838-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 6, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT SEPT. 10 -10 AM, Real Estate Auction. Located 872 Acres, 20 Miles South Of Burlington, Vt. Towns Of Huntington And Hmesburg, Vermont. Deppolitis Northeast Auc tion, Jim Deppoliti Auct SAT. SEPT. 10 - 3:30 PM Pa. Yorkshire/Duroc/ Hampshire Assoc fall sale, Lebanon Area Fair grounds, Leb. Pa Harry H. Bachman, auct. SAT. SEPT, 10 -12 Noon, Real Estate & Personal Property. Located 44 Tex ter Mountain Rd., Blains port, Pa. Green Hills Auction. SAT. SEPT. 10-12 Noon Blue Mountain Manor Farm farma nd land acution. Snow Drive, Fredericks burg, Bethel Twp, Leb. Co., Pa. Nelson L Ebersole, Roger L Myers, aucts. SAT SEPT. 10 - IPM Annual Limousin Produc tion Sale, Quail Run Ranch. 138 Quail Run Lane, Slippery Rock, Pa SUN SEPT 11 - 2PM Real Estate held at 306 Broad way St Hanover, Pa Bob, Chuck & Rich Roan, Inc SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM Lebanon Valley Aution Co fall machinery consignment auction, Lebanon area fair- PUBLIC DISPOSAL AUCTION Thursday, August 11,1994 Time: 9:00 A.M. To be held at the rear of the Dauphin County Technical School 6001 Locust Lane (Colonial Park), Harrisburg, PA. 2 miles east of Central Dauphin H.S. VEHICLES - 1981 Dodge Van; 1980 Chev. Citation: 1980 Olds Delta; 1982 VW Rabbit; 1986 Subaru; EZ-Go Golf Cart; Auto 7 Bus Parts; Snow Blade & Frame (for Ford Tractor). OFFICE EQUIPMENT - Assorted Copiers: Typewriters; Duplicators; Lots of Computers; Adding Machines; Calculators; Transcribers; Supplies; Cabinets; Check Signer; Furniture; Platemaker; Laminator. AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT - Televisions; VCR; Record Players; Filmstrip Projectors: Record & Cassette Players: Tape Recorders; Overhead Projectors; Cameras; Headphones; Camcorder; Screens; etc. FURNITURE - Student Desks & Chairs; Tables & Chairs; Office Desk & Chairs; Typing Desks; Metal Cabinets; Chalkboards; Shelves; Bulletin Board. CAFETERIA EQUIP? Utensils; S.S. Sinks; etc. SHOP/LAB EOUIPM - Clausing & S.B. Metal Lathes; Sheldon Shaper; 24” Powermatic Planer; 6” Yates Jointer, 10” Table Saw & 36” Wood Lathes; Rockwell & Cincinnati Milling Machines; Rockwell Pedestal Grinders; Rockwell 10” Tilt Arbor Saw & 8” Saw Buck; Matrix Cylindrical Grinder; DoAll Surface Grinder; Rockwell Drill Presses; Corb Vertical Band Saw; Bradley Horizontal Band Saw; Shop Air Compressor; 24” Bender; 24” Shear; Hobart Arc Welder; Sand Blaster; Index Mill; Punch Press; Elox #245: American Pullmax; Forge; Sheet Metal Crimper; Shaper; Sky Witch; Lincoln Electric Welder; Metal Casting Equipment; Jigsaw; Welding Tables; Soil Shredder; Masonry Saw; Grinder; Hyd. Press. ( NOTE: Listed equipment from Shops that are being closed. Most in good working order.) MISCELLANEOUS - Thomas Electronic Organ; Sewing Machines; Stage Curtains w/hardware; Skeleton; Cement Mixer; Refrigerator; Freezer; Washer; Dryer; Kiln; Angle Iron & Rack; Asst. Handtools; Wood Wheelbarrows; Mortar Pans; Electronic Parts; Cash Registers; Double Pan Balances; Bunsen Burners; Gym Racks; Sun Tune-up; Bear Head Light Aimer; B&D Jack Hammer; Wooden Ladders; Proof Press, etc. Auctioneer: Bob Rath AU-000741-L Refreshments Available Phone - 566-1297 Consignments By: Capital Area Intermediate Unit; Carlisle Area School District; Central Dauphin School District; Dauphin County Technical School; Derry Township School District; Lower Dauphin School District; Middletown Area School District; Milton Hershey School; Susquehanna Township School District; Upper Dauphin School District. Terms: Cash or Approved Check Order of Sale: General Merch.-9:00 a.m.; Vehicle-12:00; Equipment-12:30 p.m. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS grounds, Lebanon, Pa. Harry H. Bachman, auct. MON. SEPT. 12 - Farm equip, trucks, car, grain bins, combine, poultry equip, household goods. V 5 mi. N of Harteysvllle, turn off Rt 63 at Harleysvil le onto Rt. 113 N go '/, mi. to 167 HarleysviUe Pike. Norman D. & Alice C. Rit tenhouse. Ralphy W. Zet tlemoyer Auction Co.. Inc. MON. SEPT. 12 - 9AM Farm equip. & related items. Lebanon Area Fair grounds, Lebanon Valley Auction Co., Inc. 717-867-1809. MON. SEPT. 12- 12 Noon Bob's Big Boy Restaurant, Lane., Pa. Complete liqui dation of all equip and fur niture. Mark Baranowski aucts MON. SEPT. 12-3:30 PM Antiques & household goods, Akron. Located at 641 N Farmersville Rd, EphrataTwp (Near Akron), Lane Co., Pa Rt. 272 to Akron, turn E onto Mam St., to N Farmersville Rd By Luella M Mentzer Horst Aucts THURS SEPT 15 - 9AM Real Estate, antiques & personal property, take Rt 272 S of Lane at Wake field, pick up Rt 222 S approx 2 mile, turn right onto Black Barren Rd 3 rd house right Terms by Edward H Stauffer Kreid- SCHOOL CONSIGNMENT - Micro Wave; Tables; Mixer; Elec. Stoves; Conditions By: Dauphin County Technical School Phone 652-3170 er, Kline & Good aucts. MON. SEPT. 15 -12 Noon REstaurant, caters, bakery equip auction. The Weavervane catering cen ter, Rt. 15 Norht, Lewis burg, Pa. Mark Baranows ki, auct. SAT. SEPT. 17 - All Day Auction To Benefit The Clinic For Special Children At Leola Produce Auction Bam By Paul Horst Auc tioneer And Other Loca) Volunteer Auctioneers Will ing To Lend A Helping Hand. SAT. SEPT. 17 - Glenn H. Hoover Estate. Real Estate, Personal Property. Located W. Earl Twp., Leo la. Clyde S. & Patricia H. Hibshman, Executors. Kline, Kreider, Good Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 17 - 9AM Tools & Hardware 431 N. Center St, Gratz, Pa. Of the late Marlin Heim. Traveling N. from Harris burg on Rt. 225 to Millers burg turn E. on Rt. 25 to vil lage of Gratz From Rt. 81 exit 34 West on Rt. 25 to Gratz. June I. Heim, owner. M.O. Wirt, K.L Erdman, aucts. SAT. SEPT. 17 - 9AM Annual fall machinery con signment auction on our farm 3 miles E. of Muncy, Pa. along Kepner Hill Rd. By Fraley Auction Co. SAT. SEPT. 17 - 9 30AM, Two Horse Bams To Be Moved, Two International Tractors, Riding Mower, Horse Jumps, Gates, Engl ish Saddles, Tack, 3 Stal lion Paddocks, Vet Sup plies Located From Route 1 And Route 202, Go North On 202 At Second Light Turn Left Onto Oakland Road, One Mile To Farm On Left. Sale By, Wonder- land Farms. Steve & Steve Jr. Petersheim, Aucta. SAT., SEPT. 17 -10 AM, Mel's Stable Selected Con signment Horse Sale. Located At 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, Go South On Brim- REAL ESTATE - ANTIQUES TOOLS - CUB TRACTOR - GUNS RIDING MOWERS - H.H. GOODS Saturday, August 13, 1994 - 9:00 A.M. Located: 2 miles West of PA Rte. 183, on PA Rte. 443, in Fiiedensburg, PA. From PA 443, take Front St. South to South St., turn right, to 3rd home on left. REAL ESTATE: Parcel No.: 1 66’x165’ lot m/1 thereon erected a 2 story frame home w/lst floor kitchen w/lots of cabinets, living room, full bath, bedroom w/closet, and Ig. recreation room w/fireplace. 