824-Lancaster Farming, Siturday, July 16, 1994 MAIL X MARKET 1 F R SALE IE 3 Travel trailer 22' long Qehl iO9O haybine good sleeps 6 self-contained A «,„<)„ NH 425 wire baler, good camper for $l9OO. good oond. Mercer Co. N.J. Hunt. Co. 814-447-3769. 609-259-9787 call eves. MF 410 gas combine, cab lots of life. $3OOO, MF 1130 tractor, 2420 hrs., straight, runs excel.. $7500,18.4-38 duals, $450. Franklin Co. 717-349-7477. 9’ table saw (new) 36' wood core storm door, new, new 60' patio door Peachtree. Leb. Co. 610-589-2123 after 6 p.m. 75 plus vacuum pump- Surge, rebuilt, new bear ings & veins, broilers ready to be dressed. Leb. Co. 717-866-6075. JD 1460 disc pnower, JO 4&58 F 145 plows 3 rear unloading silage wagons hyd. drive. Mon. N.J. 609-259-2567. 656 IHC 16x38 radial year round cab hydro diesel w/ front hydro, drive v.g. cond., never used in farm ing. Union Co. 717-568-0153 call after 1615 hrs. Pr. black swans, $450, pr. mute swans, $350, pr. breeder impeyan pheasant $2OO, peachicks, exotic, pheasant chicks. Snyder Co. 717-659-2058 eve. 5 ply stainless steel water less cookware set Lifetime guaranteed. 12 qt. stock pot, stainless elect skillet. Union Co. 717-922-1502. Ml 701 uni-system w/710 combine & 711 grain head, $5OO. Leb. Co. 717-272-9531. JD 3 pt. 3x14 plow good cond , $6OO, Olivers' trans port disc, $lOOO. Montg. Co. 610-584-1993 after 6 p m. 4 Bio milkers good cond Daniel Lapp, 473 Centervil le Rd„ Gordonville, Pa. 17529. 8’ camper top 36’ high $5O, 1973 Olds 'BB sedan 350 engine 94K $250, copper rooster weather vane $25. Lane. Co. 717-687-8536. David Bradley tri-trac w/ plow, cult, running looks rough $450. York Co. 717-244-3415. 69 Int. Scout 4x4 w/snow Whitetail deer fawns bottle plow $l2OO. Clinton Co. fed very tame, also adults 717-726-7545. for sale. Lehigh Co. 6lO-767-0962. 16A flail cho excel., $l3OO, 300 Agway iggg Chevy dump truck, 100 lb. plastic bags 20 ct. igyg Lowboy trailer 450 ea. Newark, Del. Case crawler loader, good 302-239-5351. cond., $19,800 or best JD #43, #l2-B shellers. Ra i| 290 planter w/insect boxes, oldl Win power grain clean- 800 gal. Zero milk tank two er excel, cond., 2 cyl. trac- 4 hp compressors, good tors, other equip. Hunt. Co. cond. automatic washer. 908-782-1725. 717-944-3970. Delivery Made in U.S.A. of Forged Special Alloy Steel with Tungsten Carbide Cutting Edge ffi; 1-800-223-5202 Extended Spring/Summer Hours Until 9:00 P.M. Central Time Free Cap when calling for a Quote • Tillage Sweeps • Disc Mower Knives • Flail Chopper Knives • Harrow Tines & Teeth • Round Baler Belts • Corn Head Knives 1^ Z'FIKIM r## 0 t / r / rt co. | P 0 Box 2252 » Rocklord, IL 61131 rgr 6x30 mounted tire $ rim for AC G tractor, good shape $125. York Co. 717-757-2842. ELS pit manure spreader in good cond., $1275. Lane. Co. Elmer Esh, 440 A Peters Rd., Gordonville, Pa. 17529. Pygmy goats pair proven breeders $l5O. Henry Mar tin, 494 Quarry Rd., New Holland, Pa. 17557. Modified pulling tractor all alum, narrow roar 355, bred, stroked, balanced, roller, blue printed, $2OOO. Mifflin Co. 717-667-6447. 1988 Chrysler Sth ave. black 4 dr. sedan garage kept 1 owner, 30,000 miles, all opts like new. Lane. Co. 717-367-3233. 1981 Buick LeSabre four door, very low mileage excel, cond., air cond., ste reo, rear window defroster, $3OOO. Lane. Co. 717-394-7798 Barley green super food of the future get the greens your body needs, powder or caplets. 610-273-3108. GE Electrak w/mower, parts or fix $lOO, misc. parts JD B cyclone $125. Lane Co. 717-464-5896. Mascot, brothers in Al 5 gen VG Dam 86 pt. Lead man 25,000+ At 2 yrs. delivery avail, to Lane. Washington, Md. 301-714-1838. Bush Hog rotary mower 6' trailer type, good cond., $525. Levi King, 133 M Lime Street, Quarryville, Pa. 17566. 