C24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 22, 1994 1M HOG EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES (4) 5x21 nursery pens, ten der foot flooring, nipples & feeders 410/833-1847 Smedley 8, 10, 12. 16. 20-hole hog feeders 717-665-4743 IEI POULTRY i WKM SUPPLIES 20 week pullets by 10/18, 10 or 100. brown 717/445-6423. 717/445-5124 Baby chicks and ready to lay pullets, brown or white egg layers, heavy meat chicks Contact Moyer’s Chicks, Quakertown, PA, (215)536-3155 Cash for Chucker, Quail, Squab, Silky, Rabbits, Muscovy Ducks, Mallard Ducks BO BO POULTRY WHOLESALE MARKETS 718-386-1117 6am-3pm Ducklings French selected hybrid muscovy ducklings available year 'round Call Doug Weinhold tor pricing Days (717)354-4424, evenings (717)354-9685 Farmer Automatic, Cage systems for pullets and lay ers, 4-5-6 decks, 410-833-1840 For Sale Mallard ducks and Muscovy ducks and wild turkeys 609/769-2140 Hyd Turkey Loader, $2OOO 410/398-8766 Ring Neck Pheasants, real beauties, full feathered, also Chukars, quail Exotic pheasants Lady Amherst, Red Golden, Yellow, Silver, Reeves, Elliots, Blue-Eared, Swinhoe, Cockatiels Ring-necked doves Evenings best (609)299-9131 Sept 16 2,500 brown egg layers, 19 wk old pullets, Nov 11 14,500 brown egg layers, 19 wk old pullets Moyer's Chicks, Inc (215)536-3155 Sex Sal Pullets, ready to lay Montg Co 610/754-7073 after Bpm SWANS White Mutes and Black Australians, adults and babies Call JR 717*639-3001 mahts or days leave message. RR2, Box 296, Harveys Lake, PA 18618 HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING • Breeder Houses • Hog Finishing Bams • Layer Houses • Sow Units • Pullet Houses • Dairy Bams • Turkey Houses • Veal Pens • Broiler Houses We Spray For All Types Of Beetles and Insects That Cause Structural Damage to Your Poultry House For More Information Call: BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Winner, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED AVAILABLE DEKALB Brown Pullets Floor Grown (LANC. CO.) 14,000 in Mid-November Contact: Moyer’s Chicks (215) 536-3155 FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE FIRMEST MEAT. ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY DUCK CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES. ALSO, FRENCH GUINEAS, EMBDEN GOSLINGS FREE CATALOG ON GOSLINGS. DUCKLINGS, CHICKS, TURKEYS, GUINEAS, BANTAMS, PHEASANTS, QUAIL, CHUKARS. SWANS. MEDI CATIONS, EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. 717-365-3407 HOFFMAN HATCHERY BOX 129, GRATZ, PA 17030 Northeast Agri Systems Your Authorized MASTER DISTRIBUTOR serves the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries • Bulk feed bins in a wide vanely ol \4fUSCK) capacities lor any application >555^ • Genuine Chore-Time FLEX AUGER* , teed delivery flexible auger systems 1 • Broiler & broiler breeding feeding JX systems including the new Chore Time VP Model 2000 and the Model C feeders T* • Fans & Complete ventilation systems. \I Vl including the new fan oscillator - -il" 1 ) fIL /SFJWSf • Innovative CHORE-TIME/SWISH watering (or any kind of poultry application • Chore-Times exclusive MEAL-TIME* pig and hog feeding and watering Ju • Chore-Times production boosting cow HsIW Jk feeding system