036-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 23, 1994 STOUFFER BROS. INC. 1066 Lincoln Way West, Chambersburg, PA Phone 717-263^8424 HesstonMMOSelf- (1) Case SKMower Propelled 12 Ft- Conditioner Very Good Condition Case 650 Self-Propelled Vicon 281 Disc Mower 1H 1190 Mower Conditioner Conditioner Gehl 880 NH1495 Self-Propelled NH 469 JD 830 Self-Propelled NH 499 w/12’ Center Pivot NH 495 Haybine Case 18358 SWd Loader Case 500 Super D Cab, Hoe Gehl 4510 Skid Loader Owatoma44o Case 1845 Skid Loader Gehl 4500 CaseSSOKLoededßackhoe Prime Mover LGOO Skid Case 850 Crawler Loader Loader Kubota F2lOO w/B’ Mower Cadet 382 Hydo. Wheelhorse 312-8 w/ w/Bagger Mower Befco 60” 3 pt. Mower Ariens NH 273 Baler w/Thrower Vicon 300 Tedder Rake Oliver 62T Baler w/ Thrower GEHL MX9S Grinder/ Mixer Brillion 12’ Cultivator NH 357 Grinder/Mixer Brand New— Snowblower that fits a Woods 1250 Front Mower JD 740 Field Cultivator 16’ Little Giant Bale Elevator David Brown l-ord 9N JD 3960 Harvester w/2- Row Head & Pickup Assortment of Gehl 99 Forage Blowers Gehl CB4OO Harvester Gehl 1000 w/2 Row 8> Pickup IH 550 Harvester ( PLANTERSI IH 400 Cycle Planter Sales, Parts & Service For...* CASE UTILITY • GEHLI • VICON • WFE» KUBOTA* HESSTON • SAME MA AGCO \Mk\ AGCO Ugcol ALLIS I ' AbC ° l ALUS BRANCH Rts. 309 & 100 New Tripoli, PA (610) 767-7611 Mon.-Fri. 7:30 AM-5:00 PM Sat. 7:30 AM-12:30 PM TRACTORS AC 7050 D w/Cab, Heat AC 7030 D w/Cab AC 701 OD, PS, Excellent AC 6080 D w/Roll Bar & Canopy AC 190XT D AC 180 AC WD JD 60 White 1855 D Case 5008 Ford 4000 D w/Loader Ford 2000 w/Snow Plow White 4-150, 4WD MF 1155 D 285 D IH 454, excellent Farmall 560 D NH 27 Blower Gehl 72 Flail Chopper NH7lBw/2row JDI2S Box Gehl 920 Forage Box Coming In Hesston 1091 Windrow COMBINES (1978) AC Gleaner M 2 D w/Cab Air, 15' Grain & 630 Com Heads AC Gleaner K w/10’ Grain & 238 Com Heads AC Gleaner E w/Cab, 10' Grain And 238 Com Heads JD 6600 D w/Cab & Air, 13' Grain & 630 Corn Heads JD 4400 D Combine w/13’ Grain And 438 Corn Head Nl 323 1-Row Picker, Excellentl AC 630 Corn Head For N Or R Series Combines JD 334 3-Row Corn Head (2) JD 235 2-Row Corn Head IH 715 w/Cab, 13’ Flex Head & 438 Corn Head Ml New idea mWBK fWEnr fPEW Nothing like it on earth? NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS Kubou M 5030 DT w/Loader KuboU L 3600 DT Kubou M7SBO DT, Hyd. Shuttle w/Loader USED EQUIPMENT Woodi Cl 14 9’ Mower NI 5209 Disc Conditioner Hesston 550 Round Baler, 1500 Lb. JD 220 18* Wing Disc Brillion 12’ Field Cultivator Woods RMS 9 5’ Mower Walsh 500 Gal. Sprayer Dion Forage Wagon, 3 Beater, Roof 20' Turner Rear Mount Boom Mower Hesston 4600 Inline