Dairy Royalty Assume Westmoreland County Dairy Princess BOLIVAR (Westmoreland Co.) Jennifer Lynn Lenhart repre sents Westmoreland County as the dairy princess. The 17-year-old daughter of Donna and Lonnie Lenhart works on her grandpa rents’ 205-acre farm. Jennifer Westmoreland County Dairy Princess Jennifer Lenhart, left, and Alternate Rebecca Klejka. “Only the best will stand the test of time” rnTra has the w-leading edge MODINC-CHOmR ,OrS ™ AWHAV \ and PAPER! • 6 edge triangular knives (Continued from Pago B 18) with haymaking and helps milking. She is a senior at Laurel Valley High School and is a member of SADD and CODE. Four-H activi ties occupy most of her time as she is active in the horse and the dairy • Complete discharge control and constant culling length without buildup. • Improved rotor (new knives layout) • Great selection of models. Is up your alley! • Anll-vlbratlon de vice for the New FtAnmesi • Full access to gas tank installed on a drawer making it easier to fill. • New safety guard _ . . . preventing buildups • Great selection or on the engine ™ de ' s and 3 af unloading available clubs. She is also a 4-H ambassa dor. Her sister Jill, 14, is a dairy maid. She has another sister, Jodi, Alternate Rebecca Klejka of Derry is the county dairy princess alternate. Rebecca is the 17-year-old daughter of Debra and Thomas. They farm 200 acres and milk 80 dairy cows. A senior at Derry Area High School, Rebecca is active in FFA, OCEAN, and two heritage associ ations. She is also active in 4-H. Rebecca has started her own greenhouse business. She hopes to continue it and also attend a com munity college to study business management She has two brothers, Jeremy, 18, and David, 15. Warren County Dairy Princess WARREN (Warren Co.) Warren County Dairy Princess Heather Sleeman is accustomed to doing whatever job needs to be done. On the family’s 200-acre farm, she fills in with milking, feeding, or whatever needs to be done. Now, she is the dairy indus try in her county. Heather was the recipient of the heifer awarded her by the Pennsyl vania Cattlemen’s Association. Heather is a 4-H ambassador for Warren County, president of the 4-H Horse Club, and secretary of the 4-H Exchange Club. The 17-year-old daughter of Armstrong County Dairy Prince DAYTON (Armstrong Co.) Stephanie Goodheart likes accom panying her grandfather on his milk truck route and DHIA duties in Armstrong County. His love for farming influenced Stephanie to run for the dairy princess title in her county. The 16-year-old is the daughter of Randy and Mary Goodheart and has a brother and three sisters. A senior at Dayton High School, Ste phanie plays volleyball, is band manager, and a member of the chorus. She is active in her church youth group. Robert and Dianna Sleeman, has her sights set on studying veterin ary medicine at Oklahoma Univer sity. “I love it out there,” she said of the West, which she has visited several times. Stephanie Goodheart Armstrong Co. Dairy P cess WATKINS PRODUCTS, S QRAMMA USEDI I^l Call Today for Your FREE Catalog ~gP Watkins Independent Reps. nMßMsn* ITTTT7I gets things rolling! MOTORIZED FEEDER • ROUND BALE UNROLLER C H v NEW ■■BB • New winch with 2" nylon strap and hooks • Stronger telescopic arms adjustable to the width and diameter of the bale • Anti-vibration device for outstanding stability of the running board • Choice of 2 models 38 ' or 48 wide conveyor For further information, ENDLESS MOUNTAINS EQUIPMENT contact your nearest _ . , WiC dealer or Columbia Cross Road, PA (800) 227-3486 ENDLESS MOUNTAINS EQUIPMENT CO. PRONOVOST □ Dumping trailer IVi ton, 5 ton, 8 ton, 12 ton □ Forage Box - 12 ton □ Autoload round bale handler □ Round bale rack □ Wagon 10 ton 4 wheels, 12 ton 6 wheels, 12 ton 4 wheels □ Hay rack for round bales mounted on 12 ton dump trailer (optional) □ Rotary cutter □ Rolling harrows 3 Concrete mixer WIC □ Liquid manure spreader a Bedding chopper □ Strawberry mulcher □ Chopper blower “Blizzard* □ Motorized Silage feeder □ Motorized gram feeder □ Motorized round bale feeder □ Motorized baled hay wagon Icheck Interested"" """ """" I Name. jAddres For Further Information, Contact Your Nearest Dealer Or ENDLESS MOUNTAINS EQUIPMENT CO. Columbia Cross Road, PA. Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 16, 1994-1 D Manual silage feeder □ Manual baled hay wagon ‘ □ Manual grain feeder 3 Sam-Cart □ Control feed wagon □ Roller mill □ Hammer mill □ Electronic Control for roller mill □ Electronic Control for hammer mill □ Computerized system WIC-100 □ Gram augers □ Conveyor O Hay dryer □ Barn ventilator O Barn broom □ Electronic swing gate □ Motors - gas □ Motors - electric OTHER □ □ □ Phone. (800) 227-3486 ** * •S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers