GUNTHER HEUSSMAN INC. 4801 S. STH ST., EMMAUS, PA 18049 610-965-5203 QUALITY TRACTORS JD 4650 MFD Cab, Air, 15 Speed Power Shift, Triple Hyde., 20x38 Duals, Excel. Cond. JD 4450 Diesel, Cab, Air, Power Shift. MFD, 20x38 Radlals, Very Nice 1977 JD 4430 Diesel, Cab, Air, Quad, 20x38 Radlals, 4300 Hrs. JD 4040 Diesel, Cab, Air, Quad Range, 2800 Hrs., Very Nice JD 2955 MFD Cab, Air, Hl-Lo, 2000 Hrs., Excel. -Cond. JD 2950 Cab, Air, Hl-Lo, 2700 Hrs., Very Nice JD 2755 Diesel, Cab, Air, MFD. Hl-Low, 540 & 1000 PTO, Excel. Cond. JD 2755 Diesel, Cab, Air, Hl-Lo, Excel. Cond. JD 2550 Diesel, Fender, 15x38 Rack & Pinion, 2500 Hrs., Very Good JD 2590 Diesel, Hl-Lo, 2200 Hrs., w/Lowrln Cab, Excel. Cond. JD 1530 Dieserw/3 Pt., Good Cond. Case IH 5120 Diesel, Cab, Air, MFD, Power Shift w/Reverser, 1200 Mrs., Excel. Cond. 1981 IH 886 Diesel, Cab, Air, Low Hrs., Very Nice MFIOBS Diesel, Factory Cab, Good Condition IH 720 6xlB Spring Reset On-Land IH 720 sxlB Spring Reset IH 720 4xlB Spring Reset IH 710 4xlB Spring Reset JD 2800,6 Base Spring Reset Variable Width JD Add On Base For 2500 Plows White 508 4 & 5 xlB Spring Reset White 598 4 Or 5 Base Spring Reset Variable Width White 508 4x16 Spring Reset JD 10 Or 12 Tooth 3 Pt. Chisel Plow JD 15’ 950 Cultlmuleher JD 215 12’ Dura Cushion Disc Miller 3 Bar 12’ Off-Set Disc JD 630 12’ Disc, Excel. Cond. Kewanee 5 Shank Disc Chisel Like New Biilllon 21’ 3 Gang Transport Cultlpacker JD 220 18’ Black Gang Hyd. Fold Disc IH #l4 5 Shank V-Rlpper Delivery & Financing Available 6500 Bale Wire In Stock New Grain Header Wagons In Stock WE ARE CASH BUYERS FOR CLEAN, LATE MODEL FARM EQUIPMENT QUALITY COMBINES (Displayed Inside Building) 1985 JO 6620 Diesel, Titan 11, Cab, Air, Hydro Excel. Cond. 1980 JD 6620 Diesel, Cab, Air, Hydro, Dlal-A- Matic, 2000 Hrs., Very Nice JD 4420 Diesel, Cab, Air, AHH, 23" Rubber, Excel. Cond. 1978 JD 4400 Diesel, Cab, Air. 23” Rubber, 1035 Actual Hrs., Very Nice 1977 JD 4400 Diesel. Cab, Air, Good Cond., Choice Of Heads 1973 JD 4400 Gas, Cab & Air, 2300 Hours, Very Good Condition IH 1440 Diesel, Cab, Air, Hydro, Good Cond. Gleaner K 2 Gas, w/Cab, Chopper, Very Nice IH 820 15 Flex Heads JO 215 & 213 Flex Heads Straw Choppers To Fit JD 6620 Combines PLANTING EQUIPMENT JD 7000 4R Dry Fert., Insect. Monitor Brillion 10’ Seeder, Double Box, Hyd. Trans port, Very Nice MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Front Mounted Fork Lift For Utility Tractors NH 355 Grinder Mixer, Like New Nl 36’ Elevator w/5 HP Electric Motor NH 358 Grinder Mixer, Excellent Condition Westgrove Rock Picker NH 352 Grinder Mixer, Good Condition IH 4R Front Mounted Cultivator JD RM 6R Cultivator IH 4R Vibra Shank Cultivator JD 27,14’ Stalk Shredder Brady 6R Stalk Shredder- Excellent Condition IH 40 Stalk Shredder, Excel. Cond. 18x38-18x34-16x28 Duals Cab To Fit JD 3020, 4020 Tractors Harrlaburg To i Reading Mtcungia Boyai ChMburt ■mm JrJßi CCodw Cnd Blvd. Exits J Gunlhtr Htuasmin I Inc, A Co mown Oudwnown Lancaster FanrUnq. Saturday, August 13 1994-D39 ■ FARM EQUIPMENT HARVESTERS JD 5820 Diesel, Cab, Air, Hydro, 4x4, 2000 Hrs., Very Nice JD 3970 Harvester, w/Electrical Controls, Good Cond. Gehl 1260 Harvester, Elec. Controls, 2R Corn & Pick Up Head JD 2RW Forage Head w/Slip Clutch JD 3RW Row Crop Head JD 6’ Direct Cut Head NH 822 2R Corn Head CORN HEADS JD 244 2RW JD 343, 3RN JD 443, 4RN JD 444, 4RW JD 643 High Tin AC 430, 4RN AC 438 Black, 4RW IH 863 6RN IH 844 4RW MF 1163 6RN MF 1163 6RN Used 200 Acres MF 1144 4RW MF 43 4RN MF 33, 3RN HAY EQUIPMENT JD 435 Round Baler w/Net Wrap, Excel. Cond. FNH 489 Haybine, Like New NH 1033 Bale Wagon, Tandem Axle, 105 Bale Capacity NH 276 Baler w/Thrower, Good Cond. JD 327 w/30 Ejector, Excellent Condition JD 337 Baler w/Bale Chute, Good Condition 1 JD 535 Round Baler w/Monltor, Excel. Cond. Case IH 3440 Round Baler, Like New New Farmco 18’ Steel Side Hay Wagons Windrow Attachment For JD 1219 MC NH 411 Dlscblne w/Hyd. Tilt NH 315 Baler w/Thrower, Excel. Cond. NH 258 Rake w/Rubber Teeth NH Windrow Inverter, Excel. Cond. Case IH 600 Blower, Excel. Cond. NH 472 7’ Haybine, Like New NH 488 9’ Haybine, Good Cond. To Eldon Allan town CORN PICKERS Ml 800 Diesel, Cab. Air, Hydro, 1700 Hrs. w/839 Husking Bed & 4RN Corn Head, Very Good Ml 324 2RW 12 Roll Bed, Late Model
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