830-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, November'26',' 1994 Public Auction Register THURS. JAN. 12 - SAM Farm equip, and livestock South of Leola, turn off Rt 23 on Rt. 772 Turn right on Creek Hill Rd. to 2714. Lane. Co., Pa. Henry Miller Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Mar tin, Randall L. Ranck, Auct FRI.JAN 20- 10 AM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. FEBRUARY FRI. FEB. 3 -10 AM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland. FRI. FEB. 17 - 10 AM Horse Sale New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland. (g) ABSOLUTE AUCTION (g) PROSPECT DAIRY FARM TWO DAY DISPERSAL TWO FARMS -157 ACRES - MODERN DAIRY FACILITY 200 HEAD REGISTERED & I.D. HOLSTEINS FULL LINE J.D. TRACTORS & MACHINERY COLUMBIANA CO., OHIO 6 MILES SOUTHEAST OF ALLIANCE - 20 MILES EAST OF CANTON Owners retiring, this good farm sells without reserve 23604 & 23402 - CENTER RD., HOMEWORTH, OH. Directions: From Alliance, Oh. take St. Rt. 62 east of town (Just before RR overpass) to Homeworth Rd. & south 3 miles to Center Rd. & east 1/2 mile to auction. FRIDAY - DECEMBER 16, 1994-io:3OAM 200 HEAD QUALITY REGISTERED & I.D. GRADE HOLSTEINS 100 adult cows of which 60 are first calf heifers; 26 head bred heifers; 40 head 6 mo.; 30 head to calves; ABS, All bred & sired the past 20 years. DHIRHA. • 18J21M - 669 F. All animals have papers. Catalogs on request. Better plan to attend. Merle Coy, Pedigrees (216)863-0086 SATURDAY - DECEMBER 17,1994 - io=oo am REAL ESTATE SELLS AT 10:30 AMI FARM #1; 79 Acres nearly all tillable, lays exceptionally nice. Free gas. Good 2 story home w/5 bedrooms, Newer 80+ free stall dairy barn, 24 X 80 & 20 X 80 sealed concrete silos. Double 6 Surge heated parlor, lagoon, bank barn, (2) 14 X 50 silos, good 56 X 96 machinery shed & shop. This is a real good & well maintained set up that is ready to go. Approx. 600 ton corn silage & haylage to stay w/real estate along with parlor, pipeline, all unloaders & planted wheat. Approx. 13,000 bu. high moisture shelled com to transfer at $1.75 a bu. FARM #2: 78 acres joins Farm #l. Very dean 1 1/2 story frame home, Free gas. Land level to gently rolling. Very productive. NOTE: There is additional land available with first right of refusal to buy or rent. Farm HI & #2 offered separate & then together. Any questions on how to trade or buy, talk to Rusty. TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: 15% down auction day, balance due at closing. All information contained herein was derived from sources believed to-be correct. J.D. TRACTORS - TRUCKS - COMBINE: J.D. 4440 tractor w/£ull; J D 4520 tractor; J.D. 4040 diesel tractor; J.D. 3020 power shift diesel; J.D. 2010 gas tractor; J.D. 855 4 WD diesel utility tractor w/ft. end loader; Ford 1991 F-250 Custom 4X4, auto; (5) 3 pt. quick hitches. J.D. HAY & FORAGE EQUIP. ■ MOST 1 OWNER: J.D. 3960 forage harvester; (2) J.D. 716 A (1) 716 forage boxes w/roofs, tandem gears; Gehl #99 1000 RPM blower; J.D. 1219 mower conditioner; J.D. 660 hay rake; N-H. #144 hay windrow inverter; J.D. #530 round baler; J.D. 337 square baler w/pan kicker; (2) 18’ Bale King wagons. PLANTING & TILLAGE TOOLS: J.D.' 6 X 16 plows; J.D. 5 X 16 plows - J.D. 4 X 16 plows; 15’ Brillion cultimulcher; J.D. 7000 conservation; J.D. 8300 23 hole double disc drill; J.D. 21’ transport field cultivator; J.D. 10 or 12 shank chisel plow; J.D. 4 X 38 cultivator; J.D. #4OO 15’ rotary hoe; Century 500 gal. crop sprayer. MANURE TANK ■ PIT PUMP - MOWER - STOCK TRAILER ■ ETC.: Badger #87002 1000 RPM tandem axle