Baler w/Thrower KM 321 Vicon Disc Mower/Conditioner Ford 6610 Tractor NI 621 Blower Haben S’ Sickle Bar, New Demo MMU 1941 Hesston PTIO Windrower LAWN & GARDEN JD 725 Front Mower, 20 HP Kubou F 2400 4WD 60" Grasshopper 1410 44” w/Catcher STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville, PA 215-593-2407 S) AOCOI NEW IDEA HESSTON JD 12' Disc AC 2300 IS' Disc White 253 17’ Disc AC 2300 13' Disc Oliver 563 4-B Plow (2) JD 5-B Plow AC 2000 6-B Plow AC 80 3 pt. 4-B Plow Ford 3 pt. 3-B Plow AC 50 Plow MF 3 pt 4-B Plow Ford 5-B Plow Ford 4-B Plow Trumbauersvllle to Finland Rd. Quakartown, PA (215) 536-1935 or 536-7523 Mon.-Fri. 7:30 AM-5:00 PM 6:00 PM-9 PM Sat.-Parts 7:30 AM-1 PM Sales 7:30 AM-4 PM BALERS NH 273 w/thrower IH 445 w/thrower NH 269 w/thrower NH 320 wire TILLAGE Case 230 w/thrower JD 346 wire IH 27 w/thrower NH 69 IH 46 w/thrower NH 268 IH 46 JD 14 w/thrower AC 443 IH 47 w/thrower NEW TRACTORS & El Case IH 5230,4WD & ROPS Case-IH 5240 2WD & Cab Case-1 H 4500, VS Field Cult. Case-IH 3800,12’ Disc Harrow Case-IH 665011’ Conser-Till Case-IH 530016x7 Drill Case-IH 5300 24x6 Drill Case-IH 5711 3 Pt, 11’Chisel Plow Case-IH 8309,9' Disc Mwr. Cond. USED TRACTOR! IH F-M w/Loader IH F-Cub 1 Pt. Tractor w/Blade, Plow & Mwr IH F666G 3 Pt. Tractor. Long 51 OS Crawler, Blade w/3 Pt. & PTO (750 Hrs.) $7,800 IH 735, 5F Vari-Width Plow $2,850 IH 205 SP Combine w/13' Plat $3,850 IH 120 Sickle mower $375 inviirtfiW FORAGE HARVESTERS Gehl 400 w/2 heads Gehl 600 w/2 heads Gehl 1200 w/2 heads NH 717 w/1-row head NH 717 w/2-row head JD 35 w/2 heads IH w/1-row cornhead Fox 625 Wagon Grove Wagon AC 2-row cornhead (2) Gehl 99 Blower (2) NH 28 Blower AC 60 Blower JD 65 Blower JR\ 51 i Ki rdi iwer,. WII mm Case-IH 900 4R Planter Case-IH 950 6R Planter Case-IH 600 Blower Case-IH 8430 Rd. Baler Case-IH 8520 aler w/Thro. Case-IH 1250 Grinder Mixer Case-IH 1560 Spreader Case-IH 2250 Loader IH 710 5F16” Plow w/Cyl $1,350 Ml 3816 Spreader (Solid Plus II), Like New $6,500 NH 30 Forage Blower $1,950 IH 45 VS Field Cult $1,250 IH 234 Mtd. Picker $750 $1,350 $3,500 $5,900 Pits 14’ Disc IH 56 Forage Blower.. JD 66 Forage Blower BRANCH Lobachsvllle, Oley, PA (610) 987-6221 or 987-6257 Mon.-Fri. 7:30 AM-5:00 PM Sat. 7:30 AM-12:30 PM HAY TOOLS Hesston 1091 Mower Cond. Hess ton 1090 Mower Cond. IH 990 Mower Cond. (3) NH 489 Haybine NH 38 6‘ Harvester AC 490 Mower Cond. NH 460 Haybine (2) Hesston PTO 10 Mower Cond. (3) NH 479 Haybine Hesston 1010 8' Mower Cond. Hesston 1014 14' Mower Cond. JD 1380 14' Mower Cond. JO 1209 Mower Cond. NH 1495 S.P. Haybine »MENT lUIPMENT $2,250 ...$650 $1,250
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