l: KRAUSE NO-TILL DRILLS •The 5213-13’ seeding width is the widest seeding. LEGAL TRANSPORT width drill that can be sold in Pennsylvania • You can plant No-Till or Conventional with a Krause No-Till Drill! Here’s what owners of the Krause NO-Til Drill are saying about its performance in their operations: “Last ycarwfcen Tl*n*ght it, Iwal about peuetratio» «itt |Mscd depth control. Bui ■■ me ■ excellent penetration. I love tbe tob tt docs, 'lt also saves a lot of tftn£' especially with the late fprtogwehaf- : } •• - . <*. Moh Oswald V. 1 - Nazareth, PA^ uic,. Dim tt produces cxpeßfcilt »j*#a»<if mm grain and soybeans," “ Dick BreckbiU CIH 1660,1987, 2179 Hrs„ 2WD, AHHC, GL Monitor, Reel To Ground, Feeder - Reverser (U 7501) CIH 1660, 2WD, Hydro, 1390 Hrs., AHHC, Rocktrap, GL Monitor, Cab w/AC, Heat, Radio (U 7945) CIH 1660, 1987, 1800 Hrs, Chopper Feeder-Reverser, Standard Rotor, Cab w/AC, Heat, Radio (U 8102) CIH 1660,1991,1300 Hrs., 2 WD, AHHC, G.L. Monitor, Straw Chopper Speciality Rotor, 30.5x34 and 14 9x24 Tires (U 8331) CIH 1680, 1987,2357 Hrs, Hydro, AHHC, GL Monitor, 2WD, Cab, AC, Heat, Radio (U 8533) CIH 1640, 1988, 1079 His., 2WD, Hydro, AHHC (U 7680) 1H 1460, 1980, 3563 Hrs., 28Lx26 and 18.4x16.1 Tires, AHHC (U 8232) IH 915 Diesel. Hydro. Cab w/Air (U 7477) 1H 1460, 1982, 2850 Hrs, Hydro Cab w/AC, Heat, Radio, AHHC. 30 5x32 & 14 9x24 (U 7598) IH 1460, 1983, 2900 Hrs, Hydro, AHHC, GL Monitor, Cab w/Air, Heat & Radio (U 8159) IH 915 (U 8379) IH 1460 1980, 2077 Hrs., 30.5x32 Tires, Radio (U 8444) IH 1460, 1979, 4700 Hrs, Rebuilt Hydraulics, Engine Overhauled (U 8236) IH 1480, 1983, 2WD, 3265 Hrs, 65.5x32 Flow Grip and 14Lx161 Tires, AHHC, Hyd. Reel Fore & Aft, 3rd Cylinder, Strawchopper (U 8113) IH 1480, 1980, 4350 Hrs, 30.5x32 and 18.4x161 Tires, Feeder-Reverser, GL Monitor, AHHC, 3rd Cylinder (U 8151) Seed New Products 11l H |^P Backed By I Hoober Parts & Service I JD 6620, 1981, 3180 Hrs., Hydro, 28Lx26 w/215 Platform (U 7343) JD 6600 Sidehill, 2135 Hrs., AHHC Cab w/AC, Heat, 4 Row Wide Comhead, 216 Platform (U 8347) Bush Hog 1437 Disc (T 8803) Krause 1924 Disc, 17” Blades (T 8791) JD 235 Single Wing Disc 20’ (T 8709) Krause 1924 Rockflex Disc, 24’, Scrapers, Blades, Front 20” Rear’ 18 5” (T 8766) Krause 2416 Disc, Blades. Fronl-21” Rear -22” (T 5858) Krause 4924 Rockflex Disc w/Mulchers (T 8550) IH 485 Folding 21’ Disc, Blades 17 5” Front & 18” Rear, Duals (T 8687) Krause 1927 Rockflex Disc -9” Spacing, Blades -19.5” Front & 21” Rear, Duals (T 7966) Krause 1577 Rockflex Disc 9 1/8” Spacing, 18” Front & 18.75” Rear Blades - (T 8458) Krause 4926 Disc, Rockflex, w/Scrapers, 9” Spacing (T 7653) Krause 1966 Disc, 31’ Cut, “Rockflex”, New 22 1/4” Notched Blades (T 7234) IH 510 Disc, 16'10” Spacing, 22” Blades (T 7542) IH 410 Disc 13’ w/Buslerbar (T 8773) Krause 2413 Disc (T 8433) USED MOLDBOARD PLOWS IH 710 Plow 6-18”, Auto Reset, Semi- Mounted (T 6813) IH 720 5-18’w/Dtl. Hitch (T 8769) IH 710 Plow, 4-18” Semi-Mounted (T 7512) All New & Used Products ■ UP f| Backed By ■ H ■■ Hoober Parts & Service I (717)768-8231 I. it! "See Me at the Lebanon Fair! > m Larry Herr C B HOOBER it SON INC Krause 2807 Chisel Plow w/Coulters (T 8543) Sunflower Chisel, 16 Shank, Folding, Reversible Points, w/Spnng