D36-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, August 27, 1994 J & L Equipment St. Thomas, PA 717-369*2637 Steel Pipe, Tubing & Sheet Steel % ” Through 12” Custom Wholesale or Manufacturing Retail Cut to Your Size No Job Too Large Or Too Small ' %»%<i Tractors IH 1086 w/Cab & Air IH 1066 POPS, Excellent IH 986 POPS, Enclosure IH 966 w/Cab IH 766 w/Cab IH 766 Fender IH 544 Utility IH 574 Utility IH 756 Fender AC 5030 27 HP Case 1490 Fender, Synchro Ford 8N w/Equip. IH 230 2 Pt. Hitch IH 784 w/2255 Loader American 620 Forklift- 30 Ft, High Ford CL-40 Case 1825 Cultlmulchers Brillion-13’ Dunham Lehr-10’ Packers Brillion 10’ Dunham Lehr-12’ Miscellaneous 3 Ft. Bale Chopper Park Grinder Mixer 21 ’ Bale Wagon Gravity Bin Wagon Combines C-IH 1680 IH 1440-Rebuilt MF 300-2 R IH 1460 NH TRBS NH 1400 FOX 2000 MF 200-2 RN Fox 3000-2RW JD-2RW Head Fox 727-2 RN Head Flail Choppers IH 10-6’ Bear Cat 72A-6’ Corn Pickers JD 300-2RW Ml 311-2RW Nl 324-2RW Shelter Miscellaneous JD 50 Mower Side Mount Fox 727 2RN Corn Head Field Cultivators Brillion 16’ IH 45 12’ 3 Ft Grain Drills C-IH 5100 20x6 JD 13x7 Brillion 8’ Seeder 3 Ft JD 15x7 JD 17x7 Balers Nl 484-Round IH 435-Square NH 851-Round Blowers C-IH 600 Gehl 99 Fox BHB KoolS KBIOOO Kools K 854 McKee-Grinder NH 28 Blower IH 56 Hav Tedder Tronutte 62 Pequea 786 Planters C-IH 900 4RW C-IH 900 6PN IH 800 RN AC 333 4RN C-IH 6500 Cult. JD 1600-10’ Chisel JD 1610-10’ JD 1710 A Cult. Chisel Spreaders Gehl 315 V IH 595 NH 302 V NH 791 Nl 245 Nl 244 Martin 2400 V Martin 2800 V Case 1840 Nl 702 PU Nl 727 Husker Nl 701 PU Nl 838 Husker Nl 740 FH Nl 744 4RN Nl 768 CH Nl 766 Pickup ters Athens 167 Offset IH 370-10’ Athens 131-10’ IH 475-17’ Oliver 252-10’ NH 33-5’ Plows IH 720-6xlB C-IH 450-3x16 IH 720-4xlB IH 450-3x16 IH 440-3x16 IH 311-3x14 IH 700-4x16 IH 710-sxlB JD 2500-sxlB JD 2x14 MM-4X14 JD 4x14 Oliver 348 3x16 White 5x16 IH 4500 15’ Badger 950-16’ JD 716A-16’ Meyer 618-18’ JD 216-16’ Cobey 5000-16’ IH 105-16’ Wlndrowers IH 1190-9’ IH 225-10’ NH 411-10’ NH 479-9’ Nl 5112-12’ NH 469-9’ NH 499-12’ Ford 535-9’ JD 4R, 444 Com Head JD Grain Head (2) JD 7200 4R Com Planters Hale Grinder Pump Deutz 3 Cyl. Matched w/ Gardner Vacuum Pump 2R Com Head for JD Pull Behind (2) Whetmore Silo Grinders (2) Martin Generators (need work) Make Offer Call Before 12 Noon 908-859*2616 ihlsel Plow! ini Ei Elevators Ml 41’ NH 32’ Jet Flow 6x51 Auger Zimmerman 32’ 6”x48" Auger- Bent Disk H irrow! Mixer Wagons Knight BAI4 TMR Schuler 8F175 Swartz 760 TMR : oraae Wagons Gehl 2330-10’ OMC 235-12' U LE ivING T,..XT .. CHAINS I i 1 American Made 25% off, plus free delivery Northeast Distributors and Equipment (717)222-9090 or 9020 Early order Special ends Aug 31, 1994 KELLER’S FARM MACHINERY 116 Richlandtown Pike Quakertown, PA 18951 215/536-4046 USED TRACTORS Ford 8210 4x4, cab, air Ford 3910 4x4, w/7410 Ford loader Ford 8N w/loader Ford 3910 w/Ford 7768 loader Ford 1710 w/Ford 7708 loader Ford 3000 G, PS, w/Snow Plow Ford 555 A, Tractor Loader Backhoe Farmall C w/single front wheel Ford 1210 w/belly mower AC 5020 w/Woods mower Ford 4600 D, w/cab Ford 3400 w/loader, P.S., LPTO Ford 6610 Series 2, fully equipped Ford 4630 fully equipped, like new