2nd floor: Bedroom and 2 storage areas. This home has a cement cellar w/overhead garage door w/opener, E.F.M. oil heat, well water, front and side porches, vinyl siding, shutters, and it sets on a nice level lot. This home is A-l, move in upon settlement, you will look hard to find a place better maintained. Parcel No. 2: 1.9 acres m/I thereon erected a 40’x40’ block garage w/cement floor and 2 overhead garage doors, lot has it’s own well, also on property are approx. 34 fruit trees, grapes vines, blue & raspberries alt in good state of cultivation. This parcel has endless potential, and is served by a public alley. TERMS: Properties will be offered w/Reserve at Noon. Parcel #l, than parcel #2, than as entirety. 10% down day of auction. Balance on or before 45 days. TRACTORS and TOOLS: Farmall Cub w/cultivators (Gd. Condition), Farmall FH 2- way plow, FH carrier, Cub snow plow, roller harrow, single gang disk Murray 11 hp riding mower, AC 207 riding mower, Homko 7 hp. riding mower, Troy-Bilt 5 hp rototiller (nice), David Bradley walk-behind mower, MTD 5h shredder, Snow Chief 5 hp. 20” snow blower (clean), Green Machine Weed trimmers, lawn sweeper, lawn roller, push-mower, wheel barrow, 4’x6’ utility trailer, 2 hp. Hudson Suburban power sprayers. Craftsman chainsaw, 6T hydraulic jack, battery charger, aim. ext. ladder, 6’-8’ step ladders 2-man saw, hog trough, axes, garden tools, firewood, 2 shop vacs, hetrola, fishing rods, B&D radial arm saw, Rockwell 9” table saw, Craftsman 12” bandsaw, Rockwell 4” planer, Rockwell 3” wood lathe, B&D and Moto-Sho jigsaws, B&D router, router table, B&D belt sander, sm. Dremel belt sander, Stanley mitre box, B&D S” bench grinder, 1/2” drill on press, Skil 1/4” drill, B&D drill bit sharpener, bar & C clamps, handsaw, wooden workbench, socket sets, nails, bolts, sm. Howe platform scale, wooden craft items, cabinet doors, and other related items. GUNS: Remington model 760 30 06 pump rifle w/Weaver scope, Remington model 12 22 cal. pump rifle. Savage model 99 C 243 Win. lever action w/Weaver scope, Peerless 16 gauge double barrel, H&R 22 revolver Trapper model, and Ivar Johnson 22 revolver. H.H. GOODS: Amana 30” electric stove, Maytag automatic washer, G.E. electric dryer, 2 Frigidaire upright freezers, sq. oak table w/boards, oak organ w/bench, 4 pc. maple bedroom suite, maple chest, modern drysink and hutch, 5 pc. breakfast set, sofabed, recliner, wooden yard swing, quilts, file cabinet, quilting frame, Hoover sweeper, approx. 