TAKING TIME by Rebecca Escott Penn State Extension Home Economist For Lehigh County Single Parents Need Time Too I was reviewing some statistics on families in the United States. The number of single-parent fami lies has more than doubled in the past 15 years. Approximately 11 million children under 18 years old live with a single parent. One million of those live with their dads. Demographers estimate that 70 percent of the children born after 1980 will spend some of their first 18 years in a single-par ent home. Many families are experienc ing what this means personally. The challenges for these folks are great. Economic pressures top the list of concerns for single parents. Cindy Fletcher, extension family economist at lowa State Universi ty, reports, “Divorce results in reduced income for all income groups... Per capita income in female-headed household is hbout half that of two-parent house hold.” But economic pressures are not the only concerns. Like most par ents, single moms and dads also DOE’S PRIDE™ NATURAL GOAT MILK SOAP W • It’s especially GENTLE on your skin ' •It's NATURAL and PURE • There’s NO allergy-producing fragrance, dye, color or preservative added. SEND FOB FRCt IHFOMUnON W CALL TOIL FREE HOWES 1-800-542-7180 HOME SOAP WORKS P.O. Box 317. Milliagtea, NJ 07946 (Ml) 604-7170 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SALE Excellent Bargains Throughout The Store. Shoes, Sneakers, Rubbers, For The Entire Family. Also Boots Such As Bata, Tingley, LaCross And Over The Sock Boots For Snow And Barnyard, ‘Watch for Red Tag Sale Items in Store including lots of sneakers like LA Gear, Converse, Riddell, Rockport; also lots of Ladies dress & casual shoes; Plus on 2nd Floor - Buy 3 Pair + Get 1 Pair FREE. Any combination shoes or sneakers. HOURS Mon., Wed- Thur. 8-5 Tues., Frl. 8-8 Sat 8-4 struggle with having too much to do and not enough time and ener gy to do it. The good news is that studies are now documenting that “Children receive as much sup port and discipline in mother headed homes as in two-parent homes.” according to Virginia Molgaard, another family life spe cialist at lowa State University. However, single-parents are often not supported by others to the same extent that they offer sup port to their children. If you are a single-parent, you can make choices that will help your family. First, it is very important for you to carve time out of your schedule to be with other supportive adults. Relying on your children as your primary source of emotional support can be damaging to your kids. Mol gaard emphasizes that, “When the parent receives support from other adults, children are more likely to be healthy and happy.” University of Illinois research ers agree. They have found that single-parents who have a strong November 18 th thru 26 th Nov. 25 & 26 - Northlake Factory Rep. will be here Fri. 11/25 11am - 8 pm and Sat. 11/26 Sam -1 pm. Nov. 18-26 • Special Prices, Discounts and Many Door Prizes! (Need not be present to win) Nov. 26 - Chicken BBQ, Ham & Cheese Sand. & Bake Sale. Sam - ? Proceeds to benefit Annie King hospital bill. We have lots of super specials on InsulatM waterproof hunting boots! JSLJ 1 CLOSED SUNDAYS, KEW YEAR, EASTER MONDAY, ASCENSION DAY, whit Monday, oct. ii, i hanksgmng, f h ««rrrii C|:RIS ™ AS 4 DECEMBER FISHER’S FURNITURE, INC. NEW AND USED FURNITURE USED COAL A WOOD HEATERS COUNTRY FURNITURE A ANTIQUES pile Line. nny n MON.-THURS.'w 1129 GEORGETOWN RD. FRI. 8-8, SAT. 8-12 BART, PA 17503 at the ★ This is the BIGGEST SALE EVER at this store. Many discounts on different styles. Up to 30% Off our already low markad prices. Many brands of shoes, sneakers, winter boots or rubbers, and homemade & factory bought clothing to choose from. social support network experience fewer psychological stresses and parent more effectively. By taking time to be with other encouraging adults, you’re not only helping yourself, you’re also helping your children. Secondly, take five minutes to write down the good things about your family and your adult life as it is today. Tape this to the dash of your car or the refrigerator door. Single-parents may get trapped in a rut where they only notice the things that are “wrong.” Remind yourself often of the positive things about your family. Third, treat yourself to a class or time to work on a special pro ject. People who build