liquid tank w/inside bottom auger - Badger 6’ pit pump; N.I. 363 tandem axle web spreader; Woods #l2l pull type 10’ rotary mower; N.I. 41’ Hay & grain elevator. BULK TANK - T.M.R. MIXER ROLLER MILL - MISC.: 10 mo. old Knight Reel Augie stationary Mod. 3170 mixer w/elec. scales; Surge 2000 gal. bulk tank w/2 newer 5 HP comp. Mod. 807020, Ser. #BB05878; Surge Mod. 2800 2 yr. old vacuum pump w. 9 1/2 HP. FEED - HAY - CORN SILAGE - STRAW: ALSO SELLING FOR NEIGHBORS - DOZER & EQUIP.: J.D. 2010 diesel dozer. NOTE: Good clean operation, most equip, stored inside. Very good farming community, better take a look! Call for full details and pictured brochure. 1-8005335456 Join us! Rusty. Cash or check w/proper I.D. auction day. Rusty Kiko, C.A.I. (216)525-7420 - Jim Kiko, C.A.I. - Jim Gill, C.A.I. Charles (Bus) & Frances Gottardl RUSS KIKO RICHARD T. KIKO ASSOC. INC. iriKflY AGENCY AUCTIONEERS IBllßfc REALTORS (216) (216) 453-8357 453-9187 . SINCE 1945 2805 FULTON DR. N.W. CANTON, OHIO 44718 TOY SHOW PLANNED A Toy Show will be held on Sunday, Dec. 11th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Fallston Volunteer Fire & Ambulance Co., Inc.; 2201 Carrs Mill Road, Fallston, MD. Come and browse, shop see our own 1926 Seagraves Ertl Bank or other Ertl Banks, Winross trucks, trains, planes or automobiles for everyone. Lunch (Pit beef and bake goods). incnoft W«WMTTOCCraiMMfIFT»C immwooowoniKFMun CONRAD PROTZMAN 2325 Bangar SUM) • BaWmora, Maryland WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 AT 10:00 AM IM QBENS QIBENMATIC UNDERCUT • MILWAUKEE • ORTZA 9E-320ALTENDORF, POWERMATTC 5 ROCKWELL • DIEHL RIP SAW • SUPERIOR A DELTA VERT BAND • (2) DEWALT RADIAL ARM • DELTA JQ, • DEWALT MITER • MUIM (2) ROCKWELL# RB • LAMNAmn SDUHt SALQO HOT PRESS • BLACK BROS. • MAR SEL. INC. LAMINATE SUTTER MNMM MACK OUWC SINGLE SIDED • EZY-T-EDQE HOLD TTTE • OUMPB JM LANCASTERS JOMTSMLPOWERACO • PORTER* (2)PCWERMAHC»BO(CE CRANE TOTAL CONCEPTS, Mb DAM MACH. « SHAWM POWERMTC 111 (2) AZETA# 304 FEH3ERS • HOLZ-HER PEEPERS • BAXTER D WHITNEY DUAL 9POL • AIUANDUIDOBM DOVETAIL MACH. • PLAMM POWERMAC 1 r • POWSRAUTIC imoim • BOMND SWIM NEWTON • HAFELE UMBASE • AEPtA MAT PARKS • CONTINENTAL • DELTA PEDATBL TYPE DRILL PRESSES • BANOSRA WHITE- TINCSAVEH SPEEDBELT • NEWTON • WYSONQ A MILS • PONKUFTS A HATIISAL HANOUMAMERICANSCtS.UFT• YALE3OOOAAOOOLB SMC. HOT GLUE SYS, (2) PANT BOOTHS, DUST COLLECTION SYS., MIDWEST PUMP SYS HOLZ-HER EDGE LIP TRIIMER, BAD BALDOR BUFFEIVQRMDERS (LOT) ASST. ELEC. A PNEU, PWR TOOLS, DRILLS SCREW GUNS, WORK TBLS, SHELVMO, AIR HOSE, CARTS, CABINETS, AND MORE! Mmaallla Sal* Dapoalt an# TWMSilOSßuyaf'apfainlum Timl Caaipaay Saaarad Party MSPSCTIONi Tuaaday, Oacambar 13 Iran 1000 AM to 3d» PM L Por ooinplalatanTa ASuamadbrochufacotNart: A inidiael Fox Auctioneers, , ExacuUwa Offioaa • 3836 Nayloa Lana • BaHmora, Maryland 21208 L (410) #534000 •1*00) 722-3334 • Fax (410) 553-4QSS OF 42 ACRE FARM STEERS, FARM EQUIPMENT & FARM MARKET SUPPLIES, ANTIQUES Saturday, December 3rd at 9:30 AM Real Estate Will be Sold at 11:00 AM Located along Stonay Run Rd., near Spring City, E. Vincent TWp., Cheeter co. from Rt. 23 take Seven Stera Rd. north to Stonay Run Rd., property on right; from Rt 724 take Bridge St. eouth to Stoney Run Rd. turn left to property. STEERS; 13 Head Holstein 1100-1200 lbs. ANTIQUES: FE Myers & Bros, hand pump; cabinet w/porcelain top; balance scales; wooden measures; blue canning jars; misc. wooden chairs; Toledo scales; sm. wooden table; (3) 30 gal. cracks, 2 w/lids; 6 gal. crock; misc. sm. crocks; 30+ wire egg