75 pc. Hall’s china, kerosene lamps, wooden coffee grinder, apple peeler, cherry stoner, cleaver, hand meatsaw, doilies, dishes, pots, utensils, cookbooks, cameras, jars, and many more items. This is a large quality auction. We will start in the garage with tools. TERMS: Cash or Good PA Check. Not Responsible for Accidents- Lunch Available. Selling for: Daniel L. Bast Robert W. Derfler Auctioneer AU2682-L Pine Grove, PA (717) 345-8262 mer Ava. Go 2 Mile* South On Now Holland Road To Hill Rd. Turn Loft On Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 Miles To Sale On The Left. From Rt. 340 East Of Intercourse Take New Holland Rt. 2.5 Miles to Hill Rd., Right On Hill Rd. to Sale On Left. Mel Hoover, Auctioneer. TOMIC AUCTION OF JUNIATA CO. REAL ESTATE FRIDAY EVE • AUGUST 26 • 7 PM Property located 2 miles N. of McAllisterville along Rte. 35 in the Village of Bunkertown. Offering a 2% story frame home on a large lot, 7 rms, VA baths, OHW baseboard heat, 1-car garage w/workshop & 20x28’ pole building. Showdates August 6 & 13 • 1 to 4 pm or phone 717-463-3282 or 2208 for appointment. Terms: 10% down at time of sale. Balance in 30 days. Other terms at sale. No out-of-state checks. Also selling household and antiques at 5 pm. J. NORMAN BRUBAKER ESTATE A. LLOYD BRUBAKER, EXECUTOR CLYDE R. BOMGARDNER, ATTORNEY LONG’S AUCTION SERVICE Phone 717-527-2405 or 4458 Lie. #AUOOI7O2-L MmaiMm Manor Fam ' farm and land auctkm PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1994 12:00 NOON SNOW DRIVE, FREDERICKSBURG BETHEL TOWNSHIP, LEBANON COUNTY, PA. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD IN 10 SEPARATE DEEDED PARCELS Tract #1 - 7.36 Acres Tract #2 - 4.80 Acres Tract #3 - 2.71 Acres Tract #4 - 4 Acres Tract #5-1.5 Acres Tract #6 - 4.32 Acres Tract #7 - 3.73 Acres Tract #8 - 5.48 Acres Tract #9 -15.84 Acres Tract #lO - 36.72 Acres & Penna. German bank barn, 2 1/2 story farmhouse and large garage building. Agricultural zoning, all parcels are perk tested for sand mound septic systems, surveyed with marked corners. Tract’s 1 to 9 are open lands. Tract 10 has farmland meadowland and fish stocked pond. TERMS: Tract's 1 to 9 $2,000 down on the day of auction, cash, money order or personal check if known to the auctioneer. Tract #lO - Terms $lO,OOO down on day of auction guaranteed funds - cash, money order or certified check. Come prepared to buy. This is an excellent opportunity to buy open farmland, farmstead homesites, scenic views, privacy, yet convenient to everything. INSPECTION: Sunday, August 7th from 2-5 PM and Sunday, August 28 from 2-5 PM. Survey maps available by calling auctioneers. IQ; George E. Christianson, Esquire Jonestown Bank - Michele Kolle - 865-2112 Ist National Bank of Fredericksburg - Mike Groff-865-2123 Lebanon Valley National Bank - Rick Bouder - 274-6984 DIRECTIONS; 1/2 mile east of Fredericksburg on Rt. 22, left on Legion Drive, 1/2 mile to Snow Drive - See auction signs. DIRECTIONS FROM HARRISBURG: Go 20 minutes east of Harrisburg on I-78, get off at Exit 1 - See auction arrows. ** ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE THE DAY OF AUCTION BY ATTORNEY TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ADVERTISED MATTER.** AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Nelson L Ebsrsolo - AU-001307-L & Nelson - (717) 867-5221 Fax # (717) 867-5606 Roger L. Myers - AU-000653-L Roger (717) 865-6656 Fax# (717) 865-4189 u
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