1993 JD 870 MFWD 28 HP 102 hours, 73’ loader, 18’ backhoe like new, asking $20,000. Mt. Joy. 717-653-9615. Double wooden tobacco ladders 20’ long, excel, cond., $l5O, also cults, for JD B. Lane. Co. 717-687-0351. Oliver OC-6 diesel very nice, $3500, H-G 68 craw ler good, $l5OO, H.G. parts, crawlers, O-C-3 42" factory dozer runs good, $2OOO. Schuyl. Co. 717-386-3143. I° a to • All Types of Chains Kubota 4x4 loader & hoe, L-275 shuttle shift 8 spd. hi lo. 608 hrs., asking $12,500. Pike Co. 717-588-6350 eves. JO 606 rotary cutter used one season $lOOO or best offer. Lehigh Co. 610-791-4704, Chore Time 3 ton bulk feed bin new never used $BOO. 908-359-5934. Pull type strete bloom need motor $lOO, 15 HP 3 PH motor $4O, 270 AMP con factors $5O ea 717-545-9289 after 5 p.m. 4’ bucket for Bobcat skid loader fits a 520, $5O. Chester Co. 610-857-1303 no Sunday calls. JD 415 A 2 btm. plow w/ cover boards & coulters very good $495 080. Cumb. Co. 717-249-2591 not Sunday. Antique Verona coal stove good cond., $750 or best offer. 717-354-8507 call anytime. Camper for pickup 8‘ Ala skan type very good cond., asking $875 or best offer. Middlesex Co. 609-448-1241 after 8 p.nj. JD 110 tractor lawn mower, Kohler 10 HP engine, 38’ cut, mechanical lift, good cond., $650. Chester Co. 610-469-9119. 72 hi-10, 15' travel trailer, sleeps 4, stove, refrigera tor, furnace, toilet, extras, good cond., $l2OO. Dau. Co. 717-469-7367 eves. 3 PH 2 row cult. 3 ph disc 3 pth post digger 12' Ml lime fert. spreader. 610-845-2478. Int. baler 46 w/thrower runs excel., $650. 610-367-0347. Kiln dries 800 BP includes 13 walnut logs & 350 BF walnut, cherry, oak lumber, $2,000. Leb. Co. 717-867-4005 eves, before 10 p.m. Soft ice cream machine 3 flavored like new. 717-656-4625. Dalmation mix pups nice markings very cute, ready to go. John P. Esh, 362 Osceola Mill Rd., Gordon ville, Pa. 17529. NH #33 flail chopper, MH 6’ sickle mower, 8' cultipack er, kay making machine, blanks, $3OO ea. Montg. Co. 610-631-1890. Barley 600 gu. 2nd cutting alfalfa hay. Hershey Dau. Co. 717-534-2510 after 5 p.m. Jersey family cow tame lots of milk. Lane. Co. 717-445-6947. 24’ girls Magna 10 spd. bike, like new, $45, MID 22" push mower w/3.5 B&S engine, v-good cond., $6O. Leb. Co. 717-866-4203. Ford 4000, needs repair, gas engine, runs good, loader, rear wheel weights, peafowl blue, black shoul der white pheasants. 609-893-6425 after 6 p.m. 10* Craftsman radial saw $2OO, 55 gal. paint thinner in drum $6O, asst, vacuum pumps $5O ea. Berks Co. 610-323-2677. Polled hereford/simmental cow/calf combination. Car rdll Co. Md. 410-795-9338. 5 yr. old big standardbred horse ready for trips mans horse $9OO. 389 Haiti Rd„ Quarryville, Pa. 17566. Planer & ban saw nearly new. Lane. Co. Enos K. King, 1025 Vintage Rd., Quarryville, Pa. 17566. Yr. Old black shouldered male & blue male $35 ea. both $65, 2 wk. old chicks $7. Northampton Co. 610-838-9987. 6 yrs. gray work horse w/ snap broke, sound 16.1hd. Rufus Z. Martin, 1105 Kramer Mill Rd., Denver, Pa. 17517. 705 Uni, 717 combine, 813 head, 729 Uni shelter. Adams Co. 717-528-4162 no Sunday calls. Int 4x16 semi mounted plow nice $350, wooden nay wagon $2OO, Van Dale S6OO small sq. bale pro cessor excel., $1650. 717-656-2615. Cashmere goats: full, V*, ’/« Cashmere from fine fleece stock, friendly. Northampton Co. 610-253-8951. JD 435 diesel tractor good cond., $4200, MD Ml trac tor, good cond., $2500. Hunt. Co. 814-542-4698. Spinner rake, 4 cyls. 4xlo, steel wheels 18" w, 60” h, 30" c, automatic rollermill. Bedford Co. 814-766-3831. 