Ford 3230 w/300 Hrs. Ford 4000 D, S.U., 8 speed Ford 2810 Series 2, 8 Spd. Farmall 300, NFE, Fast Hitch Farmall Cub w/Woods Mower JO model 350 manure spreader Ford 309, 2R corn planter NH 256 rake w/dolly wheels (MARTIN'S FARM SUPPLY 1 ST. THOMAS, PA • (717) 369-5702 1 FIVE REASONS TO COVER YOUR FEED WITH UP NORTH Bunker Covers instead of black construction film... DESIGN Bunker Cover; Application Specific - Designed exclusively for FEED STORAGE. Designed for short-term use In CONSTRUCTION applications MATERIAL CONSTRUCTION Bunker Cover: 2 outer white layers, 1 Inner black layer bonded toogether. Solid black layer, absorbs and transfers all heat into feed. OUTER WHITE LAYERS Black Plastic: Black Plastic: Bunker Cover: Reflects harmful sunlight and heat from the feed being stored NONE • Black outer layer absorbs and transfers heat to the feed. INNER BLACK LAYER Black Plastic: Bunker Cover: Provldee a natural barrier agalnet sunlight penetration. Provides barrier for sunlight penetration but not heat transfer responsible for feed lose due to carmellzatlon. ULTRAVIOLET PROTECTION PACKAGE Bunker Cover; U.V protection from the sun to withstand exposura for 1 year. Minimal protection to the plastic from harmful effect of sunlight. Black Plaatlc: Black Plastic: *WNH Shipping Avaiial V A K S "XLI 44 and 60 Small Knlla Dram Aasambliaa For All JD Self Propelled Choppers, Including 57 & 5800 Series & 3800 Pull type NEW STYLE J.D. QUICK ADJUST SHEAR BAR INSTALLED Reconditioned Cutter Box With Small Knives, New Style Shear Bar & Heavy Duty New Style Sharpener For Exchange. Also Aggressive Top Feed Roll, Hydrostat Units & Feed Roll Gear Box For Exchange. Chopper 716-992-4852 mmiDißt smiei RRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambaraburg, PA 17201 ____ Phona; 717-263-0705 |2| ■BDH Salaa - Part* - Service L |T NEW FORD TRACTORS Ford 1520, 4WD Ford 1720, 4WD Ford 3930, 2WD Ford 5030, 4WD Ford 7610, 2WD w/DP Ford 7740, 2WD SLE Ford 8970, 2WD, 210 H.P. NEW NH EQUIP. NH 650 Baler NH 640 Silage Special NH 452 Disc Mower NH 492 Haybine NH 155 Manure Spdr. NH 185 Manure Spdr. NH 190 Manure Spdr. NH 195 Manure Spdr. NH 890 W Hay Head NH 824 Com Head Located; 1 Mila Off Exit 8, On 696 1 North To Orchard Rd. Hour*: 8:30-5:00 Monday thru Friday 8:30-12:00 Saturdaya ffißFi Wa Accept Wa Ship Parts WHC VISA & Master Card fgggfj' UPS Dally Increased Feed Quality Over Conventional Black Plastic Covering Increased Profitability of Bunker Storage Over Conventional Black Plastic Covering • Increased Strength • Increased Product Life • Less Labor Required to Install Reduced Nutritional Loss Due to Heating More Efficiently Preaervas Feed Quality Reduced Feed Lose Related to Carmellzatlon • Prevents Nutritional Losses Due to Bleaching • Aseists in Maintaining Feed Quality • Increaaod Performance Life of Product • Provides Ultimate Protection tor Valuable Feed. NH 790 Chopper w/Met-Alert NH 900 Chopper NH 2450 Self- Propelled Haybine NH 258 Rake NH 256 Rake NH 28 Blower NH 40 Blower NH 60 Blower (2) NH 166 Windrow Inverters NH 360 N 3 Row Head FORD LAWN A GARDEN GT 65 w/48" Deck GT 85 w/48" Deck LT 12A LS 25 LS 45 LS 55
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers