MM FARM MMeouipment Metal side for 20' hay wa gon, $650 080. 410/833-1847. MF 1135,3,700 hrs., cab & cold air, excellent runner, $7,500. 410-833-9091 MF 265 diesel, 3400 hours, excellent condition, (717)530-9233. MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE PARTS NEW AND USED AND TRACTORS. EVERETT BROS. 614-922-3335. SCm Bale Thrower Model 8511 r Cost $2,300 Your Cost $1,500 Ford 5610, 3 PL, New, Weights, Power Whle., Remotes Ford 4610, 3 PL, SU Modal, Llks New Ford 4000,3 Pt, Bx 2, New Paint, Power Take-Off, PS 2-Ford 900's, New Paint, Run Good, 1 w/New Motor Ford 600 w/Loadsr, 1 w/Gang Mowers, 10 ft. Roseman gang mowers Ford BN, w/Used Rotary, Ford 9N w/Blade Ford 1300, 4WO, 3 PL, New Engine, good Ford 4400 w/Tiger Flail Mower, Side Mount MF, Model 1010, 4WD, 168 Hrs., Pwr Angle Blade 2 IHC Cubs, 1 w/48” Under Mt’d Deck Case-O-Matlc 800, 3 PL, Pwr. Takeoff, New Paint Ford 655 C TLB, 4WD, Cab, Air, Extend-A-Hoe, New Tires, Less Than 1,400 Hrs. Sold New '9O Ford 655 C, 4WD, Cab, 4-1 Bkt. w/Forks, 1,400 Hrs. Ford 5558, Tractor, Loader, Hoe, Cab New, New Holland L 454 Skid Loader Several New Utility Trailers, general trailer New Holland L 8620, 4WD, Loader, Hoe Case Crawler Mod. 4508, 6 Way Blade Case 780 Trae. Ldr., Hoe, 26' Ext. Hoe, Cab, 336 Turbo Eng., Needs Work, Rear Backet Like New Ford 618 Silo Blower, Very Good, Power Take-Off Moore No Till Drill, (2) InL Drills Massey Harris 60 Combine 10’ Self Propelled ATI Preseeder, Model 600, Factory Rebuilt Harley Rake, Model Pro 6 w/Scarlfler, new Ford 4 Btm. Plow, Trip, 3 PL Case 4 Btm. 3 Pt. Semi ML Trip Plow, good 10’ Pull Type Disc Harrow, Ford 14' disc harrow New Ford 14’ Disc Harrow Woods Rotary Cutters, S'-6’-7Vi', 15' Wing In Stock All Landprlde Equip. In Stock 30% Off I ' Straley Farm Supply NjM Dover, PA WqwSM 717-292-2631 Fax 717-292-0422 Excellent Ford Tractors TW-20, cab, air, 18.4Rx38, weights, 3,500 hrs. TW-15, 4WD, cab, air, 20.8x38, 2,600 l^rs. 7710 11, cab, air, 18.4Rx34,1990 model, 1,100 hrs. 7610 H, DP, 18.4x34, roll bar, 1,900 hrs. 7000, DP, 16.9x38, 1975 model, 4,000 hrs. 6610, DP, dual deluxe hyd., 18x34, 2,000 hrs. 5610 11, 4WD, DP w/Ford 7410 Loader, 1,100 hrs. 4630, 4WD, BxB brans., dual deluxe hyd.. 380 hrs. 4610 11. syncro brans., 16.9x30, 1,100 hrs. 4000 SfSjjSSlel, 8 spd. 16.9x24 4000 SO, gas, 8 spd., 2,700 hrs., 1 owner 4000, diesel, 8 spd., 16.9x30, 4,000 hrs. 3930, 4WD, 14.9x28 w/AUied 394 loader, 1992 model w/230 hrs. 3910 11, rollbar & canopy w/Ford loader, 550 hrs. 3910 11, dsl., roll bar, 13.6x28, weights, 200 hrs. 2600, diesel, 8 spd., LPTO, PS, 3,100 hrs. 1720 4WD Shuttle w/Ford loader, 1300 hrs. JD 2955, hi/low, 18.4x38,1,900 hrs. Equipment FNH 492 haybine, like new NH 489 haybine, good condition NH 144 windrow inverter FNH 824 com head, like new NH 25 forage blower, good