3 walking plows ex. cond , $225 080, Oliver 23A 2 way plow $195, ex. cond. York Co. 717-235-1793. Tennessee walking horse, strawberry roan, four white 1990 Chevy Suburban V-8 auto air % ton 4x4 52,000 e *“'- b f?, ad . m l re ' miles, very good cond., 9°° d Wash - C 0513,000. $13,000. Cambria Co. 3°l-739-6891. 814-472-7038. 1988 Hart 2-horse start, 16' Monarch livestock trail- dressing room, also eleg er bumper pull charcoal ant m ° v ' n 9 i 6 TB, geld 4 color purchased new 3-93, 7*. 0 d bay dressage Pros -2 divider gates. York Co. P® c *- gda ms Co. 717-292-4067 eves. 717-794-2717. ‘SHIPPENSBURG; COMMUNTTYj •1 1994 FAIR; .1 SATURDAY. JULY 23 > - ( 7 p.m. - Tractor Pulling Contest j ■C SUNDAY. JULY 24 > ' £ 7:00 p.m. - Shippensburg Band Concert - Stage . g 7:30 p.m. - Community Vespers - Stage % ■t MONDAY. JULY 2S J " J 7:30 p.m. - Miss Shippensburg Community J ‘ j Fair Contest - Stage ' " ; 8:00 p.m. - Barnyard Olympics - Tractor Pull J . J Pad i ■( TUESDAY. JULY 26 ) ■ J 6 p.m. - Horse Pull Contest J ; J 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. SH-BOOM > [ * Both Shows 1 Admission $5.00 12 years and 2 . over 2 C WEDNESDAY. JULY 27 > ■ < 9 a.m. - ANNUAL CRAFT SHOW - Gro-Mar > ' 5 Ring > , I 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. - KIDDIES DAY ' " ( Special Ride Prices on the Midway j . ( Ticket windows close at 4:00 p.m. j - < 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. JOHNNY RUSSELL - Stage ) ■ t Both shows 1 Admission ) ■ t $5.00 12 years and over ) THURSDAY. JULY 28 J .( 8 a.m. - Yard sale and ilea market - GroMar j -1 Ring ) ■ ( 9 am. till dusk - Shlppensburg-Chambersburg ) ■ t Radio-controlled model airplane display ) ■ K - GroMar Ring 5 ; J 7:30 and 9:30 pm. "DOVELLS" - Stage > “ 5 Both shows 1 Admission 2 , ( $5.00 12 years and over j ■e FRIDAY. JULY 29 J ‘ J 7 p.m. TRACTOR PULL - Gro-Mar Ring * ’( SATURDAY. JULY 30 j ■ C 8:30 a.m. - Draft Horse Show - Draft Horse ) t obstacle course J J 8:30 a.m. - 5-K Run 5 z 8:35 a.m. - Fun Run for Children ' (11 a.m. - 4 p.m. KIDDIES DAY Special Ride 2 j Prices on the Midway j ( Ticket windows close at 3:30 p.m. j ( 3 p.m. - HORSE SHOW - Gro-Mar Ring J »¥*¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥»¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥« Orig. bin A C6O combine $35, Oliver 20-6 drill, Oliver 60 motor rear mill $195, hayride wagon. Leb. Co. 717-469-2413 no Sunday. Good looking T.B. gelding 8 yrs. old quarter trained good disposition, sound never been worked, $5OO. Chester Co. 610-593-2501. JD single row potato dig ger, excel, cond., $750, Int. single row potato digger $750, 5 cyl. Deutz diesel irrigation pump, $lO,OOO. 609-268-7422. Llamas let me help you get started w/an excel, starter herd, or one llama for pet. Lane. Co. 717-733-1700. V shaped 3 pt. carrier w/ removable sides hvy. duty $125 080, box shaped 3 pt. carrier (needs floor), $25 080. Lehigh Co. 610-799-2536. 8' dry hill manure pump used IV4 yr., good cond. Lane. Co. 717-664-2134. 12' weeder spinner wagon 1R planter, cults., plow s mower D-bars s-dresser for Cub 100 series 2R planter for ‘C’, s-dresser 4 JD 430, IH H, M hillers. Salem Co. 609-358-8625. 198$ Chevy Caprice class ic, 70,000 mi., VB, OD, blue w/blue cloth, southern car, AC, strong, dependable, new exhaust $4900 080. 