baskets; bedroom suite w/high backed bed, dresser & wash stand; library table; Ig. coffee table; chest of drawers; mirrors; drop leaf table, needs work; hall rack w/mirror; cane seat rocker; homemade soap: coal buckets & shovels; sausage stutters; couple hundred wooden crates; iron butcher kettle; wooden & metal measures; butcher equip. & tools: butcher bench & block; com meal sieve; Standard scale; child's wagon w/iron wheels & sides; garden & farm tools; sleds; wheelbarrow w/iron wheels; 14' flat wagon w/sides; Int. 1 row potato planter; lots of wooden chicken crates; horse collars; dnying harnesses & work harnesses; cross cut saws; 3 sec. spring tooth harrows; 2 horse market sled; grain cradles; 2 hole com sheller; copper boiler; horse drawn shovel harrows; Syracuse walking plow; gas engine; blacksmith forge blower; copper kettle; lots of drop handled milk cans; broad axe; ice tongs; wooden wagon jack; cultipackers & disc harrows; slant top desk; hay rakes; hay hook & rope. FARM EQUIPMENT, FARM MARKET SUPPUES A MISC: NH #26 high throw blower; 3 bottom 14" JD trip plow; 353 NH grinder mixer; Mech. 1 row transplanter; Nl 206 ground driven manure spreader; 36' NH elevator, 1 yr. old; 2 row 3 pt. JD com planter; JD 4 row com planter w/pestiade boxes; JD 2240 diesel tractor w/wide front end loader: NH gravity bin; Int. 274 diesel tractor w/offset eng; JD 15 hole gram drill; JD #1217 7’ haybine; 6' rear scrapper blade: PTO belt pulley; JD 55E chain saw, needs work; 1 row cult. & 3 pt. hitch, 884 hrs.; 3 pt. lift carrier; Rhino 5 tooth chisel plow; 1000 bu. Behlen wire com cnb, good cond.; JD 336 haybaler w/thrower; 3 pt. Woods rotary mower; 3 pt. Wac broadcaster, new; Nl hayrake teader; Nl 1 row corn picker; JD 20/20 gas tractor, low profile w/Dunham Lehr loader; 6' haywagon; 24' NH elevator; JD sickle bar mower; full roll barbed wire; 25 bags fertilizer; several tons of hay, (Timothy, alfalfa & orchard grass); endless belt; belt driven corn sheller: seed cleaner: baler twine; wheelbarrows; elect, fences; locust posts; 40’ wooden ext. ladder; 20' ladder; metal wheelbarrow: platform scales; pig troughs; strawberry harrow; Kuker 3 pt. sprayer w/pump & 55 gal. plastic tank: chains; Bally walk-in cooler w/oompressor B’xll'xß', working order; 150 & 300 gal. fuel tanks w/pumps; Rainflow 4' plastic mulch layer; Mlghty-Mac tree & lawn sprayer; back-pack sprayer; scythes; garden seeds; Ig. nut cracker; brace & bit set;*scrapple pans; cases of peach & pear butter; 2 Egg-O-Matic egg graders; Roto-Matic portable egg washer; metal chicken nests & feeders; hand turned portable potato grader, cider press; hundreds of new egg boxes; portable Speed Air air compressor; hundreds of orchard baskets, various sizes; motorized meat grinder; grindstones w/motors; berry carriers; 2000' plastic mulch; patio umbrellas; Kenmore refrig/froezer; Kerosene heater; Currier & Ives type hanging light; misc. cans; fens; kitchen sink; roasting pans; misc. old dishes; agate canner; snow fencing & steel poets; many items not mentioned. TERMS BY: Erma Hunsberger Kenneth Hunsberger HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Alvin Horning AU-0433-L P.O. Box 251, Morgantown (610) 286-5183 PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON 1.078 ACRE LOT PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT., DEC. 10, *94 9 A.M. Loc.: 271 Clearfield fld., New Providence, Pa. Take Rt. 272 South of Lancaster app. 10 mi. turn West on Truce Rd. go app. V 4 ml. turn right on Clearfield Rd. to sth house. 