condition FNH 254 Roll bar fit* tSoO thru 7610 FNH 900 chopper. Met Alert, 990 W hay head, 824 2 row or 360 3 row, only 2 yn. old Ford 515 3 Ft. T tickle mower Ford Leaders 7412 QT Fitt 2WD & 4WD, 7710 Thru TW-15 7410 QT fitt 2WD & 4WD, 5610 thru 7610 7210 QT fitt 5000 thru 7610 777 D QT HU 2WD, 7700 & 7710 All Tneton Tested On Our Fame. Plaaaa Call For Appointment Burkholder Bros. Lebanon, PA 717-272-2352 717-949-2123 Haybine. JO, Model 1219, Good Condition, Field Ready. Asking $4200. (908)719-9636 Hay rake, like new, NH 57. Call evenings 717-444-3889. HC 460 diesel, good condi tion, tricycle type, $2100; Ford 501 grass mower, Pit man, good condition, $475. 610/488-0723. HERCULES. CONTINEN taI Waukesha farm, indust rial engine parts. M&M Surplus Sales, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9851. IH 1086, CAH, digital, fresh engine, 3,400 hrs., $11,600. 410-833-9091 IH 440 wire tie baler, excel lent condition, $2,000 ne gotible. (717)872-9152 (717)872-4058. IH 540 Spreader, 2 Bea ters, No Tailgate, 180 Bushel, Excellent Condi tion. $2200. (717)328-2336 IH 560 Farmall w/2R mounted picker, nice con dition, $3600. 717-768-3197 Heifer. Jersey/Gurnsey, 2 years. $550 717/484-0159 evenings Hesston 1580 130 hi i, 1932 hrs., CAH Hesston BP2O bale processor. Hesston (H&S) manure spreader. Hesston soil finisher. Hes ston 5545 baler. Hesston 2140 chisel. Gehl 135 grin der mixer. IH 510-DD drill. White 5400 planter. Van- Dale TMR wagon. OMC 330 skidloader. wheel rake. (301)739-4692. enm weeper 1968 Cat 941, Direct Start, 4 Cylinder, Perkins Engine, Powershlft, Pedal Steer, Low Hours- As Is- Needs Runs Good. Transmission $ll 500 IH 340 Forklift-Gas- Runs Sldashlft, 6000 Lb., Air With Hob, Dlbsbl, Hydrosta- “"' e . r l 1 of,set Dlsc - Good GoS Tires, Runs Very Good. tic, New Paint, Runs Good. Condition. Good - $4,900 $10,500 $7.900 $3,900 WANTED: Good Late Model Construction Equipment Need S/N And Price When You Call TRUCKS/CARS 1984 Pontiac Parisienne Sdn... 1972 Ford F6OO Dump - Gas.. 1988 Honda Civic DX - 4 Dr. - 5 Spd 1987 Acura Integra LS - 4 Dr - 5 Spd 1987 Honda Prelude SI-5 Spd.... 1988 Honda Accord LX - 4 Dr. - 5 Spd 1988 Honda Accord LXI - 4 Dr - 5 Spd 1989 Honda Accord LX - 4 Dr. - Auto 1989 Honda Accord LXI - 4 Dr. - 5 Spd 1989 Honda Accord LXI - 4 Dr. - 5 Spd $7,950 1990 Acura Legend L Sedan - Auto ..$11,400 1989 GMC 3500 Dump Low Miles $12,500 1990 Acura Legend L Sedan-Auto $12,900 1992 Lexus ES3OO - Auto -25 K $22,900 BACKHOES/EXCAVATORS Hoe Attachment! From 92,000 Ford 1801 - Gas 95,000 JOB 1550 - HOPS - Ext - 1085 913,500 JD 3108 - Cab - 1085 916,500 JD 410 - Cab - 1082 918,500 Case 580 E - Cab - 1084 910,500 JD 4108 - Cab - 1984 910,500 JD SIOB - Cab - Ext - 1984 922,500 Case 680 K - Cab - 1987 - 4 In 1 924,500 JD 6908 Excavator - 1978 924,500 JD 410 