717-652-8676. Reg. purebred Nubian yearling doe, CAE, bangs & IB negative, daughter of Jasper Hollow Choctaw W Whitman, asking $2OO Pike Co 717-775-9136. HC Myers, epectowater pump elec, motor attached pumps 80 ft., $5O. Lane. Co. 717-656-7789 guaran teed to work. Air compressor lathe mill surface grinder, surface plate height gauge. York Co. 717-846-1546. Rabbit cages & equip, hoses & nibbles etc. Lane. Co. Ira S. Bailor, 485 South Vintage Rd., Paradise, Pa. - 17562. Crawler loader Case 310 new motor, clutch, starter runs great large bucket ask $3500 080. Burl. Co. 609-894-4287 ask for Don. Appaloosa mare 5 yr. attractive chestnut by grand dandy, 15.2-t- hands, sound, sensible, show quality, loves attention. Balt. Co. 410-592-5564. Hay good mixed timothy orchard grass clover buy off wagon & save $1.25 per bale. Bucks Co. 215-343-9061. 1978 Dodge pickup, 4x4, 4 spd., 134,000 ml., good cond., $l,BOO 080. Berks Co. 610-693-5118. (2) 1961 Willys jeeps, (1) 35,000 miles, good cond. plow winch top (other) parts plus more $3OOO 080. 610-793-1921. . White 5100 no-till corn planter, used 7 seasons. Lob. Co. 717-949-3112. Whitetail deer fawns for sale, 1 buck & 1 doe, bom 6-16-94, $2OO ea. Lehigh Co. 610-298-8021. 5 yr. saddlebred bay $l6OO, 206 rebuilt manure spreader like new, $lBOO, NH hay rake $4OO. Lane. Co. 226 Bartville Rd., Kirk wood. Pa. 17536. IHC 615 combine 13' grain head $l5OO or best offer. Fred. Co. 301-416-0590. AC Model CA tractor w/ front loader service manual included $lOOO 080. Har ford Co. 410-399-4029. Cauliflower- broccoli- cab bage plug plants should be ready July 15 thru Aug. Strasburg, Lane. Co. 717-687-8337. McCormick Deering horse drawn cult., $l2O pull disc harrow B', $lOO 080. Balt. Co. Md. 410-343-0069. For Stealing Feedlot Profits 'Shifty Starling' ‘Blackie Blackbird’ Avitrol treated grain balls have been proven successful year after year in removing pest birds from feedlots. ■— " -Si^RSTTAVITgOL 1 ■ EM Approved HESS AGRI BFsTßcrmusFPPsnnnf MARKETING 218 Rockpoint Road MjXIM IF| OE Marietta, PA 17547 (717) 426-3135 corporation jyECQN ENGINES > DIESEL PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS (717) 354-4801 Specializing In Used Rebuilt And Exchange 3208 Caterpillar Engines DIESEL POWER SUPPLY DIESEL ENGINES - POWER UNITS 415 PETERS RD. GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Misc, New-Used And Trade-In Diesel Engines CsPECuuzmo m B&C SERIES Split rail fence (3 rail) $3 per post, $1 per roll ready to pick up. Lane. Co. 717-656-0749. 2 Reg. stud colts. 1 Mor gan, 1 Tenn. walker D. 0.8. 7-1-94, both great blood lines. York Co. 717-927-9061. Bay saddlebred carriage horse 7 yr. family broke hitches, nice. Lane. Co 717-445-5832. Storm windows 12- SI % x 54% , 1- 35% x 36% , 2- 39% x 46% , 6- 31% x 46% all w/screens good cond., $8 ea. York Co. 717-252-3591. 424 Weaverline feed cart stainless steel sides has new batteries needs some work, $2300. Union Co. 717-966-4286. 1979 MP combine grain & comhead air & straw chop per g.c. $6,000. Northamp ton Co. 610-863-4019. 702 uni gas chopper 3 row N head weathered, but work takes no oil good tires, $l,lOO. Lane. Co. 717-445-6825. 3 hereford heifers avg. 500 lbs., ,80c/lb. 4 hereford bulls avg. 700 lbs. .75/lb. Leb. Co. 717-273-1261. 1,000 1 gal. used nursery pots 5e $5O, 1,000 2 gal used nursery pots 10e, $lOO. Perry Co. 717-536-3265 after 6pm IH 110 silage wagon good cond., 3 beater roof, IH run ning gear make offer. Berks Co. 610-682-4556. Shade trees, pin oaks, sweet gums, evergreens, white pine Colorado blue spruce, hemlocks, whole sale. 1-800-468-5524 or 717-665-7917 eves. Tractor & finish mower, Ford 3000 diesel tractor, Woods 60" 3 pt. hitch finish mower, both $5OOO. Ches ter Co. 610-869-0126. AKC Lab pups blacks, choc. Chester Co. 610-273-7595. SALES SERVICE • PARTS
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