CATTLE 1 45 cow Holstein herd for sale 20,000 DHIA, 180,000 SCC Some EX and VG cows, 17 first lactation. Quality registered herd at a fair price. 717/284-3562 fk/3 HIGH PRESSURE WASHING jTJ All your washing needs. Will Travel. Chicken Houses - Veal Barns - etc. RAY EAGER & SONS 717-949-3212 Leave Message Pennsylvania Holstein Assn. Want To Buy Sell Holsteins Reg or Grades Call Today (717) 944-1374 We need Reg. Bred Heifers Bred June, July, August 94 MD ANGUS , ASSOCIATION Futurity Calf Sale 30 hand selected steers 15 fancy show heifer prospects Sat. Oct. 29,1:30pm Sale location; Dawn Acres Angus, West Friendship, MD Buyers can win premium awards from this sale only! For Information: (301) 447-2101 For Sale Herd of 58 head Holstein dairy cows Pick 40 head from 58. Young, good fall herd. 1/2 due yet this year. Many recently fresh. Can stay till 11/15 or be moved sooner. 717/786-2750 Glenn Fite Agent for Owner 4 Reg. stock bulls, records 30- 40,000 M w/high protein butterfat. MUST SELL Buffalo Calves (717) 222-9815 FOR SALE TEXAS LONGHORNS Cows, steers & heifers at all times. GETTYSBURG, PA Office 717-334-4908 Home 717-334-4136 H DAIRY HERDS TO New York and New England dairy herds for sale. We have a number of outstanding tie stall and free stall herds rang ing from 30-200 cows with up to 22,000 lbs. production. TO $ BUY DIRECT SAVE EXPENSE TO Distelbuiger Livestock Sales, Inc. (914)343-1726 (914)343-7322 wl "55 tftors /nßtasintss" CLUB CALF SALE Saturday, November sth, 1994 7 PM 25-30 Head Sponsored by Adams Co. Beef Producers Association South Mountain Fairgrounds Arendtsville, PA For information call: 717/642-5077 or 717/259-0006 FOR RENT PLOAT-A-COW ' ■ I ****** \ With The Aqua-Cow Rise System Get that down cow up on her feet with warm water therapy. Warm water supplied, also a cow strecher - a well designed cart to get down cows out of barns. For More Information: LEE-MAR FARM 2724 Conestoga Greek Rd., Morgantown, PA 19543 (610) 286-9052 WANTED: 50+ dairy cows. . Owner financing, make Top Quality Holstein Bulls Texas Longhorn Calves, money instead of paying it ,or y our use ,0 S et d lOB6 Registered Bulls, Heifer all out in taxes Interested? cows bred. High production Pnng Classic Breeding. Call 717-596-3649 Brad- pedigrees. 610/932-9762 (717)235-3319 ford Co. PA. Pennsylvania Draft Horse and Mule Sale fV February 15, 1995 VH[ n i Blizzard Date-February 16,1995 1 II 'Pennsylvania State Farm Show Building S « Corner of Cameron and McClay Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. Tack - 8:00 A.M. Horses-12:00 Noon Terms - Tack and Draft Horse related items - 15% - with maximum commission $75.00 Horses - $30.00 to accompany consignment Commission -6% Maximum commission $lBO.OO No Sale Fee $60.00 $3O entry fee deducted from Commission. Deadline for catalog - December 1, 1994 Cataloged Horses to sell First. Horses will he sold in order of consignment. Negative Coggins test and health papers within 6 months must accompany each horse, please have foal papers in order. Note - Non catalog consigners - you must give us one week notice so proper number of stalls are available - otherwise you will have to sell off your truck. Elmer D. Lapp W. David Keller 5080 Martin Rd. 115 Stone Mill Rd. Klnzers, Pa. 17535 Hummelstown, Pa. 17036 717-768-8177 717-566-0529 passes the “winter of ’93-’94” test Remember the c-c-c-c-c-cold winter of ’93-’94? Wondering what the next one will bring and how your herd will fair? Install the energy-efficient JUG to reduce concerns about freezing cattle fountains. Even in the coldest weather, the JUG performed, while the competition’s waterers did not. While the JUG’s thick urethane insulation keeps the winter cold out, its patented drawtube recirculates water. Cooler bowl water exchanges with warmer reservoir water to keep bowl water open. The JUG will do its job. A cold weather test conducted by an lowa college during the winter of ’94 demonstrated its energy efficiency. The JUG used only 108 kilo watts of electricity over four months for a cost of $8.64. A competitor’s waterer used 816 kilowatts, costing $65.28, almost eight times as much. The test confirmed the JUG’s energy efficiency. No other waterer equals the Jug for clean, palatable water. Low maintenance, the JUG also meets the requirements for dairy approval REINBCKER AG PRODUCTS 7270 Old Harrisburg Road, York Springs, Pennsylvania 17372- LOCAL DEALERS Cedar Crest Pine Glen Equipment Perm Service Lebanon, PA Lewlstown, PA (717) 270-6600 (717) 899-7400 Lee Herahey Kirkwood, PA (717) 629-6744 Mike Jarrett Montgomery, PA (717) 847-1789 Bruce Lemmon V Carlisle, PA (717) 349-8454 Lyn-Lee Farms State College, PA (814) 3SB-1353 Lancaster Arming, Saturday, October 22, 1994-C2l iJUG [umi (717) 528-8428 or 1-800-247-0037 Lyeo Dairy Service Cogan Station, PA (717) 494-0708 Kauffman Farm Supply, Inc. Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA (7171639-4671 Hess Equipment Miffllnburg, PA (717) 966-1998 Comfort Confinement Auburn, NY (316) 262-6023 Botvin Farm Supply Vsrgsnnas, VT (802) 478-2494 Dalryland Sales Troy, PA (717) 297-4128 SVF Sales Somsrs, CT (203) 749-4795 Ickes Farm Supply Oastsrburg, PA (814) 493-2290 Parmer Boy Ag Mysrslown, PA (717) 866-7868 Maryland Livestock Equip. Ml. Airy, MD (800) 852-4866
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