C - 4x4 - Cab - 1987 - Ext 920,500 JD 5108 - 4x4 • Cab - 1985 - Ext 929,500 JD 7108 - Cab - 1986 929,500 JD 6908 Excavator - 1980 929,500 Koehring 6614 Excavator - 1986 932,500 RUBBER TIRE LOADERS AC 1400 - Gas - 3 Pt. - PTO - 1966 ....95,500 Case WlB - ROPS 918,500 JD 6448 - Cab - 1974 922,500 Hesston 2150 chopper w/ hay and corn head; 1 Bad ger forage wagon; Dion for age wagon. (717)532-7905. Hesston 4800 big square baler, field ready, $15,500. (215)598-7687. Hesston 7160 forage harvester. 2RN corn head, T hay pickup, electric con trols, good condition, $3,975. No Sunday calls (301)797-5370. HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee. Call Gary O. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 Hobart welder, 6-cyl. Ford engine; approx. 6000 gal. steel tank. Christian B. Zook, 5192 Mine Road, West of Gap, Kinzers, PA 17535, after spm. If you need a JD self prop elled chopper call me Larry Stalter “The Chopper Man” 1-800-248-2151 Cat V6OB Forklift, $2,950 $3,900 Franklin 170 - Grapple - 1980 $13,500 Clark Ranger 667 - Grapple - 1972 $13,500 JD 5408 - 1982 - Grapple.... $22,500 $3,990 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION (50) New & Used Hoe $4,450 $4,950 $5,990 Buckets (50) Loader Buckets $5,990 (50) Set Forklift Forks (2) Cinder Spreader - Each Ripper For Crawler 1990 Club Car Golf Cart $7,450 $7,750 Tennant 92 Sweeper - Dsl - As Is $1,900 (2) Air Hammer For Hoe Each $2,250 Root Rake - 12’ - Cat D 6 Schramm 160 Air Comp IH 140 w/Power Broom- 1972. Miller 14' Offset Disc (3) Sheeps Foot Roller Mobark 0’ Disc Chipper Euclid RlB Rock Truck - 1056 Case DH4 Trencher w/Hoe - D 51.... Vermeer 1200 Chipper - 12“. 1686. IR 160 Diesel Compressor - 1990.. Sicard Snowblower - V 8 Gas JD 760 Scraper Champion 715 Grader - 1977 $12,500 Euclid R 22 Rock Truck - 1967 $17,500 Ford 6610 w/Hyd. Arm Mower - 1984 $19,500 Euclid R 35 Rock Truck - 1967 $25,000 IH 340 - Gas - Air Tires Cat VSOB - LP Gas - 5000 Lb Case 580 - Gas - 21' - SS - 1967 Cat V6OB - Diesel - 6000 Lb Cat VBOC - LP - Air Tires - 1975.. Brower 612 - 4x4 - Dsl. - 6000 Lb. Gehl 600 harvester 2R nar row corn head, 6' pickup head, shed kept, $1,300. JD 1209 haybine. Field ready, one owner, shed kept, $1,350. (717)949-2063 Gehman tobacco cutter, excellent condition, $l5O. Lancaster Co. 717-426-3570. Gleaner C combine, cab/ htr, 6 cyl. gas, 13‘ grain, pickup reel. 4RW corn, hill side grain saver, clover seed attachment available, excellent condition, $6,500 Fairfield, VA (703)261-3933 Gleaner N 5 Combine, (412)254-4753. HAY FLUFFER, rotary, 10' pull type, new, $9OO. 410-833-9091 HAY FLUFFER/Rake Vicon, ready to work, $550. 