D54-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday,. August 13 1994 ATTENTION FARMERS If you have deteriorating con crete masonry or stone walls, have it repaired with GUNITE* For information and estimates call MARTIN SILO REPAIR (215) 445-9834 FORD TRACTORS Used 1210.4 WD Used 8N NEW HOLLAND New 650' Round Baler New 40 Forage Blower New 816 Forage Box New 463 disc mower Used 770 harvester Used 310 baler w/thrower Used 269 baler w/thrower Used 469 Haybine Used 442 Disc Mower OTHER TRACTORS Used Far mall Cub w/Mwr, Used Farmall 140 w/Mwr. OTHER EQUIPMENT New Kuhn FC3OO Disk Mower Conditioner New Ford 140 3x16" Moldboard Plow New Ford 133 High Clearance Chisel Plow New Ford 151 48x16” Auto Reset Plow New Ford 152 58x16” Auto Reset Plow Sweigard Bros. Inc. 3882 Paters Mtn. Rd. Halifax, PA 17032 717-896-3414 Since 1937 Save 50% WE BUY «r SELL FARM TOYS. TRUCK BANKS & AIRPLANES JD 70 skid steer loader Farmall Cub w/belly mower Farmall Cub w/ sickle mower Ford 8N w/side sickle mower Davis trencher backhoe, need s motor, $2,000 as is Ditch Witch model J2O trencher AC Dl7 gas, $l,OOO as is Oliver 88 diesel. $l,OOO as is IH 284 diesel w/ 72' Woods belly mower Case 580 CK diesel TLB $6,000 Case 580 D TLB w/extend-a-hoe $16,500 Case 585 C & 586 D diesel forklifts Case 1816 C skid steer loader Case 4808 gas, TLB Ford 3000 & 4000 Ford 1510 & 2600 MF 135 gas & diesels JD 4240 w/cab $19,500 Chrysler power unit See Us For The Best Buys On GEHL. Equipment Gehl pOKQ 1 The forte Behind farming Maximize Your Buying Power - Ask About LEHIGH AG EQUIPMENT, INC. # Saturday 7:30 to 3,00 (>(>7o Rnppsvillr Road, Allciilown. PA I<S 1 ()(> n _ 1 * Wc Ship Parts Same Day To 215-398-2553 YomF ‘ ,,m ' GEHL TMR MIXER FEEDERS ARE II Better Mixing Action - Unique four-auger design creates a double figure-8 mixing action. Energy Efficient - Planetary drive system requires less h.p. Built To lest - Patented star couplers absorb shock loads, providing long service life. Six Sizes -150 to 500 cubic feet capacities. Three Stylet - Trailer type, stationary, truck-mounted units. GEHL SFarm Plan* A Service ofFPC Financial The Charge Account for Rural America
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