2V4 story, 3 bdrm. stone Colonial home. 1 ’/« bath, stone fp, deep set windows, enclosed sun porch, detached 2 car garage w/work shop. Prov. Twp. Terms 10% down, bal. of 45 days. Oak desk; kneehole desk; oak Veneer dinette set; Maple hutch; 2 sewing machines, washstand; dress er; 2 chest of drawers; parlor chair; 9'3’x26" table; 1871 Sea truck; wooden wheelbarrow; cane bottom rocker & chair; 2 needlepoint chairs; birthing chair; quilt rack; appliances; Theorem paintings; Clipper ship pictures; shadow box; oil lamp; hanging light; rayo-lampp; copper water sprayer; copper pc’s; shaving mirror; brass cow bank & lock; butter scales; African knife; metal lunch box; wall coffee grinder; agate fish poacher; pewter figurines; Heirloom Pfalt; wooden phone; 14,000 BTU air conditioner; milk can; fishing rods; down hill ski's & boots; Hoffman Adv. box; wine bottles; grape lugs; bread maker; Qlenfieid 22 cal. auto, shot gun; Daisy BB gun; 7 Hess fire trucks; old metal toy truck 25" long; fire truck 23"; steam shovel; dump truck; platform scales; metal shelving; shop vac; wooden & metal work bench; '/> hp. air compressor; power saw; wooden vise; pipe wrenches; bolt cabinet; weather vane; weed eater; hedge trimmer; garden culti; MTD rototiller; 116 JD riding mower; snow blade; 1988 Ford Escort Station wagon, auto 4 cy. 40,800 mi. Many more items. No Out Of State Checks. Lunch. Starting w/shop items. Car, gun, Hess toys at Noon, RE at 1 PM followed by furniture. TERMS BY DOROTHY S. RIESTERER, ESTATE Kristina M. Skubon, Exec. Auction Conducted By Lloyd Kreider, Randal Kline & Roy Good, Jr. #SI3L, 717-786-3394 Daniel C. Herr, Atty. Saturday, December 3,1994 @ 9AM LOCATION: 183 S of York, Exit 4 W to 2nd light; L 14 block; R on Reynolds Mill Rd; 3 mi sale on L CAR, TRUCKS, TRACTORS, FARM EQUIP 87 Plymouth Caravelle SE, auto; 54 F 8 truck tractor, 49 F 4 truck w/9’ bed; 49 F 4 for parts; Ford 2000 tractor-hi/lo w/2 remotes; front mt blade for 2000; 34 Fordson on steel w/pulley nice; 2 bot plow for Fordson; Cub w/belly mower; JD lawn tractor; Ford 530 baler-like new; 5’ Woods belly mower for cub; Ford 501 3pt sickle bar mower; JD 24T baler w/#3O thrower; extra pick-up for 24T; JD 1440 no till corn planter; JD 125 chuck wagon w/1065 gear; NH 479 haybine; IH 720 harvester-wide or narrow w/grass head; JD 237 mt com picker; IH 350 12’ disc; IH 55 3pt 9 tooth hi clear chisel plow; JD 5 bot mt plow; JD 3 bot mt plow; Ml 175 40’ PTO elevator; MF 15 grinder/mixer; 16’ bale wagon; 14’ flat wagons; 14' dump wagon; JD hay rake; SQ6O 3pt bush Hog; horse trailer; Agri bedding chopper; Donhauser 3pt post hole digger-nice; Nl 217 manure spreader-as is; pickup trailer; 2 wheel trailer; 3pt lift boom; Brillon 12* culti; top beater for IH 540 spreader new; Patz bam cleaner unit; Patz gutter cleaner chain w/16" left hand hi paddles; dump wagon hoist; wheels for 24T baler; aceline torch outfit; Surge milkers w/elec pulsators; Bender dumping station; SS washtubs; approx 30 drinking bowls; feed trough; 2 calf hutches; 1200 gal. poly fert tank; 110 gal fiberglass sprayer tank 14 ton chain hoist; 25 ton hyd press; chains; misc silo pipe; asst 4-16’ gates - some new; bam fans; horse shoes; barbed wire; new 16’ oak lumber; piles fence posts; 10"x20’ pipe; 48-50 4 sp transmission; FLATHEAD PARTS-water pumps, heads, block; misc hand tools; wagon load of sm items. JD 250 Side Mount Mower, Surge Vacuum Pump w/SHP Not responsible for accidents. Refreshments provided. TERMS; Caeh or good check AUCTIONEERS: A Kenneth K. Keeny AU2797L W 717-993-3448 Marietta E. Thomae AU32SIL
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