410-833-9091 Hartparr 70, Good 40" Rubber, Engine Stuck. Fair Condition, $5OO 080. (610)926-4470. Vermeer 1200 Chipper, Gas, 1985 JCB 1550 Extendahoe, Late Model, Low Hours, HOPS, Runs Good. Clean, 12”. $13,500 1979 Case DH4 Trencher Diesel, LOG SKIDDERS FORKLIFTS Uncwter Firming, Saturtity, July 23, 1994-D7 For Sale: JD 12A combine with power unit, grain bin, power unloader, all belts chains in good condition, $lOOO 080. Phone 717/759-9346. For Sale Oliver Cletrac crawler tractors: 1954 Oliver OC-6, 1940 Cletrac HG-42, 1936 Cletrac AG, and 1938 Cletrac AG w/ winch. Call Landis Zimmer man, 717/738-2573. Sweet Corn Harveeter Byron 501, (4) 36" Rowe, 4WD Ml 801 power unit, 426 cu. In. AC, 175 hp, hydrostatic drive, excellent condition AC G combine, 131 head, ready to "ahaka, rattle and roll" Good price on bothl Call after 6 PM (908) 946-4135 $7,900 JD 3508 - ROPS - 1972 JO 3508 - Ripper - ROPS - 1972 Cat 941 - Diesel - 1968 Benati 7.16 - ROPS - 1985 Fiat FLIOC - ROPS - 1981 CAT 983 - Cab - 1969 COME SEE COME SEE TRAILERS 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - 6.5x14. 1978 3 Axle 11 Ton Tag-A-Long - BxlB COME SEE sl,ooo sl,ooo 51,350 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - 6 5x16 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - 6 sxlB 1989 9 Ton Tag-A-Long 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - BxlB 1990 11 Ton Tag-A-Long - Bx2o 1994 10 Ton Tag-A-Long 1972 30 Ton Lowboy 1994 10 Ton Tag-A-Long w/Air .. 1994 20 Ton Tag-A-Long w/Air. $2,500 $3,000 $3,900 $3,900 $2,900/$4,500 $4,500 $7,500 $7,900 $7,900 $8,500 $8,500 $9,900 DOZERS JD 450 C - 6 Way - ROPS - 1981.... JD 350 C - 6 Way - ROPS - 1979... IH TDBE - 6 Way - 1979 Case 8508 - 6 Way - ROPS - 1979 Cat DSB - LGP - Cab - 1980 Cat DSB - Winch - ROPS - 1980.. Backhoe For Bobcat 600 Backhoe For Case 18358... Backhoe For Bobcat 743 Ford CL4O - Gas - 1979 Case 18358 - Diesel • 1985 Case 18458 - Diesel - 1985 NH 555 Diesel • 1986 ..$4,900 ..$7,500 ..$8,750 $10,500 $10,500 $23,500 NH 716 Chuck Wagon and Myers 1800 chuck wagon w/tendem running gears; JD 6500 and 65 blowers; Martin V 1575 manure spreader w/tandem axle; Wickes Bhp bedding chop per. 908/454-2614 NH 770 forage chopper, 540 RPM, pickup head & 2R corn head, new knives in 93. Will separate heads. $2OOO. 717/776-4261. Nl 323 1R corn picker. Nl 34' elevator. 2 round metal corn cribs. 14x15- 17V4 xl5. (2) gravity wa gons. Drag elevator. All items VG condition Be tween 10am-spm. (610)845-2331. Nl 323 1R picker, like new, Nl 325 2RN (12 roll bed) picker, good condition. 717-768-3197. - Nl 323 1R picker, real nice, $2975; Grove dump wa gon, $675, small gravity bin wagon, $725. 610/562-4464 CRAWLER LOADERS SKID LOADERS . $8,900 $11,500 $11,500 $14,500 $18,500 $28,500 $1,495 $1,900 $2,095 $2,195 $2,900 $3,350 $3,900 $6,500 $6,900 ..$7,450 $10,500 $12,500 $13,500 $17,500 $18,500 $29,500 $34,500 $2,900 $3,900 $3,900 $4,900 $8,900 $8,900 $9,500
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