Cushion Shank, Repointcd (T 7787) Chem Farm CPK 180 Chisel Plow, 17’ Folding Hi-Clcarance Spring Cushion Shanks (T 7134) IH 55 Chisel, 10 Tooth, 10’5” Spacing, C Shank, Spring Trip (T 7329) IH 13 Shank Chisel Plow w/Gauge Wheels &Top Link (T 8122) USED TRACTORS & UNLOADERS Over 200 HP Steiger PTA 280, 1981 Automatic, Engine Done 380 Hrs Ago 18 4x38 Duals (W 8620) 130 to 200 HP Case 1570,2 WD, w/Cab (W 8481) CIH 7120 MFD, 280 5 Hrs, Cab, Front Wts, Tires 20 8R42 & 16 9R28 (W 8902) CIH 7120 2WD, Dual Wheels w/10 Bolt Hubs (W 8692) IH 5288, 1981, 2978 Hrs, 208x38 Duals, Front Wts., Cab w/AC, Heat, Radio (W 8479) CIH 7130 MFD, 1989, 1665 Hrs, 3 Hyd Valves, 1000 PTO, 16 9x28 and 20 8x42 Tires, Cab w/AC, Heat, Radio (W 8369) JD 4650, 1987, 7100 Hrs., 4 WD, Tires. 20.8x38 w/Duals(WBsl7) IH 1566, 6000 Hrs. Diesel, 2 WD. Cab (W 8757) C B HOOBER ft SOM INC. “The Krause NO-TIL Drill met my needs. It wIU penetrate hard ground, even in stones. The Hoobcr hitch innovation works." AND IT COSTS STHOUSANDS LESS... Two Locations IH FBO6, 7718 Hrs., Diesel, Top Link (W 8751) IH 1086, 1980, 4391 Hrs., Diesel, 2WD, ROPS (W 8588) IH 1086, 1977 5539 Hrs, Diesel, 2WD, ROPS (W 8589) Case 2290, 1979, 4058 Hrs, PS, Dual PTO, 184x38 Rear, Cab w/AC, Radio (W 8268) IH 186 Hydro, 1978, 4528 Hrs, Diesel, 2WD.WFE, (W 8679) IH 186 Hydro, 1978, 4830 Hrs, 2WD, Diesel, WFE, Top Link, Cab (W 8727) IH 966, 4000 Hrs, w/18 4x30 Tires (W 8634) IH 186 Hydro 1977 (W 8830) Under 80 HP Hesston 60-66 2WD, WFE, 540 PTO, 3 Cyl, 16 9x30 Rear Tires, Canopy (W 8350) Krause 12 Row Folding Cultivator (T 8297) Krause 4133 Field Cultivator 37’ w/K-Tmes (T 6863) Krause 4129 Field Cultivator 30’, C-Shanks, 3 BarTmes (T 8161) Bnllion 28’ X-Fold Packer, Not Ductile (T 8623) DMII7 5’ Field Cullivator.(TB374) JD 950 Culliraulchcr, 15', New Tine Points (T 7752) Heimker 23’ Field Cultivator, Hyd Fold, 12’ Transport, 6" Spacing, Cushioned C-Shanks (T 7311) IH 315 Cultimulcher 14' w/Cylmders & Hoses (T 7841) INTERCOURSE, PA UnciiMr Fanning, sturdy, Arty 23,1994-021 5215 N No-TUI DrUl Models available 5210-10 feet, 16x7.5 5213 -13 feet, 21 x 7.5 5215-15 feet, 24x7.5 80 to 130 HP Charles Beaver Millers town, PA IH 600 Blower (U 8214) JD 1508 15’ Rotary Mower, 1000 PTO (V 8574) Woods 120 Mower, 10’ Offsets (U 6970) NI 499 Haybme w/New Rolls (1)7310) NH 499 Haybme, 12’ Cut, Hydro Swing, 3” Knife w/Guards (U 7899) NH 1038 Bale Stack Wagon. 3 Yrs Old, Single Bale Unloading, Used For Approx 1500 Bales (U 8937) Hesston 30A Bale Stacker (U 8087) CIH 8520 Baler w/Wisconsm Engine, Steel Wheels (U 8849) JD 336 Baler w/#3O Ejector (U 8669) NH 269 Baler w/Wisconsm Engine (U 7138) NH 273 Baler (U 7000) Hesston 4600 Baler (U 8893) USED PLANTERS & DRILLS Great Plains 14’ Drill w/Comb No-Till Hitch (V 8362) CIH 5100 Drill 24x6 w/2 Drill Hitch (V 7857 & 59) IH 510 Drill 18x7 Excellent Cond w/Grass Seeder (V 8546) JD 750 Drill, 15’, No-Till, 7 1/2” Spacing, Platelcss (V 7640) IH 800 6 Row Narrow Air Planter w/Liquid Fertilizer w/lnsecticidc w/1000 Shaft Pump, (V 7874) Great Plains 14’ Drill, No-Till, 7” Spacing w/Wl Brackets, No-Till Hitch (V 7978) Great Plains 14' Drill, No-Till, 2x13 Press Wheels, Acremeter 7” DD (V 8177)
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