skills feel Beans The (NAPS) —What food is low fat, low cost, packed full of essen tial nutrients and helps reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease? If you didn’t think about beans, then perhaps you don’t know beans — about beans. “Medical and nutritional experts have found that adding beans to your daily diet can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, as well as help control weight gain,” says Gene Hermenet, presi dent of Brooks Foods, a leading producer of beans. “Eating beans represents an excellent step in the right direction toward a more healthy lifestyle.” NEW at this location WAYNE’S SHOE REPAIR anger. Who are you really mad at? Take at least three slow, relaxing breaths before returning to the group. • Go into the bathroom and splash cool water on your face. Wash your neck and hands. • Do 50 sit-ups or get outside for a walk.* Phone or visit a friend. Even if you aren’t a single-par ent, you probably know one. Take time this week to be a supportive friend to baby-sit while she gets her hair cut, to complement him on something he’s doing well, to "play catch” with her kids, to wel come his family to your home for potluck dinner. Cancer-Fighting Food Beans bear powerful assets: B vitamins facilitate cell production as well as healthy skin, eyes, hair and nails; iron is essential for healthy blood production; calcium is key for strong bones and teeth; and protein is essential to proper functioning of every cell in the body. “Beans help fight weight gain because they provide lots of pro tein, but include only a tiny fraction of fat compared to equal servings of meat and poultry,” explains Hermenet. A one-cup serving of beans contains about one gram of fat; a 3'A ounce serv ing of ground chuck contains 23.9 grams of fat. Calories from beans come mainly from carbohydrates and protein. The high carbohydrate content in beans means calories taken in are burned up quickly and converted into usable energy. Beans reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease because the high fiber content—l 2.2 grams per one cup serving—is more than half the Water Quality Wm f An IMPORTANT . ingredient in W Livestock Management It’s a fact! Contaminated water can have a costly effect on your livestock and poultry performance. Our years of experience plus hundreds of farm related treatment systems has proven the validity and practicality of correcting contaminated water. cu 4/ J Marlin Water Conditioning Co. WAXES SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS IN FARM WATER TREATMENT, 54* New Holland Ave. Willis Sham 740 E. Lincoln Ave. ' Lancaster. PA 17602 Somerset, PA a Myerstown, PA 17067 (717)383-3012 (717) 866-7856 800-224-3612 (814>683-8081 600-887-7555 Along Rte. 23 800-893-5081 Along Rte. 422 V Uncaster Farming, Saturday, November 12, 1994-B3 better about themselves and are better able to address new chal lenges. Use a pottery class, karate lessons, or desktop publishing assignment as an opportunity to develop a new skill. Set a goal or schedule a discussion with a child’s daycare provider or your banker. Don’t do it all. Tackle one area that you want to improve. Concentrate on that until you feel comfortable before moving on to other projects. Finally, when the pressure is too much, and you’re about to lose your cool with your children, your parents, or your boss, try these coping tips: • Put yourself in time-out for a few minutes to think about your recommended daily requirement. Soluble fiber, along with a low fat, low cholesterol diet, also aids in reducing blood cholesterol lev els (a major factor in heart dis ease) by blocking the amount of cholesterol the body absorbs. Beans regulate blood sugar lev els and are an excellent way to manage diabetes because of their high carbohydrate and fiber con tent. Experts recommend that about 60 percent of a diabetic’s calories should come from complex carbo hydrates. Consuming just one cup of beans provides more than half the daily adult requirement of complex carbohydrates. “Americans are more health conscious than ever, and can find great tasting low-fat alternatives in creating bean dishes like rice and beans, fajitas and chili,” says Hermenet. “Beans provide ‘one stop shopping’ if you’re looking for a cancerfighting, low cost, goodtasting nutritional value.”
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