzers, PA 17535 717-768-3239 On Rt. 772 Across From Psquea Valley School (Brush, %p[[ Or Spray - We U (Do It 'Either Way . Tor Jobs Large Oi Small ■ Our (Men Witt Do It PTC > He is a former Montgomery County 4-H Sheep and Swine Club member and a supporter of the Montgomery County 4-H Livestock Sale. Laura Tessier is a member of the agricultural center’s budget and finance committee and assist ed in the compilation of the cen ter’s Personnel Policy Manual. She is a financial services execu tive at First National Bank of Maryland. She is a former Mary land Polled Hereford Queen and is a member of the Maryland Polled Hereford and Angus associations. Tessier assisted with the organiza tion of the Eastern Regional Junior Angus and Polled Hereford shows. Completing the 1995 board of directors are one-year directors Mike Roth of Damascus and Louisa Riggs of Brookeville and two-year directors Wayne Bur dette of New Windsor, Helen Hubbard of Silver Spring, JoAnne Leatherman of Damascus, Harold Mcßain of Gaithersburg, and Merle Mills of Germantown.
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