gw • ~ SKSlSffiil'SS high pressure -%m| ■!■ l — l ft""** *** *■» "■ HI CATTLE S?SS , £,STHSr V washing ini II CATTLE SS= «-«*»*• ?£Smi!xa' ) ‘ Nj ' All your washing needs. Will Travel. I Biß HORSES i SSf^'llSrS! Reg. Holstein Breeding _ p ■■■ ./"i-rsr Chicken Houses - Veal Barns - etc. ■ SIMMENTALS: Cow/calf MULES blaze traffic safe and Bui?. Thor son, dam V 5 KJWd SlKt RAY EAGER & SONS 717-949-3212 I pair*. Med purebreds, WggL———. hooker, JoSTSfiH! SSSJSr- 7 ’ 7 ' M6 ' 62M I Leave Message I (stoi^aase. en „?c«S!Li or CoW *' Dn „ I u aratnrAß - ' —' Simmental cattle, quality Beiler, 558 South Vintage Gooseneck horse trailer, 610/589-2310. Reg. polled herefords. North HiflhlanH Cattle colled heifers, bulls & dub Rd.. Paradise. PA 17562. 91 Sundowner. 2-horse . ■ ... pairs, fared cows, weaned isunn caat myiiiatiu wallie caluob 410/449- mar: ■ straight load w/dressing SyS?o«JSSrtft “**■ Association Highland Show & SJSES-tJSSfiSSB; MSOO ' to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat ShOWCBSQ 94 Sale Started Holstein heifers, traffic safe and sound, Stump Acres 354D, dehorned and ready to go. $2250 080. Gray Percheron 10 year 717-792-3215. York 29,960 1019 F BMP. Next Your chance to see and buy the best Lots up to 50 head. 717-354-6338. gelding, will work any- County. dam: VG89,115.680M life- ... ui j u , • r2isi7fifi-0534 where, traffic safe, single/ —: —; —" time. (717)866-6424. Highland cattle in ths U.S. , ' 7 Year old Standardbred double either side of pole, Registered Black Angus nwkßiar r» o ann nr *OO a WANTED: Heifers to pas- carriage horse, trotter, or in-carriage, also rides cow/calf pairs for sate. 2 asctetar. Os- SODt. 23-25, 1994 turo & feed, $l/day/head. traffic safe & sound, good the best. $2,500 firm, year old bull. EPD and per- Martt K ’ Honey Brook area, driver. $2lOO. David Click, (610)754-6298. formance records avail- 305,32,880,4.0%f, 3.3%p. Rutland, VT 610/273-7540 38 W. Eby Road. Leola, PA - able. Call evenings after John Esh, 362 Osceola : 17540 Handsome quarter horse 7pm, (814)669-4265. Mill, Gordonville, PA For additional information contact: WANTED: Heifers to feed i ■ gelding, 15.3 H, great 1752 - l. Roger Jestel, 223 Moul Rd. Hilton, NY 14468 jn barn. No pmtero. Nten- ? X® ar hunter prospect, shown , * -rif\ inn nnm heim area. 717-664-4235. horse, good broke and 4_r. good on trails. SrvrT™**! (716) 392-9062 WATO LOGAN SPRING and $4OOO. 717-336-0600. ANGUS ‘‘Yearling Bull 717/354-5039. HORSES: Walkers. Spot- SIMMENTALS Buffalo Calves, Growthy, Good ted. Mountain Pleasure, Mt Jov PA _ . Frames And Conformation. 9 7 ear old standardbred Racking. Ortho-Flex 7 i V/AOalq’79<« Calves ■ Need Hein? ■ Yearling Heifers, Bred And carriage horse, trotter, dealer. Used horse, stock non nnie H M/hi, Ma* I«♦ Th« I Open. Reasonable prices. 717-656-6712. trailers. SPOTTED FEVER Cows, Bulls (717 J 222-9815 I Why NOT Let The ■ Health and registration cer- AMHA miniature homes FARM 717-582-7831. & Heifers —— ■ HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION ■ Mates. Come bm or call. 32* ■ chestnut mare bred flnri H -j| S3S Diivnniinirs.TwnTDii>n I Herd 100 will sell 50 Head | ffll? 758 ; 8 * 98 ' leave message. ' 1 BUY DOWN S INJURED ■ u prf i nc n i rk on Hpari ■ White face Hereford bull, 3 Horse trailer, double floor, * r'A'TTT 17 H a 1 mu P. . . .. H years old, good stock bull, ramp, T, great shape, Market Wagon, fair condi- L*4Vi iLJ£ Also Other Herds Available _ 610/942-4088. sisoo. 814-479-4441. tion, $850. 610/273-7540. 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. ■ Clarence Stauffer 717-738-2406 1 __________ ; I 82 ' 8519 I WANTED f®G UU^T MILES | aJ Op€ll O Pr Ready for Work or Rides 717-249-7685 Res. Holstein 9 Mules On Hand Year-Round 9 —t^^ss^p —J &TO wwras 7 “S» I PAULSMDCKER 83SSS j LOOKING FOR A HERD? IjH ——j—J We have panor and tie staU herds for sale. We move herds from farm * “«< to farm with experienced help and . i f rrjl- nv our own trucks so that you the buy- \KI \ • Heifers * , , er have disease-free cattle. We’buy | BOUQht & Sold » Mfy of AlfMumnum'Traders the best and let the rest. Financing ! Freddie ) Horse»Cargo«Liuestock«Car Haulers %ai ! s - Smith I RUNNING M STOCK CO. TrJ FOR A HERD WITH QUALITY, call j 703/639.2262 ! HorsM*Equlpinanl«SuppllM.Taclc IStm I (510)327-4068 m f 703/382-0570 I 458KlemanRd. (610)754-7211 t, _ _ j ifillbertsullle, PH 19525 FaH 618/754-9859 - y Diamond DL Cattle \/ Kempton, PA Reg. Angus Bulls & Heifers Quality cattle bred for the commercial cattleman. Top bloodlines, ready to work GUARANTEED BREEDERS for more info, contact: Darron Smith 610/756-6001 or 756-3516 6 ml. north of 1-78, exit 11, on Rt. 143 FOR RENT FLOAT-A-COW I With The Aqua-Cow Rise System Get that down cow up on her feet with warm water therapy. Warm water supplied, also a cow strecher - a well designed cart to get down cows out of barns. For More Information: LEE-MAR FARM 2724 Comilogi Crack Rd., Morgantown, PA 18543 (610) 286-9052 TOP PRICES FOR ALL TYPES OF BEEF CATTLE CULL COWS, BULLS, STEERS, alto Down or Crlpplod Cattle IN PA - BERKS, Lehigh & Schuylkill Counties and parts of Lancaster and Chester Counties IN NJ - Warren, Sussex and Hunterdon Counties * All Cattle Paid on Hanging Dressed Weight ★ Registered Highland Cattle ♦ ♦ Discover the breed that still retains special traits acquired from Its ancestors of Scotland. ♦ Great foragers, clearing most pest plants common to poor pastures ♦ Thrive in cold, damp climates ♦ Produce excellent lean beef in adverse conditions where other cattle would fail ♦ Docile and Hearty ♦ Calve easily due to small birth weights— something of interest to dairy people for servicing first-calf heifers ♦ Brucellosis, TB, BVD free herd and Inoculated against rabies Come visit our farm and meat your future herdl Transportation Available Bread Information Available Upon Request ♦ Day Dream Acres (908) 303-0798 BUFFALO Calves - Yearlings Mature Bulls - Mature Heifers Clean Skulls Tan Hides Plus Meats 717-373-1181 Between 8 and S 717-672-2656 After 5 PM Ask For Don Broken Wheel Bison Ranch EXOTIC ANIMALS African Pigmy Hedgehog Pairs. Salt & Pepper. Wea nling Pairs $550, Pet Care Package Included. (717)677-6721. African Pygmy Hedge hogs, pet of 90's. Breeders and pets. Simple home based business. Fantastic money maker. After sale support (610)323-1264 Bab; Pot-Bellied Pigs, w/white markings, friendly, $2OO-$3OO 610/845-3657. Rocky Mountain Big Horn and Dali Sheep hybrids, told in lots of 10 or more. No other sheep like these in Eastern USA. For more information, William A. Johnson, ROB 87, Everett, PA 15537, (814)652-2319. Wallabies, excellent qual ity, 1 young pair. (Jamas, bred females and young stock, excellent bloodlines. Call after 6pm; (908)995-2323. jk LLAMAS FOR SALE (6io) 86s - I* t 0186 I CLICK'S BLACKSMITH i AND HORSE DENTIST i f Shoeing at your farm by appointment. f Teeth floating by appointment. Draft 1* horse shoeing by appointment at place of fe business. Have table to trim cows feet. t 274 Cut Road j Gap. PA 17527 { (717) 442-9680 between 6:00 ■' and 7:00 PM V H|H I. ■ I i V Registered Percheron Stud, M.E.F. ' | Ralph, hat moved to David L. Rlehl, Jr. | ’ RD #2, Honey Brook. PA 19344. I 4 (1 mile S. of Honey Brook along Rt. 10) I | Fee $l5O I | No Sunday Calls. V For A
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