DlO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 30, 1994 Hale irrigation pump, 6x6, PTO pump, nice shape, $2500 080. 716-394-3743 after 6PM. Hay rake, like new, NH 57. Call evenings 717-444-3889. Sweet Corn Harvester Byron 501, (4) 36" Rows, 4WD Nl 801 power unit, 426 cu. In. AC, 175 hp, hydrostatic drive, excellent condition AC G combine, 131 head, ready to "shake, rattle and roll” Good price on both! Call after 6 PM (908) 946-4135 ATTENTION FARMERS If you have deteriorating con crete masonry or stone walls, have it repaired with GUNITE® For information and estimates call MARTIN SILO REPAIR (215) 445-9834 IH TRACTOR PARTS Including Crawler & Construction Parts BATES CORPORATION H 14th AND FIR RD , BOURBON, IN 46504 PARTS DISMANTLED, CLEANED A READY FOR SHIPMENT WE SHIP UPS. TRUCK. BUS Best Prices On Factory Rebuilt TA’s & Clutches NEW REPLACEMENT PARTS ■ CALL THE IH PARTS SPECIALISTS mmm TOLL FREE 1 -800-248-2955 f TRACTORS | MF 2675 cab, air, 24 speed IMF 1135 w/canopy, good rubber, sharp MF 1085, 34" rubber, good tractor MF 285 w/cab I MF 175 diesel w/loader ■ MF 135 gas. power steering, recent overhaul IMF 135 gas. good running MF 85 gas narrow front IMF 50, diesel, good tractor Massey Harris Pony 1 455 DA quick attach loader EQUIPMENT INH 315 baler w/thrower MF 124 baler w/thrower INH 489 haybine H&S 9" hay tedder 12 MF 7’ Dyna-balance mower IH 510 7xlB grain drill w/press wheels _ Melroe 7xlB grain drill, like new | JD 16 hole grain drill ■ Gravity box w/runnlng gear INT 710 4x16 spring reset plow IMF 880 spring reset plows. 4xlB 7 tooth Kewanee 3pt chisel plow w/3 bars, hi clearance | Dunham 8 tooth trail chisel plow, hi clearance I ICultipackers 14’, 12’ and different sizes ■ JD 10' #950 cultlniulcher | ■ Oliver 20’ field cultivator w/wings _ (3) 5 rotary mowers I ■ Used Brllllon cultlpacker and cultlmulcher parts _ 2 sets of packer pups • I I New farm and corral gates “ MF Tractor parts Dismantling 20. V 1 New I 1 30. 35 40. 50. 65, 85, 90, 135, 150, \ Arrival 7 ■ 165 175 178 180,283,285,399 < MF 2805 >• I 4wd 1080 1085 iioo, 1130, 1135, w/cab fori. I I 1150 w/cab. 1155 3680, MH 22, 44, *7 parts A ■ ■ NH 785 skid Idr I j NOLT’S EQUIPMENT I I 403 Centerville Rd Newvllle, PA 17241 I • off 81 exit II 2 miles Non 233 I | (717) 776-6242 No Sunday Calls I | No OuC-Of-SUte Persons! Checks We Ship UPS JD grain drills. 8300, very good condition; FBB single disc, good condition. Must sell. Reasonably priced. 717-369-5219. JD KBA 17* disc, fold-up wings w/hyd. cylinder, good condition, $l,BOO ne gotible. BerksCo, (717)933-8082. MASSEY-FERGUSON Where termers idiee take mot NH 489 Hayblne, Excellent Condition Pequea 710 Tedder MC Flail cutter 488 Hayblne, Excellent Gehl CB 400 w/ 2 heads Hesston PTIO mower conditioner 10’ 3 pt. Chisel Plow 6 Ton Running Gear NH 40 Blower NH 38 Crop Chopper 6’3pt Brush Cutter Work Saver 7’ Rear Blade MF 52 Disc NH 668 LH Tank Spreader Woods C6O Rotary Cutter Ford 545 A Tractor Loader Bobcat 610 D Skid Steer NHESOateer NH 822 Com Head NH 520 Manure Spreader Ferguson 20 Tractor Coming In JD 5200 w/ Loader, excellent condition SCHREFFLER EQUIPMENT Pitman, PA 717-648-1120 717-648-1811 V»Odd* - RM3OB, ••finishing , mower- HAY FLUFFER, rotary, 10 1 pull type, new, $9OO. 410-833-9091 HAY FLUFFER/Rake Vicon, ready to work, $550. 