lor dairy operations T O INCINERATORS 'X TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 Authorized —I Meetet Distributor Since 1982 Bnt Northeast Agrl Systems. Inc aos 5 ■ RywovluOneoPcrt ' rM-eocuo MO BP jli 139 A WMt ASport Road tfgmwmr long lurrdii) qj ■R urni pa 17543 1.800.735-061 U m (717)5692702 1-800-673.2580 IB**. Quakertown, PA ifT SPACE HEATERS •RODDERS RATITES 6-8 month old Emu chicks, DNA sexed, micro chipped, $4OOO/pr, Coming 2 year old Emu pairs, $9OOO All farm raised, healthy stock Lancaster 717-872-6163. African Blacks 2 females, 13 and 18 months, in Flor ida 1 male, 16 months, in PA, colored up and demon strating at 14 months. Chester County, PA. (610)857-2497. DRI-DEK. 140 sq ft. dark brown Chester County, PA (610)857-2497. EMU'S for sale, excellent opportunities, financing available, interest free Big, strong coming yearlings, micro-chipped, DNA sexed, unrelated, 10 pairs to choose from. Don't wait!! Call today. N.E. PA. 717-364-5246. Emu for sale, 5-9 month old chicks, DNA sexed, micro chipped, beautiful, straight, healthy, from early laying 100% fertility stock 703/268-2902 Emu Yearling Pairs, $6OOO/Pair and Up; Year- Img Rhea Pairs, 52200/Pair and Up, Emu Chicks $2500/Pair and Up. Emu Breeders $12,000/Pair and Up (717)664-3175 MALE EMU Proven Breeder, No Defects. No Reasonable Offer Re fused. (717)762-1805. OSTRICHES for sale. Shippensburg, PA, (717)532-2915. OSTRICHES! 3 to 5 months old Strong large birds. Unrelated pairs. $3OOO-$3500 Bird-in- Hand (717)768-3628. K EMU jgms INFO. WP Hid Atlantic I I Emu Finn PA (215) 285-5191 MD (410) 398-2432. I Emu'T I I— Rheas —I Breeders. Yearlings and Chicks Country Ark Farms (717) 686-3480 EMU “GET INVOLVED IN THE FUTURE” Oil-Meat-Leather 6-9 month old chicks available $3,350 to $3,900/pair WESTWIN EMU 410-778-2453 IH FEED i ■■■ SEED SWEET CORN SILAGE' Good protein content, keeps well in warm weather, $l4/per ton; mixed with field corn, $24/per ton Will deliver. CLYDE «r DER, Lan caster PA Z-898-8927 WANTED Damaged or moldy corn, gram or soy beans 717/733-4516 WANTED Mulch Hay, year around, Timothy and Or chard Grass LAUREL VALLEY FARM INC 610-268-2074 WANT Round and large square bales of hay for mulch Will pickup at your barn (215)444-1651 Sawdust Clean, Dry, High Quality Prompt Deliveries in Dump or Trailer Loads Reasonable Prices R.V. BRIDENDOLPH & SON, INC. Mercersburg, PA (717)328-3650 Serving PA, MD & WV 5X6 ROUND BALES, Ti mothy and Timothy-Alfalfa Mixed $25.00 BALE. (717)286-0650. Alfalfa $2.50 and $2.00 per bale. Some fine, some rain. 610-374-7772. AMUNDSON HAY COM PANY Dairy quality, Al falfa, small squares David Amundson. Route 2, Box 103, Westbrook MN 56183 1-800/398-5931 Apple Pomace economi cal feed delivered in the (717) area Call for price (717)776-5353 Aromatic red cedar shav ings for litter boxes, dog kennels, etc Keep your pets smelling great! Keep flies away. Available bag or bulk 717/733-6698. BUYING Barley. Delivered to Lancaster County, PA. 717-426-3135 BUYING HAY Timothy Orchard Grass, Buying for Large Mushroom Farm in Chester County, Top Dollar Using 18,000 Tons Yearly Paid By The Load Call Harry (610)932-9457. Clean bright wheat straw approximately 7 ton. Also 3 ton barley straw, $l5O/ton at barn (717)582-2730. Corn silage out of field. De livered in your silo. South ern Lancaster Co. 717-464-2894 Forage brand rye seed (717)733-4516. For Sale- Hay and Straw Delivery available Chester County (610)932-8999 Good Corn Silage, Delivery Available. 