/ ftvfl Him tJon I» ▼ AAA GLASS-PAC FIBERGLASS VENTILATION FANS Streamlined Flbergl • Solid One-Piece Fiberglass Propellei • Heavy Duty Motors • All Aluminum Motoi Unit • Stainless Steel Hardware • Vinyl - Coated Stee Front Guard • Plastic Shutter FIBERGLASS MAXI-PANEL FANS without set screws- provides better transference Exclusive new construction offers exceptional per- 0 f po Weri eliminates slippage and corrosion. • All formance plus Lifetime guaranteed housings and a | um j num motor mount. • All nuts, bolts and prop washers of stainless steel. y miScnCitation systems anS ” CEILING INLETS A Revolutionary Approach To Pressure Washing / • Cut your cleaning lime In half with the famous Dirt Killer Noales , . D.RT It's World Patented Design, which fea- UHfIW. tures a rotating turbine, delivers the ! KILLER K,LLER impact of a 0‘ nozzle with a 25’ fan. \ SSSmSS NozzLESThis incredible performance will increase exact your efficiency while cutting your cleaning time In half aav- ing you money through reduced labor and material costa. / / ’ One area where you will realize tremendous savings is with your chemicals. Not only will you use less chemical, but you will signif icantly reduce your disposal costs proving that the Dirt Killer Nozzles are environmentally friendly, as well as powerful. BRASS CASING. FOR WATER FLOWS THRU OPTIMUM TURBINE FOR OPTIMUM EFFICIENCY R.P.M. - WITH NO LOSS OF PRESSURE - BEEF / DAIRY 4 NEW ? Full Una Of Part* In Stock For Your Poultry And Hog Naada r Ib| Hour Strvict b Your Complete Poultry & Swine Building & Equipment Center BEEF/ DAI MOI Swine & Poultry Systems Specialists FARMER BOY AG. 410 E LINCOLN AVE PH.717-866-7565 ,800-845-3374 PADUPD ’V&FVKT A#l r iIKMc/K dUX A&r me. COMPARE THESE SUPERIOR FEATURES • Exclusive lifetime guaranteed fiberglass composite housing never rusts, never needs painting. • Exclusive lifetime guaranteed fiberglass prop. Super-efficient airfoil shape, perfect balance. Absorbs direct blows without damage, never corrodes.'* The fan housing and prop are guaranteed for life, so you can reasonably expect this fan to last forever. If a housing or prop ever fails. AIRSTREAM VENTILATION SYSTEMS will replace it at no cost to you I • Choose from 14”, 18*, 24" or 36’ sizes. • High efficiency motors for greater electrical economy. • Taper lock bushing secures prop to motor for greater gripping power A Division of (pS|) Each unit provides 1.2 square feet of intake area and is designed to operate under negative pressure. Inlets are con structed of fiberglass composite and Sytrofoam. Units measure 16.5" square and mount directly into the ceiling and project into the attic. An insulation-stop is provided. Stainless steel counter weights and a manual lock adjust ment make it unsurpassed in performance. Mira Fount THE PROVEN ENERGY FREE SYSTEM MYERSTOWN PA 17067 AAA NEVER-RUST AIR FOIL SHUTTERS NO RUST, NO CORROSION AVAILABLE IN BACK DRAFT MODEL ■ Nil) hunk will) I r i jhlii *ml i ml HMrid - |4plM»> llukclil Sin I loni M' «* aMhi W f VI U-110 3(r »* II lt» krthm fA’ll-, , n r,i„ j Mn-iwUoiwlVi <J7i 30-ki|hQ»ik.h^i*lW«iH»»*l ' MParfi-miviiivimMiiii ir k*k»*.i>«i u <.iii*»*i ♦ss '-** FLOORING “New” Size 3/8”x3” - 5/16” Wire In Stock - 3/B”x2 - 5/16” Wire 3/B”xr/* ” - 243” Wire The Nitrogen level of U>* pit waste will be enhanced by 300% with PIT-BOSS™ Pit Additive To Reduce Odor and Pit Soltde Hours: M-F 7:00-5:00; Sal. 7:30-11:30 Check Our Warehouse Prices IJUMMCoidj WE SHIP .:r 2D THE PUHAFIRE Pur JMWK: fire - - -Vaj^ Efficient, powerful and versatile agricul tural heaters yield greater BTU's for your money. CREEP PAD WE MAKE YOUR WORK CLEANER, FASTER, AND HEALTHIER PIQS STAY WARM. DRY AND COMFORTABLE ON THIS BLACK RUBBER CREEP MAT IT ABSORBS RADIANT HEAT WHILE BLOCKING DRAFTS THROUGH FLOORS AND PROVIDES INSULATION ITS FLEXABILITY PREVENTS DAMAGE WHEN KICKED BY THE SOW. WHILE TAPS LOCK IT UNDER THE CREEP DIVIDER THE INEXPENSIVE MAT CLEANS EASILY. YET THE SOFT. RIBBED SURFACE PROVIDES EXCELLENT TRACTION FOR BABY PIGS QUALITY BROODER/ LAMPS POLYFENCE - LINE FEED BUNKS EAST INSTALLATION! ■ t-Ath hunk «lis|||ihil mhdll li>Hithir «ilh lAtli Hint ■ %<■ h(.jvs dun Uitiiir I Mikr msUtil mtur „ ■ \..fuik ■ ><>u II liki itK uss hrukmji«irk ckjfi ■uidlluArlmy hiri FLOORING FOR ALL CONFINEMENT NEEDS SEE STEVE, TODD OR JAT FOR TOUR PARTS AND EQUIPMENT NEEDS Our name says it all The PuraFlre heater provide* a consistent, clean burning and fuel-efficient source of warmth tor all types of poultry and swine houses. With near 100% efficiency (CO emissions of 5 parts per million), the thermostatically operated PuraFlre uses leu energy to yield greater BTUs for your money. Choose from two PuraFlre models: the CBOM - variable output (40,000 or 80,000 BTUH) and the C22S-225.000 BTUH unit. Each Is LP or natural gas compatible and can be mounted inside or outside your confine ment house. eaSfh PLUMBING SUPPLIES Galvanized ft PVC ■ I’ll WATER I J FILTER ■ .'J ill CARTRIDGES ■ m x 3m PVC Ball Valve •Complete With Guard And Hanger Two Piece Porcelain Replacement Socket With Screw Terminals BROODER WITH 6’ CORD & WIRE GRILL . ■ Xin wix-s jnO MwiKUi'tfixii.Khif hunk'vjg>« Imsiu wsijlhi kaoi /3W/ Reduce With Pow» always hr available, the length then twist the end li No tools DOUBLE MAT un w»ifhi ii »•. RM2B42P HEAT LAMPS- RED OR WHITE AVAILABLE I i ■ n ~ 11 ■ ■s«. | wn!ii u i .i t I w
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