410-833-9091 IHC ground drive corn & grain binders JD grain binder IHC long elevators JD PTO binder w/ long elevator IHC #7 & «9 & Gehl C-40 silo fillers IHC hay loader JD sulky & gang plow JD big four mower Rosenthal #4O shredder VIC SINAVE RD 4, Box 82 Marshall, MN 56258 507-532-6120 annant. weeper 1968 Cat 941, Direct Start, 4 Cylinder, Perkins Engine, Powershlft, Pedal Steer, Low Hours- As Is- Needs Runs Good. Transmission $ 11 ,500 Cat V6OB Forklift, Diesel, 1979 Case DH4 Trencher Mltl _ . IH 340 Forklift- Gas- Runs Sldesh,ft > 6 °o° Lb., Air With Hoe, Diesel. Hydrosta- “"' e . r | 1 offB * t D|BC * Good Goad " rf Tires. Runs Very Good. tic. New Paint, Runs Good. Condition. Good $4,900 $10,500 $7,900 $3.900 WANTED: Good Late Model Construction Equipment Need S/N And Price When You Call TRUCKS/CARS 1984 Pontiac Parisienne Sdn... 1972 Ford F6OO Dump - Gas... 1988 Honda Civic DX - 4 Dr. - 5 Spd 1987 Acura Integra LS - 4 Dr - 5 Spd 1987 Honda Prelude SI-5 Spd ... 1988 Honda Accord LX - 4 Dr. - 5 Spd 1988 Honda Accord LXI - 4 Dr - 5 Spd 1989 Honda Accord LX - 4 Dr. - Auto 1989 Honda Accord LXI - 4 Dr. - 5 Spd 1989 Honda Accord LXI - 4 Dr - 5 Spd $7,950 1990 Acura Legend L Sedan - Auto $11,400 1990 Acura Legend L Sedan-Auto ....$12,900 1992 Lexus ES3OO - Auto -25 K... .$22,900 1993 Suburban - Clean $25,500 BACKHOES/EXCAVATORS Hoe Attachments From $2,000 Ford 1801 - Gas JOB 1550 - HOPS - Ext. - 198 JD 3108 - Cab - 1985 JD 410 - Cab - 1982 JD 4108 - Cab • 1984 $19,500 JD 5108 - Cab - Ext - 1984 $22,500 JD 6908 Excavator - 1978 ..$23,500 Case 680 K - Cab - 1987 - 4 In 1 $24,500 JD 410 C - 4x4 - Cab - 1987 - Ext $28,500 JD 5108 - 4x4 - Cab - 1985 - Ext $28,500 JD 7108 - Cab - 1986 $28,500 JD 6908 Excavator - 1980 $28,500 Koehnng 6614 Excavator - 1986.. $32,500 RUBBER TIRE LOADERS AC 1400 - Gas - 3 Pt. - PTO - 1966 $5,500 Case WlB - POPS - 1975 $18,500 JD 6448 - Cab - 1974 $22,500 Gehman tobacco cutter, excellent condition, $l5O. Lancaster Co. 717-426-3570. Gleaner N 5 Combine, (412)254-4753. BLUB MOUNTAIN DIESEL jpa.. Major Rebuilts, Fully Equipped Service Truck Tractor*, Power Units, Combines, Harvesters, Skid Steer Loaders, Construction Equipment. Call us for Emergency Service Leon Leinbach . (610)298-3483 $2,950 $3,900 Franklin 170 - Grapple - 1980 $13,500 Clark Ranger 667 - Grapple - 1972 ...$13,500 JD 5408 - 1982 - Grapple $22,500 $3,990 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION (50) New & Used Hoe Buckets $4,450 $4,950 $5,990 (50) Loader Buckets COME SEE (50) Set Forklift Forks COME SEE (2) Cinder Spreader - Each $l,OOO Ripper For Crawler $l,OOO 1990 Club Car Golf Cart $1,350 Tennant 92 Sweeper - Dsl - As Is $1,900 (2) Air Hammer For Hoe Each $2,250 Root Rake - 12’ - Cat D 6 $2,500 Schramm 160 Air Comp $3,000 IH 140 w/Power Broom- 1972 $3,900 Miller 14' Offset Disc $3,900 (3) Sheeps Foot Roller $2,900/34,500 Mobark 9’ Disc Chipper $4,500 Euclid RlB Rock Truck - 1956 $7,500 Case DH4 Trencher w/Hoe - Dsl $7,900 Vermeer 1200 Chipper - 12’, 1986 $7,900 IR 160 Diesel Compressor - 1990 $8,500 Slcard Snowblower - V 8 Gas $8,500 JD 760 Scraper $9,900 Champion 715 Grader - 1977 $14,500 Euclid R 22 Rock Truck - 1967 . $17,500 Ford 6610 w/Hyd. Arm Mower - 1984 $19,500 Euclid R 35 Rock Truck - 1967 $25,000 $5,990 $7,450 $7,750 . $5,900 $12,500 $16,500 $16,500 IH 340 - Gas - Air Tires Cat VSOB - LP Gas - 5000 Lb Case 580 - Gas - 2V - SS - 1967 Cat V6OB - Diesel - 6000 Lb Cat VBOC - LP - Air Tires - 1975.. Brower 612 - 4x4 - Dsl - 6000 Lb. Int 5088 w/cab; 5130 4WD; 3388 w/Cab; 1586 w/Cab 4WD; 1486 w/Cab; 1066 Black Stripe: 986 w/Cab; 966; 885,4WD w/loader; 885 4WD w/Cab & Loader; 884; 786; 686; 685 4WD w/Loaden (2) 656; 560; (2) 585 cab 4WD w/loaden 460 w/picker; 300; IHI4O JD 3020; 2350 4WD w/loader; 430; FordSN; Ford 4610 4WD w/Loader, Combines JD 4400; MF 510; 1H205 Heads (3) JO 443 Com; MF 44 Com; MF 643 Com; JD 10'Gram; MF 15’grain. Farmco feeders; Hurst tralfers; Bison Stock trailers;, ana all other types of farm equipment From Leader’s Farm Equipment Everett, PA 814-652-2809 Vermeer 1200 Chipper, Gas, 1985 JCB 1550 Extendahoe, Late Model, Low Hours, HOPS, Runs Good. „ Clean, 12". $12,500 $7,900 LOG SKIDDERS FORKLIFTS SMITH FARM EQUIPMENT 30 Acker Rd. Newport, Pa. Perry County 717-567-3552 IH M 3 Com Head IH 71SD Combine NH 718 Harvea ter NH Wheel Rake NH 800 Spreader NH 858 Round Baler IH 784 4X4 w/ Cab 8c Loader Gleaner M 2 Combine Wooda 208 Mower IH 440 Baler w/kicker 60" Cub Belly Mower IH 986 IH 1086 Famuli M IH 686 ROPS Ford 9N Famuli Cub IH 37 Baler IH 430 Baler 8c Thrower NH 770 Harvester JD 316 w/Mower Goosen 3 Ft. Bale Chopper Yellow Devil 200 Gal. JD 3508 - ROPS - 1972 JD 3SOB - Ripper - ROPS - 1972 Cat 941 - Diesel - 1968 Benati 7.16 - ROPS - 1985 Fiat FLIOC - ROPS - 1981 CAT 983 - Cab - 1969 COME SEE TRAILERS 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - 6.5x14. 1978 3 Axle 11 Ton Tag-A-Long - BxlB 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - 6.5x16 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - 6.5x18 1989 9 Ton Tag-A-Long 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - 8x18... 1990 11 Ton Tag-A-Long - Bx2o 1994 10 Ton Tag-A-Long 1972 30 Ton Lowboy 1994 10 Ton Tag-A-Long w/Air.... 1994 20 Ton Tag-A-Long w/Air.... JD 450 C - 6 Way - ROPS - 1981. $12,500 JD 350 C - 6 Way - ROPS - 1979 ....$13,500 IH TDBE - 6 Way - 1979 $17,500 Cat D4O - Winch - ROPS - 1972 $18,500 Case BSOB - 6 Way - ROPS - 1979 ~$18,500 Cat DSB - LGP - Cab - 1980 $29,500 Cat DSB - Winch - ROPS - 1980 .$34,500 Backhoe For Bobcat 600 Backhoe For Case 18358 .. Backhoe For Bobcat 743 . Case 18358 - Diesel - 1985 Case 18458 - Diesel - 1985 NH 555 Diesel - 1986 ..$4,900 ..$7,500 ..$8,750 $10,500 $10,500 $23,500 NI Uni 802 Tractor, 4 WD, Only SOS Hours,rare NI Uni 800 Series Tractor w/138HP6Cyl. Perkins Diesel, 1400 Hrs. NI 839 16 Roll Husker (gray) NI 800 Cummins Tractor, 980 hrs. Perfect 737,12 row husker NI 858 Shelter 6R Capacity N 1767 Super Chopper w/3R com head, race snape N 1704 Tractor, w/air conditioned cab AC 301 cu. in diesel engine, complete out of XTI9O NI 819 combine, only 250 hrs. Case IH 8730md type forage chflMffliWb grass piourZßN head Good JD 4020 diesel synoo range, dual hyd. JD 50; JD 520; JDS3O, reduced to sell out 717-399-4037 CRAWLER LOADERS DOZERS SKID LOADERS ..$8,900 $11,500 $11,500 $14,500 $18,500 $28,500 $1,495 ..$1,900 ..$2,095 ..$2,195 ..$2,900 ..$3,350 ..$3,900 ..$6,500 ..$6,900 ..$7,450 $10,500 $2,900 $3,900 $3,900 $8,900 $8,900 $9,500
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