717/393-1490, Good Quality early made Ist cut grass hay in round bales 717/866-4919 No Sunday Calls. HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy We de liver. L.J. HAY. INC 1-800-622-9902. Hay and straw for sale. Can Deliver 717-393-4683 Call 7AM Hay for sale, all kinds, tested, 45 years of service. Raymond Oates (517)286-6241 Hay for Sale! 717/862-3213, 717/927-9483 Hay, straw, and feeding oats for sale STUMP ACRES (717)792-3216, York Co High Moisture Ear Corn, processed w/roller mill, out of field, delivered to your farm 717/872-9152, 717/872-4058. High moisture ear corn for sale, hauling available Berks/Chester Co 610-286-0541 , 610-286-5530. High Quality Alfalfa Hay tested and delivered; also straw & mixed hay Martin Brothers, Olivet. Ml, 517/543-1642. New Hi-moisture corn for sale, shelled or with cob, will deliver 610/593-6026. Second and third cutting al falfa hay, 4x4 round bales, also 300 square bales of good alfalfa 4x4 round bales for heifer and dry cow hay No Sunday Calls (717)694-3917 Seed barley and wheat, also oats for cover crop. Stump Affres, (717)792-3216. Spelt seed, rye seed and Tyler wheat seed. Earl Li vingston (717)432-9704. STRAW Hesston square bales, 4x4xB Will deliver 610-255-5211 Straw for sale. 45 lb bales at $BO/ton FOB or we can delivery 45 years of ser vice Raymond Oates (517)286-6241. White Pine Shavings, 3.4CU.R., $3.50 Each, Vol umn Discounts. Shredded Paper S3S/Ton. Sunrise Farms, York Springs. PA. (717)528-4505. Will buy moldy grain. 410-833-1847. — —umm— -4MVr«9QHG*SBCvmwIv99MVMHw9MMWI^^^^^^^ I BAR CORN WANTED | I Picked up or delivered. Prompt Pay. X I Kreider & Faus Farms | i Mervin M. Kreider £ I 717-933-8943 J | Daniel 717-933-8473 | I | No Sunday Calls | £ WANTED | MULCH HAY j | Square and Round Bales \ J We Need Much More Hay! | * Bodman Farms 3 J Gerald Bodman I 5 717-437-2076 \ J WANTED Wj First Cutting Dairy Quality ImF jH Alfalfa, Timothy and Bt Bk Timothy/Clover Mixed Hay gw Top Quality 4’ Bales, Balage Pure Alfalfa, Low Moisture BM HOLLOW FARMS 610-767-1408 BUYING WET BAR CORN Wet Shelled Soybeans Contract or Daily Price Picked Up At Field Or Delivered To Menhelm (717) 665-4785 (717) 665-9463 NOLL GRAIN Manhelm, PA WHOLE COTTON SEED New crop contracts available October thru December January thru August 1995 5-10 Ton Loads Available. HERSHEY FARMS 338 Sunnyburn Rd. Elizbethtown, PA 17022 717-665-7284 RISSER GRAIN Buying & Selling Ear & Shelled Corn, Wheat, Barley & Soybeans. Roasted Soybeans For Sale Holtwood, PA 717-284-4628 717-284-3362 L. ROHRER*^ Extruded * Soybeans Bagged 80 lb. or Bulk Shelled Corn, Ear Corn and Soybeans - Barley & Wheat Buying - Drying - Contracting (717) 569-7929 (717) 569-4383 FOR SALE Peanut Hulls, Sawdust & Shavings Hay & Straw Bulk - Bagged - Bales 717-529-2855 If no answer 717-529-2552 Wild bird seed, cage bird seed, dog food, cat food, other feeds available; ce dar shavings $3 50 bale. 717/665-9793. [XBKMMtiI!
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