Generosity Abounds At Manheim Livestock Sale LOU ANN GOOD Farm Show Youth Livestock Sale Lancaster Fanning Staff offered the grand finale of the MANHEIM (Lancaster Co.) county’s fair season on Friday A festive air filled the livestock night, October 7. sale bam where the Manheim The sale ring, strewn with Melissa Becker sells her grand champion market hog to Clarence Moyer of the Manheim Auto Auction for $B.lO a pound. Manheim Farm Show Queen Tracy Bollinger is on the left. Eleven-year-old Ann Landis sells her grand champion goat fora record-breaking price at the Manheim Farm Show Sale. Greg Geman of Manheim Auto Auction paid $5 a pound for the 84-pound Sannen named Vanilla while Man heim Farm Show Queen Tracy Bollinger looks on. while Bill Fox of Fox Market takes the final bid for $5:25 a pound. Manhelm F%rm Show Queen Tracy Bollinger Is on the left. Ryan Burkholder, right, pays $4.10 a pound for the supreme grand champion steer shown by Travis Donough while Manhelm Farm Show Queen Tracy Bollinger helps hold the banner. brightly-dyed blue and yellow sawdust and adorned with corns talks, hay bales, pumpkins, and chrysanthemums, set the stage. Exhibitors led steers with shim mering ebony coats, sheep and goats with fabric bows, and unruly pigs with ribbons tied to their curly tails around the show ring as the auctioneer’s sing-song chant enticed 58 bidders to support the FFA’ers’ and 4-H’ers’ efforts. “Record settin’” prices were tal lied for goats when Anna Landis’s grand champion brought $S a pound from the Manheim Auto Auction and Jodi Gebhard’s reserve sold for $4.40 per pound to Walter Dunlap. > Melissa Becker’s grand champ ion marker hog set another record when Clarence Moyer of the Man heim Auto Auction bid $B.lO per pound. Travis Donough received $5.35 per pound for his reserve champ ion market hog, purchased by Bombergers Store, and $4.10 per pound for his supreme champion steer that weighed 1,312 pounds, from Brian Burkholder. Boss’s Steak and Sea House purchased David Bollinger’s FFA champion steer for $3.10 per pound, then donated it back to the Manheim FFA; Manheim Auto Auction then purchased the steer fa: $2 per pound. Lapp’s Family Restaurant paid $4.50 per pound for the reserve champion steer weighing 1,340 pounds and raised by Casey High of Lititz. Fox Market of Columbia paid $5,25 for Corby Zeigler’s grand champion market lamb. Hoss’s Steak and Sea House paid $4 per pound for the reserve champion lamb raised by Derick Bollinger. Generosity abounded not only in the bidders but also the exhibi tors. Melissa Becker who showed the champion market hog and who is an FFA student at Manheim Central, donated the profits of her pig Bertha to help pay expenses for seven students to attend the Kansas City FFA Convention on Novem ber 9-13. According to Becker, Bertha, bom in a small, insignificant town in Maryland, grew up in Union Square. Bertha took mud baths to aid ho- flawless complexion, parti- (Turn to Pago B 16) - qi jy ag instructor tob Seibert, was sold for $llO to Wolgemuth Auction Semce. The money goes to help finance Manheim Central FFA’ers trip to Kansas City. Bill Hess of Bomberger’s Store purchases the reserve champion hog shown by Travis Donough for $5.35 a pound. Manheim Farm Show Queen Tracy Bollinger Is on the left.
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